Progress: Procedure completed
Role | Committee | Rapporteur | Shadows |
Lead | CODE | TRAUTMANN Catherine ( S&D) | |
Former Responsible Committee | ITRE | TRAUTMANN Catherine ( PSE) | |
Former Responsible Committee | ITRE | TRAUTMANN Catherine ( PSE) | |
Former Committee Opinion | JURI | MEDINA ORTEGA Manuel ( PSE) | |
Former Committee Opinion | IMCO | ZLOTEA MARIAN ( PPE-DE) | |
Former Committee Opinion | ECON | HOPPENSTEDT Karsten Friedrich ( PPE-DE) | |
Former Committee Opinion | LIBE | KAMALL Syed ( PPE-DE) | |
Former Committee Opinion | CULT | GUARDANS CAMBÓ Ignasi ( ALDE) |
Lead committee dossier:
Legal Basis:
TFEU 114-p1
Legal Basis:
TFEU 114-p1Events
PURPOSE: to reform the EU’s regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services with a view to completing the internal market for electronic communications.
LEGISLATIVE ACT: Directive 2009/140/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directives 2002/21/EC on a common regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services, 2002/19/EC on access to, and interconnection of, electronic communications networks and associated facilities, and 2002/20/EC on the authorisation of electronic communications networks and services.
CONTENT: following an agreement reached with the European Parliament at third reading, the Council adopted a directive which amends three directives forming part of the regulatory framework for e-communications networks and services, i.e. the framework, access and authorisation directives.
This Directive constitutes part of the “Telecoms Package” which also includes the Directive on users' rights and the creation of Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC).
The new Directive enhances access to high-speed broadband services in remote regions, provides for a more flexible frequency band use, thus making it easier for operators to establish innovative technologies and services, and for the effective management of radio frequencies for electronic communications, since the latter are a public good with an important social, cultural and economic value.
The main amendments of the Directive are as follows:
Radio spectrum : the Directive introduces requirements of service and technology neutrality in granting rights of use, together with the increased possibility to transfer rights between undertakings, should increase the freedom and means to deliver electronic communications services to the public, thereby also facilitating the achievement of general interest objectives. Member States shall cooperate with each other and with the Commission in the strategic planning , coordination and harmonisation of the use of radio spectrum in the European Community. To this end, they shall take into consideration, inter alia, the economic, safety, health, public interest, freedom of expression, cultural, scientific, social and technical aspects of EU policies as well as the various interests of radio spectrum user communities with the aim of optimising the use of radio spectrum and avoiding harmful interference.
The Commission, taking utmost account of the opinion of the Radio Spectrum Policy Group (RSPG), may submit legislative proposals to the European Parliament and the Council for establishing multiannual radio spectrum policy programmes . Such programmes shall set out the policy orientations and objectives for the strategic planning and harmonisation of the use of radio spectrum in accordance with the provisions of this Directive and the Specific Directives.
National regulatory authorities : the new Directive: (i) strengthens the independence of national regulatory authorities responsible for ex-ante market regulation or for resolution of disputes; (ii) further clarifies the requirements applicable to appeals against decisions of the national regulatory authorities; provides for the Commission, in close cooperation with BEREC, to issue recommendations with regard to the withdrawal and/or amendment of draft measures notified by national regulatory authorities relating to the imposition, amendment or withdrawal of ex ante obligations on operators.
New provisions are set out as regards the conditions and the procedure to be followed by all national regulatory authorities to impose an obligation for functional separation.
Investments : the Directive clarifies the principles and objectives to be followed by the national regulatory authorities in order to give appropriate incentives for investment in new high-speed networks that will support innovation in content-rich Internet services and strengthen the international competitiveness of the European Union.
Protection of citizens’ rights : the Directive protects citizens' rights, as measures taken by Member States regarding internet access to, or use of, services and applications through electronic communications networks must be in line with the European convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. The text stipulates that any of these measures regarding end-users’ access to, or use of, services and applications through electronic communications networks liable to restrict those fundamental rights or freedoms may only be imposed if they are appropriate, proportionate and necessary within a democratic society, and their implementation shall be subject to adequate procedural safeguards, including effective judicial protection and due process.
Accordingly, these measures may only be taken with due respect for the principle of the presumption of innocence and the right to privacy. A prior, fair and impartial procedure shall be guaranteed, including the right to be heard of the person or persons concerned, subject to the need for appropriate conditions and procedural arrangements in duly substantiated cases of urgency. The right to effective and timely judicial review shall be guaranteed.
Moreover, the Directive ensures that even disabled users derive maximum benefit in terms of choice, price and quality.
ENTRY INTO FORCE: 19/12/2009.
TRANSPOSITION: 25/05/2011.
APPLICATION: from 26/05/2011.
The European Parliament adopted by 510 votes to 40 with 24 abstentions, a legislative resolution approving, under the third reading of the codecision procedure, the joint text approved by the Conciliation Committee for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directives 2002/21/EC on a common regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services, 2002/19/EC on access to, and interconnection of, electronic communications networks and associated facilities, and 2002/20/EC on the authorization of electronic communications networks and services. For details of the agreement, see the summary dated 13/11/2009.
The co-chairs of the Conciliation Committee formally approved the joint text for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directives 2002/21/EC on a common regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services, 2002/19/EC on access to, and interconnection of, electronic communications networks and associated facilities, and 2002/20/EC on the authorisation of electronic communications networks and services. The proposed directive is part of a legislative package known as the telecom package. Parliament and Council reached agreement on two other legislative proposals in the package in May 2009 (see COD/2007/0248 and COD/2007/0249 ). The background to this conciliation dossier is as follows: at the plenary sitting of 6 May 2009, Parliament voted on the three proposals under the telecom package for which agreement had been reached with the Council at the second reading stage. However, one amendment which was not part of that overall agreement was also adopted. This amendment required national regulatory authorities to promote the interests of the citizens of the European Union by inter alia "applying the principle that no restriction may be imposed on the fundamental rights and freedoms of end-users, without a prior ruling by the judicial authorities, notably in accordance with Article 11 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union on freedom of expression and information, save when public security is threatened in which case the ruling may be subsequent." The Council did not accept this amendment, on the grounds that the legal basis of the proposed instrument meant that the Member States could not be forced into a particular judicial structure, including with regard to criminal matters. The "prior ruling by the judicial authorities" would create problems for Member States which do not have such a requirement before acting against an individual (for example, in cases involving dissemination of child pornography material through the Internet). An agreement was finally reached on a compromise text to be included in Article 1 of the Framework Directive. It would therefore become an obligation for the whole regulatory framework. The text stipulated that restrictions on a user's internet access may "only be imposed if they are appropriate, proportionate and necessary within a democratic society". Such measures may be taken only "with due respect for the principle of presumption of innocence and the right to privacy" and as a result of "a prior, fair and impartial procedure" guaranteeing "the right to be heard (...) and the right to an effective and timely judicial review." By reaching an agreement with Council on the compromise text, Parliament achieved its objective of including in the legislation provisions which had not been proposed by the Commission and which were also not included in the Council's common position, and laying down the maximum possible guarantees for internet users on the legal basis. The European Parliament delegation to the Conciliation Committee, chaired by Alejo VIDAL-QUADRAS (EPP, ES), tabled a report recommending that Parliament approve the joint text at third reading.
At its Plenary Session of 6 May 2009, the European Parliament adopted a number of amendments negotiated with the Council to the Council's common position with a view to securing adoption in second reading. The Commission accepts the European Parliament's amendments as being in line with the overall purpose and the general characteristics of the proposal. It amends its proposal in line with the amendments voted by the European Parliament in second reading.
To recall, these amendments concern the following:
on spectrum : the introduction of greater flexibility through service and technology neutrality albeit with a series of exceptions; the possibility of imposing service exclusivity in limited cases; the adoption of pluriannual spectrum policy programmes by the European Parliament and Council upon a proposal by the Commission assisted by the Radio Spectrum Policy Group; the power to harmonise bands where rights are to be made tradable, and exemption from the requirement to initiate a new award of rights in the case of the review of restrictions to existing rights; strengthening the independence of the national regulatory authorities responsible for ex ante market regulation and dispute resolution; further clarification of the requirements applicable to appeals against decisions of the national regulatory authorities; provision for the Commission, in close cooperation with BEREC, to issue recommendations with regard to the withdrawal and/or amendment of draft measures notified by national regulatory authorities relating to the imposition, amendment or withdrawal of ex ante obligations on operators; ensuring that national regulatory authorities take measures to promote the interests of citizens by safeguarding fundamental rights and freedoms of end-users; power for the Commission to adopt further harmonisation measures in the form of recommendations or binding decisions, where divergences in the implementation of remedies persist; strengthening the powers of national authorities to impose obligations for the sharing of facilities or property associated with electronic communications networks; clarification of the principles and objectives to be followed by national regulatory authorities, with particular reference to preserving incentives for investment in new network infrastructure while safeguarding competition; updating and modernisation of provisions in order to improve the technological neutrality of the framework; new provisions setting out the conditions and procedure for the imposition of functional separation by a national regulatory authority.
As regards a specific European Parliament amendment which leaves Member States to ensure that a fair balance is struck between the various fundamental rights protected by the Community legal order (in particular, the right to respect for private life, the right to protection of property, the right to an effective remedy and the right to freedom of expression and information), the Commission states that it can accept it in its amended proposal after the European Parliament's first reading but supported the European Parliament-Council compromise text afterwards as a balanced solution. The Commission could, therefore, accept the amendment, but will do its utmost to facilitate the emergence of a compromise between the co-legislators on this issue.
The European Parliament approved with amendments, under the second reading of the codecision procedure, the Council’s common position for adopting a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directives 2002/21/EC on a common regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services, 2002/19/EC on access to, and interconnection of, electronic communications networks and associated facilities, and 2002/20/EC on the authorisation of electronic communications networks and services.
The Parliament adopted a partial compromise reached with the Council on the revision of the electronic communications framework and specific directives, as part of the “telecom package”.
The package includes the revision of the electronic communications framework, the citizens’ rights directive and the establishment of a new European body of telecom regulators (BEREC). Given that MEPs could not reach a compromise with the Council on the framework directive and that all three proposals are interlinked, it is likely that the whole package will go to conciliation in the next legislature.
With regard to the common position on the revision of the electronic communications framework and specific directives, the main amendments are as follows:
Restrictions on access : the Parliament could not reach an agreement with the Council on the procedures to follow to impose restrictions on internet access for users. It reinstated by 407 votes to 57, with 171 abstentions, a first-reading amendment stipulating that no restriction may be imposed on the fundamental rights and freedoms of end users, without a prior ruling by the judicial authorities , save when public security is threatened.
The Council had rejected this amendment in first reading.
However, the Parliament and the Council do agree on the following points:
Purpose and scope : the compromise clarifies that the Directive establishes a harmonised framework for the regulation of electronic communications services, electronic communications networks, associated facilities and associated services, and certain aspects of terminal equipment to facilitate access for disabled users .
Strategic planning and coordination of radio spectrum policy : the Commission, taking utmost account of the opinion of the Radio Spectrum Policy Group (RSPG), established by Commission Decision 2002/622/EC, may submit legislative proposals to the European Parliament and the Council for establishing multiannual radio spectrum policy programmes. Such programmes shall set out the policy orientations and objectives for the strategic planning and harmonisation of the use of radio spectrum in accordance with the provisions of the Directive and the Specific Directives.
These policy orientations and objectives may refer to the availability and efficient use of radio spectrum necessary for the establishment and functioning of the internal market and may also refer to the harmonisation of procedures for the granting of general authorisations or individual rights of use for radio frequencies, where necessary, to overcome barriers to the internal market.
A new recital stresses that radio spectrum policy activities in the European Community should be without prejudice to measures taken at Community or national level, in compliance with Community law, to pursue general interest objectives, in particular with regard to content regulation and audio-visual and media policies, and the right of Member States to organise and use their radio spectrum for the purposes of public order, public security and defence.
Procedure for the consistent application of remedies : the Parliament and Council also agree that before taking regulatory decisions, national regulatory authorities will have to consult the Commission and the new Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC).
Where an intended measure aims at imposing, amending or withdrawing an obligation on an operator, the Commission may notify the national regulatory authority concerned and BEREC of its reasons for considering that the draft measure would create a barrier to the single market or its serious doubts as to its compatibility with Community law. In such a case, the draft measure shall not be adopted for a further three months following the Commission's notification.
BEREC shall, acting by a majority of its component members, issue an opinion on the Commission's notification, indicating whether it considers that the draft measure should be amended or withdrawn and, where appropriate, provide specific proposals to that end. This opinion shall be reasoned and made public.
Within the aforementioned three month period, the Commission, BEREC and the national regulatory authority concerned shall cooperate closely with the objective of identifying the most appropriate and effective measure, whilst taking due account of the views of market participants.
In the absence of such notification, the national regulatory authority concerned may adopt the draft measure, taking utmost account of any comments made by the Commission, BEREC or any other national regulatory authority.
Investment : the national regulatory authorities shall promote efficient investment and innovation in new and enhanced infrastructures, including by: (i) ensuring that any access obligation takes appropriate account of the risk incurred by the investing undertakings; (ii) permitting various cooperative arrangements between investors and parties seeking access to diversify the risk of investment, whilst ensuring that competition in the market and the principle of non-discrimination are preserved.
Transfer or lease of individual rights to use radio frequencies : according to the amended text, the Member States shall ensure that undertakings may transfer or lease to other undertakings, in accordance with conditions attached to the rights of use of radio frequencies and with national procedures, individual rights to use radio frequencies in the bands for which this is provided in the implementing measures adopted pursuant to the Directive.
In other bands, Member States may also make provision for undertakings to transfer or lease individual rights to use radio frequencies to other undertakings in accordance with national procedures.
The Commission may adopt appropriate implementing measures to identify the bands for which usage rights may be transferred or leased between undertakings. These measures shall not cover frequencies which are used for broadcasting.
Co-location and sharing of network elements and associated facilities for providers of electronic communications networks : the text provides that, where an undertaking providing electronic communications networks has the right under national legislation to install facilities on, over or under public or private property, or may take advantage of a procedure for the expropriation or use of property, national regulatory authorities shall, taking full account of the principle of proportionality, be able to impose the sharing of such facilities or property, including buildings, entries to buildings, building wiring, masts, antennae, towers and other supporting constructions, ducts, conduits, manholes and cabinets.
The compromise stipulates that Member States shall ensure that national authorities, after an appropriate period of public consultation during which all interested parties are given the opportunity to state their views, also have the power to impose obligations for the sharing of wiring inside buildings or up to the first concentration or distribution point where this is located outside the building, on the holders of the rights and/or on the owner of such wiring, where this is justified by the fact that duplication of such infrastructure would be economically inefficient or physically impracticable. Such sharing or coordination arrangements may include rules for apportioning the costs of facility or property sharing adjusted for risk where appropriate.
Security of networks : a new recital stresses that Member States should allow for an appropriate period of public consultation before the adoption of specific measures to ensure that undertakings providing public communications networks or publicly available electronic communications services take appropriate technical and organisational measures to appropriately manage risk to security of networks and services or to ensure the integrity of their networks.
Competition : for the purposes of ensuring that there is no distortion or restriction of competition in the electronic communications markets, national regulatory authorities should be able to impose remedies aimed at preventing leverage of significant market power from one market to another, closely related, market.
It is made clear that the undertaking which has significant market power on the first market may be designated as having significant market power on the second market only if the links between the two markets are such as to allow the market power held in the first market to be leveraged into the second market and if the second market is susceptible to ex ante regulation in accordance with the criteria defined in the Recommendation on relevant product and service markets.
The Committee on Industry, Research and Energy adopted the recommendation for second reading by Catherine TRAUTMANN (PES, FR) modifying, under the second reading of the codecision procedure, the Council’s common position for adopting a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directives 2002/21/EC on a common regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services, 2002/19/EC on access to, and interconnection of, electronic communications networks and associated facilities, and 2002/20/EC on the authorisation of electronic communications networks and services.
MEPs adopted a partial compromise reached on the revision of the electronic communications framework and specific directives. The main amendments are as follows:
Restrictions on access : Parliament's negotiators have so far been unable to agree with the Council on procedures for imposing restrictions on a user's internet access. The Committee on Industry therefore reinstated by 40 votes in favour with four votes against and two abstentions, Parliament's first-reading amendment that no restriction may be imposed on the fundamental rights and freedoms of end users, without a prior ruling by the judicial authorities (notably in accordance with Article 11 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union on freedom of expression and information) save when public security is threatened. Negotiations between MEPs and the Czech Presidency to reach an agreement on this issue will continue.
However, the Committee on Industry and the Council Presidency do agree on the following points:
Purpose and scope : the compromise clarifies that the Directive establishes a harmonised framework for the regulation of electronic communications services, electronic communications networks, associated facilities and associated services, and certain aspects of terminal equipment to facilitate access for disabled users.
Harmonisation of the use of radio spectrum : the Commission, taking utmost account of the opinion of the Radio Spectrum Policy Group (RSPG), established by Commission Decision 2002/622/EC, may submit legislative proposals to the European Parliament and the Council for establishing multiannual radio spectrum policy programmes. Such programmes shall set out the policy orientations and objectives for the strategic planning and harmonisation of the use of radio spectrum in accordance with the provisions of the Directive and the Specific Directives.
These policy orientations and objectives may refer to the availability and efficient use of radio spectrum necessary for the establishment and functioning of the internal market and may also refer to the harmonisation of procedures for the granting of general authorisations or individual rights of use for radio frequencies, where necessary, to overcome barriers to the internal market.
Procedure for the consistent application of remedies : before taking regulatory decisions, national regulatory authorities will have to consult the Commission and the new Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC).
Where an intended measure aims at imposing, amending or withdrawing an obligation on an operator, the Commission may notify the national regulatory authority concerned and BEREC of its reasons for considering that the draft measure would create a barrier to the single market or its serious doubts as to its compatibility with Community law. In such a case, the draft measure shall not be adopted for a further three months following the Commission's notification.
BEREC shall, acting by a majority of its component members, issue an opinion on the Commission's notification, indicating whether it considers that the draft measure should be amended or withdrawn and, where appropriate, provide specific proposals to that end. This opinion shall be reasoned and made public. Within the aforementioned three month period, the Commission, BEREC and the national regulatory authority concerned shall cooperate closely with the objective of identifying the most appropriate and effective measure, whilst taking due account of the views of market participants.
In the absence of such notification, the national regulatory authority concerned may adopt the draft measure, taking utmost account of any comments made by the Commission, BEREC or any other national regulatory authority.
Investment : the national regulatory authorities shall promote efficient investment and innovation in new and enhanced infrastructures, including by: (i) ensuring that any access obligation takes appropriate account of the risk incurred by the investing undertakings; (ii) permitting various cooperative arrangements between investors and parties seeking access to diversify the risk of investment, whilst ensuring that competition in the market and the principle of non-discrimination are preserved.
Sharing of network elements and associated facilities : the compromise stipulates that Member States shall ensure that national authorities, after an appropriate period of public consultation during which all interested parties are given the opportunity to state their views, also have the power to impose obligations for the sharing of wiring inside buildings or up to the first concentration or distribution point where this is located outside the building, on the holders of the rights and/or on the owner of such wiring, where this is justified by the fact that duplication of such infrastructure would be economically inefficient or physically impracticable. Such sharing or coordination arrangements may include rules for apportioning the costs of facility or property sharing adjusted for risk where appropriate.
Security of networks : a new recital stresses that Member States should allow for an appropriate period of public consultation before the adoption of specific measures to ensure that undertakings providing public communications networks or publicly available electronic communications services take appropriate technical and organisational measures to appropriately manage risk to security of networks and services or to ensure the integrity of their networks.
Competition : for the purposes of ensuring that there is no distortion or restriction of competition in the electronic communications markets, national regulatory authorities should be able to impose remedies aimed at preventing leverage of significant market power from one market to another, closely related, market.
The Commission notes that the Council’s position departs substantially from those of the Commission and the European Parliament, notably as regards the internal market mechanisms, in particular for ensuring consistent regulatory remedies, the additional remedy of functional separation, spectrum policy, and the establishment of a regulatory body. As regards the regulatory body, the Commission has particular concerns that the Council’s position raises institutional questions that constitute a substantial barrier to a satisfactory settlement.
The Commission also notes that the Council’s position diverges from those of the Commission and European Parliament on a number of supplementary issues falling under both proposals for directives to amend the regulatory framework. Nonetheless, the Commission considers that the divergences relating to the proposed Citizens’ Rights Directive are not of the same magnitude as those relating to the proposed Better Regulation Directive and the proposed Regulation setting up a regulatory body.
Subject to its statement attached to the minutes of the Council of 27 November 2008, the Commission affirms its belief that its amended proposals can contribute to a balanced agreement between the institutions that represents an advance for citizens and businesses in the European single market. Accordingly, the Commission stands ready to facilitate an agreement between the co-legislators.
In adopting its common position, the Council has, to a significant extent, endorsed the approach and aims proposed by the Commission and taken on board nearly half of Parliament's 126 amendments adopted at first reading.
The main outstanding issues concern radio spectrum, the new telecoms authority and functional separation. For each of these issues, the Commission, to a large extent supported by the Parliament, has proposed to change the (inter) institutional set-up and, consequently, the balance of power between the various actors, regulatory authorities, the EU institutions and other stakeholders.
Although the Council believes that an update of the regulatory framework for electronic communications would be beneficial for the sector, it is of the view that this could be achieved by improving the current arrangements rather than by setting up alternative mechanisms. The Council's common position therefore seeks to clarify and improve the provisions dealing, inter alia, with NRAs, the Commission and the use of comitology and the role of EU institutions with regard to radio spectrum policy-making.
Principal changes made to the Commission proposal regarding the Framework Directive (2002/21/EC) :
- National regulatory authorities (NRAs) : the Council agreed on a wording, which clarifies that, notwithstanding "supervision in accordance with national constitutional law", NRAs shall carry out their regulatory tasks "independently" and with "adequate financial and human resources".
- Consolidating the internal market for electronic communications : the Council does not share the approach proposed, that the Commission be granted the possibility to issue "decisions" on draft measures intended to be taken by NRAs. The Council rather believes it appropriate for the Commission to issue non-binding "opinions" on draft measures proposed by NRAs and to require NRAs to publicly justify its final decision.
- Radio spectrum policy : the Council supports the Commission's proposals, which aim to move towards a more efficient management of spectrum. However, it clarified in further detail the restrictions that may apply to the types of technology and services to be provided. As current arrangements already allow for the adoption of technical implementing measures in the area of radio spectrum, the Council deleted the Article on radio frequency management harmonisation measures.
Principal changes made to the Commission proposal regarding the regarding the Authorisation Directive (2002/20/EC) :
- Harmonisation measures, common selection procedure for issuing rights and the harmonised granting of rights of use for radio frequencies and harmonised conditions for pan-European networks or pan-European electronic communications services : although the Council to a large extent shares the Commission's objectives in this regard, it feels that some of the proposals are too far-reaching in that they would too much alter without sufficient justification the current arrangements for radio spectrum policy-making. As a consequence, the Council deleted the Articles of the proposal on harmonisation measures and the common selection procedure for issuing rights, but reinstated Article 8 so as to allow for the harmonised introduction of pan-European electronic communications services, which rely on radio spectrum availability.
Principal changes made to the Commission proposal regarding the Access Directive (2002/19/EC) :
- Functional separation : the Council amended the proposed provision on functional separation so as to clarify that functional separation could be imposed by NRAs "as an exceptional measure" and subject to a decision by the Commission in order to achieve the appropriate wholesale provision of certain access products.
In adopting its common position, the Council has, to a significant extent, endorsed the approach and aims proposed by the Commission and taken on board nearly half of Parliament's 126 amendments adopted at first reading.
The main outstanding issues concern radio spectrum, the new telecoms authority and functional separation. For each of these issues, the Commission, to a large extent supported by the Parliament, has proposed to change the (inter) institutional set-up and, consequently, the balance of power between the various actors, regulatory authorities, the EU institutions and other stakeholders.
Although the Council believes that an update of the regulatory framework for electronic communications would be beneficial for the sector, it is of the view that this could be achieved by improving the current arrangements rather than by setting up alternative mechanisms. The Council's common position therefore seeks to clarify and improve the provisions dealing, inter alia, with NRAs, the Commission and the use of comitology and the role of EU institutions with regard to radio spectrum policy-making.
Principal changes made to the Commission proposal regarding the Framework Directive (2002/21/EC) :
- National regulatory authorities (NRAs) : the Council agreed on a wording, which clarifies that, notwithstanding "supervision in accordance with national constitutional law", NRAs shall carry out their regulatory tasks "independently" and with "adequate financial and human resources".
- Consolidating the internal market for electronic communications : the Council does not share the approach proposed, that the Commission be granted the possibility to issue "decisions" on draft measures intended to be taken by NRAs. The Council rather believes it appropriate for the Commission to issue non-binding "opinions" on draft measures proposed by NRAs and to require NRAs to publicly justify its final decision.
- Radio spectrum policy : the Council supports the Commission's proposals, which aim to move towards a more efficient management of spectrum. However, it clarified in further detail the restrictions that may apply to the types of technology and services to be provided. As current arrangements already allow for the adoption of technical implementing measures in the area of radio spectrum, the Council deleted the Article on radio frequency management harmonisation measures.
Principal changes made to the Commission proposal regarding the regarding the Authorisation Directive (2002/20/EC) :
- Harmonisation measures, common selection procedure for issuing rights and the harmonised granting of rights of use for radio frequencies and harmonised conditions for pan-European networks or pan-European electronic communications services : although the Council to a large extent shares the Commission's objectives in this regard, it feels that some of the proposals are too far-reaching in that they would too much alter without sufficient justification the current arrangements for radio spectrum policy-making. As a consequence, the Council deleted the Articles of the proposal on harmonisation measures and the common selection procedure for issuing rights, but reinstated Article 8 so as to allow for the harmonised introduction of pan-European electronic communications services, which rely on radio spectrum availability.
Principal changes made to the Commission proposal regarding the Access Directive (2002/19/EC) :
- Functional separation : the Council amended the proposed provision on functional separation so as to clarify that functional separation could be imposed by NRAs "as an exceptional measure" and subject to a decision by the Commission in order to achieve the appropriate wholesale provision of certain access products.
The Commission’s amended proposal adapts the original proposal on a number of points as suggested by the European Parliament.
It is recalled that the objective is to adjust the regulatory framework for e-communications, notably the Framework, Authorisation and Access Directives, by improving its effectiveness, reducing the administrative resources needed for implementing economic regulation and making access to radio frequencies simpler and more efficient. It is in line with the Commission’s Better Regulation Programme, which is designed to ensure that legislative intervention remains proportionate to the political objectives pursued, and forms part of the Commission’s overall strategy to strengthen and complete the internal market.
More specifically, the proposal aims to:
move towards a more efficient management of spectrum so as to facilitate access to spectrum for operators and to foster innovation; ensure that, where regulation remains necessary, this is more efficient and simpler both for operators and for national regulatory authorities (NRAs); make a decisive step towards more consistency in the application of EU rules in order to complete the internal market for electronic communications.
On 24 September, the European Parliament adopted 164 amendments at 1 st reading. In its amended proposal, the Commission accepts, in their entirety, 31 of these amendments.
It accepts, in part or subject to rewording, 37 Parliament amendments.
