Subject "8.20.28 Structural funds and instruments"
subscribeDossiers (12)
Annual monitoring report on the implementation of the Structural Reform Support Programme 2019. Accompanying document
Annual monitoring report on the implementation of the Structural Reform Support Programme 2019
Resolution on the Second European Roma Summit
Amending budget 8/2005: exceptional increase in the forecast of revenue, increase of payment appropriations for the structural funds
Pre-accession financial assistance: amending Regulations to take into account of Croatia's candidate status
Instrument for structural policies for preaccession ISPA. Annual report 2001
Structural Funds, Cohesion Fund and Instrument for Pre-accession ISPA. Annual reports 2000
Instrument for structural policies for pre-accession ISPA
Agenda 2000: Cohesion Fund (amend. annex II regul. 1164/94/EC)
Agenda 2000: Cohesion Fund (amend. Regulation (EC) No 1164/94)
Agenda 2000: Instrument for Structural Policies for Pre-accession ISPA 2000-2006, aid for applicant countries
Agenda 2000: general regulation governing Structural Funds, revision for the period 2000-2006