Subject "2.60 Competition"

Dossiers (109)

Competition Policy 2023. Report. Accompanying document
Competition Policy 2022. Report. Accompanying document
Competition Policy 2021. Report. Accompanying document
Commission Notice on the definition of relevant market for the purposes of Community competition law of 9 December 1997. Evaluation. Executive summary
Commission Notice on the definition of relevant market for the purposes of Community competition law of 9 December 1997. Evaluation
Competition policy 2020. Report. Accompanying document
Operation of the Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regulation. Commission evaluation report. Accompanying document
Horizontal Block Exemption Regulations. Evaluation. Executive Summary
Horizontal Block Exemption Regulations. Evaluation
Vertical Block Exemption Regulation. Evaluation. Executive summary
Vertical Block Exemption Regulation. Evaluation
Competition Policy 2019. Report. Accompanying document
Report on competition policy 2018. Accompanying document
Legal framework for and the use of interim measures by national competition authorities. Report
Competition Policy 2023. Report
Update on competition enforcement in the pharmaceutical sector (2018-2022) - European competition authorities working together for affordable and innovative medicines. Report
Competition Policy 2022. Report
Competition Policy 2021. Report
A competition policy fit for new challenges
Competition policy 2020. Report
Operation of the Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regulation. Commission evaluation report
Competition Policy 2019. Report
Report on competition policy 2018
Definition of the relevant market for the purposes of Union competition law. Commission Notice
The future of the European competitiveness
Competition policy – annual report 2023
Wholesale energy market: Union’s protection against market manipulation
Competition policy - annual report 2022
Tackling the economic impact of the COVID pandemic by focusing on investment, competitiveness and skills
Competition policy - annual report 2021
Competition policy – annual report 2020
Competition policy - annual report 2019
Annual report on competition policy
Annual report on competition policy
Safeguarding competition in air transport
Empowering competition authorities of the Member States to be more effective enforcers and to ensure the proper functioning of the internal market
Annual report on EU competition policy
EU/Canada Agreement: application of their competition laws
Annual report on EU competition policy
Annual report on EU competition policy
EU competition policy. Annual report
Making the internal energy market work
Rules governing actions for damages under national law for infringements of the competition law provisions of the Member States and of the EU
Single European railway area: opening of the market for domestic passenger transport services by rail and governance of the railway infrastructure. 4th Railway Package
Opening of the market for domestic passenger transport services by rail: award of public service contracts. 4th Railway Package
Current management of the sugar sector
Annual report on competition policy
Enhanced cooperation in the area of financial transaction tax
EU/Switzerland Agreement: cooperation on the application of their competition laws
Annual report on EU competition policy
Resolution on Petition 0473/2008 by Christoph Klein (German), concerning the failure of the Commission to take action regarding a competition case and the harmful impact of this on the company concerned
Resolution on the review of the competition horizontal cooperation rules
Resolution on the Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regulation
Report on competition policy 2009
Wholesale energy market integrity and transparency
Report on the competition policy 2008
Resolution on the World Trade Organisation disputes between the European Union and the United States on alleged subsidies to Airbus and Boeing
Report on Competition Policy 2006 and 2007
EC/Korea agreement: cooperation on anti-competitive activities
Complaint by Boeing (US) against Airbus (EU) before the WTO
Competition: sector inquiry on retail banking
EU's strategy to deliver market access for European companies
Contribution of taxation and customs policies to the Lisbon strategy
Strategy for the simplification of the regulatory environment
Airport capacity and groundhandling: towards a more efficient policy
Prospects for the internal gas and electricity market
Competition policy 2005
Electronic communications: common regulatory framework for networks and services, access, interconnection and authorisation. 'Telecoms Package'
Hygiene of foodstuffs
Inland transport: abolition of discrimination in transport rates and conditions (amend. Regulation No 11, in implementation Art. 79(3) TEC)
Resolution on the legal professions and the general interest in the functioning of legal systems
Follow-up to the report on competition in professional services
Competition policy. 34th 2004 report
Maritime transport: application of the European competition rules (Regulation (EEC) No 4056/86). White Paper
Resolution on competition policy
Competition policy. 33rd report 2003
Railway transport of passengers: opening to international competition, Rail Market Access. 3rd package
Resolution on market regulations and competition rules for the liberal professions
Air transport between the Community and third countries: competition
Resolution on the situation of the shipbuilding industry
Competition policy. 31st report 2001
EC Treaty Art.81(3): application to vertical agreements and concerted practices in motor vehicle industry
EC/Japan agreement: cooperation on anticompetitive activities
Air transport: protection against unfair pricing practices from countries not members of the Community
Competition policy. 30th report 2000
Air transport: slots at Community airports and competition (amend. Regulation (EEC) No 95/93)
Air transport: slots at Community airports and competition (amend. Regulation (EEC) No 95/93)
Horizontal cooperation agreements: application of competition rules
Competition policy. 29th report 1999
Competition: financial relations between Member States and public undertakings (amend. Directive 80/723/EEC)
Electronic communications: access to networks and interconnection, new regulatory framework
Insurance: agreements, decisions and concerted practices (Regulation (EEC) No 3932/92)
Competition policy. 28th report 1998
Competition policy. 27th report 1997
Links between regional and competition policy
Telecommunications, competition: cable TV networks owned by a single operator as separate legal entities (regul. 90/388/EEC)
Competition, vertical restrictions: amend. regul. 17/62/EEC, 1st regulation implementing art. 85 and 86, EC Treaty
Competition: categories of agreements and concerted practices, art. 85(3) of the EC Treaty (amend. regul. 19/65/EEC)
EC/Canada agreement: application of competition rules
Competition policy. 26th report 1996
EEA Agreement: amending annex XIV (competition)
EC/United States agreement: application of positive comity principles in the enforcement of their competition laws
Telecommunications sector: application of the competition rules to access agreements
Competition policy. 25th report 1995
Telecommunications: Implementation of full competition in markets (amend. Direct. 90/388/EEC)
Competition Policy. 24th report 1994
Competition policy. 23rd report 1993
EC/United States agreement: application of competition rules
Competition: distorsions when part-time or temporary workers are employed