In particular, the Commission accepts the creation of a Body of European Telecoms Regulators and inserts new wording stressing the importance it gives to cooperation between national regulatory authorities. According to the amended proposal, the reform also includes the definition of an efficient and coordinated spectrum management strategy in order to achieve a Single European Information Space and the reinforcement of provisions for users with disabilities in order to obtain an inclusive information society.
The Commission also takes account of amendments concerning the procedure to promote greater regulatory coordination and coherence of proposed solutions as well as the strategic planning and coordination of radio spectrum policy in the European Community.
It should be noted that 46 amendments were rejected by the Commission.
The Commission’s amended proposal adapts the original proposal on a number of points as suggested by the European Parliament.
It is recalled that the objective is to adjust the regulatory framework for e-communications, notably the Framework, Authorisation and Access Directives, by improving its effectiveness, reducing the administrative resources needed for implementing economic regulation and making access to radio frequencies simpler and more efficient. It is in line with the Commission’s Better Regulation Programme, which is designed to ensure that legislative intervention remains proportionate to the political objectives pursued, and forms part of the Commission’s overall strategy to strengthen and complete the internal market.
More specifically, the proposal aims to:
move towards a more efficient management of spectrum so as to facilitate access to spectrum for operators and to foster innovation; ensure that, where regulation remains necessary, this is more efficient and simpler both for operators and for national regulatory authorities (NRAs); make a decisive step towards more consistency in the application of EU rules in order to complete the internal market for electronic communications.
On 24 September, the European Parliament adopted 164 amendments at 1 st reading. In its amended proposal, the Commission accepts, in their entirety, 31 of these amendments.
It accepts, in part or subject to rewording, 37 Parliament amendments.
In particular, the Commission accepts the creation of a Body of European Telecoms Regulators and inserts new wording stressing the importance it gives to cooperation between national regulatory authorities. According to the amended proposal, the reform also includes the definition of an efficient and coordinated spectrum management strategy in order to achieve a Single European Information Space and the reinforcement of provisions for users with disabilities in order to obtain an inclusive information society.
The Commission also takes account of amendments concerning the procedure to promote greater regulatory coordination and coherence of proposed solutions as well as the strategic planning and coordination of radio spectrum policy in the European Community.
It should be noted that 46 amendments were rejected by the Commission.
The European Parliament adopted by 597 votes to 55, with 29 abstentions, a legislative resolution approving, with amendments, the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2002/21/EC on a common regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services, Directive 2002/19/EC on access to, and interconnection of, electronic communications networks and associated facilities, and Directive 2002/20/EC on the authorisation of electronic communications networks and services.
The report had been tabled for consideration in plenary by Catherine TRAUTMANN (PES, FR) on behalf of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy.
The main amendments – adopted at 1 st reading of the co-decision procedure – concern the following points:
Purpose of the directive : the resolution specifies that the Directive shall establish a harmonised framework for the regulation of electronic communications services, electronic communications networks, associated facilities and associated services, and certain aspects of terminal equipment to facilitate access for disabled users and encourage the use of electronic communications by less favoured users.
Objectives of the regulatory framework : the primary objective of the EU regulatory framework should be to create a sustainable ecosystem for electronic communications based on supply and demand.
MEPs consider that the amended regulatory framework should also include the following objectives: (i) promoting consumer protection in the electronic communications sector by providing for accurate and comprehensive information, employing every possible means to that end, for transparency in terms of fees and charges, and for high standards in the delivery of services; (ii) fully recognising the role of consumer associations in public consultations; (iii) ensuring that the competent authorities are provided with the powers to thwart possible rigging and act with the necessary effectiveness to stamp out any instances of fraud involving electronic communications services.
The harmonisation measures, which involve adding new essential provisions to the regulatory framework, should be the subject of a legislative proposal.
Public policy : according to MEPs, the activities of national regulatory authorities and of the Commission under the framework for electronic communications contribute to the fulfilment of broader public policy objectives in the areas of culture, employment, the environment, social cohesion, regional development and town and country planning. Public intervention should be proportionate and should neither distort competition nor inhibit private investment and should increase incentives to invest and lower entry barriers. Public support should be attributed through open, transparent and competitive procedures, should not favour a priori any given technology and should provide access to infrastructure on a non-discriminatory basis.
Towards generalised competition : the aim is to progressively reduce ex ante sector specific rules as competition in the markets develops and, ultimately, for electronic communications to be governed by competition law only. It is essential that ex ante regulatory obligations should only be imposed where there is no effective and sustainable competition. Ex ante regulation should be reviewed as to the necessity of its continuation no later than three years after the date of transposition of this directive.
Under national markets : in order to ensure a proportional and adapted approach to varying competitive conditions, national regulatory authorities should be able to define markets on a sub-national basis and/or lift regulatory obligations in markets and/or geographic areas where there is effective infrastructure competition, even if they are not defined as separate markets.
Investments : MEPs also advocate appropriate incentives for investments in new high-speed networks that will support innovation, while safeguarding competition and boosting consumer choice through regulatory predictability and consistency. Furthermore, Member States should release their digital dividends as quickly as possible, allowing citizens to benefit from the deployment of new, innovative and competitive services.
Coherent regulatory measures : Member States shall cooperate with each other and with the Commission in the strategic planning, coordination and harmonisation of the use of radio spectrum in the European Union. In order to optimise the use of radio spectrum and to avoid harmful interference they shall take into consideration, inter alia, economic, safety, health, public interest, freedom of expression, cultural, scientific, social and technical aspects of the EU policies. In future, the management of frequencies shall take into consideration cultural aspects and those related to pluralism in the media.
Spectrum action programme : a Radio Spectrum Policy Committee (RSPC), composed of high-level representatives from the competent national authorities responsible for radio spectrum policy in each Member State , shall be created in order to contribute to the fulfilment of the objectives set out in the Directive. The Commission, taking due account of the opinion of the RSPC, may submit a legislative proposal for establishing a radio spectrum action programme with regard to the strategic planning and harmonisation of the use of radio spectrum in the European Union or other legislative measures with the aim of optimising the use of radio spectrum and of avoiding harmful interference.
Service neutrality : as amended by the MEPs, the draft directive provides that Member States shall ensure that all types of technology used for electronic communications services may be used in the radio frequency bands available for electronic communications services in accordance with the ITU Radio Regulations. Member States may, however, provide for proportionate and non-discriminatory restrictions to the types of technology used to avoid the possibility of harmful interference, safeguard the efficient use of radio frequencies or fulfil a general interest objective.
European Body of Regulators in Telecom (BERT) : MEPs introduced a new measure which ensures that the Member States ensure the establishment of the Body of Regulators in Telecom (BERT) comprised of all National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs). BERT would be set up as an association of national regulatory authorities that would not have an independent legal personality. The national regulatory authorities shall support the goals of BERT of promoting greater regulatory coordination and coherence. The NRAs shall take utmost account of common positions issued by BERT when adopting their own decisions for their home markets.
Appeal mechanisms : these must be effective and proceedings before the appeal body must not be unduly lengthy. When the dispute involves the internal market, appeal bodies must be able to consult BERT.
Consistent implementation of proposed solutions : a dispute resolution procedure must be put in place to actively engage all interested parties, the Commission, individual NRAs, BERT and the stakeholders in searching for constructive solutions regarding the imposition of remedies. MEPs call for a ‘procedure for the consistent implementation of proposed solutions’. This procedure is based upon the principle that only if the Commission and BERT (acting by a simple majority) agree that the proposed remedy is not appropriate the Commission could issue a reasoned decision requesting the NRA concerned to amend the draft measure.
Consultation : the views of national regulatory authorities and industry stakeholders should be taken into account by the Commission when adopting measures under this Directive through the use of effective consultation to ensure transparency and proportionality. The Commission should issue detailed consultation documents, explaining the different courses of action being considered.
Sharing of network elements and associated facilities : national regulatory authorities should have the powers to require, after an appropriate period of public consultation, the holders of the rights referred to in the directive to share facilities or property (including by means of physical co-location) in order to encourage efficient investment in infrastructure and the promotion of innovation.
Numbering : the Commission should be able to consult BERT in the area of numbering. Furthermore, to allow citizens of the Member States (including travellers and disabled users) to be able to reach certain services by using the same recognisable numbers at similar prices in all Member States, the powers of the Commission to adopt technical implementing measures should also cover, where necessary, the applicable tariff principle or mechanism, as well as the establishment of a single EU front-up call number ensuring user-friendly access to these services.
Undertakings with significant market power : by the date of the entry into force of the directive, the Commission shall publish guidelines for national regulatory authorities as regards decisions aimed at imposing, amending or withdrawing obligations on undertakings with significant market power.
The Committee on Industry, Research and Energy adopted the report drafted by Catherine TRAUTMANN (PES, FR), at first reading of the codecision procedure, on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2002/21/EC on a common regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services, Directive 2002/19/EC on access to, and interconnection of, electronic communications networks and associated facilities, and Directive 2002/20/EC on the authorisation of electronic communications networks and services.
The main amendments concern the following issues:
Additional objectives of the regulatory framework : MEPs consider that amended regulatory framework should also encompass the additional aims of: i) promoting consumer protection in the electronic communications sector by providing for accurate and comprehensive information, employing every possible means to that end, for transparency in
terms of fees and charges, and for high standards in the delivery of services; ii) fully recognising the role of consumer associations in public consultations; iii) ensuring that the competent authorities are provided with the powers to thwart possible rigging and act with the necessary effectiveness to stamp out any instances of fraud involving electronic communications services.
Public policy : the activities of national regulatory authorities and of the Commission under the framework for electronic communications contribute to the fulfilment of broader public policy objectives in the areas of culture, employment, the environment, social cohesion, regional development and town and country planning. Public intervention should be proportionate and should neither distort competition nor inhibit private investment and should increase incentives to invest and lower entry barriers. In this respect, public authorities may support the rollout of future-proof high-capacity infrastructure. In so doing, public support should be attributed through open, transparent and competitive procedures, should not favour a priori any given technology and should provide access to infrastructure on a non-discriminatory basis.
Consultation : the views of national regulatory authorities and industry stakeholders should be taken into account by the Commission when adopting measures under this Directive through the use of effective consultation to ensure transparency and proportionality. The Commission should issue detailed consultation documents, explaining the different courses of action being considered.
Towards generalised competition : the aim is to progressively reduce ex ante sector specific rules as competition in the markets develops and, ultimately, for electronic communications to be governed by competition law only. It is essential that ex ante regulatory obligations should only be imposed where there is no effective and sustainable competition. Ex ante regulation should be reviewed as to the necessity of its continuation no later than three years after the date of transposition of this directive.
Under national markets : in order to ensure a proportional and adapted approach to varying competitive conditions, national regulatory authorities should be able to define markets on a sub-national basis and/or lift regulatory obligations in markets and/or geographic areas where there is effective infrastructure competition, even if they are not defined as separate markets.
Investments : MEPs also advocate appropriate incentives for investments in new high-speed networks that will support innovation in content-rich internet services and strengthen European international competitiveness. Member States should release their digital dividends as quickly as possible, allowing citizens to benefit from the deployment of new, innovative and competitive services.
Purpose of the Directive : this Directive establishes a harmonised framework for the regulation of electronic communications services, electronic communications networks, associated facilities and associated services, and certain aspects of terminal equipment to facilitate access for disabled users and encourage the use of electronic communications by less favoured users.
European Body of Regulators in Telecom (BERT) : MEPs introduced a new measure which ensures that the Member States ensure the establishment of the Body of Regulators in Telecom (BERT) comprised of all National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs). BERT would be set up as an association of national regulatory authorities that would not have an independent legal personality. Member States shall ensure that the goals of BERT in promoting greater regulatory coordination and coherence are actively supported by the respective national regulatory authorities. Member States shall ensure that NRAs take utmost account of common positions issued by BERT when adopting their own decisions for their home markets.
Appeal bodies : an effective regulatory framework requires also the existence of specialised appeal bodies and effective appeal mechanisms in order to prevent abuse of appeal procedures. Appeal procedures should also be entitled to consult BERT should the case have an internal market impact.
Procedure for the consistent implementation of proposed solutions : a dispute resolution procedure, rather than a veto mechanism, should be put in place to engage actively all the parties concerned, the Commission, the individual NRAs, BERT and the stakeholders in searching for constructive solutions regarding the imposition of remedies. The report proposes a n alternative procedure for the consistent application of remedies. The procedure is based upon the principle that only if the Commission and BERT (acting by a simple majority) agree that the proposed remedy is not appropriate the Commission could issue a reasoned decision requesting the NRA concerned to amend the draft measure.
Coordination of radio spectrum policy in the European Union – role of the Commission : Member States shall cooperate with each other and with the Commission in the strategic planning, coordination and harmonisation of the use of radio spectrum in the European Union. To this end, they shall take into consideration, inter alia, economic, safety, health, public interest, freedom of expression, cultural, scientific, social and technical aspects of the EU policies. In the future, the management of frequencies should take account of cultural aspects and promote media pluralism.
Flexible management of spectrum : the draft directive, as amended, would require Member States to ensure that any technology or any service can use any frequency available for electronic communications services, in line with national frequency allocation plans and with the International Telecommunication Union's Radio Regulations. Member States may, however, provide for proportionate and non-discriminatory restrictions to the types of technologies used to avoid harmful interference, to safeguard the efficient use of radio frequencies or to fulfil a general interest objective.
Sharing of network elements and associated facilities : where an undertaking providing electronic communications networks has the right under national legislation to install facilities on, over or under public or private property, or may take advantage of a procedure for the expropriation or use of property, national regulatory authorities shall, taking full account of the principle of proportionality, be able to impose the sharing of such facilities or property, including entries to buildings, building wiring, masts, antennae, towers and other supporting constructions, ducts, conduits, manholes and cabinets and all other network elements which are not active. National Regulatory Authorities shall have the powers to require that the holders of the rights referred to in the Directive share facilities or property (including physical
co-location) in order to encourage efficient investment in infrastructure and the promotion of innovation, after an appropriate period of public consultation.
Numbering : the Commission should be able to consult BERT in the area of numbering. Furthermore, to allow citizens of the Member States, including travellers and disabled users, to be able to reach certain services by using the same recognisable numbers at similar prices in all Member States, the powers of the Commission to adopt technical implementing measures should also cover, where necessary, the applicable tariff principle or mechanism, as well as the establishment of a single EU front-up call number ensuring user-friendly access to these services.
The Council held a public exchange of views on the review of the EU regulatory framework and took note of the presidency's three progress reports on the work carried out so far in its preparatory bodies. (See also COD/2007/0248 and COD/2007/0249 ). The Commission's telecoms reform package aims to enable citizens, wherever they live and wherever they travel in the EU, to benefit from better and cheaper communication services.
The Ministers' debate focused in particular on the proposal on better regulation , namely the consistent application of the regulatory framework in the internal market and the management of the radio spectrum in the EU. The discussions provided political guidance for further work on these proposals that will continue under the French presidency.
This Commission’s proposal aims to amend the regulatory framework for electronic communications by improving its effectiveness, reducing the administrative resources needed to implement economic regulation and making access to radio frequencies simpler and more efficient.
During the discussions in the Council's bodies, delegations supported a number of objectives put forward in this proposal, such as the need to ensure consistent application in Member States of the regulatory framework for electronic communications and the need to ensure flexible and efficient use of the radio spectrum. However, they have some doubts about the proposed measures to achieve those objectives, about the proposed procedures to achieve harmonisation and about the level of detail of such harmonisation. In addition, Member States are concerned that the proposals could disturb the current balance of proportionality and subsidiarity and that a number of provisions would considerably add to the administrative burden.
The Presidency’s progress report also identifies the main issues that will need to be addressed further, in particular: radio spectrum, article 7 procedures and remedies, and implementation issues.
PURPOSE: to reform the EU’s regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services with a view to completing the internal market for electronic communications.
PROPOSED ACT: Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council.
CONTEXT: in June 2006, the Commission presented a report to the European Parliament and the Council on the functioning of the regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services. The report noted that the framework had yielded considerable benefits, but that the internal market for electronic communications was still not complete, as many aspects continue to be regulated at national level. The current fragmentation hinders investment and is detrimental to consumers and operators. This calls for a substantial reform of the regulatory framework in order to strengthen and complete the internal market.
More specifically, the objectives of the present reform are three-fold:
1. Moving towards a more efficient management of spectrum so as to facilitate access to spectrum for operators and to foster innovation.
2. Ensuring that, where regulation remains necessary, this is more efficient and simpler both for operators and for national regulatory authorities (NRAs).
3. Making a decisive step towards more consistency in the application of EU rules in order to complete the internal market for electronic communications.
This reform proposal covers changes to the Framework (2002/21/EC), Authorisation (2002/19/EC) and Access (2002/20/EC) Directives. It is part of a package of reforms that also includes:
a proposal concerning amendments to the ‘Universal Service’ Directive (2002/22/EC) and the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector (2002/58/EC), (see COD/2007/0248 );
a proposal for a Regulation creating a new European Electronic Communications Market Authority (see COD/2007/0249 ).
CONTENT: This legislative reform proposal aims to adjust the regulatory framework for e‑communications by improving its effectiveness, reducing the administrative resources needed for implementing economic regulation (the market analysis procedure) and making access to radio frequencies simpler and more efficient.
Framework Directive : the main proposed amendments are the following:
Reforming spectrum management : a more flexible approach is needed to exploit the economic potential and realise the societal and environmental benefits of improved spectrum usage. In order to allow more flexibility to take account of market needs, the Commission proposes making technology neutrality a binding principle, and introduces the principle of service neutrality, with the possibility for exceptions to the principle in limited cases such as meeting general interest objectives. The principle of spectrum tradability can be imposed in commonly defined. The changes also introduce a transitional phase and allow the Commission to take implementing measures via the comitology procedure to coordinate the application of the new principles for internal market purposes. Improving the consistency of regulation of the internal market in electronic communications. This will be achieved by a stronger role for the Commission in remedies imposed by NRAs, which will be combined with the close involvement of the new Electronic Communications Market Authority to ensure that the joint expertise of NRAs can be effectively harnessed and efficiently taken into account in the final Commission decision. Strengthening security and integrity, for the benefit of users of e-communications. Obligations in this field are reinforced to ensure the reliable and secure use of e-communications. The Authority will contribute to the harmonisation of appropriate technical and organisational security measures by providing expert advice to the Commission. New provisions extend the scope of integrity requirements beyond telephone networks to cover mobile and IP networks.
Authorisation Directive: the main proposed changes are as follows:
aligning the Directive to the new policy for spectrum; creating an efficient procedure for firms needing rights of use to provide cross-European services; and ensuring a smooth transition to the introduction of spectrum trading.
Access Directive : the main proposed change is the introduction of functional separation as a remedy that can be imposed by NRAs, subject to approval by the Commission, which has to seek the advice of the new Authority to this end.
This Communication reports on the results of Commission’s Review of the regulatory framework for electronic communications and explains the main policy changes proposed by the Commission.
The EU regulatory framework for telecommunications was created in the 1990s in order to open up national markets to competition, markets which, until then, where dominated by state-owned monopolies. This process culminated in the liberalisation of national markets in 1998. A further step was taken in 2002 with the adoption of the current set of rules, which take account of the convergence of technologies and apply to all forms of electronic communications.
In 2006 and 2007, the Commission reviewed the functioning of the EU framework in against its main objectives, which are to promote competition, to consolidate the internal market and to promote the interests of the citizen. In the light of technological and market developments, especially improved competition in some areas, but also continued dominance by one or a few operators on a number of key markets as well as a continued lack of a single market for electronic communications and increasing divergence of regulatory approaches in the enlarged EU, a substantial reform of the regulatory framework is considered necessary by the Commission.
The 2007 Reform Proposals of the Commission can be grouped under the three pillars of better regulation, completing the single market and connecting with citizens.
1) Better regulation for competitive electronic communications: the 2007 Reform Proposals first of all aim to simplify and improve the quality of the regulatory environment, by reducing ex-ante regulation where market developments allow and by simplifying the market review procedure. The Commission also recommends better regulation of radio spectrum by simplifying access to and use of this scarce resource and moving to a more market-oriented allocation of spectrum. The Commission’s legislative proposals strengthen the principles of technology and service neutrality, and create a mechanism to designate certain bands where, across the EU, rights acquired to use spectrum are allowed to be traded (secondary trading). Regulatory provisions to encourage licence-free spectrum use and to reinforce the coordination of conditions for spectrum authorisations are also proposed.
2) The Single Market for electronic communications: Europe does not yet have a single market for electronic communications networks or services. Implementation of the EU rules via 27 separate national regulatory systems has resulted in two major drawbacks: the artificial segmentation of markets on a national basis and a fundamental lack of consistency in the way the EU rules are applied. In order to address this lack of a single market, the Commission proposes the establishment of an independent European Electronic Communications Market Authority, which will build on the combined expertise of NRAs and improve the existing coordination mechanisms. At the same time, it is proposed to strengthen the independence and enforcement powers of national authorities, which will contribute to the effective and speedy implementation of the regulatory framework.
3) Connecting with citizens: In a rapidly changing market environment, new measures are needed in order to preserve and enhance consumer protection and user rights and ensure that consumers can reap the full benefits of a dynamic and increasingly borderless communications market. The Commission’s proposals aim, in particular, to: 1) improve the transparency of information from service providers to consumers, including information on supply conditions and on tariffs; 2) set a time limit of one working day for ‘porting’ (transferring) a telephone number following a change of fixed or mobile operator; 3) enhance the implementation of ‘112’ emergency services in the EU, in particular by ensuring more efficient access to caller location information; 4) enable NRAs to impose minimum requirements for the quality of services based on standards drawn up at Community level. The Reform Proposals will also ensure that users with disabilities, elderly users and people with special needs are not prevented from using and accessing eCommunications services.
The Commission believes that the 2007 Reform Proposals should become law before the end of 2009.
PURPOSE: to reform the EU’s regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services with a view to completing the internal market for electronic communications.
PROPOSED ACT: Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council.
CONTEXT: in June 2006, the Commission presented a report to the European Parliament and the Council on the functioning of the regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services. The report noted that the framework had yielded considerable benefits, but that the internal market for electronic communications was still not complete, as many aspects continue to be regulated at national level. The current fragmentation hinders investment and is detrimental to consumers and operators. This calls for a substantial reform of the regulatory framework in order to strengthen and complete the internal market.
More specifically, the objectives of the present reform are three-fold:
1. Moving towards a more efficient management of spectrum so as to facilitate access to spectrum for operators and to foster innovation.
2. Ensuring that, where regulation remains necessary, this is more efficient and simpler both for operators and for national regulatory authorities (NRAs).
3. Making a decisive step towards more consistency in the application of EU rules in order to complete the internal market for electronic communications.
This reform proposal covers changes to the Framework (2002/21/EC), Authorisation (2002/19/EC) and Access (2002/20/EC) Directives. It is part of a package of reforms that also includes:
a proposal concerning amendments to the ‘Universal Service’ Directive (2002/22/EC) and the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector (2002/58/EC), (see COD/2007/0248 );
a proposal for a Regulation creating a new European Electronic Communications Market Authority (see COD/2007/0249 ).
CONTENT: This legislative reform proposal aims to adjust the regulatory framework for e‑communications by improving its effectiveness, reducing the administrative resources needed for implementing economic regulation (the market analysis procedure) and making access to radio frequencies simpler and more efficient.
Framework Directive : the main proposed amendments are the following:
Reforming spectrum management : a more flexible approach is needed to exploit the economic potential and realise the societal and environmental benefits of improved spectrum usage. In order to allow more flexibility to take account of market needs, the Commission proposes making technology neutrality a binding principle, and introduces the principle of service neutrality, with the possibility for exceptions to the principle in limited cases such as meeting general interest objectives. The principle of spectrum tradability can be imposed in commonly defined. The changes also introduce a transitional phase and allow the Commission to take implementing measures via the comitology procedure to coordinate the application of the new principles for internal market purposes. Improving the consistency of regulation of the internal market in electronic communications. This will be achieved by a stronger role for the Commission in remedies imposed by NRAs, which will be combined with the close involvement of the new Electronic Communications Market Authority to ensure that the joint expertise of NRAs can be effectively harnessed and efficiently taken into account in the final Commission decision. Strengthening security and integrity, for the benefit of users of e-communications. Obligations in this field are reinforced to ensure the reliable and secure use of e-communications. The Authority will contribute to the harmonisation of appropriate technical and organisational security measures by providing expert advice to the Commission. New provisions extend the scope of integrity requirements beyond telephone networks to cover mobile and IP networks.
Authorisation Directive: the main proposed changes are as follows:
aligning the Directive to the new policy for spectrum; creating an efficient procedure for firms needing rights of use to provide cross-European services; and ensuring a smooth transition to the introduction of spectrum trading.
Access Directive : the main proposed change is the introduction of functional separation as a remedy that can be imposed by NRAs, subject to approval by the Commission, which has to seek the advice of the new Authority to this end.
