Subject " Vegetables"

Dossiers (60)

Member States' notifications concerning producer prices of fruit and vegetables on the internal market
Temporary emergency measures in respect of the year 2023 to resolve specific problems in the fruit and vegetables sector caused by adverse meteorological events and measures linked to them
Value of marketed production, the national strategy and the recovery of Union financial assistance for multiannual commitments in the fruit and vegetables sector due to adverse meteorological events (derogation for the year 2023)
Maximum amount of support for market withdrawals for free distribution of fruits and vegetables
Temporary exceptional measures to address the market disturbance in the fruit and vegetables sector caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
Value of marketed production, the national strategy and the recovery of Union financial assistance for multiannual commitments in the fruit and vegetables sector due to the crisis caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
Calculation of the value of marketed production of producer organisations in the fruit and vegetable sector
Marketing standards in the fruit and vegetables sector
Activities and operational programmes of producer organisations in the fruit and vegetables sector
Fruit and vegetables and wine sectors: temporary exceptional measures derogating from Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 to address the market disturbance caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and measures linked to it (amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/592)
Fruit and vegetables sector and wine sector: derogation in respect of the year 2020 in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic (amending Delegated Regulations (EU) 2020/884 and (EU) 2016/1149)
School's scheme for fruit, vegetables, milk and dairy products foreseen by the Common Market Organisation Regulation
Evaluation of the implementation of the school scheme
Calculation of the value of marketed production of producer organisations in the fruit and vegetables sector
Marketing standards in the fruit and vegetables sector
Common organisation of the markets in agricultural products 2014-2020: fruit and vegetables and processed fruit and vegetables sectors
Russian ban - EU fruit and vegetables sector
Fruit and vegetables and processed fruit and vegetables sectors: penalties
Temporary exceptional support measures for producers of certain fruit and vegetables: re-allocation of unused quantities
Equivalence of field inspections carried out and equivalence of seed produced: in Brazil (on fodder plant and cereal seed-producing crops, and of fodder plant and cereal seed); in Moldova (on cereal, vegetable and oil and fibre plant seed-producing crops, and of cereal seed, vegetable seed and oil and fibre plant seed)
Union aid for the supply of fruit and vegetables, bananas and milk in educational establishments
Further temporary exceptional support measures for producers of certain fruit and vegetables
School fruit and vegetables scheme: Union aid for the supply and distribution of fruit and vegetables, processed fruit and vegetables and banana products
Further temporary exceptional support measures for producers of certain fruit and vegetables
Decision on the opening of, and mandate for, interinstitutional negotiations on Aid scheme for the supply of fruit and vegetables, bananas and milk in the educational establishments
Further temporary exceptional support measures for producers of certain fruit and vegetables
Further temporary exceptional support measures for producers of certain fruit and vegetables
Temporary exceptional support measures for producers of certain fruit and vegetables
Granting of aid for accompanying measures in the framework of a School Fruit and Vegetables Scheme
Fruit and vegetables and processed fruit and vegetables sectors
Fruit and vegetables sector since the 2007 reform
Aid scheme for the supply of fruit and vegetables, bananas and milk in the educational establishments
EU tomato imports from Morocco (Petition 1565/2009)
School Fruit Scheme
Aid for farmers affected by frost damage
Marketing of vegetable propagating and planting material, other than seed (repeal. Directive 92/33/EEC). Codification
Common organisation of agricultural markets (CMO): amendments in the sugar, fruit and vegetables, processed fruit and vegetables, seeds, beef and milk and milk products sectors
Specific rules for the fruit and vegetable sector
Marketing of seeds, propagating and planting materials: Community comparative tests and trials
Fruit and vegetables, producer organisations: starting date of the transitional period (rectif. Regulation (EC) No 2200/96)
Resolution on the report from the Commission to the Council on the COM in fruit and vegetables
Beet: marketing of seeds (codif. Directive 66/400/EEC)
Marketing of vegetable seed (repeal. Directive 70/458/EEC). Codification
Common organisation of the market in fruit and vegetables and in processed fruit and vegetables; aid scheme for producers of certain citrus fruits
Resolution on imports of garlic from third countries
Specific measure in respect of certain grain legumes for human and animal consumption
Fruit and vegetables: common organisation of the market COM
Application of the common quality standards for fruit and vegetables in Portugal
Transport of certain fresh fruit and vegetables from Greece (amend. Regul. 3438/92)
Agricultural prices 1996/1997: basic prices and buying-in prices applicable in the fruit and vegetables sector
Agricultural prices 1996/1997: specific measure in respect of certain grain legumes
Marketing of vegetable seed
Marketing of beet seeds
Marketing of seeds potatoes (codif. direct. 66/403/EEC)
Fruit and vegetables: common organisation of the market COM
Intervention threshold mechanism in the fresh fruit and vegetables sector
Agricultural prices 1995/1996: basic price and buying-in price in the fruit and vegetable sector
Fruit and vegetables: changes to and the future of the Community policy
Transport of certain fresh fruit and vegetables originating in Greece
Agricultural prices 1994/1995: basic and buying-in prices for fruit and vegetables