Subject "8.40.01 European Parliament"
subscribeDossiers (66)
The European Parliament's right of inquiry
Role of the European Parliament and its parliamentary diplomacy in the EU’s foreign and security policy
Permanent system for the allocation of seats in the European Parliament
Implementation of the Treaty provisions on special legislative procedures
Arrangements between the European Parliament and the ECB on structuring their interaction practices in the area of central banking
Composition of the European Parliament: draft European Council decision
Resolution on the views of Parliament on the ongoing assessment by the Commission and the Council of the national recovery and resilience plans
Resolution on the right of information of the Parliament regarding the ongoing assessment of the national recovery and resilience plans
The European Parliament's right of inquiry
Composition of the European Parliament
Gender Mainstreaming in the European Parliament - annual report 2020
European Parliament/Council of the European Union/European Commission Agreement: mandatory transparency register
Parliament’s right of initiative
Resolution on the negotiations with the Council and Commission on the legislative proposal for a regulation on the European Parliament’s right of inquiry
Gender mainstreaming in the European Parliament
Implementation of the legal provisions and the joint statement ensuring the parliamentary scrutiny over decentralised agencies
Implementation of the Treaty provisions on Parliament’s power of political control over the Commission
European Parliament's right of inquiry
Single seat of the European Parliament
Review of the Framework Agreement on relations between the European Parliament and the European Commission
Composition of the European Parliament
Composition of the European Parliament − 2019-2024 parliamentary term
Gender mainstreaming in the work of the European Parliament
European Parliament/European Central Bank (ECB) Interinstitutional Agreement: practical modalities of the exercise of democratic accountability and oversight over the exercise of the tasks conferred on the ECB within the framework of the Single Supervisory Mechanism
Implementation of the Treaty of Lisbon with respect to the European Parliament
Establishing the composition of the European Parliament
Interinstitutional Agreement between the European Parliament and the Council concerning the forwarding to and handling by the European Parliament of classified information held by the Council on matters other than those in the area of the common foreign and security policy
Gender mainstreaming in the work of the European Parliament
Resolution on a revised Framework Agreement between the European Parliament and the Commission for the next legislative term
EP Rules of Procedure, Rule 9 and Annexes: establishment of a joint Transparency Register between the Parliament and the Commission
European Parliament/European Commission Agreement: transparency register for organisations and self-employed individuals engaged in EU policy-making and policy implementation
Framework agreement on relations between the European Parliament and the Commission: revision
Amending budget 1/2010: impact of the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty for the European Parliament
Decision on setting up a special committee on the financial, economic and social crisis, and its powers, numerical composition and term of office
Decision on the numerical strength of the interparliamentary delegations, delegations to joint parliamentary committees and delegations to parliamentary cooperation committees and multilateral Parliamentary Assemblies
Decision on the numerical strength of the committees
Inaugural speech by the President of the European Parliament
Decision on the powers and responsibilities of the standing committees
Decision on the number of interparliamentary delegations, delegations to joint parliamentary committees, delegations to parliamentary cooperation committees and multilateral parliamentary assemblies
Election of the President of the European Parliament
Election of Quaestors of the European Parliament
Election of Vice-Presidents of the European Parliament
Appointments to parliamentary committees
Parliament's calendar of part-sessions for 2010
Proposal for a modification of the Act concerning the election of the Members of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage of 20 September 1976
EP Rules of Procedure: adaptation of the Rules to the Treaty of Lisbon
Adaptation of the Rules of Procedure to the Treaty of Lisbon
Decision on the European Council's proposal not to convene a Convention for the revision of the Treaties with regard to transitional measures concerning the composition of the European Parliament
Resolution on the draft protocol amending Protocol No 36 on transitional provisions concerning the composition of the European Parliament for the rest of the 2009-2014 parliamentary term: the European Parliament's opinion
Parliament's calendar of part-sessions for 2009
Parliament's new role and responsibilities implementing the Treaty of Lisbon
Agreement between the European Parliament and the Commission on the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission, comitology
EC Staff Regulations: Conditions of Employment of Other Servants (CEOS); parliamentary assistants (amend. Regulation (EEC, Euratom, ECSC) No 259/68)
Election of a Vice-President of the European Parliament
Parliament's calendar of part-sessions 2008
Decision on the composition of committees
Defence of the prerogatives of the European Parliament before the national courts
Proposal to amend the Treaty provisions concerning the composition of the European Parliament
Proposal to amend the Treaty provisions concerning the composition of the European Parliament
Annual report on public access to Parliament documents
Joint declaration on practical arrangements for the codecision procedure (Article 251 of the EC Treaty)
Interinstitutional relations: how the European Parliament approves the European Commission
Parliament's opinion concerning the draft treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe
Election of the representatives of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage, amending the Act annexed to the Decision 76/787/ECSC, EEC, Euratom
European Parliament: termination-of-service for officials and temporary staff in the political groups
The conduct of debates in plenary sitting