- Final act published in Official Journal: Directive 2009/140
- Final act published in Official Journal: OJ L 337 18.12.2009, p. 0037
- Final act published in Official Journal: Corrigendum to final act 32009L0140R(01)
- Final act published in Official Journal: OJ L 241 10.09.2013, p. 0008
- Draft final act: 03677/2009/LEX
- Decision by Parliament, 3rd reading: T7-0068/2009
- Debate in Parliament: Debate in Parliament
- Report tabled for plenary by Parliament delegation to Conciliation Committee, 3rd reading: A7-0070/2009
- Report tabled for plenary, 3rd reading: A7-0070/2009
- Joint text approved by Conciliation Committee co-chairs: 03677/2009
- Joint text approved by Conciliation Committee co-chairs: 03677/2009
- Commission opinion on Parliament's position at 2nd reading: COM(2009)0420
- Commission opinion on Parliament's position at 2nd reading: EUR-Lex
- Decision by Parliament, 2nd reading: T6-0361/2009
- Debate in Parliament: Debate in Parliament
- Committee recommendation tabled for plenary, 2nd reading: A6-0272/2009
- Committee recommendation tabled for plenary, 2nd reading: A6-0272/2009
- Committee draft report: PE420.223
- Commission communication on Council's position: COM(2009)0078
- Commission communication on Council's position: EUR-Lex
- Council position: 16496/1/2008
- Council position published: 16496/1/2008
- Council statement on its position: 05905/2009
- Modified legislative proposal: COM(2008)0724
- Modified legislative proposal: EUR-Lex
- Modified legislative proposal published: COM(2008)0724
- Modified legislative proposal published: EUR-Lex
- Commission response to text adopted in plenary: SP(2008)6073
- Results of vote in Parliament: Results of vote in Parliament
- Decision by Parliament, 1st reading: T6-0449/2008
- Debate in Parliament: Debate in Parliament
- Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading: A6-0321/2008
- Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading: A6-0321/2008
- Committee opinion: PE404.724
- Committee opinion: PE404.684
- Debate in Council: 2877
- Committee opinion: PE404.775
- Committee opinion: PE404.782
- Committee opinion: PE404.823
- Economic and Social Committee: opinion, report: CES0984/2008
- Debate in Council: 2868
- Committee draft report: PE398.542
- Debate in Council: 2835
- Legislative proposal: COM(2007)0697
- Legislative proposal: EUR-Lex
- Document attached to the procedure: COM(2007)0696
- Document attached to the procedure: EUR-Lex
- Document attached to the procedure: SEC(2007)1472
- Document attached to the procedure: EUR-Lex
- Document attached to the procedure: SEC(2007)1473
- Document attached to the procedure: EUR-Lex
- Legislative proposal published: COM(2007)0697
- Legislative proposal published: EUR-Lex
- Legislative proposal: COM(2007)0697 EUR-Lex
- Document attached to the procedure: COM(2007)0696 EUR-Lex
- Document attached to the procedure: SEC(2007)1472 EUR-Lex
- Document attached to the procedure: SEC(2007)1473 EUR-Lex
- Committee draft report: PE398.542
- Economic and Social Committee: opinion, report: CES0984/2008
- Committee opinion: PE404.823
- Committee opinion: PE404.782
- Committee opinion: PE404.775
- Committee opinion: PE404.684
- Committee opinion: PE404.724
- Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading: A6-0321/2008
- Commission response to text adopted in plenary: SP(2008)6073
- Modified legislative proposal: COM(2008)0724 EUR-Lex
- Council statement on its position: 05905/2009
- Council position: 16496/1/2008
- Commission communication on Council's position: COM(2009)0078 EUR-Lex
- Committee draft report: PE420.223
- Committee recommendation tabled for plenary, 2nd reading: A6-0272/2009
- Commission opinion on Parliament's position at 2nd reading: COM(2009)0420 EUR-Lex
- Joint text approved by Conciliation Committee co-chairs: 03677/2009
- Report tabled for plenary by Parliament delegation to Conciliation Committee, 3rd reading: A7-0070/2009
- Draft final act: 03677/2009/LEX
- Catherine TRAUTMANN
Plenary Speeches (3)
- Rebecca HARMS
Plenary Speeches (2)
- Alexander Nuno PICKART ALVARO
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Sandrine BÉLIER
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Trevor COLMAN
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Christian ENGSTRÖM
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Malcolm HARBOUR
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Gunnar HÖKMARK
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Corinne LEPAGE
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Tiziano MOTTI
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Lambert van NISTELROOIJ
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Siiri OVIIR
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Jaroslav PAŠKA
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Ioan Mircea PAŞCU
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Herbert REUL
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Paul RÜBIG
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Eva-Britt SVENSSON
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Bernadette VERGNAUD
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Diana WALLIS
Plenary Speeches (1)
Rapport Trautmann A6-0321/2008 - am. 98/1 #
Rapport Trautmann A6-0321/2008 - am. 98/2 #
Rapport Trautmann A6-0321/2008 - am. 120 #
Rapport Trautmann A6-0321/2008 - am. 138/1 #
Rapport Trautmann A6-0321/2008 - am. 129 #
Rapport Trautmann A6-0321/2008 - am. 126 #
Rapport Trautmann A6-0321/2008 - am. 133/rév. #
Rapport Trautmann A6-0321/2008 - résolution #
Recommandation pour la 2ème lecture TRAUTMANN A6-0272/2009 - BLOC 1 #
Recommandation pour la 2ème lecture TRAUTMANN A6-0272/2009 - AM 3=7 #
Recommandation pour la 2ème lecture TRAUTMANN A6-0272/2009 - AM 1PC #
Recommandation pour la 2ème lecture TRAUTMANN A6-0272/2009 - AM 1PC=2=5=6=9 #
DE | PL | GB | FR | ES | IT | NL | BE | SE | DK | RO | PT | AT | FI | BG | HU | EL | LV | LT | CZ | IE | EE | SI | SK | MT | CY | LU | ||
Total |
Germany PSEFor (18)Abstain (4) |
Poland PSEFor (5)Against (1) |
United Kingdom PSEFor (19) |
France PSEFor (23)Anne FERREIRA, Bernadette VERGNAUD, Bernard POIGNANT, Bernard SOULAGE, Brigitte DOUAY, Béatrice PATRIE, Catherine BOURSIER, Catherine GUY-QUINT, Catherine NERIS, Catherine TRAUTMANN, Guy BONO, Harlem DÉSIR, Jean Louis COTTIGNY, Marie-Arlette CARLOTTI, Marie-Noëlle LIENEMANN, Martine ROURE, Pervenche BERÈS, Pierre PRIBETICH, Pierre SCHAPIRA, Roselyne LEFRANÇOIS, Stéphane LE FOLL, Vincent PEILLON, Yannick VAUGRENARD
Netherlands PSEFor (7) |
Belgium PSEFor (8) |
Denmark PSE |
Romania PSEFor (6) |
Portugal PSEFor (10) |
Bulgaria PSE |
Hungary PSEFor (7) |
Greece PSEFor (7) |
Germany ALDEFor (7) |
Poland ALDE |
United Kingdom ALDEFor (9) |
France ALDEFor (5)Against (4) |
Italy ALDEAgainst (3) |
Netherlands ALDE |
Belgium ALDEAgainst (1) |
Romania ALDE |
Bulgaria ALDE |
Lithuania ALDEFor (5)Abstain (1) |
Verts/ALE |
Germany Verts/ALEFor (11) |
France Verts/ALEFor (6) |
Germany GUE/NGLFor (6) |
Poland UENFor (12)Against (1)Abstain (1) |
Italy UENFor (5)Against (1) |
NI |
United Kingdom NIFor (2)Abstain (3) |
France NI |
Germany PPE-DEFor (2)Against (8)Abstain (37)
Albert DESS,
Andreas SCHWAB,
Angelika NIEBLER,
Christa KLASS,
Christoph KONRAD,
Dieter-Lebrecht KOCH,
Doris PACK,
Gabriele STAUNER,
Herbert REUL,
Ingeborg GRÄSSLE,
Karl-Heinz FLORENZ,
Klaus-Heiner LEHNE,
Kurt Joachim LAUK,
Manfred WEBER,
Markus FERBER,
Markus PIEPER,
Michael GAHLER,
Peter LIESE,
Reimer BÖGE,
Renate SOMMER,
Roland GEWALT,
Thomas MANN,
Poland PPE-DEFor (9)Abstain (1) |
United Kingdom PPE-DEFor (1)Against (11) |
France PPE-DEFor (2)Against (11)Abstain (5) |
Spain PPE-DEFor (4)Against (3) |
Italy PPE-DEFor (2)Against (1) |
Netherlands PPE-DEFor (1)Abstain (5) |
Sweden PPE-DEFor (2)Abstain (3) |
Romania PPE-DEFor (2)Against (1) |
Portugal PPE-DEFor (1)Against (3)Abstain (4) |
Austria PPE-DEAbstain (6) |
Bulgaria PPE-DEAgainst (1)Abstain (4) |
Hungary PPE-DEAgainst (1) |
Greece PPE-DEFor (1) |
Czechia PPE-DEFor (2)Against (1)Abstain (6) |
Slovakia PPE-DEAgainst (1)Abstain (6) |
Recommandation pour la 2ème lecture TRAUTMANN A6-0272/2009 - AM 4=8 #
Amendments | Dossier |
1135 |
42 amendments...
Amendment 13 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 32 (32)
Amendment 14 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 33 (33)
Amendment 15 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 33 a (new) (33a) The management of telephony networks and services has historically been characterised by a high level of international cooperation designed to ensure harmonisation of technical standards and to promote interoperability. The Internet has achieved interoperability through open global standards for inter- network routing, while the development of services using the Internet has depended upon the freedom to create new technical standards and protocols without regulatory intervention; this freedom has enabled unprecedented innovation in the creation of information society services and other, non-commercial services, yielding enormous economic and social gains for the people of Europe. Each tradition for the development and coordination of technical standards has benefited society in its respective sphere. The national regulatory authorities should recognise the importance of innovation and diversity in Internet protocols and services, and the importance of regulatory forbearance in achieving those objectives.
Amendment 16 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 33 b (new) Amendment 17 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 39 a (new) (39a) The need to encourage both investment and competition should be recognised, so that consumer choice is protected and not undermined.
Amendment 18 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 2 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 2 – point s (s) “harmful interference” means interference which endangers the functioning of a radionavigation service or of other safety services, which technically obstructs the joint use of frequencies or which may otherwise seriously degrade
Amendment 19 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 3 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 3 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 1 3. Member States shall ensure that national regulatory authorities exercise their powers independently, impartially
Amendment 20 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 4 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 4 – paragraph 1 1. Member States shall ensure that effective mechanisms exist at national level under which any user or undertaking providing electronic communications networks and/or services who is affected
Amendment 21 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 4 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 4 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 1. Member States shall ensure that effective mechanisms exist at national level
Amendment 22 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 5 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 1. Member States shall ensure that undertakings providing electronic communications networks and services provide all the information, including financial information, necessary for national regulatory authorities to ensure conformity with the provisions of, or decisions made in accordance with, this Directive and the Specific Directives.
Amendment 23 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 5 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 1. Member States shall ensure that undertakings providing electronic communications networks and services provide all the information, including financial information, necessary for national regulatory authorities to ensure conformity with the provisions of, or decisions made in accordance with, this Directive and the Specific Directives.
Amendment 24 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 5 5. Within the two month period referred to in paragraph 4, with regard to conditions (a) and (b) of paragraph 4, the Commission may take a decision requiring the national regulatory authority concerned to withdraw the draft measure. The Commission shall take the utmost account of the opinion of the Authority submitted in accordance with Article 5 of Regulation [……/EC] before issuing a decision. The decision shall be accompanied by a detailed and objective
Amendment 25 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 6 Amendment 26 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 8 Amendment 27 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 9 9. The national regulatory authority shall communicate to the Commission all final measures which fall under
Amendment 28 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 4 – point g (g) applying the principle that end-users should be able to access and distribute any lawful content and use any lawful applications and/or services of their choice
Amendment 29 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 – sub-point e a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 4 – point g a (new) (8a) In paragraph 4, the following point is added: '(ga) ensuring cooperation between undertakings providing electronic communications networks and services and the sectors concerned with the protection and the promotion of lawful content over electronic communications networks and services.'
Amendment 30 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 2 – point c (c) ensure
Amendment 31 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 3 – point d a (new) (9a) The following point shall be inserted: "(da) take account of international and regional spectrum organisations and respect internationally agreed frequency plans, or"
Amendment 32 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 b (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 3 – point d b (new) (9b) The following point shall be inserted: "(db) safeguard efficient use of spectrum."
Amendment 33 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 4. Unless otherwise provided in the second subparagraph or in the measures adopted pursuant to Article 9c, Member States shall ensure that all types of electronic communications services may be provided in the radio frequency bands
Amendment 34 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 2 Restrictions that require a service to be provided in a specific band shall be justified in order to ensure the fulfilment of a general interest objective, as defined in national legislation, in conformity with Community law, such as safety of life, the promotion of social, regional or territorial cohesion, the avoidance of inefficient use of radio frequencies, the promotion of consumer choice regarding alternative and new services, technology and platform, or, as defined in national legislation in conformity with Community law, the promotion of cultural and linguistic diversity and media pluralism.
Amendment 35 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 c – subparagraph 2 These measures designed to amend non- essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 22(3). On imperative grounds of urgency, the Commission may use the urgency procedure referred to in Article 22(4). In the implementation of the provisions of this paragraph, the Commission may be assisted by the
Amendment 36 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 11 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 10 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 Member States shall support harmonisation in numbering within the Community where that promotes the functioning of the internal market or supports the development of pan-European services. The Commission may take appropriate technical implementing measures on this matter
Amendment 37 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 a – paragraph 1 1. Member States shall ensure that undertakings providing public communications networks or publicly available electronic communications services take appropriate technical and organisational measures to safeguard the security of their networks or services. Having regard to the state of the art, these measures shall ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk presented. In particular, measures shall be taken to prevent or minimise the impact of security incidents on users and on interconnected networks and the distribution of unsolicited, harmful or unlawful content.
Amendment 38 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 a – paragraph 3 3. Member States shall ensure that undertakings providing public communications networks or publicly available electronic communications services notify the relevant national regulatory authority of any breach of security or integrity that had a significant impact on the operation of networks or services. Where disclosure of the breach is in the public interest, the national regulatory authority may inform the public
Amendment 39 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 a – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 3 Every
Amendment 40 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 a – paragraph 4 4. The Commission, taking the utmost account of the opinion of the
Amendment 41 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 a – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 4. The Commission, taking the utmost account of the opinion of
Amendment 42 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 b 1. Member States shall ensure that the relevant national regulatory authorities have the power to issue binding instructions to undertakings providing public communications networks or publicly available electronic communications services in order to implement Article 13a. 2. Member States shall ensure that the relevant national regulatory authorities have the power to require undertakings providing public communications networks or publicly available electronic communications services to: (a) provide information needed to assess the security of their services and networks, including documented security policies; and (b) instruct a qualified independent body to carry out a security audit and make the results thereof available to the national regulatory authority. 3. Member States shall ensure that the relevant national regulatory authorities have all the powers necessary to investigate cases of non-
Amendment 43 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 b – paragraph 2 2. Member States shall ensure that national regulatory authorities, where appropriate, have the power to require undertakings providing public communications networks or publicly available electronic communications services to
Amendment 44 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 20 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 19 – paragraph 1 1. Without prejudice to Article 9 of this Directive and to Articles 6 and 8 of Directive 2002/20/EC (Authorisation Directive), where the Commission finds that divergences in the implementation by national regulatory authorities of the regulatory tasks specified in this Directive and the Specific Directives may create a barrier to the internal market, the Commission may
Amendment 45 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 20 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 19 – paragraph 5 Amendment 46 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 7 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 9 – paragraph 5 5. The Commission may adopt the necessary amendments to Annex II in order to adapt it to technological and market developments. The measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 14(3). On imperative grounds of urgency, the Commission may use the urgency procedure referred to in Article 14(4). In implementing the provisions of this paragraph, the Commission may be assisted by the
Amendment 47 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 8 – point -a (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 12 – paragraph 1 – point -a (new) (-a) In paragraph 1, the following point is inserted: "(ba) to conclude radio access network sharing agreements to cover remote and or non-profitable areas in order to offer and give access to multiple choices of services throughout the territory of each Member State to the benefit of consumers and the environment."
Amendment 48 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 9 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13 a – paragraph 2 – introductory part 2. When a national regulatory authority intends to impose an obligation for functional separation, it shall
Amendment 49 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 1 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 2 – paragraph 2 2. The following definitions shall also apply: "general authorisation" means a legal framework established by the Member State ensuring rights for the provision of
Amendment 50 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 2 a (new) Directive 2002/20/EC Article 3 – paragraph 3 a (new) (2a) In Article 3, the following paragraph is added: "3a. New global telecommunications services shall be subject to no more than a simplified notification process with specific registration of electronic communications service activity as ‘global telecommunications services’."
Amendment 51 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point (a) (a) avoid
Amendment 52 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 6 6.
Amendment 53 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 6 b 1. The technical implementing measure referred to in paragraph 6a(1)(f) may provide for the
Amendment 54 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6 b source: PE-405.963
85 amendments...
Amendment 10 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 2 (2) In that regard, the Commission presented its initial findings in its Communication to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions of 29 June 2006 on the review of the EU regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services. On the basis of these initial findings, a public consultation was held, which
Amendment 11 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 3 a (new) (3a) The objective of the EU regulatory framework for electronic communications is to create a sustainable "ecosystem" for electronic communications, based on supply and demand: the former through effectively competitive product or service markets, the latter thanks to increasing information society developments.
Amendment 12 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 3 a (new) (3a) The objective of the EU regulatory framework for electronic communications is to create a sustainable “ecosystem” for electronic communications, based on supply and demand: the former through effective and competitive infrastructure and service markets, the latter thanks to increasing information society developments.
Amendment 13 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 3 b (new) (3b) Next generation networks have enormous potential to deliver benefits to businesses and consumers across the European Union. It is therefore vital that a lack of regulatory clarity does not act as an impediment to sustainable investment in the development of these new networks, while boosting competition and consumer choice.
Amendment 14 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 5 a (new) (5a) In its Communication “Bridging the Broadband Gap” of 20 March 2006, the Commission acknowledged that there is a territorial divide in Europe regarding access to high speed broadband services. Despite the general increase in broadband connectivity, access in various regions is limited because of high costs due to low density of population and remoteness. Commercial incentives to invest in broadband deployment in these areas often turn out to be insufficient. On the positive side, technological innovation is reducing deployment costs. In order to ensure investment in new technologies in underdeveloped regions, telecoms regulation needs to be consistent with other policy measures taken, such as state aid policy, structural funds or wider industrial policy aims.
Amendment 15 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 16 a (new) (16a) The spectrum management provisions of this Directive should be consistent with the work of international and regional organisations dealing with radio spectrum management, such as the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT), so as to ensure the efficient management and harmonisation of the use of spectrum across the Community and globally.
Amendment 16 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 16 a (new) (16a) The spectrum management provisions of this directive should be consistent with the work of the international and regional organisations dealing with radioelectric spectrum management, such as the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT), so as to ensure the efficient management and harmonisation of use of the spectrum across the Community and globally.
Amendment 17 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 19 a (new) (19a) Although spectrum management remains within the competence of the Member States, only coordination and, where appropriate, harmonisation at Community level can ensure that spectrum users derive the full benefits of the internal market and that EU interests can be effectively defended world-wide.
Amendment 18 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 22 (22) Spectrum users should also be able to freely choose the services they wish to offer over the spectrum subject to transitional measures to cope with previously acquired rights. It should be possible for exceptions to the principle of service neutrality which require the provision of a specific service to meet clearly defined general interest objectives such as safety of life, the need to promote social, regional and territorial cohesion, or the avoidance of inefficient use of spectrum to be permitted where necessary and proportionate. Those objectives should include the promotion of cultural and linguistic diversity and media pluralism as defined in national legislation in conformity with Community law. Except where necessary to protect safety of life, exceptions should not result in exclusive use for certain services, but rather grant priority so that other services or technologies may coexist in the same band insofar as possible.
Amendment 19 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 29 (29) In order to promote the functioning of the internal market, and to support the development of cross-border services, the Commission should be given the power to grant the Authority specific responsibilities in the area of numbering. Furthermore, to allow citizens of the Member States, including travellers and disabled users, to be able to reach certain services by using the same recognisable numbers at similar prices in all Member States, the powers of the Commission to adopt technical implementing measures should also cover, where necessary, the applicable tariff principle or mechanism, as well as the establishment of a single European front- up call number ensuring user-friendly access to these services.
Amendment 20 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 31 (31) It is necessary to strengthen the powers of the Member States vis-à-vis holders of rights of way to ensure the entry or roll out of new network in an environmentally responsible way and independently of any obligation on an operator with significant market power to grant access to its electronic communications network. National regulatory authorities should be able to impose, on a case-by-case basis, the sharing of ducts, masts, and antennas, the entry into buildings and a better coordination of civil works, where there is a lack of infrastructure competition. Improving facility sharing can significantly improve competition and lower the overall financial and environmental cost of deploying electronic communications infrastructure for undertakings.
Amendment 21 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 31 (31) It is necessary to strengthen the powers of the Member States vis-à-vis holders of rights of way to ensure the entry or roll out of new network in an environmentally responsible way and independently of any obligation on an operator with significant market power to grant access to its electronic communications network. National regulatory authorities should be able to impose, on a case-by-case basis, the sharing of ducts, masts, and antennas, the entry into buildings and a better coordination of civil works, where there is a regulatory bottleneck to infrastructure competition. Improving facility sharing can significantly improve competition and lower the overall financial and environmental cost of deploying electronic communications infrastructure for undertakings.
Amendment 22 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 31 (31) It is necessary to strengthen the powers of the Member States vis-à-vis holders of rights of way to ensure the entry or roll out of new network in an environmentally responsible way and independently of any obligation on an
Amendment 23 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 33 (33) Where there is a need to agree on a common set of security requirements, power should be conferred on the Commission to adopt technical implementing measures to achieve an adequate level of security of electronic
Amendment 24 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 43 (43) The purpose of functional separation, whereby the vertically integrated operator is required to establish operationally separate business entities, is to ensure the provision of fully equivalent access products to all downstream operators, including the vertically integrated operator’s own downstream divisions. Functional separation has the capacity to improve competition in several relevant markets by significantly reducing the incentive for discrimination and by making it easier for compliance with non- discrimination obligations to be verified and enforced. In exceptional cases, it may
Amendment 25 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 43 a (new) (43a) Functional separation is not a suitable regulatory solution for markets in which there is competition for the provision of infrastructure-based retail services and/or in which the penetration by fixed telecommunications services is very low. In view of the exceptional nature of this solution it is necessary to assess the impact thereof, so as to demonstrate the non-discriminatory nature of vertical restrictions and the economic efficiency achieved as a result. The assessment of its impact must also consider the impact of alternative policies (less intrusive) and should be forwarded to the Commission for review.
Amendment 26 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 50 Amendment 27 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 50 Amendment 28 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 57 (57) The conditions that may be attached to authorisations should cover specific conditions governing accessibility for users with disabilities and the need of public authorities
Amendment 29 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 60 (60) In particular, power should be conferred on the Commission to adopt implementing measures in relation to the notifications under Article 7 of the Framework Directive; the harmonisation in the fields of spectrum and numbering as well as in matters related to the security of networks and services; the identification of trans-national markets; the implementation of the standards; the harmonised application of the provisions of the regulatory framework. Power should also be conferred
Amendment 30 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 60 a (new) (60a) It is the responsibility of the Member States to encourage cooperation arrangements between the parties concerned in order to promote efficient on-line services and a high level of consumer confidence. In particular, companies supplying electronic communications networks and/or services and other stakeholders should be encouraged to cooperate so as to promote legal content and on-line content protection. Such cooperation could for example be achieved on a wider scale without detracting from the regulatory framework by the drafting of negotiated and agreed codes of conduct between stakeholders. The introduction of such codes of conduct has already been envisaged in numerous Community instruments, for example Directive 2000/31/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2000 on certain legal aspects of information society services, in particular electronic commerce in the internal market (Directive on electronic commerce)1, Directive 2004/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the enforcement of intellectual property rights2, or Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data3. Such cooperation between stakeholders is essential to promoting on-line content, in particular European cultural content and realise the potential of the information society. 1 JO L 178, 17.7.2000, p. 1. 2 JO L 157, 30.4.2004, p. 45. 3 JO L 281, 23.11.1995.
Amendment 31 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 1 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 1 − paragraph 1 1. This Directive establishes a harmonised framework for the regulation of electronic communications services, electronic communications networks, associated facilities and associated services, and certain aspects of terminal equipment concerning access for disabled end-users. It lays down tasks of national regulatory authorities and establishes a set of procedures to ensure the harmonised application of the regulatory framework throughout the Community.
Amendment 32 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 2 – point (c) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 2 − point e (e) “associated facilities” means those facilities associated with an electronic communications network and/or an electronic communications service which enable and/or support the provision of services via that network and/or service or have the potential to do so, and include number or address translation systems, conditional access systems and electronic programme guides, as well as physical infrastructure such as ducts, including those of other public and private infrastructures such as water, sewage, gas and electricity ducts, masts, street cabinets, and buildings;
Amendment 33 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 3 a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 3 – paragraph 6 a (new) 6a. National competition authorities, the Commission and national regulatory authorities shall not impose sanctions in relation to the same facts sanctioned or dismissed by another authority acting within the scope of its own competences where the same facts and subject matter is involved.
Amendment 34 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 4 – point (a) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 4 − paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 Member States shall ensure that effective mechanisms exist at national level under which any user or undertaking providing electronic communications networks and/or services who is affected by a decision of a national regulatory authority has the right of appeal against the decision to an appeal body that is independent of the parties involved. This body, which may be a court, shall have the appropriate expertise
Amendment 35 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 6 a (new) Amendment 36 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 4 – point c Amendment 37 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 6 Amendment 38 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 8 Amendment 39 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1– point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 −paragraph 8 Amendment 40 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 9 9. The national regulatory authority shall communicate to the Commission all final measures which fall under
Amendment 41 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 – point (b) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 8 − paragraph 2 – point b (b) ensuring that there is no distortion or restriction of competition in the electronic communications sector
Amendment 42 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 – point (b) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 8 − paragraph 2 – point b (b) ensuring that there is no distortion, taking State aid rules into account, or restriction of competition in the electronic communications sector, in particular for
Amendment 43 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 – point (b) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 8 − paragraph 2 − point b (b) ensuring that there is no distortion or restriction of competition in the electronic communications sector, in particular for the delivery of content. However for countries with a less developed fixed infrastructures and a low level of fixed and broadband services, consideration shall be given to the need to promote investment as a matter of priority rather than stimulating competition;
Amendment 44 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 − point (e) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 4 – point g a (new) Amendment 45 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 − point (e) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 4 – point g b (new) (gb) ensuring that undertakings providing electronic communications networks and services cooperate with the sectors interested in the protection and promotion of lawful content in electronic communication networks and services.
Amendment 46 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 − point (e) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 4 – point g c (new) (gc) introducing consultation platforms including representatives of all stakeholders, in particular consumers and eligible parties. These platforms shall set out the principles for the resolution of disputes between users, access suppliers and content producers under national law.
Amendment 47 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 1 1. Member States shall ensure the effective management of radio frequencies for electronic communication services in their territory in accordance with Article 8. They shall ensure that the allocation and assignment of such radiofrequencies by national regulatory authorities are based on objective, transparent, non-discriminatory and proportionate criteria and avoids distorting competition.
Amendment 48 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 3 – point b a (new) (ba) avoid distortion of competition,
Amendment 49 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 Unless otherwise provided in the second subparagraph or in the measures adopted pursuant to Article 9c, Member States shall ensure that all types of electronic
Amendment 50 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 2 Restrictions that require a electronics communication service to be provided in a specific band shall be justified in order to ensure the fulfilment of a general interest objective set out under national legislation in conformity with Community law, such as safety of life, the promotion of social, regional or territorial cohesion, the avoidance of inefficient use of radio frequencies, or, as defined in national legislation in conformity with Community law, the promotion of cultural and linguistic diversity and media pluralism.
Amendment 51 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 − paragraph 4 – subparagraph 2 Restrictions that require an electronic communication service to be provided in a specific band shall be justified in order to ensure the fulfilment of a general interest objective in conformity with Community law, such as safety of life, the promotion of social, regional or territorial cohesion, the avoidance of inefficient use of radio frequencies, or, as defined in national legislation in conformity with Community law, the promotion of cultural and linguistic diversity and media pluralism or the provision of radio and television broadcasting services.
Amendment 52 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 − paragraph 4 – subparagraph 3 A restriction which prohibits the provision of any other electronic communication service in a specific band may only be provided for where justified by the need to protect safety of life services or to ensure the fulfilment of a general interest as defined in national legislation in conformity with Community law, such as the promotion of cultural and linguistic diversity and media pluralism.
Amendment 53 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 3 A restriction which prohibits the provision of any other electronic communication service in a specific band may only be provided for where justified by the need to protect safety of life services.
Amendment 54 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 − paragraph 5 5. Member States shall regularly review the necessity of the restrictions referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4. It lies within the competence of the Member States to define the scope and nature of any exception.
Amendment 55 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 1. For a period of five years starting on [
Amendment 56 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9a – paragraph 2 2.
Amendment 57 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9a – paragraph 2 2. Where the right holder mentioned in paragraph 1 is a provider of radio or television broadcast content services, and the right to use radio frequencies has been granted for the fulfilment of a specific general interest objective,
Amendment 58 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9b – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 1. Member States shall ensure that undertakings may transfer or lease to other undertakings individual rights to use radio frequencies in the bands for which this is provided in the implementing measures adopted pursuant to Article 9c
Amendment 59 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c In order to contribute to the development of the internal market, and without prejudice to Article 8a, for the achievement of the principles of this Article, the Commission may adopt appropriate technical implementing measures to:
Amendment 60 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 11 – point (b) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 10 − paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 Member States shall support harmonisation in numbering within the Community where that promotes the functioning of the internal market or supports the development of pan-European services. The Commission may take appropriate technical implementing measures on this matter, which may include establishing tariff principles for specific numbers or number ranges, as well as establishing a single European front-up call number ensuring user-friendly access to these services. The implementing measures may grant the Authority specific responsibilities in the application of those measures.
