Subject "3.45.08 Business environment, reduction of the administrative burdens"
subscribeDossiers (40)
European Union's action to simplify legislation - annual burden survey 2022
The European Union's efforts to simplify legislation - 2020 annual burden survey
European Union's efforts to simplify legislation - 2019 annual burden survey
Fitness check of EU Supervisory Reporting Requirements. Executive summary
Fitness check of EU Supervisory Reporting Requirements
Adjustments of the size criteria for micro, small, medium-sized and large undertakings or groups
Sustainability reporting standards
Make Europe the place to invest
Increasing innovation, industrial and technological competitiveness through a favourable environment for start-ups and scale-ups
Company law: time limits for the adoption of sustainability reporting standards for certain sectors and for certain third-country undertakings
Review of the SME supporting factor
Resolution on the ‘top ten' consultation process and lightening the burden of EU regulation on SMEs
How can the European Union contribute to creating a hospitable environment for enterprises, businesses and start-ups to create jobs?
Long-term financing of the European economy
Unleashing the potential of cloud computing in Europe
CARS 2020: towards a strong, competitive and sustainable European car industry
Common system of value added tax (VAT): standard VAT return
Consumer product safety
Market surveillance of products
20 main concerns of European citizens and business with the functioning of the single market
Small and medium size enterprises (SMEs): competitiveness and business opportunities
State aid rules: aid categories or measures exempted from notification requirements
Policy options for progress towards a European contract law for consumers and businesses
Programme for the competitiveness of enterprises and SMEs, COSME 2014-2020
Company law: annual financial statements, consolidated financial statements and related reports of certain types of undertakings
Securities: issuers trading on a regulated market, transparency requirements
Company law and corporate governance: interconnection of central, commercial and company registers
Interconnection of business registers
Energy infrastructure: investment projects
Company law: annual accounts of micro-entities
Resolution on accounting requirements as regards small and medium-sized companies, particularly micro-entities
Mergers and divisions: reporting and documentation requirements
Disclosure requirements for medium-sized companies and obligation to draw up consolidated accounts
Company law: publication and translation obligations of certain types of companies
Statistics relating to the trading of goods between Member States (Intrastat); Commission implementing powers
Simplified business environment for companies in the areas of company law, accounting and auditing
Hygiene of foodstuffs
Inland transport: abolition of discrimination in transport rates and conditions (amend. Regulation No 11, in implementation Art. 79(3) TEC)
Public limited liability companies: mergers and divisions
Common agricultural policy (CAP): direct support schemes