Subject "8.40.04 Court of Justice, Court of First Instance"
subscribeDossiers (38)
Statute of the Court of Justice: amendment of Protocol No 3
Decision proposing the appointment of Julia Laffranque to the panel set up under Article 255 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
Decision proposing the appointment of Julia Laffranque to the panel set up under Article 255 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
Statute of the Court of Justice: amendment of Protocol No 3
Appointment of Simon Busuttil to the panel set up under Article 255 of the TFEU
Gender balance among judges at the Court of Justice
Transfer to the General Court of jurisdiction at first instance in disputes between the EU and its servants
Decision proposing the appointment of Luigi Berlinguer to the panel set up under Article 255 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
Request for an opinion of the Court of Justice on the compatibility of the EU-Australia PNR agreement with the Treaties
Requesting an opinion from the Court of Justice on the compatibility with the Treaties of the Protocol on the EU-Morocco Fisheries Partnership Agreement
EU Civil Service Tribunal: temporary judges
Court of Justice of the European Union: number of judges at the General Court (amend. Protocol No 3 on the Statute)
Court of Justice of the European Union: statute (amend. Protocol and Annex I)
Court of Justice: statute (amend. Protocol and Annex I)
Decision proposing the appointment of Ana Palacio Vallelersundi to the panel set up under Article 255 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
Court of First Instance, Art. 136a of Rules of Procedure: arrangements applicable to appeals against decisions of the EU Civil Service Tribunal
Court of Justice, Rules of Procedure: language rules applying to the review procedure
Treatment of questions referred for a preliminary ruling concerning the area of freedom, security and justice - Amendments to the Protocol on the Statute of the Court of Justice
Court of First Instance, Art. 35 Rules of Procedure: inclusion of Bulgarian and Romanian among the languages of cases
Court of Justice, Rules of procedure: include Bulgarian and Romanian among the languages of cases
Area of freedom, security and justice: strengthen judicial protection, adaptation of the special provisions concerning the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice, title IV of the EC Treaty
Amending budget 7/2005: section IV Court of Justice, establishment of the Civil Service Tribunal
Court of First Instance, Art. 35 Rules of Procedure: language of proceedings, division of jurisdiction
Court of Justice, Statute: amending the rules of procedure art. 29, rules governing languages
Court of Justice, statute: the quorum and the number of judges following the 2004 enlargement (amend. art. 16, 17)
Court of Justice: review of decisions delivered by the Court of First Instance, Protocol on the Statute
Court of Justice: transfer of direct actions to the Court of First Instance (amend. Articles 51 and 54 Statute)
Court of Justice: participation of non-member States in preliminary-ruling proceedings (amend. Art. 23 of the Statute)
Community patent: jurisdiction on the Court of Justice in disputes
Community patent: establishing a Court, appeals before the Court of First Instance
European Civil Service Tribunal: judicial panel to the Court of First Instance
Court of Justice, Statute: amending article 20 on preliminary-ruling proceedings
Court of First Instance of the European Communities
Court of First Instance of the European Communities
Court of First Instance: opportunity to give decisions in cases when constituted by a single Judge
Amendment of Article 46 of the Statute of the Court of Justice
EEA Agreement: amendment to the Court of Justice's Statute and the Rules of procedure
Amendment to the Court of Justice's Statute and Rules of Procedure