Amendment 61 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 13 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 12 − paragraph 1 1. Where a
Amendment 62 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 13 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 12 − paragraph 3 3. Measures taken by a national regulatory authority in accordance with paragraph 1 shall be objective, transparent, non- discriminatory and proportionate.
Amendment 63 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 − point 13 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 12 − paragraph 3 3. Measures taken by a national regulatory authority in accordance with paragraph 1 shall be objective, transparent,
Amendment 64 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 13 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 12 − paragraph 3 a (new) 3a. To ensure that measures adopted under paragraph 1 are proportionate, national regulatory authorities will investigate the availability of all ducts, including those of telecommunications operators, energy providers, local communities and sewage pipes, capable of carrying telecommunications lines in the area where access is requested.
Amendment 65 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 − point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13a − paragraph 2 2. Member States shall ensure that undertakings providing public communications networks take a
Amendment 66 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 − point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13a − paragraph 3 – subparagraph 1 Member States shall ensure, where appropriate, that undertakings providing public communications networks or publicly available electronic communications services notify the national regulatory authority of a
Amendment 67 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 − point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13a − paragraph 3 – subparagraph 2 Where appropriate, the national regulatory authority concerned shall inform the national regulatory authorities in other Member States and the Authority.
Amendment 68 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 − point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13a − paragraph 3 – subparagraph 3 Every
Amendment 69 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 − paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 The Commission
Amendment 70 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 − point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13a − paragraph 4 − subparagraph 2 These implementing measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 22(3) where industry- led self-regulatory initiatives have not achieved an adequate level of security in the internal market in one or more Member States. On imperative grounds of urgency, the Commission may use the urgency procedure referred to in Article 22(4).
Amendment 71 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 − point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13b − paragraph 2 – introductory part 2. Member States shall ensure that national regulatory authorities, where appropriate, have the power to require undertakings providing public communications networks or publicly available electronic communications services to:
Amendment 72 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 − point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13b − paragraph 3 a (new) 3a. Member States shall ensure that a cost reimbursement scheme is made available to undertakings providing public communications networks or publicly available electronic communications services where the Commission adopts technical implementing measures under Article 13a(4).
Amendment 73 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 20 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 19 – paragraph 4 – point a (a) Consistent implementation of regulatory approaches, including regulatory treatment of pan-European services, such as global telecommunications services, and new services;
Amendment 74 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 20 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 19 − paragraph 4 – point a (a) Consistent implementation of regulatory approaches, including regulatory treatment of pan-European services, such as global telecommunications services, and new services;
Amendment 75 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 20 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 19 − paragraph 4 – point c (c) Consumer issues
Amendment 76 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 1 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 2 − point a (a) “access” means the making available of facilities and/or services to another undertaking, under defined conditions, on either an exclusive or nonexclusive basis, for the purpose of providing electronic communications
Amendment 77 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 1 a (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 2 – point e (e) "local loop" means the physical circuit connecting the network termination point at the subscriber's premises to a distribution frame or equivalent facility in the fixed public electronic communications network, where the connection can technically be accessed.
Amendment 78 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 8 – point b a (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 12 − paragraph 2 – point a (a) the technical and economic viability of using or installing competing facilities, in the light of the rate of market development and of the benefits for consumers, taking into account the nature and type of interconnection and access involved, including the viability of other upstream access options;
Amendment 79 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 9 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13a Amendment 80 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 9 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13a Amendment 81 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 9 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13a − paragraph 1 1. A national regulatory authority may, in accordance with the provisions of Article 8, and in particular the second subparagraph of Article 8(3), impose an obligation, as an exceptional regulatory measure, on vertically integrated undertakings to place activities related to the wholesale provision of access products in an independently operating business unit. That business unit shall supply access products and services to all undertakings, including other business units within the parent company, on the same timescales, terms and conditions, including with regard to price and service levels, and by means of the same systems and processes. The national regulatory authority shall not impose functional separation as a regulatory solution on markets where competition exists for the supply of in infrastructure-based retail services and/or where penetration by fixed telecommunication services is very low.
Amendment 82 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 9 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13a – paragraph 2 – point a (a) evidence that the imposition of appropriate obligations amongst those identified in Articles 9-13 to achieve effective competition following a co- ordinated analysis of the relevant markets in accordance with the market analysis procedure set out in Article 16 of Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive) has failed and would fail on a persistent basis to achieve effective competition and that there are important and persisting competition problems/market failures identified in several of these product markets and that this measure would be the most effective and efficient means to enforce remedies aimed at addressing such failures.
Amendment 83 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 9 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13a – paragraph 2 – point b (b) an analysis of the costs and benefits of the measure, including its expected impact on the regulatory authority, on the undertaking, and on its incentives to invest in its network, and on other stakeholders including in particular the expected impact on infrastructure competition, investment, and any potential entailing effects on consumers;
Amendment 84 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 2 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 3 – paragraph 2 – subparagraphs 1 a and b (new) Global telecommunications services shall be subject to no more than a simplified notification process with specified registration of electronic communications service activity as “global telecommunications services”. Global telecommunications services are managed business data and voice services for multinational companies with locations in different countries and often different continents. They are inherently cross-border and, within Europe, pan- European.
Amendment 85 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 – introduction Member States shall
Amendment 86 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 5 Amendment 87 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point b (b) fulfil other objectives of general interest, including the provision of broadcasting services.
Amendment 88 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 1 – point c Amendment 89 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 1 – point c a (new) (ca) to harmonise the conditions for general authorizations specified in Annex I.
Amendment 90 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6b Amendment 91 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Annex I – point 3 – point g Directive 2002/20/EC Annex I – Part A – point 19 Amendment 92 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Annex I – point 3 – point g Directive 2002/20/EC Annex I – Part A – point 19 Amendment 93 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Annex I – point 4 a (new) Directive 2002/20/EC Annex – Part C – point 1 1. Designation of service for which the number shall be used, including any requirements linked to the provision of that service and, for the avoidance of doubt, tariff principles and maximum prices that can apply to specific number ranges for the purposes of ensuring consumer protection in accordance with Article 8(4)(b) of Directive 2002/21/EC.
Amendment 94 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Annex II – point 1 Directive 2002/20/EC Annex II – paragraph 1 – point d (d) the method of determining usage fees for the right of use of the radio frequencies, without prejudice to the mechanisms adopted by the Member States to replace the user fee obligation with the obligation to fulfil specific general interest objectives;
source: PE-406.047
122 amendments...
Amendment 100 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6 a – paragraph 1 – point d Amendment 101 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6 a – paragraph 1 – point e Amendment 102 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6 a – paragraph 1 – point f Amendment 103 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6 a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 The measures listed
Amendment 104 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6 b - paragraph 1 Amendment 105 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6 b – paragraph 1 Amendment 106 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6 b – paragraph 2 Amendment 107 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6 b – paragraph 2 Amendment 108 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 11 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 14 a – paragraph 4 Amendment 109 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 11 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 14 a – paragraph 4 Amendment 110 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 - point 15 Directive 2002/20/EC Annex II Amendment 24 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 16 (16) Radio frequencies should be considered a scarce public resource that has an important public and
Amendment 25 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 16 (16) Radio frequencies are the property of Member States. They should be considered a scarce public resource that has an important public and
Amendment 26 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 20 (20) Flexibility in spectrum management and access to spectrum should be increased through technology- and service-neutral authorisations to let spectrum users choose the best technologies and services to apply in
Amendment 27 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 20 (20) Flexibility in spectrum management and access to spectrum should be increased through technology- and service- neutral authorisations to let spectrum users choose the best technologies and services to apply in
Amendment 28 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 20 (20) Flexibility in spectrum management and access to spectrum should be increased through technology- and service-neutral authorisations to let spectrum users choose the best technologies and services to apply in a frequency band (hereinafter referred to
Amendment 29 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 21 (21)
Amendment 30 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 21 (21)
Amendment 31 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 21 (21)
Amendment 32 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 22 (22) Spectrum users should
Amendment 33 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 22 (22) Spectrum users should also be able to freely choose the services they wish to offer over the spectrum subject to transitional measures to cope with previously acquired rights.
Amendment 34 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 22 (22) Spectrum users should
Amendment 35 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 22 (22) Spectrum users should also be able to freely choose the services they wish to offer over the spectrum subject to transitional measures to cope with previously acquired rights. It should be possible for exceptions to the principle of service neutrality which require the provision of a specific service to meet clearly defined general interest objectives such as safety of life, the need to promote
Amendment 36 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 22 (22) Spectrum users should also be able to freely choose the services they wish to offer over the spectrum subject to transitional measures to cope with previously acquired rights. It should be possible for exceptions to the principle of service neutrality which require the provision of a specific service to meet clearly defined general interest objectives such as safety of life, the need to promote social, regional and territorial cohesion, or the avoidance of inefficient use of spectrum to be permitted where necessary and proportionate. Those objectives should include the promotion of cultural and
Amendment 37 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 23 (23) It lies within the competence of the Member States to define the scope and nature of any
Amendment 38 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 24 Amendment 39 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 24 Amendment 40 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 47 a (new) (47a) Where it is necessary to adopt harmonisation measures for the implementation of the Community’s electronic communications and spectrum policy which go beyond technical implementing measures, the Commission shall submit to the European Parliament and the Council a legislative proposal.
Amendment 41 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 47 a (new) Amendment 42 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 47 a (new) (47a) Where it is necessary to adopt harmonisation measures for the implementation of the Community’s electronic communications and spectrum policy which go beyond technical implementing measures, the Commission shall submit to the European Parliament and the Council a legislative proposal.
Amendment 43 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 60 (60) In particular, power should be conferred on the Commission to adopt implementing measures in relation to the notifications under Article 7 of the Framework Directive; the harmonisation in the fields of spectrum and numbering as well as in matters related to security of networks and services; the identification of trans-national markets; the implementation of the standards; the harmonised application of the provisions of the regulatory framework. Power should also be conferred to adopt implementing measures to update Annexes I and II to the Access Directive to market and technological developments and for adopting implementing measures to harmonise the authorisation rules, procedures and conditions for the authorisation of electronic communications networks and services. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to supplement these Directives by the addition of new non-essential elements, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.
Amendment 44 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 60 (60) In particular, power should be conferred on the Commission to adopt implementing measures in relation to the notifications under Article 7 of the Framework Directive; the harmonisation in the field
Amendment 45 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 6 – paragraph 1 Except in cases falling within Articles 7 (10), 20 or 21 and unless otherwise provided in the implementing measures adopted pursuant to Article 9c, Member States shall ensure that, where regulatory authorities intend to take measures in accordance with this Directive or the Specific Directives which have a significant impact on the relevant market,
Amendment 46 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 4 –point c (c) imposing, amending or withdrawing an obligation on an operator in application of Article 16 in conjunction with Articles 5 - excluding paragraph 1(b) - and 9 to 13 of Directive 2002/19/EC (Access Directive), and Article 17 of Directive 2002/22/EC (Universal Service Directive),
Amendment 47 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 – point e Directive 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 4 – point g g) applying the principle that end-users
Amendment 48 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 - point e Directive 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 4 - point g a (new) (ga) ensuring the cooperation of undertakings providing electronic communications networks and services with the sectors concerned with the protection and the promotion of lawful content over electronic communications networks and services.
Amendment 49 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 - point e Directive 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 4 – point g a (new) (ga) ensuring that undertakings providing electronic communications services and networks cooperate with the sectors concerned with the protection and promotion of lawful content on electronic communications services and networks.
Amendment 50 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 – point e Directive 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 4 – point g (a) ga) applying the principle that no restriction may be imposed on the rights and freedoms of end users without a prior ruling by the judicial authorities, except where dictated by force majeure or by the requirements of preserving network integrity and security.
Amendment 51 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 8 a (new) (8a) The following Article 8a is inserted: "Article 8a Coordination of radio spectrum policies in the Community 1. Member States shall cooperate with each other and the Commission in the strategic planning and eventual harmonisation of the use of radio frequencies in the Community. They shall ensure coherence of spectrum policy approaches with other national or EU policies, e.g. media policy. 2. Member States shall ensure the coordination of policy approaches and, where appropriate, harmonised conditions with regard to the availability and efficient use of spectrum necessary for the establishment and functioning of the internal market and in accordance with economic, political, cultural, health and social considerations linked to the use of radio spectrum. 3. Member States shall ensure the coordinated and timely provision of information concerning the allocation, availability and use of radio frequencies in the Community. 4. Member States shall ensure the effective coordination of Community interests in international organisations where radio spectrum use affects Community policies. 5. A Radio Spectrum Policy Committee (hereinafter "RSPC") is hereby created in order to contribute to the fulfilment of the objectives set out in paragraphs 1 to 4. The RSPC shall provide advice to the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on radio spectrum policy issues. The RSPC shall be composed of one high-level representative from each national regulatory authority responsible for radio spectrum policy and/or for media regulation in each Member State. The Commission shall be a non-voting Member. 6. At the request of the European Parliament, the Council or the Commission or on its own initiative, the RSPC, acting by a qualified majority, shall adopt opinions. Each Member State shall have one vote and the Commission shall not vote. 7. The Commission, taking the utmost account of the opinion of the RSPC, shall formulate every three years common policy objectives and issue non-binding guidelines for the development of Community spectrum policy. 8. The Commission may, taking the utmost account of the opinion of the RSPC, propose legislative measures to fulfil common policy objectives as defined in paragraph 7. 9. Whenever necessary for ensuring the effective coordination of Community interests in international organisations, the Commission may, with the agreement of the RSPC, propose to the European Parliament and the Council a negotiating mandate. 10. The RSPC shall submit an annual activity report to the European Parliament and to the Council."
Amendment 52 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 8 a (new) Amendment 53 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 6 (6) The independence of the national regulatory authorities should be strengthened in order to ensure a more effective application of the regulatory framework and increase their authority and the predictability of their decisions. To this end, express provision should be made in national law to ensure that, in the exercise of its tasks, a national regulatory authority is protected against external intervention or political pressure liable to jeopardise its independent assessment of matters coming before it. Such outside influence makes a national legislative body unsuited to act as a national regulatory authority under the regulatory framework. For that purpose rules should be laid down in advance regarding the grounds for the dismissal of the head of the national regulatory authority in order to remove any reasonable doubt as to the neutrality of that body and its imperviousness to external factors. The reasons for any such dismissal, except those that might affect the image of the institution, must be publicly announced. It is important that national regulatory authorities should have their own budget allowing them, in particular, to recruit a sufficient number of qualified staff. In order to ensure transparency, this should be published annually.
Amendment 53 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 8 a (new) Amendment 54 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 18 (18) The current spectrum management and distribution system is generally based on administrative decisions that are insufficiently flexible to cope with technological and economic evolution, in particular with the rapid development of wireless technology and the increasing demand for bandwidth. The undue fragmentation amongst national policies results in increased costs and lost market opportunities for spectrum users, and slows down innovation, to the detriment of the internal market, consumers and the economy as a whole. Moreover, the conditions for access to, and use of, radio frequencies may vary according to the type of operator, while electronic services provided by these operators increasingly overlap, thereby creating tensions between rights holders, discrepancies in the cost of access to spectrum, and potential distortions in the functioning of the internal market. Operators who obtained the right to use radio frequencies must use them for the period of time prescribed by law, and those who have not used them must be penalised or have their right to use them withdrawn.
Amendment 54 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 1 1. Taking into account that radio frequencies are a public good that has an important social, cultural and economic value, Member States shall ensure the effective management of radio spectrum for electronic communication services in their territory in accordance with Article 8. They shall ensure that the allocation and assignment of such radio spectrum by national regulatory authorities are based on objective, transparent, non-discriminatory and proportionate criteria
Amendment 55 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 22 (22) Spectrum users should also be able to freely choose the services they wish to offer over the spectrum subject to transitional measures to cope with previously acquired rights.
Amendment 55 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 3 – point d (d) comply with a restriction in accordance with paragraph 4 below, including restrictions aimed at promoting cultural and media policy objectives.
Amendment 56 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 23 (23) It lies within the competence of the Member States to define the scope and nature of any exception regarding the promotion of cultural and media policy objectives, such as, for example, cultural and linguistic diversity and media pluralism in accordance with their own national law.
Amendment 56 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 3 – point d (d) comply with
Amendment 57 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 31 (31) It is necessary to strengthen the powers of the Member States vis-à-vis
Amendment 57 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 3 – point d d) comply with
Amendment 58 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 31 (31) It is necessary to strengthen the powers of the Member States vis-à-vis holders of rights of way to ensure the entry or roll out of new network in an environmentally responsible way and independently of any obligation on an operator with significant market power to grant access to its electronic communications network. National regulatory authorities should be able to impose, on a case-by-case basis, the sharing of ducts, masts, and antennas, the entry into buildings and a better coordination of civil works, where there is a regulatory bottleneck in infrastructure competition. Improving facility sharing can significantly improve competition and lower the overall financial and environmental cost of deploying
Amendment 58 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 4. Unless otherwise provided in the second subparagraph or in the measures adopted pursuant to Article 9c, Member States shall ensure that all types of electronic communications services may be provided in the radio frequency band
Amendment 59 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 33 (33) Where there is a need to agree on a common set of security requirements, power
Amendment 59 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 4. Unless otherwise provided in the second subparagraph or in the measures adopted pursuant to Article 9c, Member States shall ensure that all types of electronic communications services may be provided in the radio frequency bands
Amendment 60 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 33 (33) Where there is a need to agree on a common set of security requirements, power should be conferred on the Commission to adopt technical implementing measures to achieve an adequate level of security of electronic communications networks and services in the internal market where industry-led self-regulatory initiatives have not achieved an adequate level of security in the internal market in one or more Member States. Where technical implementing measures are deemed necessary, a cost reimbursement scheme at national level is required. The Authority should contribute to the harmonization of appropriate technical and organisational security measures by providing expert advice. National regulatory authorities should have the power to issue binding instructions relating to the technical implementing measures adopted pursuant to the Framework Directive. In order to perform their duties, they should have the power to investigate and to impose penalties in cases of non-compliance.
Amendment 60 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 4. Unless otherwise provided in the second subparagraph or in the measures adopted pursuant to Article 9c, Member States shall ensure that all types of electronic communications services may be provided in the radio frequency bands
Amendment 61 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 59 (59) Measures necessary for the implementation of the Framework, Access and Authorisation Directives should be adopted in accordance with Council Decision 1999/468/EC of 28 June 1999 laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission. These measures should not have an adverse impact on cultural and media policy objectives as laid down by Member States.
Amendment 61 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 4. Unless otherwise provided in the second subparagraph or in the measures adopted pursuant to Article 9c, Member States shall ensure that all types of electronic communications services may be provided in the radio frequency band
Amendment 62 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 - point 2 - point e Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive) Article 2 - point s (s) “harmful interference” means interference which endangers the functioning of a radionavigation service or of other safety services or which otherwise seriously degrades, obstructs or repeatedly interrupts a radiocommunications service operating in accordance with the applicable
Amendment 62 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 2 Amendment 63 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 - point 3 Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive) Article 3 - paragraph 3 - subparagraph 2 Member States shall ensure that the head of a national regulatory authority or his/her replacement may be dismissed only if he no longer fulfils the conditions required for the performance of his duties laid down in advance in national law, or if he has been guilty of serious misconduct. The decision to dismiss the head of the national regulatory authority shall contain a statement of reasons and be made public at the time of dismissal, except for those that might affect the image of the institution.
Amendment 63 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 2 Restrictions that require an electronic communications service to be provided in a specific band shall be justified in order to ensure the fulfilment of a general interest objective defined in national legislation in conformity with Community law, such as safety of life, the promotion of social, regional or territorial cohesion, the avoidance of inefficient use of radio frequencies, or, as defined in national legislation in conformity with Community law, the
Amendment 64 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 - point 4 - point a Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive) Article 4 - paragraph 1 - subparagraph1 1. Member States shall ensure that effective mechanisms exist at national level under which any user or undertaking providing electronic communications networks and/or services who is affected by a decision of a national regulatory authority has the right of appeal against the decision
Amendment 64 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 2 Amendment 65 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 - point 8 - point e Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive) Article 8 - paragraph 4 - point g a (new) (ga) ensuring cooperation between undertakings providing electronic communications networks and services and the relevant sectors, for protection and promotion of lawful content in connection with those networks and services.
Amendment 65 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 2 Restrictions that require a service to be provided in a specific band shall be justified in order to ensure the fulfilment of a general interest objective in conformity with Community law, such as safety of life, the promotion of social, regional or territorial cohesion, the avoidance of inefficient use of radio frequencies, education or, as defined in national legislation in conformity with Community law, the promotion of cultural and linguistic diversity and media pluralism.
Amendment 66 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 - point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive) Article 9 - paragraph 3 - subparagraph 2 - introductory wording Member States may, however, provide for proportionate
Amendment 66 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 3 A
Amendment 67 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 - point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive) Article 9 - paragraph 3 - subparagraph 2 - point d (d) comply with a restriction in accordance with paragraph 4 below, including restrictions to ensure promotion of cultural and media policy objectives, such as, for example, cultural and linguistic diversity and media pluralism.
Amendment 67 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 3 A
Amendment 68 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 - point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive) Article 9 - paragraph 4 4. Unless otherwise provided in the second subparagraph or in the measures adopted pursuant to Article 9c, Member States shall ensure that all types of electronic communications services may be provided in the radio frequency bands open to electronic communications. The Member States may, however, provide for proportionate
Amendment 68 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 5 5. Member States shall be regularly review the necessity of the
Amendment 69 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 - point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive) Article 9 - paragraph 5 a (new) 5a. Member States shall be competent to lay down the scope, nature and duration of restrictions to promote cultural and media policy objectives, such as, for example, cultural and linguistic diversity and media pluralism, in accordance with their own national law.
Amendment 69 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 5 a (new) 5a. Member States shall have the competence to define the scope, nature and duration of measures intended for the promotion of cultural and media policy objectives such as cultural and linguistic diversity and media pluralism in accordance with their own national law.
Amendment 70 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 - point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive) Article 9a - paragraph 2 2.
Amendment 70 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 a – paragraph 2 2.
Amendment 71 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 - point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive) Article 9b - paragraph 1 - subparagraph 1 1. Member States shall ensure that undertakings may transfer or lease to other undertakings individual rights to use radio frequencies in the bands for which this is provided in the implementing measures adopted pursuant to Article 9c without the prior consent of the national regulatory authority. However, the transfer or leasing of frequencies intended by a Member State for radio services shall require the prior consent of the national regulatory authority responsible for radio broadcasting in order specifically to ensure that obligations intended to promote cultural and linguistic diversity and media pluralism are maintained.
Amendment 71 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 a – paragraph 2 2. Where the right holder mentioned in paragraph 1 is a provider of radio or television broadcast content services, and the right to use radio frequencies has been granted for the fulfilment of a specific general interest objective,
Amendment 72 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 - point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive) Article 9b - paragraph 1 1.Member States shall ensure that undertakings may transfer or lease to other undertakings individual rights to use radio frequencies in the bands for which this is provided in the implementing measures adopted pursuant to Article 9c with
Amendment 72 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9a – paragraph 2 2. Where the right holder mentioned in paragraph 1 is a provider of radio or television broadcast content services, and the right to use radio frequencies has been granted for the fulfilment of a specific
Amendment 73 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 - point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive) Article 9c - subparagraph 1 -point d (d) create an exception to the principle of services or technology neutrality, as well as to harmonise the scope and nature of any exceptions to these principles in accordance with Article 9(3) and (4) other than those aimed at ensuring the promotion of cultural and media policy objectives, such as, for example, cultural and linguistic diversity and media pluralism.
Amendment 73 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 a – paragraph 2 2
Amendment 74 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 - point 13 Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive) Article 12 - paragraph 2 2. Member States may require that the holders of the rights referred to in paragraph 1 share facilities or property (including physical co-location) or take measures to facilitate the coordination of public works in order to protect the environment, public health, public security or to meet town and country planning
Amendment 74 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 b – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 1. Member States shall ensure that undertakings may transfer or lease to other undertakings individual rights to use radio frequencies in the bands for which this is provided in the implementing measures adopted pursuant to Article 9c
Amendment 75 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 - point 13 Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive) Article 12 - paragraph 3 3. Measures taken by a national regulatory authority in accordance with paragraph 1 shall be objective, transparent,
Amendment 75 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 b – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 1. Member States shall ensure that undertakings may transfer or lease to other undertakings individual rights to use radio frequencies in the bands for which this is provided in the implementing measures adopted pursuant to Article 9c
Amendment 76 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 - point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive) Article 13a - paragraph 2 2. Member States shall ensure that undertakings providing public communications networks take a
Amendment 76 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 a – paragraph 2 2.
Amendment 77 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 - point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive) Article 13a - paragraph 2 2. Member States shall ensure that undertakings providing public communications networks take a
Amendment 77 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 c – paragraph 1 - introductory part In order to contribute to the development of the internal market and without prejudice to Article 8a of this Directive, for the achievement of the principles of this Article, the Commission may adopt appropriate technical implementing measures to:
Amendment 78 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 - point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive) Article 13a - paragraph 3 3. Member States shall ensure that, where appropriate, undertakings providing public communications networks or publicly available electronic communications services notify the national regulatory authority of a
Amendment 78 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 c – paragraph 1 - introductory part In order to contribute to the development of the internal market and without prejudice to Article 8a of this Directive, for the achievement of the principles of this Article, the Commission may adopt appropriate technical implementing measures to:
Amendment 79 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 - point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive) Article 13a - paragraph 3 3. Member States shall ensure, where appropriate, that undertakings providing public communications networks or publicly available electronic communications services notify the national regulatory authority of a
Amendment 79 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 c – paragraph 1 – point -a (new) (-a) harmonise the rules relating to the availability and efficient use of radio frequencies in accordance with Article 9;
Amendment 80 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 - point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive) Article 13a - paragraph 3 3. Member States shall ensure that undertakings providing public communications networks or publicly available electronic communications services notify the national regulatory authority immediately of any breach of security or integrity that had a significant impact on the operation of networks or services.
Amendment 80 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 c – paragraph 1 – point -a (new) (-a) harmonise the rules relating to the availability and efficient use of radio frequencies in accordance with Article 9;
Amendment 81 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 - point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive) Article 13a - paragraph 4 Amendment 81 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 c – paragraph 1 – point -aa (new) (-aa) ensure the coordinated and timely provision of information concerning the allocation, availability and use of radio frequencies;
Amendment 82 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 - point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive) Article 13b - paragraph 2 - introductory wording 2. Member States shall ensure that national regulatory authorities, where appropriate, have the power to require undertakings providing public communications networks or publicly available electronic communications services to:
Amendment 82 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 c – paragraph 1 – point -aa (new) (-aa) ensure the coordinated and timely provision of information concerning the allocation, availability and use of radio frequencies;
Amendment 83 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 - point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive) Article 13b - paragraph 4 a (new) 4a. Member States shall ensure that a cost reimbursement scheme is made available to undertakings providing public communications networks or publicly available electronic communications services where the Commission adopts technical implementing measures under 13a(4).
