Subject "4.40.20 Cooperation and agreements in the fields of education, training and youth"

Dossiers (43)

Opening of negotiations for an EU/UK agreement on youth mobility. Recommendation for a Council decision
Establishment of a monitoring and evaluation framework for the Erasmus+ programme
Implementation of the current Erasmus+ Programme 2021-2027
A new aid mobility scheme for EU students at UK universities
Continuation of ongoing learning mobility activities under the Erasmus+ programme in the context of the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU
Resolution on the implementation of the Bologna process – State of play and follow-up
Erasmus programme for education, training, youth and sport 2021–2027
Follow-up on the implementation of the Bologna process
Declaration on the establishment of Euro-Mediterranean Erasmus and Leonardo da Vinci programmes
Contribution of the European institutions to the consolidation and progress of the Bologna process
Erasmus+ programme for education, training, youth and sport 2014-2020
European cooperation in vocational education and training to support the Europe 2020 strategy
EU/Switzerland Agreement: participation of Switzerland in the ‘Youth in Action' programme and in the action programme in the field of lifelong learning (2007-2013)
Bologna process and student mobility
European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for Vocational Education and Training
Education and mobility: Erasmus Mundus 2009-2013 action programme for the enhancement of quality in higher education and the promotion of intercultural understanding through cooperation with third countries
EC/Canada agreement: framework for co-operation in the fields of higher education, training and youth
EC/United States agreement: renewing the cooperation programme in the field of higher education and vocational education and training
Higher education: co-operation with third countries, Erasmus Mundus programme 2004-2008
Tempus III: 3rd phase of the trans-European cooperation scheme for higher education, Mediterranean countries (2000-2006)
Higher education: cooperation with third countries
EC/Cyprus agreement: participation in Community programmes in the fields of training, education and youth
EC/Canada agreement: cooperation programme in higher education and training, renewal
EC/United States agreement : cooperation programme in higher education and training, renewal
EC/Malta agreement: participation in Community programmes in the fields of training, education and youth
TEMPUS III: trans-European cooperation scheme for higher education, 3rd phase 2000-2006
Training, youth and education: Slovenia's participation in Leonardo, Socrates and Youth programmes
Professional training and education: participation of Bulgaria to Leonardo and Socrates programmes
Training, youth, education: participation of Lithuania in Community programmes Leonardo, Socrates
Training, youth and education: participation of Latvia in Community programmes Leonardo, Socrates
Training, youth and education: participation of Estonia in Community programmes Leonardo, Socrates
Youth for Europe programme: participation of Bulgaria
Training, youth and education: participation of the Czech Republic on Community programmes
Community programmes in education, training and youth: participation of the Slovak Republic
Community programmes in education, training and youth: participation of Poland
EC/Cyprus relations: extension of the Community programmes Socrates, Leonardo and Youth for Europe III to Cyprus
Community programmes in training, youth and education: participation of the Czech Republic
Community programmes in training, youth, education: participation of Romania
Community programmes in training, youth and education: participation of Hungary
Youth: including Turkey among the beneficiary countries of the 3rd phase of the "Youth for Europe" programme
Socrates programme: including Turkey as a beneficiary country
EC/Canada agreement: Community cooperation programme in the field of training
EC-United States agreement: cooperation programme for higher education and professional training