Subject "3.15 Fisheries policy"

Dossiers (109)

Sustainable fishing in the EU: state of play and orientations for 2025. Accompanying document
Co-creation of a transition pathway for a more resilient, sustainable and digital agri-food ecosystem
Sustainable fishing in the EU: state of play and orientations for 2024. Accompanying document
The common fisheries policy today and tomorrow: a Fisheries and Oceans Pact towards sustainable, science-based, innovative and inclusive fisheries management. State of play. Accompanying document
Towards more sustainable fishing in the EU: state of play and orientations for 2022. Accompanying document
Towards more sustainable fishing in the EU: state of play and orientations for 2021. Accompanying document
Sustainable fishing in the EU: state of play and orientations for 2025
Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean (the 'Barcelona Convention'): adoption of a Regional Plan on Agriculture Management, a Regional Plan on Aquaculture Management, a Regional Plan on Urban Stormwater Management, in the framework of Article 15 of the Protocol for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution from Land-Based Sources; adoption of amendments to Annexes II and III to the Protocol concerning Special Protected Areas and Biological Diversity. EU position
Sustainable fishing in the EU: state of play and orientations for 2024
The common fisheries policy today and tomorrow: a Fisheries and Oceans Pact towards sustainable, science-based, innovative and inclusive fisheries management
Energy Transition of the EU Fisheries and Aquaculture sector
Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean (Barcelona Convention): decision to adopt Regional Plans in the framework of Article 15 of the Protocol for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution from Land-Based Sources (the ‘LBS Protocol’) on Urban Wastewater Treatment and Sewage Sludge Management. EU position
Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean (Barcelona Convention): decision to adopt the amendments to the Regional Plan on Marine Litter Management in the Mediterranean in the framework of Article 15 of the Protocol for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution from Land-Based Sources (the ‘LBS Protocol’). EU position
Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean (Barcelona Convention): decision to designate the Mediterranean Sea, as a whole, as an emission control area for sulphur oxides (MED SOx ECA) pursuant to Annex VI of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL Convention). EU position
Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean (Barcelona Convention): decision to amend the Annexes to the Protocol for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution Resulting from Exploration and Exploitation of the Continental Shelf and the Seabed and its Subsoil (Offshore Protocol). EU position
Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean (Barcelona Convention): decision to amend Annexes I, II and IV to the Protocol for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution from Land-Based Sources and Activities (LBS Protocol). EU position
Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean (Barcelona Convention): decision to amend the Annex to the Protocol for the Prevention and Elimination of Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by Dumping from Ships and Aircraft or Incineration at Sea (Dumping Protocol). EU position
Towards more sustainable fishing in the EU: state of play and orientations for 2022
Towards more sustainable fishing in the EU: state of play and orientations for 2021
Implementation of the Union's international obligations, as referred to in Article15(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013,under the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean
Implementation of the Union's international obligations, as referred to in Article15(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013, under the EU/Euratom/UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement as regards picked dogfish
Establishment of a de minimis exemption to the landing obligation for certain demersal fisheries in the Adriatic and south-eastern Mediterranean Sea
Establishment of a de minimis exemption to the landing obligation for certain demersal fisheries in the Adriatic and south-eastern Mediterranean Sea
Establishment of a de minimis exemption to the landing obligation for certain small pelagic fisheries in the Mediterranean Sea
Implementation of the Union's international obligations, as referred to in Common fisheries policy Regulation, under the EU/Euratom/UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement, as regards piked dogfish
Establishing fisheries conservation measures for the protection of the marine environment in the North Sea
Establishment of a de minimis exemption to the landing obligation for certain demersal fisheries in the Adriatic and south-eastern Mediterranean
The implications of Chinese fishing operations on EU fisheries and the way forward
Detailed rules on the functioning of the Advisory Councils under the Common Fisheries Policy
Establishment of a de minimis exemption to the landing obligation for certain demersal fisheries in the Adriatic and south-eastern Mediterranean Sea
Details of implementation of the landing obligation for certain fisheries in the North Sea for the period 2021-2023
Climate resilient EU fisheries & aquaculture
Toward a sustainable blue economy in the EU: the role of the fisheries and aquaculture sectors
The state of play in the implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy and future perspectives
The implementation of Article 17 of the Common Fisheries Policy Regulation
The future of fisheries in the Channel, North Sea, Irish Sea and Atlantic Ocean in the light of the UK's withdrawal from the EU
Common fisheries policy (CFP): restrictions to the access to Union waters
Derogation for the minimum conservation reference size of Venus shells (Venus spp.) in certain Italian territorial waters