Amendment 83 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 c – paragraph 1 – point -aa (new) (-aa) ensure the coordinated and timely provision of information concerning the allocation, availability and use of radio frequencies;
Amendment 84 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 - point 23 Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive) Article 21a Member States shall lay down the rules on penalties applicable to infringements of the national provisions adopted pursuant to this Directive and the Specific Directives and shall take all measures necessary to ensure that they are implemented. The penalties provided for must be appropriate, effective, proportionate and dissuasive. The Member
Amendment 84 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 c – paragraph 1 – point a (a)
Amendment 85 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 - point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC (Authorisation Directive) Article 5 - paragraph 2 - subparagraph 5 a (new) Operators who obtained the right to use radio frequencies shall use them for the period of time prescribed by law, and those who have not used them shall be penalized or have their right to use them withdrawn.
Amendment 85 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 c – paragraph 1 – point a (a)
Amendment 86 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 - point 8 - point c Directive 2002/20/EC (Authorisation Directive) Article 10 - paragraph 5 5. In cases of serious and repeated breaches
Amendment 86 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 c – paragraph 1 – point d Amendment 87 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act ANNEX I - point 3 - point g Directive 2002/20/EC (Authorisation Directive) Annex - Part A- point 19 Amendment 87 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 c – paragraph 1 – point d Amendment 88 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 c – paragraph 2 Th
Amendment 89 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 c – paragraph 2 Th
Amendment 90 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 c – paragraph 1 – point -a (new) (–a) harmonise the rules relating to the availability and efficient use of radio frequencies in accordance with the procedure set out in Annex I;.
Amendment 91 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 11 - point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 10 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 2 The measures designed to amend non- essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 22(3).
Amendment 92 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 11 - point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 10 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 2 The measures designed to amend non- essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 22(3).
Amendment 93 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 3 - point a Directive 2002/19/EC Article 5 – paragraph 2 2. Obligations and conditions imposed in accordance with paragraph 1 shall be objective, transparent, proportionate and non-discriminatory, and shall be implemented in accordance with the procedures referred to in Articles 6 and 7 of Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive).’ Those procedures shall not apply to paragraph 1(b) of this Article.
Amendment 94 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 - introductory part 1. Member States shall
Amendment 95 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 - introductory part 1. Member States shall
Amendment 96 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 2 Without prejudice to specific criteria
Amendment 97 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6 a – paragraph 1 - introductory part 1.
Amendment 98 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6 a – paragraph 1 – point a (a) to identify radio frequency bands the use of which is to be made subject to general authorisations
Amendment 99 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6 a – paragraph 1 – point c source: PE-405.980
85 amendments...
Amendment 100 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13a – paragraph 3 3. Member States shall ensure that undertakings providing public communications networks or publicly available electronic communications services notify the relevant national regulatory authority of any breach of security or integrity that had a significant impact on the operation of networks or services. Where appropriate, the national regulatory authority concerned shall inform the national regulatory authorities in other Member States and the Authority. Where disclosure of the breach is in the public interest, the national regulatory authority may inform the public. Every
Amendment 101 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13a – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 3 Every
Amendment 102 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13a – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 4. The Commission, taking the utmost account of the opinion of
Amendment 103 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13a – paragraph 4 4. The Commission, taking the utmost account of the opinion of the
Amendment 104 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13b 1. Member States shall ensure that the relevant national regulatory authorities have the power to issue binding instructions to undertakings providing public communications networks or publicly available electronic communications services in order to implement Article 13a. 2. Member States shall ensure that the relevant national regulatory authorities have the power to require undertakings providing public communications networks or publicly available electronic communications services to: (a) provide information needed to assess the security of their services and networks, including documented security policies; and (b) instruct a qualified independent body to carry out a security audit and make the results thereof available to the national regulatory authority. 3. Member States shall ensure that the relevant national regulatory authorities have all the powers necessary to investigate cases of non-
Amendment 105 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13b – paragraph 2 2. Member States shall ensure that national regulatory authorities, where appropriate, have the power to require undertakings providing public communications networks or publicly available electronic communications services to
Amendment 106 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 17 – point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 16 – paragraph 6 - introductory part 6. Measures taken according to the provisions of paragraphs 3 and 4
Amendment 107 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 20 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 19 – paragraph 4 – point a (a) Consistent implementation of regulatory approaches, including regulatory treatment of pan-European services, such as global telecommunications services, and of new services;
Amendment 108 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 20 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 19 – paragraph 4 – point a (a) Consistent implementation of regulatory approaches, including regulatory treatment of pan-European services, such as global telecommunications services, and of new services;
Amendment 109 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 24 a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 25 – paragraph 1 a (new) (24a) In Article 25, the following paragraph shall be added: "1a. The Commission shall evaluate whether in the light of developments in the market and with regard to competition, there is a need to extend the duration of the provisions of this framework or to amend it. In that case the Commission shall submit a proposal to the European Parliament and the Council."
Amendment 110 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 24 b (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 26 a (new) (24b) The following article shall be inserted: "Article 26a Expiry of provisions Articles 14, 15 and 16 shall expire on 31 December 2014."
Amendment 111 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 1 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 2 – point a (a) “access” means the making available of facilities and/or services to another undertaking, under defined conditions, on either an exclusive or non-exclusive basis, for the purpose of providing electronic communications services
Amendment 112 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 7 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 9 – paragraph 5 5. The Commission may adopt the necessary amendments to Annex II in order to adapt it to technological and market developments. The measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 14(3). On imperative grounds of urgency, the Commission may use the urgency procedure referred to in Article 14(4). In implementing the provisions of this paragraph, the Commission may be assisted by the
Amendment 113 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 8 – point c (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 1 a (new) In order to promote incentives for investments in new high speed networks, it must be ensured when access fees are stipulated that the company providing the access is left with a yield which at least corresponds to the capital costs related to the investment and the risk specific to the investment.
Amendment 114 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 2 a (new) Directive 2002/20/EC Article 3 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 1 a (new) (2a) In Article 3(2), the following new subparagraph shall be added: "Global telecommunications services shall be subject to no more than a simplified notification process with specified registration of electronic communications service activity as “global telecommunications services.” Global telecommunications services are managed business data and voice services for multinational companies with locations in different countries and often different continents. They are inherently cross-border and, within Europe, pan- European services."
Amendment 115 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 1. Member States shall not make the use of radio frequencies subject to the granting of individual rights of use but shall include the conditions for usage of such radio frequencies in the general authorisation, unless it is justified to grant individual rights in order to: (a) avoid a
Amendment 116 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point a (a) avoid
Amendment 117 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 2 Without prejudice to specific criteria
Amendment 118 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 3 When granting rights of use, Member States shall specify whether those rights can be transferred by the holder of the rights, and under which conditions. In the case of radio frequencies, such provisions shall be in accordance with Article 9
Amendment 119 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 5 Amendment 120 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 3 3. Decisions on rights of use shall be taken, communicated and made public as soon as possible after receipt of the complete application by the national regulatory authority, within three weeks in the case of numbers that have been allocated for specific purposes within the national numbering plan and within six weeks in the case of radio frequencies that have been allocated for
Amendment 121 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 4. Where it has been decided, after consultation with interested parties in accordance with Article 6 of Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive), that rights for use of numbers of exceptional economic value are to be granted through competitive or comparative selection procedures, Member States may extend the
Amendment 122 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 6 6. National regulatory authorities shall ensure that radio frequencies are efficiently and effectively used in accordance with Article 9(2) of Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive). They shall also ensure competition is not distorted as a result of any transfer or accumulation of radio frequencies usage rights.
Amendment 123 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 - introductory part 1. In order to achieve the objectives set out in Article 1, and without prejudice to Article 5(2) of this Directive and the Radio Spectrum Decision, the Commission may adopt implementing measures:
Amendment 124 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 1 – point d Amendment 125 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 1 – point d a (new) (da) to harmonise the conditions for general authorisations specified in Annex 1;
Amendment 126 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6 b 1. The technical implementing measure referred to in paragraph 6a(1)(f) may provide for the
Amendment 127 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 13 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 17 – paragraph 1 1. Without prejudice to Article 9a of Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive), Member States
Amendment 128 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Annex II Amendment 129 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Annex II – point 1 –point d (d) the method of determining usage fees for the right of use of the radio frequencies, without prejudice to systems defined by Member States where the obligation to pay usage fees is replaced by an obligation to fulfil specific general interest objectives;
Amendment 45 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 1 a (new) (1a) The provisions of this Directive that provide for the transition of electronic communications and services to a fully competitive market should be limited in time. The ex ante regulation of electronic communications and services should no longer apply once only Community and national competition law is applicable. To ensure a timely transition to the application of Community and national competition law, current legislation should expire on a specific date. In the event of remaining competition problems, the Commission should propose an extension of the application of ex ante regulation by proposing an amendment to the current legal framework.
Amendment 46 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 2 (2) In that regard, the Commission presented its initial findings in its Communication to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions of 29 June 2006 on the review of the EU regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services. On the basis of these initial findings, a public consultation was held, which identified the
Amendment 47 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 3 a (new) (3a) Electronic communications services are a fast developing sector, characterised by a high level of technological innovation and highly dynamic markets. There is a need to scrutinise regularly the accuracy of regulation in changing markets and technology with the aim of achieving the most from competition regarding prices, services and infrastructure. To ensure that EU citizens will continue to be able fully to participate in the global information society, innovation and the roll out of high-speed next generation networks able to satisfy future customer demands for more bandwidth and more services should be a priority in the application of this Directive.
Amendment 48 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 3 b (new) (3b) The regulatory framework has to meet the new investment and innovation challenges, recognising the need to encourage both investment, in capacity as well as new infrastructure, and sustainable competition, so that consumer choice is extended and not undermined.
Amendment 49 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 5 a (new) (5a) In its Communication of 20 March 2006 entitled "Bridging the Broadband Gap", the Commission acknowledged that there is a territorial divide in Europe regarding access to high-speed broadband services. Moreover, commercial incentives to invest in broadband deployment in areas with currently low broadband connection often turn out to be insufficient. In order to ensure investment in broadband services and new technologies in underdeveloped regions, this Directive should be consistent with other policy measures, such as State aid policy, structural funds or wider industrial policy aims.
Amendment 50 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 22 (22) Spectrum users should also be able to freely choose the services they wish to offer over the spectrum subject to transitional measures to cope with
Amendment 51 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 31 (31) It is necessary to strengthen the powers of the Member States vis-à-vis holders of rights of way to ensure the entry or roll out of new network in an environmentally responsible way and independently of any obligation on an operator with significant market power to grant access to its electronic communications network. National regulatory authorities should be able to impose, on a case-by-case basis, the sharing of ducts, masts, and antennas, the entry into buildings and a better coordination of civil works. Improving facility sharing can significantly improve competition and lower the overall financial and environmental cost of deploying electronic communications infrastructure for undertakings. The sharing of ducts should be extended to cover all public infrastructure (water, sewage, electricity, gas) through which electronic communications infrastructure can be deployed to create a level playing field and improve possibilities for the roll out of alternative infrastructure.
Amendment 52 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 32 (32)
Amendment 53 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 33 (33)
Amendment 54 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 33 a (new) (33a) The management of telephony networks and services has historically been characterised by a high level of international cooperation to ensure harmonisation of technical standards and promote interoperability. Internet has achieved interoperability through open global standards for inter-network routing, while the development of services using Internet has depended upon the freedom to create new technical standards and protocols without regulatory intervention; that freedom has enabled unprecedented innovation in the creation of information society services and other, non-commercial services, yielding enormous economic and social gains for the people of Europe. Each tradition for the development and coordination of technical standards has benefited society in its respective sphere. The national regulatory authorities should recognise the importance of innovation and diversity in Internet protocols and services, and the importance of regulatory forbearance in achieving those objectives.
Amendment 55 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 33 b (new) Amendment 56 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 39 a (new) (39a) There is a need to encourage both investment and competition, so that consumer choice is protected and not undermined.
Amendment 57 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 44 a (new) (44a) The continuing integration of markets within the Internal Market in electronic communications services and networks means that there will be a need for closer coordination, of the enforcement of the regulatory instruments provided for in the legal framework.
Amendment 58 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 45 a (new) (45a) The approach used so far to ensure uniform application of the law in the Internal Market, namely an exchange of information and experience between national regulatory authorities, has proved satisfactory. That being so, the procedure laid down for joint decision- taking pursues the objective of enhancing cooperation between national regulatory authorities. In view of the wide variety of problems with which the national regulatory authorities are faced and the often differing market conditions in the Member States, the only adequate and sufficient solution compatible with the requirements of the subsidiarity principle is one based on the use of existing decentralised powers.
Amendment 59 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 46 a (new) (46a) The Network of National Regulatory Authorities must be provided with staff and equipment in order to guarantee the smooth running of the joint decision-taking procedures. Funding by the European Union is the only way of ensuring the independence of joint decision-taking. In this connection the secretariat only supplies work equipment for the joint body, and is not itself involved in decision-taking by the national regulatory authorities.
Amendment 60 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 50 Amendment 61 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 50 Amendment 62 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 50 (50)
Amendment 63 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 60 (60) In particular, power should be conferred on the Commission to adopt implementing measures in relation to the notifications under Article 7 of the Framework Directive; the harmonisation in the fields of spectrum and numbering as well as in matters related to security of networks and services; the identification of trans-national markets; the implementation of the standards; the harmonised application of the provisions of the
Amendment 64 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 60 a (new) (60a) Activities pursued under this Directive should recognise the work of international and regional organisations related to radio spectrum management, e.g. the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT), to ensure the efficient management, and harmonisation of use of spectrum across the Community. Member States and the Commission should recognise the content of international agreements entered into by Member States pursuant to the ITU Radio Regulations in the implementation of this Directive.
Amendment 65 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 2 – point c Directive 2002/21/EC Article 2 – point e '(e) “associated facilities” means those facilities associated with an electronic communications network and/or an electronic communications service which enable and/or support the provision of services via that network and/or service or have the potential to do so, and include number or address translation systems, conditional access systems and electronic programme guides, as well as physical infrastructure such as ducts, including those of other public and private infrastructures such as water, sewage, gas and electricity, masts, street cabinets, and buildings;’
Amendment 66 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 3 a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 3 – paragraph 5 a (new) (3a) In Article 3, the following paragraph is added : "(5a) The Member States shall ensure that the national regulatory authorities jointly create the Network of National Regulatory Authorities in accordance with Article 3a."
Amendment 67 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 3 b (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 3 – paragraph 6 a (new) (3b) In Article 3, the following paragraph is added : "(6a) The Member States shall ensure that the national regulatory authorities take common positions of the Network into account as far as possible in their decisions. The same applies, mutatis mutandis, to the appeal procedure under Article 4."
Amendment 68 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 3 c (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 3 a (new) Amendment 69 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 5 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 1. Member States shall ensure that undertakings providing electronic communications networks and services provide all the information, including financial information, necessary for national regulatory authorities to ensure conformity with the provisions of, or decisions made in accordance with, this Directive and the Specific Directives.
Amendment 70 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 5 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 1. Member States shall ensure that undertakings providing electronic communications networks and services provide all the information, including financial information, necessary for national regulatory authorities to ensure conformity with the provisions of, or decisions made in accordance with, this Directive and the Specific Directives.
Amendment 71 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 4 – point c Amendment 72 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 3 – first subparagraph 3. Unless otherwise provided in the second subparagraph or in the measures adopted pursuant to Articles 9c and 9d, Member States shall
Amendment 73 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 1 3. Unless otherwise provided in the second subparagraph or in the measures adopted pursuant to paragraph Article 9c, Member States shall ensure that all types of radio network or wireless access technology may be used in the radio frequency bands open to electronic communications services taking into account the national frequency allocation table and the ITU Radio Regulations.
Amendment 74 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 2 – point c (c)
Amendment 75 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 2 – point c (c) ensure maximisation of radio frequenc
Amendment 76 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 2 – point c a (new) (ca) ensure the efficient use of radio frequencies, or
Amendment 77 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 4. Unless otherwise provided in the second subparagraph
Amendment 78 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 4. Unless otherwise provided in the second subparagraph or in the measures adopted pursuant to Article 9c, Member States shall ensure that all types of electronic communications services may be provided in the radio frequency bands
Amendment 79 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 4. Unless otherwise provided in the second subparagraph or in the measures adopted pursuant to Article 9c, Member States shall ensure, taking into account internationally agreed frequency plans and the ITU Radio Regulations, that all types of electronic communications services may be provided in the radio frequency bands open to electronic communications. The Member States may, however, provide for proportionate and non-discriminatory restrictions to the types of electronic communications services to be provided.
Amendment 80 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 2 Restrictions that require an electronic communications service to be provided in a specific band shall be justified in order to ensure the fulfilment of a general interest objective, as defined in national legislation, in conformity with Community law, such as safety of life, the promotion of social, regional or territorial cohesion, the avoidance of inefficient use of radio frequencies, or, as defined in national legislation in conformity with Community law,
Amendment 81 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 2 Restrictions that require an electronic communications service to be provided in a specific band shall be justified in order to ensure the fulfilment of a general interest objective, as defined in national legislation, in conformity with Community law, such as safety of life, the promotion of social, regional or territorial cohesion, the avoidance of inefficient use of radio frequencies, or, as defined in national legislation in conformity with Community law, the promotion of cultural and linguistic diversity and media pluralism or the provision of radio and television broadcasting services.
Amendment 82 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 3 A restriction which prohibits the provision of any other electronic communications service in a specific band may only be provided for where justified by the need to protect safety of life services or to ensure the fulfilment of a general interest as defined in national legislation in conformity with Community law, such as the promotion of cultural and linguistic diversity and media pluralism.
Amendment 83 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 5 5. Member States shall regularly review the necessity of the restrictions referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4. It lies within the competence of the Member States to define the scope and nature of any exception.
Amendment 84 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9a Amendment 85 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9a Amendment 86 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9b – paragraph 1 1. Where appropriate, Member States shall ensure that undertakings may transfer or lease to other undertakings individual rights to use radio frequencies in the bands for which this is provided in the implementing measures
Amendment 87 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9b – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 1. Member States shall ensure that undertakings may transfer or lease to other undertakings individual rights to use radio frequencies in the bands for which this is provided in the implementing measures adopted pursuant to Article 9c
Amendment 88 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c In order to contribute to the development of the internal market, for the achievement of the principles of this Article, the
Amendment 89 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – point a (a)
Amendment 90 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – point d (d) create an exception to the principle of service or technology neutrality, as well as to harmonise the scope and nature of any exceptions to the principle of service or technology neutrality in accordance with paragraphs Article 9(3) and (4) other than those aimed at ensuring the promotion of cultural and linguistic diversity and media pluralism considering the need for a better access to the information society for all citizens.
Amendment 91 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – paragraph 2 Amendment 92 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – paragraph 2 These measures designed to amend non- essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 22(3). On imperative grounds of urgency, the Commission may use the urgency procedure referred to in Article 22(4). In the implementation of the provisions of this paragraph, the Commission may be assisted by the
Amendment 93 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 d (new) Amendment 94 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 11 – point -a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 10 – paragraph 1 Amendment 95 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 11 – point a Directive 2002/21/EC Article 10 – paragraph 2 2. National regulatory authorities shall ensure that numbering plans and procedures are applied in a manner that gives equal treatment to all providers
Amendment 96 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 11 – point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 10 – paragraph 4 4. Member States shall support the harmonisation
Amendment 97 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 13 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 12 – paragraph 1 1. Where an undertaking providing electronic communications networks has the right under national legislation to install facilities on, over or under public or private property, or may take advantage of a procedure for the expropriation or use of property, national regulatory authorities shall be able to impose the sharing of such facilities or property, taking full account of the principle of proportionality, including entries to buildings, masts, antennae, ducts, manholes and street cabinets.
Amendment 98 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 13 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 12 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 a (new) National regulatory authorities may, where appropriate, also impose the sharing of these facilities to other public undertakings provided that the facility sharing is proportional.
Amendment 99 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 13 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 12 – paragraph 3 a (new) 3a. To ensure that measures under paragraph 1 are proportionate, national regulatory authorities shall investigate the availability of all ducts including those of telecommunications operators, energy providers, local communities and sewage pipes, capable of carrying telecommunications lines in the area where access is requested.
source: PE-406.059
117 amendments...
Amendment 100 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 3 a (new) (3a) The regulatory framework should also encompass the additional aims of promoting consumer protection in the electronic communications sector by providing for accurate and comprehensive information, employing every possible arrangement and procedure to that end, for transparency in terms of fees and charges, and for high standards in the delivery of services; of fully recognising the role of consumer associations in public consultations; and of ensuring that the authorities or agents responsible are provided with the means enabling them to thwart possible rigging and act with the necessary effectiveness to stamp out any instances of fraud involving electronic communications services.
Amendment 101 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 3 b (new) (3b) The reform of the EU regulatory framework would be best enhanced by the improved functioning and efficiency of the European Regulators Group (ERG), the Radio Spectrum Policy Group (RSPG) and the European Conference on Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT). The advisory role of the ERG should be strengthened in areas including market regulation and spectrum policy. The advisory roles of both the RSPG and the CEPT should be reinforced in relation to spectrum policy. The functioning of the Communications Committee (COCOM) and the Radio Spectrum Committee (RSC) would benefit from greater transparency and the more active involvement of industry stakeholders in the preparation of ongoing tasks.
Amendment 102 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 3 b (new) (3b) Next generation networks have enormous potential to deliver benefits to consumers across the European Union and to strengthen European international competitiveness vis-à-vis other economies of the world. It is, therefore, vital that sustainable investment into these networks is not being impeded by prolongation of regulatory regimes which have aimed at providing access to existing legacy networks and that investment- incentives being provided while boosting competition and consumer choice.
Amendment 103 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 3 d (new) (3d) Investment in R&D is of vital importance for the development of next generation fibre optics networks and for achieving flexible and efficient radio access thereby favouring enhanced competition and innovative applications and services to the benefit of consumers. The challenge is to deliver the next generation of ubiquitous and converged network and service infrastructures for electronic communications, computing and media.
Amendment 104 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 3 e (new) (3e) Public policy should play a role in complementing the effective functioning of the electronic communications market, addressing both the supply and demand side to stimulate the virtuous circle where development of better content and services depends on infrastructure deployment and vice-versa. Public intervention should be proportionate and should neither distort competition nor inhibit private investment and should increase incentives to invest and lower entry barriers. In this respect, public authorities may support the rollout of future-proof high-capacity infrastructure. In so doing, public support should be attributed through open, transparent and competitive procedures, should not favour a priori any given technology and provide access to infrastructure on a non-discriminatory basis.
Amendment 105 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 4 a (new) (4a) In order to safeguard sustainable competition and to ensure that end-users derive the maximum benefits, national regulatory authorities should apply ex- ante regulatory obligations proportionately and in line with the real and specific competitive conditions that exist in each geographical area. If a market is competitive in a given geographical area, national regulatory authorities should encourage the deployment of competing infrastructures and allow for accessing the network of the undertaking(s) with significant market power at the deepest possible level. Where a market is not effectively competitive in a given geographical area, third parties should be able to access the network of the undertaking(s) with significant market power in a way that makes the provision by them of competitive services technically and economically viable.
Amendment 106 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 4 a (new) (4a) In order to achieve the goals of the Lisbon agenda and to boost investment into next generation access networks (NGA-networks) in Europe for the benefit of European consumers and the international competitiveness of Europe’s industry, a new regulatory regime for access to NGA-networks is essential and necessary. The goal of this new regime is to provide incentives for investment into NGA-networks and supporting competition where infrastructure competition does not exist. Due to the fact that market power in downstream emerging markets is difficult to grasp, the NGA-network access regime (NNAR) laid down in Article 12(3) and Article 13(4) and (6) of the Access Directive focuses on infrastructure competition and not on competition in downstream markets alone. This concept reflects dynamic developments in new access opportunities in the field of electronic communications. Thus the NGA-network access regime (NNAR) as such has to introduce dynamic elements and has to promote developments in next generation networks as well as in downstream electronic communications markets. It aims at giving the right incentives for all market players to innovate and to invest in new access networks and in new downstream markets.
Amendment 107 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 4 a (new) (4a) The requirement for national regulatory authorities to make regulation as far as possible technologically neutral does not prevent the appropriate differentiation between regulation of existing copper-based networks and newly built networks such as high-speed fibre- based access networks. Asymmetric ex ante price and access regulation relates to the ownership of specific technical assets and should not automatically be extended to newly build - or still to be build - networks that no longer rely on ‘legacy’ elements stemming from the former monopoly.
Amendment 108 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 4 a (new) (4a) In order to achieve the goals of the Lisbon agenda and to boost investment in next-generation access networks (NGA networks) for the benefit of European consumers and the international competitiveness of European industry, a new regulatory framework for access to NGA networks is necessary. The goal of this new legal framework is to provide incentives for investment in NGA networks, while supporting competition by granting access to those networks where infrastructure competition is not feasible. Due to the fact that market power in emerging markets is difficult to pin down, the regulatory framework for NGA- network access laid down in Article 12(3) and Article 13(4) and (6) focuses on access to new infrastructure and not on significant market power in downstream markets. This concept reflects the dynamic development of the market and market entry opportunities in the field of electronic communications networks. Thus the regulatory framework for NGA network access has also to introduce dynamic elements and has to promote market developments by giving the right incentives for all market players to innovate and to invest in new access networks and in new downstream markets.
Amendment 109 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 4 b (new) (4b) Innovation and the timely and competitive roll out of high-speed next generation networks able to satisfy future customer demand for more bandwidth and more services should be a priority reflected in the Directives to ensure that EU citizens will continue to fully participate in the global information society. It is therefore necessary to differentiate the regulatory approach between legacy and new networks, avoiding inappropriate regulatory obligations on undertakings providing new services and/or networks, such as high-speed fibre access networks, which require important investments and where demand is subject to high uncertainty, in particular in areas where competitive platforms are present. A new regulatory approach to access to NGA-networks should provide incentives for investment in NGA-networks and at the same time favour competition by granting access to such networks where infrastructure competition is not viable. This reflects the ongoing dynamic development of new access opportunities in the field of electronic communications and the need for stable regulatory conditions for investment decisions, with the aim of providing incentives for all market players to innovate and invest in new access networks and new downstream markets.
Amendment 110 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 4 b (new) (4b) Without prejudice to Directive 1999/5/CE of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 1999 on radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment and the mutual recognition of their conformity, it is necessary to clarify the application of certain aspects of terminal equipments concerning access for disabled end-users to ensure interoperability between terminal equipments and electronic communications networks and services.
Amendment 111 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 5 a (new) (5a) In its Communication “Bridging the Broadband Gap” of 20 March 2006, the European Commission acknowledged that there is a territorial divide in Europe regarding access to high speed broadband services. Despite the general increase in broadband connectivity, access in various regions is limited because of high costs due to low density of population and remoteness. Commercial incentives to invest in broadband deployment in these areas often turn out to be insufficient and therefore a combined policy and market approach is needed.
Amendment 112 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 5 a (new) (5a) In its Communication “Bridging the Broadband Gap” of 20 March 2006, the European Commission acknowledged that there is a territorial divide in Europe regarding access to high speed broadband services. Despite the general increase in broadband connectivity, access in various regions is limited because of high costs due to low density of population and remoteness. Commercial incentives to invest in broadband deployment in these areas often turn out to be insufficient. On the positive side, technological innovation is reducing deployment costs. In order to ensure that investment in new technologies in underdeveloped regions is ensured, electronic communications regulation should be consistent with other policy measures taken, such as state aid policy, structural funds or wider industrial policy aims.
