Subject "8.30 Treaties in general"

Dossiers (36)

Implementation of the Treaty provisions on EU citizenship
Implementation of the Treaty provisions on national parliaments
Implementation of the Treaty provisions on special legislative procedures
Resolution on the call for a Convention for the revision of the Treaties
Implementation of “passerelle” clauses in the EU Treaties
Commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the Lisbon Treaty and the legally binding Charter of Fundamental Rights
Seeking an opinion from the Court of Justice on the compatibility with the Treaties of the proposed EU-Morocco Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement
Evaluation of the Lisbon Treaty
Implementation of the Treaty provisions on Parliament’s power of political control over the Commission
Implementation of the Treaty provisions concerning enhanced cooperation
Implementation of the Treaty provisions related to the EU citizenship
Opinion from the Court of Justice on the compatibility with the Treaties of the proposed agreement between Canada and the EU on a Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
Constitutional, legal and institutional implications of a common security and defence policy: possibilities offered by the Lisbon Treaty
Resolution on seeking an opinion from the Court of Justice on the compatibility with the Treaties of the Agreement between Canada and the European Union on the transfer and processing of passenger name record (PNR) data
Improving the functioning of the European Union building on the potential of the Lisbon Treaty
Resolution on the sale of EU citizenship
Citizens' initiative - Annex I
Implementation of the Treaty of Lisbon with respect to the European Parliament
Legal basis of the Schengen evaluation mechanism
Opinion from the Court of Justice on the compatibility with the Treaties of the Agreement between the United States of America and the European Union on the use and transfer of Passenger Name Records (PNR) to the United States Department of Homeland Security
Constitutional problems of a multitier governance in the European Union
Request for an opinion of the Court of Justice on the compatibility of the EU-Australia PNR agreement with the Treaties
Requesting an opinion from the Court of Justice on the compatibility with the Treaties of the Protocol on the EU-Morocco Fisheries Partnership Agreement
Resolution on the European Parliament's approach to implementing Articles 9 and 10 of Protocol 1 to the Lisbon Treaty as regards parliamentary cooperation in the field of CFSP/CSDP
Development of the European Citizens Initiative based on Article 11(4) of the Treaty on European Union
Citizens' initiative
Results of the referendum in Ireland
Transitional procedural guidelines on budgetary matters in view of the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty
Expiry of the ECSC Treaty: prolongation of the statistics
Expiry of the ECSC Treaty: financial and search activities after 2002
Expiry of the ECSC treaty: financial consequences and research fund for coal and steel
Resolution on Article 158 of the EC Treaty with regard to the status of islands
Constitutionalisation of the treaties
Expiry of the ECSC treaty: research programme of the coal and steel research fund, technical guidelines
Expiry of the ECSC Treaty: managing assets of the ECSC in liquidation and assets of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel
Expiry of the ECSC Treaty: financial activities