Subject "7.30.12 Control of personal weapons and ammunitions"

Dossiers (26)

Firearms trafficking between the EU and the south-east Europe region: evaluation of the 2015-2019 action plan. Report. Accompanying document
2020-2025 EU action plan on firearms trafficking
Firearms trafficking between the EU and the south-east Europe region: evaluation of the 2015-2019 action plan. Report
Import, export and transit measures for firearms, their essential components and ammunition: implementation of Article 10 of the UN Firearms Protocol. Recast
Systematic exchange, by electronic means, of information relating to refusals to grant authorisations to acquire or possess certain firearms
Control of the acquisition and possession of weapons. Codification
Systematic exchange of information relating to the transfer of firearms within the Union
Marketing and use of explosives precursors
Explosives precursors: magnesium nitrate hexahydrate
Explosives precursors: magnesium powder
Explosives precursors: aluminium powder
Control of the acquisition and possession of weapons
Resolution on the ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT)
Arms Trade Treaty: ratification by Member States
UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC): protocol against the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms, their parts and components and ammunition
Strengthening chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear security in the European Union – an EU CBRN action plan
Marketing and use of explosives precursors
Firearms, their parts and components and ammunition: implementation of Article 10 of the United Nations Firearms Protocol and establishing export authorisation, import and transit measures
Resolution on an arms trade treaty: establishment of common international standards for the import, export and transfer of conventional weapons
Resolution on the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological and Toxin Weapons BTWC, cluster bombs and conventional arms
Resolution on small arms and light weapons, with a view to the 2006 Review Conference on the United Nations Programme of action on illicit trade in Small Arms and and towards the establishment of an international arms trade Treaty
Control of the acquisition and possession of weapons
Resolution on small arms and light weapons
Resolution on implementation of the United Nations programme to combat the illegal trade in light weapons
Resolution on small arms
Resolution on the UN Conference on illicit trafficking in small arms and light weapons in July 2001