Amendment 113 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 5 b (new) (5b) The activities of national regulatory authorities and of the European Commission within the framework for e- electronic communications contribute to the fulfilment of broader policies in the areas of competitiveness and innovation, culture, employment, the environment, social and regional cohesion and town and country planning.
Amendment 114 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 5 b (new) (5b) The activities of national regulatory authorities and of the European Commission within the framework for e- electronic communications contribute to the fulfilment of broader policies in the areas of public policy objectives, culture, employment, the environment, social cohesion, regional development and town and country planning.
Amendment 115 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 9 a (new) (9a) The views of national regulatory authorities and industry stakeholders should be taken into account by the Commission when making decisions under this Directive through the use of effective consultation to ensure transparency and proportionality. The Commission should issue detailed consultation documents, explaining the different courses of action being considered, and interested stakeholders shall be given a reasonable time in which to respond. Having considered the responses, the Commission should give reasons for the resulting decision in a statement following the relevant consultation, including a description of how the views of those responding have been taken into account.
Amendment 116 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 10 a (new) (10a) The aim is to reduce ex ante sector specific rules progressively as competition in the markets develops and, ultimately, for electronic communications to be governed by competition law only. It may well be the case that competition develops at different rates in different markets and in different areas within Member States. In order to ensure that regulation is proportional and adapted to varying competitive conditions, national regulatory authorities should be able to (a) define markets on a sub-national basis and/or (b) lift regulatory obligations in markets and/or geographic areas where there is effective infrastructure competition, even if they are not defined as separate markets. National regulatory authorities should also be able to require network components and associated facilities to be shared in order to facilitate the establishment of networks, including the deployment of fibre optic access networks.
Amendment 117 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 10 a (new) (10a) The sector specific ex-ante rules have been introduced to serve the transition from former monopolies into competitive markets for electronic communications networks and services. In a period when incumbents controlled access to monopolistic networks ex ante regulation was justified unless the problems could by solved by competition law alone. But with investment into new networks – cable networks and next generation networks – the need for ex- ante regulation will be less justified. Where access seekers have the choice between two or more access networks ex-ante regulation is no longer justified. This phase-out concept should no longer focus on effective competition in downstream markets for electronic communications service markets but on the existence of infrastructure competition (infrastructure test). If according to this test infrastructure competition exists, sector specific ex-ante regulation should not be continued and Community and national competition law should solely be applied without taking recourse to the three criteria test, which focuses on competition in downstream markets and the choice between ex-ante regulation and competition law. The infrastructure test should apply not only to national markets but to sub-national markets in such geographic areas where infrastructure competition is feasible. National Regulatory Authorities should define such geographic sub-national markets taking into account economic feasibility of network competition.
Amendment 118 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 10 b (new) (10b) Whilst the current access regime for existing legacy networks has focused on the transition from monopolistic downstream markets to markets with effective competition and to a lesser degree on promoting infrastructure based competition, a new access regime for next generation access networks (NGA- networks) is required. Such networks will only come into existence if investors are willing to engage in risky investments. Risks for such investments are stemming from the fact that consumers’ preferences and their willingness to pay higher prices for new innovative products are uncertain. Moreover, the access regime for NGA-networks has an impact on that risk as well. Thus, a new access regime for NGA-networks (NNAR) has to be introduced, which provides incentives for investment into new networks. The new regulatory environment for such networks has to be predictable and sustainable. It should promote infrastructure competition, enable competitive advantages to be derived from infrastructure investment and allow for access options for access seekers and thereby, enhance choices and improve services for consumers.
Amendment 119 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 11 (11) The Community mechanism allowing the Commission to require national regulatory authorities to withdraw planned measures concerning market definition and the designation of operators having significant market power has contributed significantly to a consistent approach in identifying the circumstances in which ex- ante regulation may be applied and the
Amendment 120 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 11 a (new) (11a) National communication markets will continue to differ within the European Union; the competencies and knowledge of the National regulatory authorities and BERT are essential in building a competitive European ecosystem in communication markets and services while understanding national and regional differences and respecting the requirements of subsidiarity;
Amendment 121 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 13 (13)
Amendment 122 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 15 a (new) (15a) Member States should encourage stakeholders to enter into cooperation arrangements to enable online services to run smoothly and to make for a high level of user confidence. In particular, electronic communications network and/or service providers and other stakeholders should be encouraged to work together to promote lawful content and protect content online. Cooperation of this kind, extending beyond the regulatory framework without undermining it, could take the practical form of, for example, codes of conduct drawn up by, after being negotiated and approved among, the parties concerned. Such codes are already provided for in principle in many Community instruments, including for instance the Directive on electronic commerce (Directive 2000/31/EC, Article 16), the Directive on the enforcement of intellectual property rights (Directive 2004/48/EC, Article 17), and the Directive on the protection of personal data (Directive 95/46/EC, Article 27). Cooperation among stakeholders along such lines is essential in order to promote online content, and European cultural content in particular, and to unleash the potential of the information society.
Amendment 123 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 15 a (new) Amendment 124 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 16 (16) Radio frequencies are the property of Member States. It is within the competence of Member States to ensure the management of radio frequencies. They should be considered a scarce public resource, which has an important public and
Amendment 125 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 16 (16) Radio frequencies are the property of Member States. They should be considered a scarce public resource, which has an important public and
Amendment 126 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 16 (16) Radio frequencies are the property of Member States. They should be considered a scarce public resource, which has an important public and
Amendment 127 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 16 (16) Radio frequencies should be considered a scarce public resource that has an important public and market value. It is in the public interest that spectrum is managed as efficiently and effectively as possible from an economic, social and environmental perspective and taking account of cultural goals and the objectives of media pluralism, and that obstacles to its efficient use are gradually withdrawn
Amendment 128 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 17 (17) Radio frequencies should be managed so as to ensure that harmful interference is avoided. This basic concept of harmful interference should therefore be properly defined by taking account of existing internationally or regionally agreed frequency allocation plans to ensure that regulatory intervention is limited to the extent necessary to prevent such interference.
Amendment 129 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 19a (new) (19a) Although spectrum management remains within the competence of the Member States, coordination at Community level can ensure that spectrum users derive the full benefits of the internal market and that EU interests can be effectively defended world-wide.
Amendment 130 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 19 a (new) (19a) Although spectrum management remains within the competence of the Member States, coordination and, where appropriate, harmonisation at Community level can help ensure that spectrum users derive the full benefits of the internal market and that EU interests can be effectively defended world-wide.
Amendment 131 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 19 a (new) (19a) Although spectrum management remains within the competence of the Member States, coordination and, where appropriate, harmonisation at Community level can help ensure that spectrum users derive the full benefits of the internal market and that EU interests can be effectively defended world-wide.
Amendment 132 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 19 a (new) (19a) Recommends holding a spectrum- summit in 2010 driven by Member States, including the European Parliament, European Commission and all stakeholders. The outcome of this summit should be to achieve clarification in the following areas: a) greater consistency in European spectrum policies in general; b) freeing spectrum for new communication services once the digital switchover takes place; c) clarification with regard to difficulties in specific sectors or for specific frequency bandwidth during the switchover period.
Amendment 133 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 20 (20) Flexibility in spectrum management and access should be increased through technology- and service- neutral authorisations to let spectrum users choose the best technologies and services to apply in
Amendment 134 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 20 (20) Flexibility in spectrum management and access should be increased through technology- and service- neutral authorisations to let spectrum users choose the best technologies and services to apply in
Amendment 135 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 21 (21) Exceptions to the principle of technology neutrality should be limited and justified by the need to avoid harmful interference, for example by imposing emission masks and power levels, or to ensure the protection of public health by limiting public exposure to electromagnetic fields
Amendment 136 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 21 (21)
Amendment 137 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 21 (21)
Amendment 138 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 22 (22) Spectrum users should also be able to freely choose the services they wish to offer over the spectrum subject to transitional measures to cope with previously acquired rights.
Amendment 139 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 22 (22) Spectrum users should also be able to freely choose the services they wish to offer over the spectrum subject to transitional measures to cope with previously acquired rights. It should be possible for exceptions to the principle of service neutrality which require the provision of a specific service to meet clearly defined general interest objectives such as safety of life, the need to promote social, regional and territorial cohesion, or the avoidance of inefficient use of spectrum to be permitted where necessary
Amendment 140 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 22 (22) Spectrum users should also be able to freely choose the services they wish to offer over the spectrum subject to transitional measures to cope with previously acquired rights. It should be possible for exceptions to the principle of service neutrality which require the provision of a specific service to meet
Amendment 141 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 22 (22) Spectrum users should also be able to freely choose the services they wish to offer over the spectrum subject to transitional measures to
Amendment 142 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 22 (22) Spectrum users should also be able to freely choose the services they wish to offer over the spectrum subject to transitional measures to cope with previously acquired rights. It should be possible for exceptions to the principle of service neutrality which require the provision of a specific service to meet clearly defined general interest objectives such as safety of life, the need to promote social, regional and territorial cohesion, better access to the information society for all citizens, or the avoidance of inefficient use of spectrum to be permitted where necessary and proportionate. The aim of promoting better access to the information society includes the provision of mobile broadband services in rural areas and the continuous increase in the quality and bandwidth of these services. Those objectives should include the promotion of cultural and linguistic diversity and media pluralism as defined in national legislation in conformity with Community law. Except where necessary to protect safety of life, exceptions should not result in exclusive use for certain services, but rather grant priority so that other services or technologies may coexist in the same band insofar as possible. In order that the holder of the authorisation may choose freely the most efficient means to carry the content of services provided over radio frequencies, the content should not be regulated in the authorisation to use radio frequencies.
Amendment 143 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 22 (22) Spectrum users should also be able to freely choose the services they wish to offer over the spectrum subject to transitional measures to cope with previously acquired rights. It should be possible for exceptions to the principle of service neutrality which require the provision of a specific service to meet clearly defined general interest objectives such as safety of life, the need to promote social, regional and territorial cohesion, better access to the information society for all citizens or the avoidance of inefficient use of spectrum to be permitted where necessary and proportionate. The aim of promoting better access to the information society for all citizens includes the supply of rural areas with mobile broadband electronic communication services and the continuous increase in the quality of mobile services and bandwidth. Those objectives should include the promotion of cultural and linguistic diversity, and media pluralism as defined in national legislation in conformity with Community law. Except where necessary to protect safety of life, exceptions should not result in exclusive use for certain services, but rather grant priority so that other services or technologies may coexist in the same band insofar as possible. In order that the holder of the authorisation may choose freely the most efficient means to carry the content of services provided over radio frequencies, the content should not be regulated in the authorisation to use radio frequencies.
Amendment 144 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 22 (22) Spectrum users should also be able to freely choose the services they wish to offer over the spectrum subject to transitional measures to cope with previously acquired rights. It should be possible for exceptions to the principle of service neutrality which require the provision of a specific service to meet clearly defined general interest objectives such as safety of life, the need to promote social, regional and territorial cohesion, better access to the information society for all citizens or the avoidance of inefficient use of spectrum to be permitted where necessary and proportionate. The aim of promoting better access to the information society for all citizens includes the supply of rural areas with mobile broadband electronic communication services and the continuous increase in the quality of mobile services and bandwidth. Those objectives should include the promotion of cultural and linguistic diversity, and media pluralism as defined in national legislation in conformity with Community law. Except where necessary to protect safety of life,
Amendment 145 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 22 (22) Spectrum users should also be able to freely choose the services they wish to offer over the spectrum subject to transitional measures to cope with previously acquired rights. It should be possible for exceptions to the principle of service neutrality which require the provision of a specific service to meet clearly defined general interest objectives
Amendment 146 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 23 (23) It lies within the competence of the Member States to define the scope and nature of any
Amendment 147 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 23 (23) It lies within the competence of the Member States to define the scope and nature of any exception regarding the promotion of cultural and linguistic diversity and media pluralism in accordance with their own national law. In doing so, Member States may take into account the cultural relevance of certain services and systems for multimedia-based audio, video and live productions as well as the opportunities the digital dividend offers to new technologies and new operators in this perspective.
Amendment 148 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 23 (23) It lies within the competence of the Member States to define the scope and nature of any exception regarding the
Amendment 149 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 23 (23) It lies within the competence of the Member States to define the scope and nature of any exception regarding the promotion of cultural and linguistic diversity and media pluralism in accordance with their own national law. These objectives must be in line with the other public interest objectives set out in Recital 22.
Amendment 150 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 23 (23) It lies within the competence of the Member States to define the scope and nature of any exception regarding the promotion of cultural and linguistic diversity and media pluralism in accordance with their own national law. These aims should be brought appropriately in line with the other aims of public interest in Recital 22.
Amendment 151 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 23 (23) It lies within the competence of the Member States to define the scope and nature of any exception regarding the promotion of cultural and linguistic diversity and media pluralism in accordance with their own national law. These aims should be brought appropriately in line with the other aims of public interest stated in Recital 22.
Amendment 152 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 23 (23) It lies within the competence of the Member States to define the scope and nature of any exception regarding the promotion of cultural and linguistic diversity, national audiovisual and media policies and media pluralism in accordance with their own national law.
Amendment 153 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 24 Amendment 154 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 24 Amendment 155 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 26 Amendment 156 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 27 (27) For internal market purposes, it may also be necessary to
Amendment 157 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 29 (29) In order to promote the functioning of the internal market, and to support the development of cross-border services, the Commission should be given the power to grant the Authority specific responsibilities in the area of numbering without detrimental effects to existing services. Furthermore, to allow citizens of the Member States, including travellers and disabled users, to be able to reach
Amendment 158 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 29 (29) In order to promote the functioning of the internal market, and to support the development of cross-border services, the Commission should be given the power to grant the Authority specific responsibilities in the area of numbering without detrimental effects to existing services. Furthermore, to allow citizens of the Member States, including travellers and disabled users, to be able to reach
Amendment 159 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 29 (29) In order to promote the functioning of the internal market, and to support the development of cross-border services, the Commission should be given the power to grant the Authority specific responsibilities in the area of numbering. Furthermore, to allow citizens of the Member States, including travellers and disabled users, to be able to reach
Amendment 160 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 31 (31) It is necessary to strengthen the
Amendment 161 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 31 (31) It is necessary to strengthen the powers of the Member States vis-à-vis holders of rights of way to ensure the entry or roll out of new network in an environmentally responsible way and independently of any obligation on an operator with significant market power to grant access to its electronic communications network. National regulatory authorities should be able to impose, on a case-by-case basis, the sharing of ducts, masts, and antennas, the entry into buildings and a better coordination of civil works. Improving facility sharing can significantly improve competition and lower the overall financial and environmental cost of deploying electronic communications infrastructure for undertakings. The sharing of ducts should be extended to cover all public infrastructure (water, sewage, electricity, gas) through which electronic communications infrastructure can be deployed to create a level playing field and improve possibilities for the roll out of alternative infrastructure.
Amendment 162 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 31 (31) It is necessary to strengthen the powers of the Member States vis-à-vis holders of rights of way to ensure the entry or roll out of new network in a
Amendment 163 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 32 (32) Reliable and secure communication of information over electronic communications networks is increasingly central to the whole economy and society in general. System complexity, technical failure or human mistake, accidents or attacks may all have consequences for the functioning and availability of the physical infrastructures that deliver important services to EU citizens, including e- Government services. National regulatory authorities should therefore ensure the integrity and security of public communications networks are maintained. The
Amendment 164 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 33 (33) Where there is a need to agree on a common set of security requirements, power should be conferred on the Commission to adopt technical implementing measures to achieve an adequate level of security of electronic communications networks and services in the internal market. The
Amendment 165 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 33 (33) Where there is a need to agree on a common set of security requirements, power should be conferred on the Commission to adopt technical implementing measures to achieve an adequate level of security of electronic communications networks and services in the internal market where industry led self regulatory initiatives have not achieved an adequate level of security in the internal market in one or more Member States. Where technical implementing measures are deemed necessary, a cost reimbursement scheme at national level is required. The Authority should contribute to the harmonization of appropriate technical and organisational security measures by providing expert advice. National regulatory authorities should have the power to issue binding instructions relating to the technical implementing measures adopted pursuant to the Framework Directive. In order to perform their duties, they should have the power to investigate and to impose penalties in cases of non-compliance.
Amendment 166 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 43 Amendment 167 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 43 (43) The purpose of functional separation, whereby the vertically integrated operator is required to establish operationally separate business entities, is to ensure the provision of fully equivalent access products to all downstream operators, including the vertically integrated operator’s own downstream divisions. Functional separation
Amendment 168 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 43 (43) The purpose of functional separation, whereby the vertically integrated operator is required to establish operationally separate business entities, is to ensure in exceptional cases where existing remedies fail to achieve the objectives set out in Article 8 of the Framework Directive, the provision of fully equivalent access products to all downstream operators, including the vertically integrated operator’s own downstream divisions.
Amendment 169 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 43 (43) The purpose of functional separation, whereby the vertically integrated operator is required to establish operationally separate business entities, is to ensure the provision of fully equivalent access products to all downstream operators, including the vertically integrated operator’s own downstream divisions. Functional separation has the capacity to improve competition in several relevant markets by significantly reducing the incentive for discrimination and by making it easier for compliance with non- discrimination obligations to be verified and enforced. I
Amendment 170 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 43 (43) The purpose of functional separation, whereby the vertically integrated operator is required to establish operationally separate business entities, is to ensure the provision of fully equivalent access products to all downstream operators, including the vertically integrated operator’s own downstream divisions. Functional separation has the capacity to improve competition in several relevant markets by significantly reducing the incentive for discrimination and by making it easier for compliance with non- discrimination obligations to be verified and enforced. In exceptional cases, it may be justified as a remedy where
Amendment 171 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 43 (43) The purpose of functional separation, whereby the vertically integrated operator is required to establish operationally separate business entities, is to ensure the provision of fully equivalent access products to all downstream operators, including the vertically integrated operator’s own downstream divisions. Functional separation has the capacity to improve competition in several relevant markets by significantly reducing the incentive for discrimination and by making it easier for compliance with non- discrimination obligations to be verified and enforced. In exceptional cases, it may be justified as a remedy where
Amendment 172 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 43 (43) The purpose of functional separation, whereby the vertically integrated operator is required to establish operationally separate business entities, is to ensure the provision of fully equivalent access products to all downstream operators,
Amendment 173 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 43 (43) The purpose of functional separation, whereby the vertically integrated operator is required to establish operationally separate business entities, is to ensure the provision of fully equivalent access products to all downstream operators, including the vertically integrated operator’s own downstream divisions. Functional separation has the capacity to improve competition in several relevant markets by significantly reducing the incentive for discrimination and by making it easier for compliance with non- discrimination obligations to be verified and enforced. In exceptional cases, it may be justified as a remedy where
Amendment 174 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 43 (43) The purpose of functional separation, whereby the vertically integrated operator is required to establish operationally separate business entities, is to ensure the provision of fully equivalent access products to all downstream operators, including the vertically integrated operator’s own downstream divisions. Functional separation has the capacity to improve competition in several relevant markets by significantly reducing the incentive for discrimination and by making
Amendment 175 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 44 Amendment 176 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 45 Amendment 177 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 45 a (new) (45a) Operator selection and pre-selection are essential pillars of the competition which has been achieved so far, and should therefore continue to be available to end users on a technology-neutral basis. The provision conferring the power to impose an obligation to that effect has been deleted from Directive 2002/22/EC and inserted into Directive 2002/19/EC for reasons of consistency.
Amendment 178 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 46 (46) While
Amendment 179 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 47 (47) The Commission has the power to adopt implementing measures with a view to adapting the conditions for access to digital television and radio services set out in Annex I to market and technological developments. This is also the case for the minimum list of items in Annex II that must be made public to meet the obligation of transparency. In addition, the Commission should have the power to impose wholesale interconnection obligations on operators controlling access to end-users in order to ensure end-users the full benefit of competition in directory enquiry services. Such services are an essential tool in the use of electronic communications services and of particular relevance to elderly and disabled users. Wholesale measures are particularly advisable where they would facilitate the removal of universal service regulation at the retail level and allow a transition to a fully competitive environment.
Amendment 180 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 47 (47) The Commission has the power to adopt implementing measures with a view to adapting the conditions for access to digital television and radio services set out in Annex I to market and technological developments. This is also the case for the minimum list of items in Annex II that must be made public to meet the obligation of transparency. In addition, the Commission should have the power to impose wholesale interconnection obligations on operators controlling access to end-users in order to ensure end-users the full benefit of competition in directory enquiry services. Such services are an essential tool in the use of electronic communications services and of particular relevance to elderly and disabled users. Wholesale measures are particularly advisable where they would facilitate the removal of universal service regulation at the retail level and allow a transition to a fully competitive environment.
Amendment 181 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 47 (47) The Commission has the power to adopt implementing measures with a view to adapting the conditions for access to digital television and radio services set out in Annex I to market and technological developments. This is also the case for the minimum list of items in Annex II that must be made public to meet the obligation of transparency. In addition, the Commission may have the power to impose wholesale interconnection obligations on operators controlling access to end-users in order to ensure end-users the full benefit of competition in directory enquiry services. Such services are an essential tool in the use of electronic communications services and of particular relevance to elderly and disabled users.
Amendment 182 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 47 a (new) (47a) Where it is necessary to adopt harmonisation measures for the implementation of the Community’s electronic communications and spectrum policy which go beyond technical implementing measures, the Commission shall submit a legislative proposal to the European Parliament and the Council.
Amendment 183 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 47 a (new) (47a) Where it is necessary to adopt harmonisation measures for the implementation of the Community’s electronic communications and spectrum policy which go beyond technical implementing measures, the Commission shall submit a legislative proposal to the European Parliament and the Council.
Amendment 184 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 47 a (new) (47a) Where it is necessary to adopt harmonisation measures for the implementation of the Community’s electronic communications and spectrum policy which go beyond technical implementing measures, the Commission shall submit a legislative proposal to the European Parliament and the Council.
Amendment 185 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 49 Amendment 186 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 49 Amendment 187 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 50 Amendment 188 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 50 Amendment 189 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 50 Amendment 190 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 50 Amendment 191 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 50 Amendment 192 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 50 Amendment 193 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 50 (50)
Amendment 194 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 50 (50)
Amendment 195 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 51 (51) Considering its restrictive impact on free access to radio frequencies, the validity of an individual right of use that is not tradable should be limited in time. Where rights of use contain provision for renewing their validity, Member States should first carry out a review, including a public consultation, taking into account market, coverage and technological developments. In
Amendment 196 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 57 a (new) (57a) Activities pursued under this Directive should recognize the work of international and regional organizations related to radio spectrum management, e.g. the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT), to ensure the efficient management, and harmonisation of use of spectrum across the Community. Member States and the Commission should recognise the content of international agreements entered into by Member States pursuant to the ITU Radio Regulations in the implementation of this Directive.
Amendment 197 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 58 a (new) (58a) The Commission should monitor the developments of infrastructure competition in the electronic communications sector in co-operation with BERT. A review of sector specific ex- ante regulation should be undertaken by the Commission in January 2014 in order to evaluate the phase-out process of such regulation together with a concept of perpetuating such regulation in Member States and sub-national markets in which infrastructure competition will not yet be feasible.
Amendment 198 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 59 (59) Measures necessary for the implementation of the Framework, Access and Authorisation Directives should be adopted in accordance with Council Decision 1999/468/EC of 28 June 1999 laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission. Measures which may have a negative impact on cultural and media policy objectives as defined by Member States should not be taken by the European Commission in the form of implementing measures.
Amendment 199 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 59 (59) Measures necessary for the implementation of the Framework, Access and Authorisation Directives should be adopted in accordance with Council Decision 1999/468/EC of 28 June 1999 laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission.
Amendment 200 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 60 Amendment 201 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 60 (60) In particular, power should be conferred on the Commission to adopt implementing measures in relation to the notifications under Article 7 of the Framework Directive; the harmonisation in the field
Amendment 202 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 60 (60) In particular
Amendment 86 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 1 a (new) (1a) It is essential that ex ante regulatory obligations should only be imposed where there is no effective competition, i.e. in markets where there are one or more undertakings with significant market power, and where national and Community competition law remedies are not sufficient to address the problem. It is necessary therefore for the Commission to draw up guidelines at Community level in accordance with the principles of competition law for national regulatory authorities to follow in assessing whether competition is effective in a given market and in assessing significant market power. National regulatory authorities should analyse whether a given product or service market affects the whole or a part of the territory of the Member State concerned or neighbouring parts of territories of Member States considered together. In order to guarantee an accurate geographical market definition, which should ensure that regulation is based on the actual market conditions, national regulatory authorities should analyse whether geographical markets should be defined where competition conditions, and in particular, infrastructure competition, are not homogeneous enough within the national territory. An analysis of effective competition should include an analysis as to whether the market is prospectively competitive, and thus whether any lack of effective competition is durable. Those guidelines should also address the issue of newly emerging markets, where de facto the market leader is likely to have a substantial market share but should not be subjected to inappropriate obligations. In this respect it is necessary to differentiate the regulatory approach between legacy and new networks, avoiding unnecessary regulatory obligations on undertakings providing new access networks and services, whose demand is subject to a high uncertainty and require important investments to be provided. The Commission should review the guidelines regularly to ensure that they remain appropriate in a rapidly developing market. National regulatory authorities will need to cooperate with each other where the relevant market is found to be transnational.
Amendment 87 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 1 a (new) (1a) It is essential that ex ante regulatory obligations should only be imposed where there is no effective competition, i.e. in markets where there are one or more undertakings with significant market power, and where national and Community competition law remedies are not sufficient to address the problem. It is necessary therefore for the Commission to draw up guidelines at Community level in accordance with the principles of competition law for national regulatory authorities to follow in assessing whether competition is effective in a given market and in assessing significant market power. National regulatory authorities should analyse whether a given product or service market affects the whole or a part of the territory of the Member State concerned or neighbouring parts of territories of Member States considered together. In order to guarantee an accurate geographical market definition, which should ensure that regulation is based on the actual market conditions, national regulatory authorities should analyse whether geographical markets should be defined where competition conditions, and in particular, infrastructure competition, are not homogeneous enough within the national territory. An analysis of effective competition should include an analysis as to whether the market is prospectively competitive, and thus whether any lack of effective competition is durable. Those guidelines should also address the issue of newly emerging markets, where de facto the market leader is likely to have a substantial market share but should not be subjected to inappropriate obligations. In this respect it is necessary to differentiate the regulatory approach between legacy and new networks, avoiding unnecessary regulatory obligations on undertakings providing new access networks and services, whose demand is subject to a high uncertainty and require important investments to be provided. The Commission should review the guidelines regularly to ensure that they remain appropriate in a rapidly developing market. National regulatory authorities will need to cooperate with each other where the relevant market is found to be transnational.
Amendment 88 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 1 a (new) (1a) The sector-specific ex-ante regulation enshrined in the directives serves the transition from former monopolies to a competitive market for electronic communications networks and services. As soon as markets are competitive, ex-ante regulation should be discontinued and only Community and national competition law should apply. With growing competitive dynamics on European electronic communications markets the potential benefits of sector- specific ex-ante price and access regulation decrease significantly over time. The markets for electronic communications have shown strong competitive dynamics in recent years and competition is most likely to increase even further in the coming years. To ensure a timely transition to the sole application of Community and national competition law, the provisions of this of this directive on sector-specific ex-ante regulation should expire on a defined date, unless the Commission demonstrates that continued ex-ante regulation will still be warranted after that date.