Minimis exemption to the landing obligation for certain small pelagic fisheries in the Mediterranean Sea, as regards its period of application
Details of implementation of the landing obligation for certain demersal fisheries in the North Sea for the period 2020-2021
Details of implementation of the landing obligation for certain demersal fisheries in the North Sea for the period 2019-2021
The impact on the fishing sector of offshore windfarms and other renewable energy systems
Discard plan for some demersal fisheries in northern western waters for the period 2019-2021
Details of implementation of the landing obligation for certain demersal fisheries in the North Sea for the period 2019-2021
Discard plan for certain demersal fisheries in South-Western waters for the period 2019-2021
Functioning of the advisory councils under the common fisheries policy
New CFP: structure for technical measures and multiannual plans
Rules on the functioning of the Advisory Councils under the common fisheries policy
Specific actions in the common fisheries policy for developing the role of women
Community control system for ensuring compliance with the rules of the Common Fisheries Policy: aligning the Regulation with the TFEU (Commission delegated and implementing powers)
Blue growth - Enhancing sustainable growth in the EU's marine, maritime transport and tourism sectors
For a comprehensive EU fishery strategy in the Pacific region
Resolution on the contribution of the common fisheries policy to the production of public goods
External dimension of the common fisheries policy
Small scale and artisanal fisheries and the CFP reform
Reform of the common fisheries policy - overarching communication
Resource-efficient Europe
Common fisheries policy (CFP)
Ban of commercial whaling
Integrated maritime policy (IMP) - Evaluation of progress made and new challenges
Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing
Integrated maritime policy: programme to support the further development
Common fisheries policy (CFP): Community financial measures for the implementation of the CFP and in the area of the Law of the Sea
Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean (Barcelona Convention): Protocol on Integrated Coastal Zone Management
Arrangements for importing fishery and aquaculture products into the EU with a view to the future reform of the CFP
Green Paper on reform of the common fisheries policy
Common Fisheries Policy (CFP): simplification of the CFP
Common Fisheries Policy (CFP): simplification of the CFP
Governance within the CFP: the European Parliament, the Regional Advisory Councils and other actors
Applied research relating to the common fisheries policy
The CFP and the eco-system approach to fisheries management
Towards a 'European Cormorant Management Plan' to minimize the increasing impact of cormorants on fish stocks, fisheries and aquaculture
Community action in relation to whaling
Integrated maritime policy for the EU
Common Fisheries Policy (CFP): Community control system for ensuring compliance with the rules of the CFP
Common Fisheries Policy: Community framework for the collection and management of fisheries data
2006-2008 action plan for simplifying and improving the Common Fisheries Policy
Common Fisheries Policy CFP: Community financial measures for the implementation of the Fisheries Policy and of the Law of the Sea 2007-2013
More environmentally-friendly fishing methods
Common fisheries policy: financial contribution of the Community towards the expenditure in collecting data and for financing studies and pilot projects from 2001 to 2006
Common fisheries policy : improving scientific and technical advice for its management
Common fisheries policy CFP: restructuring, action programme
Fishery in international waters in the frame of the external action of the Common Fisheries Policy
Common fisheries policy: monitoring of implementation. Report 1996-1999
Fisheries sector: structural assistance, extension of the derogation (derog. Regulation (EC) No 2792/1999)
Research actions for agriculture and fishery, FAIR. Special report 9/1999, Court of Auditors
Common fisheries policy after 2002: meetings at regional level in 1998-1999. Report
Fisheries and aquaculture: Community system 1996-1998 (Regulation (EEC) No 3760/92). Report
The common fisheries policy and the challenge of globalisation of the economy
Integration fisheries-environment, ministerial meeting, March 1997, Bergen. 2nd report on implementation
Fisheries: financial participation in the collection of data, the financing of studies and of pilot projects
Common fisheries policy: collection and management of fisheries data, Community framework
Common fisheries policy: closer dialogue with industry and groups concerned
Common Fisheries Policy: behaviours seriously infringing the rules
Regionalization of the Common Fisheries Policy
Integration of fisheries and environmental issues, ministerial meeting, March 1997, Bergen
Agenda 2000: Financial instrument for fisheries guidance, application FIFG, structural assistance
Fisheries and aquaculture sector: structural assistance, processing and marketing (codif. regul. 3699/93/EEC)
Resolution on the Commission statement on the outcome of the meeting of the Council of Ministers for Fisheries of 19-20 December 1996
Common fisheries policy: monitoring. Report 1995
Control system applicable to the Common Fisheries Policy (amend. Regulation 2847/93/EEC)
Common fisheries policy after the year 2002
Implementation of technical measures in the common fisheries policy
Fisheries and aquaculture sector: arrangements regarding Community structural assistance (amend. Regul. 3699/93/EEC)
Fisheries sector in Sweden and Finland: restructuration over the period 1.1.95 - 31.12.96
Fisheries sector: arrangements regarding Community structural assistance (amend Regul. 3699/93/EEC) )
The crisis in the Community's fishing industry
Fisheries sector: criteria and arrangements regarding Community structural assistance
Specific research programme 1994-1998: agriculture and fisheries