Subject "3.40.05 Aeronautical industry, aerospace industry"
subscribeDossiers (53)
For a resilient, sustainable and digital aerospace and defence industrial ecosystem: Scenarios for a transition pathway
Implementation of the Action Plan on synergies between civil, defence and space industries. First progress report
Expression of user needs for the Copernicus Programme
EU/Agency for the Safety of Air Navigation in Africa and Madagascar (ASECNA) Cooperation Agreement: developing satellite navigation and providing associated services in ASECNA’s area of competence for the benefit of civil aviation. EU position
Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft: accession of Brazil. EU position
Coordinated approach by the Union to strengthen the resilience of critical infrastructure. Proposal for a Council Recommendation
EEA Agreement: amending Protocol 31 on cooperation in specific fields outside the four freedoms and Protocol 37 containing the list provided for in Article 101 (Space Programme of the Union). EU position
Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credits; Sector Understanding on Export Credits for Civil Aircraft (“ASU”): requests by the United Kingdom to become a Participant. EU position
Action Plan on synergies between civil, defence and space industries
Alignment of rules for continuing airworthiness of aircraft and aeronautical products, parts and appliances
Resolution on measures to address the impact on European agriculture of the WTO ruling on the Airbus dispute
US tariffs on European goods following WTO's decision on the Airbus dispute
EC/Ukraine Cooperation Agreement on a Civil Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS): accession of Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania to the EU. Protocol
EC/Korea Cooperation Ageeement on a Civil Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS): accession of Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania to the EU. Protocol
Space programme 2021–2027 and European Union Agency for the Space Programme
EU/Agency for Aerial Navigation Safety in Africa and Madagascar (ASECNA) Cooperation Agreement: development of satellite navigation and provision of associated services in ASECNA's area of competence for the benefit of civil aviation
Resolution on space market uptake
European space industrial policy
Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft: amending Annex. 2015 Protocol
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: redundancies in aircraft repair and installation services in Ireland
Space capabilities for European security and defence
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: redundancies in aircraft repair and installation services in Ireland
EU/Korea Cooperation Agreement: Civil Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
Safe use of remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS), commonly known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), in the field of civil aviation
Dissemination of Earth observation satellite data for commercial purposes
EU space industrial policy, releasing the potential for growth in the space sector
EU/Morocco Cooperation Agreement: Civil Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking for the implementation of the Joint Technology Initiative in aeronautics
Copernicus Programme 2014-2020
Framework for space surveillance and tracking (SST) support
Resolution on the future of GMES
EU's external aviation policy - Addressing future challenges
EU/Ukraine Cooperation Agreement: civil Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
EU/Switzerland Cooperation Agreement: European Satellite Navigation Programmes
EU/Norway Cooperation Agreement: satellite navigation
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: redundancies in aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul services in Ireland
Transport applications of the Global Navigation Satellite Systems - short and medium term EU policy
Global navigation satellite system (GNSS): rules for access to the public regulated service
Mid-term review of the European satellite navigation programmes: implementation assessment, future challenges and financing perspectives
European Earth monitoring programme (GMES) and its initial operations 2011–2013
Resolution on the World Trade Organisation disputes between the European Union and the United States on alleged subsidies to Airbus and Boeing
Agenda for sustainable future in general and business aviation
Complaint by Boeing (US) against Airbus (EU) before the WTO
Resolution on the action plan for implementing the European space policy
European space policy: framework agreement EC/European Space Agency (ESA)
Resolution on the European Space Agency
Mobile and aircraft equipments: international interests, 2001 Cape Town Convention and Protocol
European space policy: place and strategy of the Community
Noise pollution: noise classification of civil subsonic aircraft, calculation of noise charges
Aeronautical industry and environment: civil subsonic jet aeroplanes, registration and use. Civil aviation Convention
European aerospace industry meeting the global challenge
Resolution on the European aircraft industry
Union and space: applications, markets and competitiveness of the European spatial industry