Amendment 89 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 1 a (new) Amendment 90 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 1 a (new) (1a) The sector-specific ex-ante market regulation under this framework serves the transition from former monopolies into a competitive market for electronic communications networks and services. As soon as markets are competitive, ex- ante regulation should not be continued and Community and national competition law should solely apply. With growing competitive dynamics on European electronic communications markets the potential benefits of sector-specific ex- ante price and access regulation decrease significantly over time. To ensure a timely transition to the sole application of Community and national competition law, the provisions of this framework on sector-specific ex-ante regulation should expire on a defined date unless the Commission demonstrates that continued ex-ante regulation will still be warranted after that date.
Amendment 91 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 1 a (new) Amendment 92 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 3 (3) The EU regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services should therefore be reformed in order to complete the internal market for electronic communications by strengthening the Community mechanism for regulating operators with significant market power in the key markets.
Amendment 93 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 3 a (new) (3a) The objective of the EU regulatory framework for electronic communications is to create a sustainable "ecosystem" for electronic communications, based on supply and demand: the former through effective and competitive infrastructure and service markets, the latter thanks to increasing information society developments.
Amendment 94 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 3 a (new) (3a) The objective of the EU regulatory framework for electronic communications is to create a sustainable and internationally competitive “ecosystem” for electronic communications, based on effectively competitive product or service markets and effective competition between alternative electronic communications access networks with the goal of increasing information society developments. A sustainable environment for competition and investment in the electronic communications sector relies both on incentives for new infrastructure investment and sound and proportional regulation together with a gradual phase- out of sector specific ex-ante regulation and the transition to competition law.
Amendment 95 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 3 a (new) (3a) The key issue for the coming years is to give appropriate incentives for investments in new high speed networks that will support innovation in content- rich internet services. Such networks have enormous potential to deliver benefits to consumers across the European Union. It is therefore vital that there is no impediment to sustainable investment in the development of these new networks, while boosting competition and consumer choice. This could entail different regulatory approaches tailored to suit a market need.
Amendment 96 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 3 a (new) (3a) The key issue for the coming years is to give appropriate incentives for investments in new high speed networks that will support innovation in content- rich internet services. Such networks have enormous potential to deliver benefits to consumers across the European Union. It is therefore vital that there is no impediment to sustainable investment in the development of these new networks, while boosting competition and consumer choice. This could entail different regulatory approaches tailored to suit a market need.
Amendment 97 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 3 a (new) (3a) The electronic communication sector is a fast-moving sector, characterised by a high level of technological innovation and highly dynamic markets. There is a need regularly to scrutinise the accuracy of regulation in changing markets and technology. To ensure that EU citizens will continue to be able fully to participate in the global information society, innovation and the roll out of high-speed next generation networks able to satisfy future customer demands for more bandwidth and more services has to be a priority in the application of this Directive.
Amendment 98 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 3 a (new) (3a) Next generation networks have enormous potential to deliver benefits to businesses and consumers across the European Union. It is therefore vital that a lack of regulatory clarity does not act as an impediment to sustainable investment in the development of these new networks, and that competition and consumer choice are boosted.
Amendment 99 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Recital 3 b (new) (3b) The framework should meet the new investment and innovation challenges recognising the need to encourage both investment and competition, so that consumer choice is protected and not undermined.
source: PE-407.629
115 amendments...
Amendment 203 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 1 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 1 – paragraph 1 1. This Directive establishes a harmonised framework for the regulation of electronic communications services, electronic communications networks, associated facilities and associated services, and certain aspects of terminal equipment to facilitate access for disabled users and encourage the use of electronic telecommunications by less favoured users. It lays down tasks of national regulatory authorities and establishes a set of procedures to ensure the harmonised application of the regulatory framework throughout the Community.
Amendment 204 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 1 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 1 – paragraph 1 1. This Directive establishes a harmonised framework for the regulation of electronic communications services, electronic communications networks, associated facilities and associated services, and certain aspects of terminal equipment including the accessibility of terminal equipment for persons with disabilities. It lays down tasks of national regulatory authorities and establishes a set of procedures to ensure the harmonised application of the regulatory framework throughout the Community.
Amendment 205 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 1 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 1 – paragraph 1 1. This Directive establishes a harmonised framework for the regulation of electronic communications services, electronic communications networks, associated facilities and associated services, and certain aspects of terminal equipment, including for disabled end-users. It lays down tasks of national regulatory authorities and establishes a set of procedures to ensure the harmonised application of the regulatory framework throughout the Community.
Amendment 206 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 1 a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 1 – paragraph 1a (new) (1a) In Article 1, the following paragraph is added: (1a) The harmonised regulatory framework must promote consumer protection in the electronic communications sector, guaranteeing accurate and comprehensive information in every form and through every means, together with tariff transparency and service quality. It must also recognise the role of consumer associations in consulting the public and ensure that the authorities or individuals responsible are endowed with the necessary resources to prevent potential manipulation and act with the necessary effectiveness against any fraud arising in the field of electronic communications services.
Amendment 207 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point -2 (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 2 – point a (-2) Article 2, point (a) is replaced by the following: "(a) "electronic communications network" means transmission systems and, where applicable, switching or routing equipment and other resources or non-active network elements which permit the conveyance of signals by wire, by radio, by optical or by other electromagnetic means, including satellite networks, fixed (circuit- and packet- switched, including Internet) and mobile terrestrial networks, electricity cable systems, to the extent that they are used for the purpose of transmitting signals, networks used for radio and television broadcasting, and cable television networks, irrespective of the type of information conveyed;"
Amendment 208 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 2 – point a Directive 2002/21/EC Article 2 – point b b) “transnational markets” means markets identified in accordance with Article 15(4) covering the Community or a substantial part thereof
Amendment 209 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 2 – point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 2 – point d d) “public communications network” means an electronic communications network used wholly or mainly for the provision of electronic communications services available to the public which support the transfer of information between network termination points
Amendment 210 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 2 – point c Directive 2002/21/EC Article 2 – point e (e) “associated facilities” means those facilities associated with an electronic communications network and/or an electronic communications service which enable and/or support the provision of services via that network and/or service or have the potential to do so, and include number or address translation systems, conditional access systems and electronic programme guides, as well as physical infrastructure such as ducts, including those of other public and private infrastructures such as water, sewage, gas and electricity ducts, masts, street cabinets, and buildings;
Amendment 211 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 2 – point c Directive 2002/21/EC Article 2 – point e e) “associated facilities” means those facilities associated with an electronic communications network and/or an electronic communications service which enable and/or support the provision of services via that network and/or service or have the potential to do so, and include number or address translation systems, identity, location and presence capabilities, conditional access systems and electronic programme guides, as well as physical infrastructure such as ducts, masts, street cabinets, and buildings;
Amendment 212 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 2 – point c Directive 2002/21/EC Article 2 – point e (e) “associated facilities” means those facilities associated with an electronic communications network and/or an electronic communications service which enable and/or support the provision of services via that network and/or service or have the potential to do so, and include number or address translation systems, billing and collection services and subscriber databases for the provision of directory enquiry services, conditional access systems and electronic programme guides, as well as physical infrastructure such as ducts, masts, street cabinets, and buildings;
Amendment 213 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 2 – point c Directive 2002/21/EC Article 2 – point e (e) “associated facilities” means those facilities associated with an electronic communications network and/or an electronic communications service which enable and/or support the provision of services via that network and/or service or have the potential to do so, and include number or address translation systems, billing and collection services and subscriber databases for the provision of directory enquiry services, conditional access systems and electronic programme guides, as well as physical infrastructure such as ducts, masts, street cabinets, and buildings;
Amendment 214 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 2 – point c Directive 2002/21/EC Article 2 – point e (e) “associated facilities” means those facilities associated with an electronic communications network and/or an electronic communications service which enable and/or support the provision of services via that network and/or service or have the potential to do so, and include number or address translation systems, billing and collection services and subscriber databases for the provision of directory enquiry services, conditional access systems and electronic programme guides, as well as physical infrastructure such as ducts, masts, street cabinets, and buildings;
Amendment 215 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 2 – point e Directive 2002/21/EC Article 2 – point s (s) “harmful interference” means interference which endangers the functioning of a radionavigation service or of other safety services, which technically obstructs the joint use of frequencies or which may otherwise seriously degrade
Amendment 216 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 2 – point e Directive 2002/21/EC Article 2 – point s (s) “harmful interference” means interference which endangers the functioning of a radionavigation service or
Amendment 217 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 2 – point e Directive 2002/21/EC Article 2 – point s (s)
Amendment 218 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 2 – point e Directive 2002/21/EC Article 2 – point s s)
Amendment 219 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 2 – point e Directive 2002/21/EC Article 2 – point s s) “harmful interference” means interference which endangers the functioning of a radionavigation service or of other safety services or which otherwise seriously degrades, obstructs or repeatedly
Amendment 220 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 2 – point e Directive 2002/21/EC Article 2 – point s (s) “harmful interference” means interference which endangers the functioning of a radionavigation service or of other safety services or which otherwise seriously degrades, obstructs or repeatedly interrupts a radiocommunications service operating in accordance with the applicable international, Community or national regulations.
Amendment 221 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 2 – point e Directive 2002/21/EC Article 2 – point s (s) “harmful interference” means
Amendment 222 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 2 – point e a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 2 – point sa (new) (ea) In Article 2, the following point is added: "(sa) ‘publicly available’ means available to the general public upon acceptance of commercial terms."
Amendment 223 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 2 – point e a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 2 – point sa (new) (ea) In Article 2, the following point is added: "(sa) ‘publicly available’ means available to the general public upon acceptance of commercial terms."
Amendment 224 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 3 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 3 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 1 3. Member States shall ensure that national regulatory authorities exercise their powers independently, impartially and transparently. National regulatory authorities responsible for ex-ante market regulation shall not seek or take instructions from any other body in relation to the day-to-day performance of the tasks
Amendment 225 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 3 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 3 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 1 3. Member States shall ensure that national regulatory authorities exercise their powers independently, impartially and transparently and in a timely manner. National regulatory authorities shall not seek or take instructions from any other body in relation to the day-to-day performance of the tasks assigned to them under national law implementing Community law. Only appeal bodies set up in accordance with Article 4 or national courts shall have the power to suspend or overturn decisions by the national regulatory authorities.
Amendment 226 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 3 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 3 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 2 Members of national regulatory authority governing boards shall serve for a five- year renewable period. Member States shall ensure that
Amendment 227 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 3 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 3 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 2 Member States shall ensure that the head of a national regulatory authority as mentioned above or his/her replacement may be dismissed only if he no longer fulfils the conditions required for the performance of his duties laid down in advance in national law, or if he has been guilty of serious misconduct. The decision to dismiss the head of the national regulatory authority shall contain a statement of reasons and be made public at the time of dismissal.
Amendment 228 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 3 a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 3 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 3a (new) (3a) The following subparagraph is added in Article 3(3): ‘3a. The national regulatory authorities shall for their part demand only such information and documentation from providers of communications services and/or networks as is necessary for the performance of the duties conferred on them by the Member States.’
Amendment 229 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 3 a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 3 – paragraph 3a (new) (3a) In Article 3, the following paragraph is added: "3a. Member States shall ensure that the goals of BERT in promoting greater regulatory coordination and coherence are actively supported by the responsible national regulatory authorities. Member States shall ensure that national regulatory authorities have adequate financial and human resources to carry out the tasks assigned to them and to enable them to actively participate in and contribute to BERT. National regulatory authorities must have separate annual budgets and budgets shall be made public."
Amendment 230 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 3 b (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 3 – paragraph 3b (new) (3b) In Article 3, the following paragraph is added: "3b.) Member States shall ensure that NRAs take utmost account of common positions issued by BERT when adopting their own decisions for their home markets."
Amendment 231 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 3 c (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 3a (new) (3c) The following Article is added: "Article 3a Member States shall jointly establish a network of national regulatory authorities in accordance with the modalities set out in Regulation No [.../.../EC]1. 1 Regulation establishing the Network of National Regulatory Authorities for the European electronic communications market."
Amendment 232 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 4 – point a Directive 2002/21/EC Article 4 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 1. Member States shall ensure that effective mechanisms exist at national level under which any user or undertaking providing electronic communications networks and/or services who is affected by a decision of a national regulatory authority has the right of appeal against the decision to an appeal body that is independent of the parties involved. This body, which may be a court, shall have
Amendment 233 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 4 – point a Directive 2002/21/EC Article 4 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 Pending the outcome of any
Amendment 234 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 4 – point a Directive 2002/21/EC Article 4 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 Pending the outcome of any the appeal, the decision of the national regulatory authority shall stand, unless interim measures are granted. Interim measures may be granted only if there is an urgent need to suspend the effect of the decision in order to prevent serious and irreparable damage to the party applying for those measures and the balance of interests so requires.
Amendment 235 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 4 – point a a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 4 – paragraph 2a (new) (aa) the following paragraph is added: "2a. Appeal bodies shall be entitled to request the opinion of BERT before taking a decision in the course of an appeal proceeding."
Amendment 236 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 4 – point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 4 – paragraph 3 3. Member States shall collect information on
Amendment 237 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 4 – point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 4 – paragraph 3 3. Member States shall collect information on the subject of appeals, the number of requests for appeal, the duration of the appeal proceedings, the number of decisions to grant interim measures taken in accordance with paragraph 1 and the reasons for such decisions. Member States shall make available such information to
Amendment 238 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 4 – point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 4 – paragraph 3 3. Member States shall collect information on the subject of appeals, the number of requests for appeal, the duration of the appeal proceedings, the number of decisions to grant interim measures taken in accordance with paragraph 1 and the reasons for such decisions. Member States shall make available such information to the Commission and the
Amendment 239 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 5 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 1. Member States shall ensure that undertakings providing electronic communications networks and services provide all the information, including financial information, necessary for national regulatory authorities to ensure conformity with the provisions of, or decisions made in accordance with, this Directive and the Specific Directives.
Amendment 240 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 5 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 1. Member States shall ensure that undertakings providing electronic communications networks and services provide all the information, including financial information, necessary for national regulatory authorities to ensure conformity with the provisions of, or decisions made in accordance with, this Directive and the Specific Directives.
Amendment 241 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 5 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 1. Member States shall ensure that undertakings providing electronic communications networks and services provide all the information, including financial information, necessary for national regulatory authorities to ensure conformity with the provisions of, or decisions made in accordance with, this Directive and the Specific Directives. Those undertakings
Amendment 242 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 6 – subparagraph 1 Except in cases falling within Articles 7(10), 20, or 21, and unless otherwise provided in the implementing measures adopted pursuant to Article 9c, Member States shall ensure that, where national regulatory authorities intend to take measures in accordance with this Directive or the Specific Directives which have a significant impact on the relevant market, or where they intend to provide for restrictions in accordance with Article 9(3) and 9(4), they give interested parties the opportunity to comment on the draft measure within a reasonable period that shall be not less than 4 weeks.
Amendment 243 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 6 – subparagraph 1 Except in cases falling within Articles 7(10), 20, or 21, and unless otherwise provided in the implementing measures adopted pursuant to Article 9c, Member States shall ensure that, where national regulatory authorities intend to take measures in accordance with this Directive or the Specific Directives which have a significant impact on the relevant market, or where they intend to provide for restrictions in accordance with Article 9(3) and 9(4), and when they have a significant impact on the relevant market, they give interested parties the opportunity to comment on the draft measure within a reasonable period of not less than six weeks.
Amendment 244 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 6 – subparagraph 1 Except in cases falling within Articles 7(10), 20, or 21, and unless otherwise provided in the implementing measures adopted pursuant to Article 9c, Member States shall ensure that, where national regulatory authorities intend to take
Amendment 245 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 1a (new) 1a. Member States shall guarantee the accessibility of electronic communications services for persons with disabilities also. The Commission shall present an annual report to the European Parliament concerning the degree of accessibility of electronic communications services and specific information society services for persons with disabilities.
Amendment 246 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 2 2. National regulatory authorities shall contribute to the development of the
Amendment 247 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 2 2. National regulatory authorities shall contribute to the development of the Internal Market by working with the Commission and the
Amendment 248 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 2 2. National regulatory authorities shall contribute to the development of the Internal Market by working with the Commission and in the
Amendment 249 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 2a (new) 2a. Before taking a measure to regulate a wholesale market, national regulatory authorities shall assess market distortions at retail level. In particular, any draft measure imposing, amending or withdrawing an obligation on an operator on a wholesale market shall take utmost account of the market power of each actor at retail level.
Amendment 250 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 1 3. Except where otherwise provided in implementing provisions adopted pursuant to Article 7a, upon completion of the consultation referred to in Article 6, or before completion if the NRA so decides for exceptional reasons, where a national regulatory authority intends to take a measure which:
Amendment 251 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 1 3.
Amendment 252 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 1 3.
Amendment 253 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 2 it shall at the same time make the draft measure accessible to the Commission,
Amendment 254 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 2 it shall make the draft measure accessible to the Commission,
Amendment 255 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 4 – point c Amendment 256 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 4 – point c Amendment 257 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 4 – point c Amendment 258 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 4 – point c Amendment 259 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 5 Amendment 260 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 5 Amendment 261 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 5 5. Within the two month period referred to in paragraph 4, the Commission may take a decision
Amendment 262 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 5 5.
Amendment 263 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 5 5. Within the two month period referred to in paragraph 4, the Commission may take a decision requiring the national regulatory authority concerned to withdraw the draft measure. The Commission shall take the utmost account of the opinion of the Authority submitted in accordance with Article 5 of Regulation [……/EC] before issuing a decision. The decision shall be accompanied by a detailed and objective analysis of why the Commission considers that the draft measure should not be adopted
Amendment 264 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 5 5. Within the two month period referred to in paragraph 4, the Commission may take a decision requiring the national regulatory authority concerned to withdraw the draft measure.
Amendment 265 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 5a (new) 5a. In relation to measures referred to in paragraph 4(c), the indication of serious doubts by the Commission shall open a regulatory dialogue between the national regulatory authority and the network of national regulatory authorities with the objective of identifying the most appropriate and effective measure to remedy the competition problem concerned, while taking due account of the views of market participants and the consistency of such measures in the internal market. That regulatory dialogue may under no circumstances exceed the two month period required under paragraph 4. If, at the end of the regulatory dialogue, the network of national regulatory authorities confirms the appropriateness of the measure with a majority of two- thirds, the national regulatory authority may adopt the measure. If the network of national regulatory authorities does not so confirm, the Commission may state its serious doubts by a decision requiring the national regulatory authority to withdraw the draft measure. The national regulatory authority has the right to withdraw the draft measure at any stage of the regulatory dialogue.
Amendment 266 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 6 Amendment 267 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 6 Amendment 268 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 6 6. Within
Amendment 269 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 6 6. Within three months of the Commission issuing a decision in accordance with paragraph 5 or 5a requiring the national regulatory authority to withdraw a draft measure, the national regulatory authority shall amend or withdraw the draft measure. If the draft measure is amended, the national regulatory authority shall undertake a public consultation in accordance with the procedures referred to in Article 6, and re-notify the amended draft measure to the Commission in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3.
Amendment 270 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 7 7. The national regulatory authority concerned shall take the utmost account of comments of other national regulatory authorities and the Commission and may, except in cases covered by paragraph 4(a) and 4(b), adopt the resulting draft measure and, where it does so, shall communicate it to the Commission. Any other national body exercising functions under this Directive or the Specific Directives shall also take the utmost account of the comments of the Commission. If the NRA decides not to adopt the intended measures on the basis of the recommendation adopted for paragraph 5, it shall publish the reasons and justifications for its decision and notify the Commission.
Amendment 271 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 7 7. The national regulatory authority concerned shall take the utmost account of comments of other national regulatory authorities, BERT, and the Commission and may, except in cases covered by paragraph 4, adopt the resulting draft measure and, where it does so, shall communicate it to the Commission.
Amendment 272 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 8 Amendment 273 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 8 Amendment 274 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 8 Amendment 275 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 8 Amendment 276 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 8 Amendment 277 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 9 Amendment 278 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7 – paragraph 9 9. The national regulatory authority shall communicate to the Commission all final measures which fall under
Amendment 279 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article -7a (new) (6a) The following Article is inserted: "Article -7a Procedure for the consistent application of remedies 1. Where a national regulatory authority intends to take a measure to impose, amend or withdraw an obligation on an operator in application of Article 16 in conjunction with Article 5, Articles 9 to 13 and Articles 13a and 13b of Directive 2002/19/EC (Access Directive), and Article 17 of Directive 2002/22/EC (Universal Service Directive), the Commission and the national regulatory authorities in the other Member States shall have a period of one month from the date of notification of the draft measure in which to make comments to the national regulatory authority concerned. 2. If the draft measure concerns the imposition, amendment or withdrawal of an obligation the Commission may, within the same period, notify the national regulatory authority concerned and BERT of the reasons why it considers that the adoption of the draft measure would create a barrier to the single market or why it has serious doubts as to its compatibility with Community law. In such case, the draft measure shall not be adopted for a further two months following the Commission's notification. In the absence of such notification, the national regulatory authority concerned may adopt the draft measure, taking utmost account of any comments made by the Commission or by any other national regulatory authority. 3. Within the two month period referred to in paragraph 2, the Commission, BERT and the national regulatory authority concerned shall cooperate closely with the objective of identifying the most appropriate and effective measure in the light of the objectives laid down in Article 8, whilst taking due account of the views of market participants and the need to ensure the development of consistent regulatory practice. Within the same two month period, BERT shall, acting by a simple majority, issue a reasoned opinion confirming the appropriateness and effectiveness of the draft measure or indicating that the draft measure should be amended and providing specific proposals to that end. This opinion shall be made public. The Commission may, taking utmost account of this opinion, adopt a recommendation that the national regulatory authority concerned amend the draft measure, and may provide specific proposals to that end. The national regulatory authority must take the utmost account of this recommendation. In the event that the national regulatory authority does not follow the recommendation, it shall provide a reasoned explanation for so doing."
Amendment 280 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article -7 a (new) Amendment 281 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article -7a (new) Amendment 282 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article -7a (new) Amendment 283 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article -7a (new) Amendment 284 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 6 a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article -7a (new) Amendment 285 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 7 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7a - paragraph 1 1.
Amendment 286 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 7 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7a - paragraph 1 1. The Commission
Amendment 287 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 7 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7a - paragraph 1 1. The Commission
Amendment 288 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 7 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7a - paragraph 1 1. The Commission may lay down implementing provisions in relation to Article 7 that define the form
Amendment 289 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 7 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7a - paragraph 2 Amendment 290 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 7 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7a - paragraph 2 Amendment 291 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 7 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7a - paragraph 2 Amendment 292 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 7 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7a - paragraph 2 Amendment 293 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 7 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7a - paragraph 2 Amendment 294 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 7 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 7a - paragraph 2 2. The measures referred to in paragraph 1, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 22(3). On imperative grounds of urgency, the Commission may use the urgency procedure referred to in Article
Amendment 295 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 – point a Directives 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 Unless otherwise provided in Article 9 regarding radio frequencies, or unless otherwise necessary to achieve the objectives of paragraphs 2 to 4, Member States shall take the utmost account of the desirability of making regulations on each of the clearly-defined relevant markets technologically neutral and shall ensure that, in carrying out the regulatory tasks specified in this Directive and the Specific Directives, in particular those designed to ensure effective competition, national regulatory authorities do likewise.
Amendment 296 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 – point a Directives 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 2 – point a a) ensuring that users, including disabled users, elderly users, and users with special social needs derive maximum benefit in terms of choice, price, and quality, and that any additional net costs suppliers can show they have incurred as a result of the imposition of such public service obligations are compensated for;
Amendment 297 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 – point b Directives 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 2 – point b (b) ensuring that there is no distortion or restriction of competition in the electronic communications sector, in particular for
Amendment 298 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 – point b Directives 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 2 – point b (b) ensuring that there is no distortion or restriction of competition in the electronic communications sector, in particular for
Amendment 299 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 – point b Directives 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 2 – point b (b) ensuring that there is no distortion or restriction of competition in the electronic communications sector, in particular for the delivery of content and access to services across all networks;
Amendment 300 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 – point b Directives 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 2 – point b b) ensuring that there is no distortion or restriction of competition in the electronic communications sector
Amendment 301 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 – point b Directives 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 2 – point b (b) ensuring that there is no distortion or restriction of competition in the electronic communications sector
Amendment 302 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 – point b Directives 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 2 – point b b) ensuring that there is no distortion or restriction of competition in the electronic communications sector
Amendment 303 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 – point b Directives 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 2 – point b (b) ensuring that there is no distortion or
Amendment 304 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 – point b Directives 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 2 – point b (b) ensuring that there is no distortion, taking State aid rules into account, or restriction of competition in the electronic communications sector, in particular for the delivery of content.
Amendment 305 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 – point c Directives 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 3 – point d d) working within the
Amendment 306 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 – point c a (new) Directives 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 2 – point da (new) (ca) in paragraph 2, the following point is added: "(da) however, for countries with underdeveloped fixed infrastructure and low coverage for fixed and broadband services, the NRAs shall consider the need to prioritize the objective of the promotion of investments over objectives relating to the pure stimulation of competition."
Amendment 307 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 – point c a (new) Directives 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 3a (new) Amendment 308 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 – point e a (new) Directives 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 4 – point ga (new) (ea) In paragraph 4, point is added: "(ga) ensuring that undertakings providing electronic communications services and networks cooperate with the sectors concerned in relation to the protection and promotion of lawful content on electronic communications services and networks”.
Amendment 309 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 – point e a (new) Directives 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 4a (new) Amendment 310 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 – point e a (new) Directives 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 4a (new) Amendment 311 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 – point e a (new) Directives 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 4a (new) (ea) in Article 8, the following paragraph is added: "4a. The national regulatory authorities shall aim at creating the proper regulatory environment for competitive investment in new access networks, which constitutes a unique opportunity for innovation and for platform-based competition paving the way to deregulation. Such a regulatory environment should, inter alia: (a) be predictable for a period consistent with the time needed for the profitability of heavy investments; (b) aim at the maximum geographical reach of platform-based competition; (c) enable competitive advantage to be derived from faster geographical roll out, thus encouraging network deployments; (d) attract resources from financial markets for high upfront investments in new access networks; (e) allow flexible commercial agreements on investments and risk-sharing between new access networks operators."
Amendment 312 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 – point e a (new) Directives 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 4a (new) (ea) In Article 8, the following paragraph is added: "4a. National regulatory authorities shall aim at creating the proper regulatory environment for investments in new access infrastructures, which have the potential to foster infrastructure-based competition. The regulatory environment should, inter alia: (a) promote market driven investments and innovation, including by allowing investment-sharing agreements and risk- sharing contracts on a commercial basis; (b) promote infrastructure-based competition wherever possible;"
Amendment 313 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 a (new) Directives 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 4a (new) – point c Amendment 314 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 8a (new) Amendment 315 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 8a (new) Amendment 316 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 8a (new) Amendment 317 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 8 a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 8a (new) source: PE-407.630
141 amendments...
Amendment 318 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 1 1. Member States shall ensure the effective management of radio frequencies for electronic communication services in their territory in accordance with Article 8. They shall ensure that the allocation and assignment of such radio frequencies by national regulatory authorities are based on objective, transparent, non-discriminatory and proportionate criteria, respect international agreements (including those made under the auspices of the ITU) and take account of public policy considerations.
Amendment 319 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 1 1. Member States shall ensure the effective management of radio frequencies for electronic communication services in their territory in accordance with Article 8. They shall ensure that the allocation and assignment of such radio frequencies by national regulatory authorities are based on objective, transparent, non discriminatory and proportionate criteria, which take account of international provisions and public policy considerations.
Amendment 320 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 1 1. Member States shall ensure the effective management of radio frequencies for electronic communication services in their territory in accordance with Article 8. They shall ensure that the allocation and assignment of such radio frequencies by national regulatory authorities are based on objective, transparent, non-discriminatory and
Amendment 321 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 1 1. Taking account of the fact that radio frequencies are a public good that has an important social, cultural and economic value, Member States shall ensure the effective management of radio spectrum for electronic communication services in their territory in accordance with Article 8. They shall ensure that the allocation and assignment of such radio spectrum by national regulatory authorities are based on objective, transparent, non-discriminatory and proportionate criteria.
Amendment 322 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 2 2. Member States shall promote the harmonisation of use of radio frequencies across the Community, consistent with the need to ensure effective and efficient use thereof
Amendment 324 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 2 a (new) (2a) In order to ensure equal treatment, no radio frequency spectrum user shall be exempted from the obligation to pay the normal fees or charges set for the use of the spectrum.
Amendment 325 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 1 3. Unless otherwise provided in the second subparagraph
Amendment 326 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 1 3. Unless otherwise provided in the second subparagraph or in the measures adopted pursuant to Article 9c and Article 9d, Member States shall
Amendment 327 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 1 3. Unless otherwise provided in the second subparagraph or in the measures adopted pursuant to Article 9c, Member States shall ensure that all types of electronic communications services may be provided in the radio frequency bands
Amendment 328 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 1 3. Unless otherwise provided in the second subparagraph or in the measures adopted pursuant to paragraph Article 9c, Member States shall ensure that all types of radio network or wireless access technology may be used in the radio frequency bands open to electronic
Amendment 329 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 1 3. Unless otherwise provided in the second subparagraph or in the measures adopted pursuant to Article 9
Amendment 330 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 1 3. Unless otherwise provided in the second subparagraph or in the measures adopted pursuant to Article 9c, Member States shall ensure that all types of
Amendment 331 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 2 – introductory wording Member States may, however, provide for proportionate and non-discriminatory restrictions
Amendment 332 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 2 – point a (a) avoid the possibility of harmful interference,
Amendment 333 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 2 – point a (a) avoid the possibility of harmful interference,
Amendment 334 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 2 – point a (a) avoid harmful interferences caused by lack of coordination between Member States and operators occupying neighbouring bands,
Amendment 335 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 2 – point a a (new) (aa) ensure quality of service,
Amendment 336 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 2 – point b (b)
Amendment 337 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 2 – point c (c)
Amendment 338 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 2 – point c (c) en
Amendment 339 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 2 – point c (c) ensure
Amendment 340 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 2 – point c (c) ensure maximisation of radio frequenc
Amendment 341 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 2 – point c a (new) (ca) protect public health against electromagnetic fields, or
Amendment 342 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 2 – point c a (new) (ca) ensure the efficient use of radio frequencies, or
Amendment 343 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 2 – point c a (new) (ca) safeguard the efficient use of spectrum,
Amendment 344 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 2 – point d (d)
Amendment 345 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 2 – point d (d)
Amendment 346 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 2 – point d a (new) (da) comply with an obligation under a relevant international agreement relating to the use of frequencies.
Amendment 347 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 3 a (new) (3a) Member States shall ensure that technical measurements and epidemiological surveys are carried out every three years to identify the necessary measures to protect public health from electro-magnetic fields.
Amendment 348 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 4. Unless provided in the second subparagraph or in the measures pursuant to Article 9c, Member States shall ensure that all types of electronic communication services may be provided in the radio frequency band
Amendment 349 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 4. Unless provided in the second subparagraph or in the measures pursuant to Article 9c, Member States shall ensure that all types of electronic communication services may be provided in the radio frequency band
Amendment 350 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 4. Unless otherwise provided in the second subparagraph
Amendment 351 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 4. Unless otherwise provided in the second subparagraph
Amendment 352 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 4. Unless otherwise provided in the second subparagraph or in the measures adopted pursuant to Article 9c, Member States shall encourage measures to ensure that all types of electronic communications services may be provided in the radio frequency bands open to electronic communications. The Member States may, however, provide for proportionate and non discriminatory restrictions to the types of electronic communications services to be provided. In accordance with the national frequency tables and, where appropriate, the provisions of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).
Amendment 353 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 4. Unless otherwise provided in the second subparagraph or in the measures adopted pursuant to Article 9c, Member States shall
Amendment 354 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 4. Unless otherwise provided in the second subparagraph or in the measures adopted pursuant to Article 9c, Member States shall ensure that, in accordance with internationally agreed frequency plans and the ITU Radio Regulations, all types of electronic communications services may be provided in the radio frequency bands open to electronic communications. The Member States may, however, provide for proportionate and non-discriminatory restrictions to the types of electronic communications services to be provided.
Amendment 355 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 4.
Amendment 356 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 4. Unless otherwise provided in the second subparagraph or in the measures adopted pursuant to Article 9c, Member States shall ensure that all types of electronic communications services may be provided in the radio frequency bands
Amendment 357 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 2 Restrictions that require an electronic telecommunications service to be provided in a specific band shall be justified in order to ensure the fulfilment of a general interest objective in conformity
Amendment 358 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 2 Restrictions that require an electronic communications service to be provided in a specific band shall be justified in order to ensure the fulfilment of a general interest objective, as defined in national legislation in conformity with Community law, such as safety of life, the promotion of social, regional or territorial cohesion, the avoidance of inefficient use of radio frequencies, or, as defined in national legislation in conformity with
Amendment 359 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 2 Restrictions that require an electronic communications service to be provided in a specific band shall be justified in order to ensure the fulfilment of a general interest objective in conformity with Community law, such as safety of life, the promotion of social, regional or territorial cohesion, the avoidance of inefficient use of radio frequencies, or, as defined in national legislation in conformity with Community law, the promotion of cultural and linguistic diversity and media pluralism or the provision of radio and television broadcasting services.
Amendment 360 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 2 Amendment 361 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 2 Amendment 362 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 2 Restrictions that require an electronic communications service to be provided in a specific band shall be justified in order to ensure the fulfilment of a general interest objective in conformity with Community law, such as safety of life, the provision of universal or public services, the promotion of social, regional or
Amendment 363 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 2 Restrictions that require a service to be provided in a specific band shall be justified in order to ensure the fulfilment of a general interest objective in conformity with Community law, such as safety of life, the provision of universal or public services, the promotion of social, regional or territorial cohesion, the avoidance of inefficient use of radio frequencies, or, as defined in national legislation in conformity with Community law, the promotion of cultural and linguistic diversity and media pluralism.
Amendment 364 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 2 Restrictions that require a service to be provided in a specific band shall be justified in order to ensure the fulfilment of a general interest objective in conformity with Community law, such as safety of life, the promotion of social, regional or territorial cohesion, the promotion of better access to the Information Society for all citizens, the avoidance of inefficient use of radio frequencies, or, as defined in national legislation in conformity with Community law, the promotion of cultural and linguistic diversity and media pluralism.
Amendment 365 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 3 A
Amendment 366 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 3 A
Amendment 367 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 3 A restriction which prohibits the provision of any other electronic communications service in a specific band may only be provided for where justified by the need to protect safety of life services or to ensure the fulfilment of a general interest objective as defined in national legislation in conformity with Community law, such as the promotion of cultural and linguistic diversity and media pluralism.
Amendment 368 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 3 A restriction which prohibits the provision of any other electronic communications service in a specific band may only be provided for where justified by the need to protect safety of life services or to ensure the fulfilment of a general interest objective defined in national legislation in conformity with Community law.
Amendment 369 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 3 A restriction which prohibits the provision of any other electronic communications service in a specific band may only be provided for where justified by the need to protect safety of life services.
Amendment 370 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 5 5. Member States shall regularly review the necessity of the restrictions referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4. It lies within the competence of the Member States to define the scope and nature of any exception.
Amendment 371 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 5 5. Member States shall regularly review the necessity of the
Amendment 372 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 5 5. Member States shall regularly review the necessity of the restrictions referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4. They shall provide a report thereon which shall be made publicly available.
Amendment 373 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 6 6. Paragraphs 3 and 4 shall apply to the allocation and assignment of radio frequencies after
Amendment 374 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 6 a (new) 6a. Member States intend to split the spectrum of the UHF bands IV/V (470- 862 Mhz) into equal shares for the further development of broadcasting and mobile communication services. Member States shall follow the outcome of the WRC 2007. The harmonised sub- band 790-862 Mhz shall be vacated and assigned to mobile broadband services no later than six months after the entry into force of this Directive. At the request of a network operator, the NRA shall review whether the existing allocations and assignments of radio frequencies issued for the purpose of broadcast content services are necessary for the fulfilment of the objectives referred to in Article 9(4). This review shall be completed within three months. Should those allocations and assignments not be necessary for the fulfilment of those objectives, new allocations to mobile communications services and assignments shall be issued by the national regulatory authority within six months. If there are compelling reasons, the national regulatory authority may, after notification to the Commission, take a decision on the reallocation of the radio frequencies in question.
Amendment 375 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 6 a (new) 6a. The Member States intend to split the spectrum of the UHF bands IV/V (470- 862 MHz) into equal shares for further developing broadcasting and mobile communication services. As a first step, Member States shall follow the outcome of the World Radio Conference 2007. The harmonised subband of 790-862 MHz shall be vacated and assigned to mobile broadband services as soon as possible, but not later than six months after the date of entry into force of this Directive. Thereafter, at least one-third of the additional spectrum that will be released in the UHF bands IV/V (470-862 MHz) in the process of the digital switchover of broadcasting services shall be immediately allocated and assigned to mobile broadband networks until the aim referred to in the first subparagraph is met. Frequencies shall be allocated and assigned to mobile broadband networks in a harmonised manner. For this purpose, the necessary planning procedures shall be initiated immediately. At the request of a mobile network operator, the national regulatory authority shall review whether the existing allocations and assignments of radio frequencies issued for the purpose of broadcast content services are necessary for the fulfilment of the objectives referred to in Article 9(4). This review shall be completed within three months. Should those allocations and assignments not be necessary for the fulfilment of those objectives, new allocations to mobile communications services and assignments shall be issued by the national regulatory authority within six months. If there are compelling reasons, the national regulatory authority may extend the time limit after notification to the Commission by an additional three months.
Amendment 376 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 6 a (new) Amendment 377 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 6 a (new) 6a. Member States shall seek to allocate the frequencies of UHF Bands IV/V (470 -862 MHz) in equal shares for the future development of radio and mobile services. As a first step, Member States should follow the results of the World Radio Conference 2007. The harmonised sub- band of 790-862 MHz frequencies should be released and allocated as soon as possible, and at the latest 6 months after the entry into force of this Directive, for mobile broadband services. Thereafter at least two-thirds of the frequencies which will additionally be released in UHF Band IV/V (470-862 MHz) through the digitisation of radio broadcasts, should be allocated directly to mobile broadband networks until the objective of a 50:50 division of frequencies between radio and mobile services is achieved. The frequencies should be allocated harmoniously. The necessary planning procedures shall commence forthwith. At the request of a mobile provider, the national regulatory authority must examine whether the current division and allocation of frequencies for the purpose of broadcasting radio content is necessary in order to attain the objectives listed in Article 9(4). Such scrutiny should be concluded within three months. Should division and allocation prove unnecessary for the attainment of these objectives, the national regulatory authority must proceed with re-allocation to mobile services within six months. In the event of pressing reasons, the national regulatory authority may, after notifying the Commission, extend this period by three further months.
Amendment 378 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 6 a (new) 6a. Member States shall ensure the release of digital dividend spectrum, which will ensure better access to the information society for all.
Amendment 379 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 – paragraph 6 a (new) 6a. Member States shall apply the provisions of paragraphs 3 to 6 taking the utmost account of the assessment by the relevant technical and standardization organizations and after consultation with interested parties. In applying this Article, Member States shall take appropriate measures to guarantee fair competition, ensuring that full account is taken of investments made by market players for the acquisition of radio frequencies.
Amendment 380 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 a Amendment 381 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 a Amendment 382 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 1. For a period of
Amendment 383 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 1. For a period of five years starting on [
Amendment 384 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 1.
Amendment 385 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 1. For a period of five years starting
Amendment 386 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 1. For a period of five years starting on [1 January 2010], Member States shall ensure that holders of rights to use radio frequencies which were granted before that date may submit an application to the competent national
Amendment 387 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 Before adopting its decision the competent national
Amendment 388 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 3 If the right holder withdraws his application, the right shall remain unchanged until its expiry
Amendment 389 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 3 If the right holder withdraws his
Amendment 390 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 a – paragraph 2 2.
Amendment 391 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 a – paragraph 2 2. Where the right holder mentioned in paragraph 1 is a provider of radio or television broadcast content services, and the right to use radio frequencies has been granted for the fulfilment of a specific general interest objective, including
Amendment 392 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 a – paragraph 2 2. Where the right holder mentioned in paragraph 1 is a provider of radio or television broadcast content services, and the right to use radio frequencies has been granted for the fulfilment of a specific general interest objective,
Amendment 393 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 a – paragraph 2 2. Where the right holder mentioned in paragraph 1 is a provider of radio or television broadcast content services, and the right to use radio frequencies has been granted for the fulfilment of a specific general interest objective,
Amendment 394 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 a – paragraph 2 2. Where the right holder mentioned in paragraph 1 is a provider of radio or television broadcast content services, and the right to use radio frequencies has been granted for the fulfilment of a specific general interest objective,
Amendment 395 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 a – paragraph 2 2. Where the right holder mentioned in paragraph 1 is a provider of radio or television broadcast content services, and the right to use radio frequencies has been granted for the fulfilment of a specific general interest objective, an application for reassessment can only be made in respect of the part of the radio frequencies which is necessary for the fulfilment of such objective. The part of the radio frequencies which becomes unnecessary for the fulfilment of that objective as a result of application of Article 9(3) and (4) shall be subject to a new assignment procedure in conformity with Article 7(2) of the Authorisation Directive. Member States shall ensure that all the necessary conditions for the rapid attainment of the objectives set out in Article 9, paragraph 7, are met and that the time framework mentioned in Article 9, paragraph 7, is respected.
Amendment 396 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 a – paragraph 2 2. Where the right holder mentioned in paragraph 1 is a provider of radio or television broadcast content services, and the right to use radio frequencies has been granted for the fulfilment of a specific general interest objective and not acquired commercially, an application for reassessment can only be made in respect of the part of the radio frequencies which is necessary for the fulfilment of such objective. The part of the radio frequencies which becomes unnecessary for the fulfilment of that objective as a result of application of Article 9(3) and (4) shall be subject to a new assignment procedure in conformity with Article 7(2) of the Authorisation Directive.
Amendment 397 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 a – paragraph 3 3. After the
Amendment 398 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 a – paragraph 4 Amendment 399 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 a – paragraph 4 4. In applying this Article, Member States shall take appropriate measures to guarantee fair competition, ensuring that full account is taken of investments made by market players for the acquisition of radio frequencies.
Amendment 400 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9 a – paragraph 4 a (new) 4a. It shall lie within the competence of the Member States to define the scope, nature and duration of measures intended for the promotion of cultural and media policy objectives, such as cultural and linguistic diversity and media pluralism, in accordance with their own national law.
Amendment 401 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9b – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 1. Where appropriate, Member States shall ensure that undertakings may transfer or lease to other undertakings individual rights to use radio frequencies
Amendment 402 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9b – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 1. Member States shall ensure that undertakings may transfer or lease to other undertakings individual rights to use radio frequencies in the bands for which this is provided in the implementing measures adopted pursuant to Article 9c
Amendment 403 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9b – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 1. Member States shall ensure that undertakings may transfer or lease to other
Amendment 404 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9b – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 1. Member States shall ensure that undertakings may transfer or lease to other undertakings individual rights to use radio frequencies in the bands for which this is provided in the implementing measures adopted pursuant to Article 9c
Amendment 405 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9b – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 1. Member States shall ensure that undertakings may transfer or lease to other undertakings individual rights to use radio frequencies in the bands for which this is provided in the implementing measures adopted pursuant to Article 9c
Amendment 406 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9b – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 1. Member States shall ensure that undertakings may transfer or lease to other
Amendment 407 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9b – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 1. Member States shall ensure that undertakings may transfer or lease to other undertakings individual rights to use radio frequencies in the bands for which this is provided in the implementing measures adopted pursuant to Article 9c
Amendment 408 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9b – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 1. Member States shall ensure that undertakings may transfer or lease to other undertakings individual rights to use radio frequencies in the bands for which this is provided in the implementing measures adopted pursuant to Article 9c
Amendment 409 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9b – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 1. Member States shall ensure that undertakings may transfer or lease to other undertakings individual rights to use radio frequencies in the bands for which this is provided in the implementing measures
Amendment 410 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9b – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 1. Member States shall ensure that undertakings may transfer or lease to other undertakings individual rights to use radio frequencies in the bands for which this is provided in the implementing measures adopted pursuant to Article 9c
Amendment 411 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9b – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 Amendment 412 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9b – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 In other bands, Member States may also make provision for undertakings to transfer or lease individual rights to use radio frequencies to other undertakings, in accordance with national statutory procedures.
Amendment 413 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9b – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 In other bands, Member States may also make provision for undertakings to transfer or lease individual rights to use radio frequencies to other undertakings in accordance with national procedures.
Amendment 414 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9b – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 In other bands, Member States may
Amendment 415 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9b – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 a (new) 2a. However, where such transfer or lease would involve frequencies which have been made available on the basis of a restriction to ensure the fulfilment of a general interest objective as provided for in Article 9(4), the prior consent of the national regulatory authority shall be required. Where applicable, Member States may require an authorisation or an opinion from the national authority responsible for audiovisual media services.
Amendment 416 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9b – paragraph 1 a (new) 1a. Radio frequencies which have been attributed freely to stakeholders may not be transferred in return for remuneration. If radio frequencies have been attributed in fulfilment of a general interest obligation, the transfer of those frequencies shall entail the transfer of that obligation to the stakeholder.
Amendment 417 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9b – paragraph 2 2. Member States shall ensure that an undertaking’s intention to transfer rights to use radio frequencies is notified to the national regulatory authority responsible for spectrum assignment and is made public. Where
Amendment 418 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9b – paragraph 2 2. Member States shall ensure that an undertaking’s
Amendment 419 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9b – paragraph 2 2. Member States shall ensure that an undertaking’s intention to transfer rights to use radio frequencies, as well as the effective transfer thereof, is notified to the
Amendment 420 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9b – paragraph 2 2. Member States shall ensure that an undertaking’s
Amendment 421 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9b – paragraph 2 2. Member States shall ensure that an undertaking’s
Amendment 422 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9b – paragraph 2 2. Member States shall ensure that an undertaking’s intention to transfer rights to use radio frequencies is notified to the national
Amendment 423 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c Amendment 424 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c Amendment 425 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – introductory wording In order to contribute to the development of the internal market, for the achievement of the principles of this Article and in accordance with Article 9d and the Radio Spectrum Decision, the Commission may adopt appropriate implementing measures to:
Amendment 426 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – introductory wording In order to contribute to the development of the internal market and without prejudice to Article 8a, for the achievement of the principles of this Article, the Commission may
Amendment 427 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – introductory wording In order to contribute to the development of the internal market and without prejudice to Article 8a, for the achievement of the principles of this Article, the Commission may
Amendment 428 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – introductory wording In order to contribute to the development of the internal market and without prejudice to Article 8a, for the achievement of the principles of this Article, the Commission may adopt appropriate technical implementing measures to:
Amendment 429 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – introductory wording In order to contribute to the development of the internal market and without prejudice to Article 8a, for the achievement of the principles of this Article, the Commission may
Amendment 430 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – introductory wording In order to contribute to the development of the internal market, and without prejudice to Article 8a, for the achievement of the principles of this Article, the Commission may adopt appropriate technical implementing measures to:
Amendment 431 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – point -a (new) (-a) harmonise the rules relating to the availability and efficient use of radio frequencies in accordance with the procedure set out in Annex IIa;
Amendment 432 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – point -a (new) (-a) harmonise the rules relating to the availability and efficient use of radio frequencies in accordance with the procedure set out in Annex IIa;
Amendment 433 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – point -a (new) (-a) harmonise the rules relating to the availability and efficient use of radio frequencies in accordance Article 9;
Amendment 434 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – point -a (new) (-a) harmonise the rules relating to the availability and efficient use of radio frequencies in accordance with Article 9;
Amendment 435 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – point -a (new) (-a) harmonise the rules relating to the availability and efficient use of radio frequencies in accordance Article 9;
Amendment 436 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – point -aa (new) (-aa) ensure the coordinated and timely provision of information concerning the allocation, availability and use of radio frequencies in accordance with the procedure set out in Annex IIa;
Amendment 437 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – point -aa (new) (-aa) ensure the coordinated and timely provision of information concerning the allocation, availability and use of radio frequencies in accordance with the procedure set out in Annex IIa;
Amendment 438 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – point -aa (new) (-aa) ensure the coordinated and timely provision of information concerning the allocation, availability and use of radio frequencies;
Amendment 439 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – point -aa (new) (-aa) ensure the coordinated and timely provision of information concerning the allocation, availability and use of radio frequencies;
Amendment 440 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – point -aa (new) (-aa) ensure the coordinated and timely provision of information concerning the allocation, availability and use of radio frequencies;
Amendment 441 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – point a (a)
Amendment 442 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – point a (a)
Amendment 443 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – point a (a)
Amendment 444 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – subparagaph 1 – point a (a)
Amendment 445 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – point a (a)
Amendment 446 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – point a (a)
Amendment 447 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – point a (a)
Amendment 448 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – paragaph 1 – point a (a)
Amendment 449 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – point a (a)
Amendment 450 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – point b (b)
Amendment 451 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – paragaph 1 – point b (b)
Amendment 452 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – subparagaph 1 – point b Amendment 453 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – point b Amendment 454 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – point b (b) harmonise the conditions attached to such rights
Amendment 455 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article1 – point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – point b (b) harmonise the conditions attached to such rights
Amendment 456 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 - point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – point c Amendment 457 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 - point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – point c Amendment 458 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 - point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – subparagraph 1 – point c Amendment 459 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 - point 10 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9c – subparagraph 1 – point c source: PE-407.631
143 amendments...
Amendment 460 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – point d Amendment 461 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – point d Amendment 462 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – point d Amendment 463 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – point d Amendment 464 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – point d Amendment 465 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – point d Amendment 466 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 9c – subparagraph 1 – point d d)
Amendment 467 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – point d (d) create an exception to the principle of services or technology neutrality, as well as to harmonise the scope and nature of any exceptions to these principles. All exceptions shall be in accordance with Articles 9(3) and (4)
Amendment 468 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1 – point d (d) create an exception to the principle of service or technology neutrality, as well as to harmonise the scope and nature of any exceptions to the principle of service or technology neutrality in accordance with paragraphs Article 9(3) and (4) other than those aimed at ensuring the promotion of
Amendment 469 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1a (new) These implementing measures shall be without prejudice to measures taken at Community or national level, in compliance with Community law, to pursue general interest objectives, in particular measures relating to the promotion of cultural and linguistic diversity and media pluralism.
Amendment 470 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1a (new) These implementing measures shall be without prejudice to measures taken at Community or national level, in compliance with Community law, to pursue general interest objectives, in particular measures relating to the promotion of cultural and linguistic diversity and media pluralism.
Amendment 471 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1a (new) These implementing measures shall be without prejudice to measures taken at Community or national level, in compliance with Community law, to pursue general interest objectives, in particular measures relating to content regulation and audio-visual policy.
Amendment 472 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1a (new) These implementing measures shall be without prejudice to measures taken at Community or national level, in compliance with Community law, to pursue general interest objectives, in particular measures relating to content regulation and audio-visual policy.
Amendment 473 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 9c – paragraph 1a (new) These implementing measures shall be without prejudice to measures taken at Community or national level, in compliance with Community law, to pursue general interest objectives, in particular measures relating to content regulation and audio-visual policy.
Amendment 474 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 9c – paragraph 2 Amendment 475 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 9c – paragraph 2 The
Amendment 476 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 9c – paragraph 2 The
Amendment 477 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 9c – paragraph 2 The
Amendment 478 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 9c – paragraph 2 Th
Amendment 479 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 9c – paragraph 2 Th
Amendment 480 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 9c – paragraph 2 These measures designed to amend nonessential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 22(3). On imperative grounds of urgency, the Commission may use the urgency procedure referred to in Article 22(4). In the implementation of the provisions of this paragraph, the Commission may be assisted by the Authority in accordance with Article 10 Regulation […/EC]. The Commission shall adopt these measures taking the utmost account of the assessment by the relevant technical and standardization organizations and after consultation with interested parties.
Amendment 481 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 9c – paragraph 2 These measures designed to amend nonessential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 22(3). On imperative grounds of urgency, the Commission may use the urgency procedure referred to in Article 22(4). In the implementation of the provisions of this paragraph, the Commission may be assisted by the Authority in accordance with Article 10 Regulation […/EC]. The Commission shall adopt these measures taking the utmost account of the assessment by the relevant technical and standardization organizations and after consultation with interested parties.
Amendment 482 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10a (new) Directive 2002/20/EC Article 9ca (new) Amendment 483 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 10a (new) Directive 2002/20/EC Article 9ca (new) Amendment 484 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 11 – point -a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 10 – paragraph 1 (-a) Paragraph 1 is replaced by the following: "1. Member States shall ensure that national regulatory authorities control the assignment of all national numbering resources and the management of the national numbering plans. Member States shall ensure that adequate numbers and numbering ranges are provided [...]. Even where services include nomadic functionalities, the availability of both non-geographic and geographic services is essential. National regulatory authorities shall establish objective, transparent and non- discriminatory assigning procedures for national numbering resources."
Amendment 485 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 11 – point a Directive 2002/21/EC Article 10 – paragraph 2 2. National regulatory authorities shall ensure that numbering plans and procedures are applied in a manner that gives equal treatment to all providers
Amendment 486 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 11 – point a Directive 2002/21/EC Article 10 – paragraph 2 ‘2. National regulatory authorities shall ensure that national numbering plans and procedures are applied in a manner that gives equal treatment to all providers of publicly available electronic communications services. In particular, Member States shall ensure that an undertaking assigned a range of numbers does not discriminate against other
Amendment 487 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 11 – point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 10 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 4. Member States shall support the harmonisation
Amendment 488 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 11 – point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 10 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 4. Member States shall support the harmonisation of numbering resources within the Community where that is necessary to support the development of pan European services.
Amendment 489 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 11 – point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 10 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 4. Member States shall support harmonisation in numbering within the
Amendment 490 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 11 – point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 10 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 4. Member States shall support harmonisation in numbering within the Community where that promotes the functioning of the internal market or supports the development of new pan- European services, without detrimental effects for existing services. The Commission may take appropriate technical implementing measures
Amendment 491 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 11 – point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 10 – paragraph 4 - subparagraph 1 4. Member States shall support harmonisation in numbering within the Community where that promotes the functioning of the internal market or supports the development of new pan- European services, without detrimental effects for existing services. The Commission may take appropriate technical implementing measures
Amendment 492 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 11 – point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 10 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 4. Member States shall support harmonisation in numbering within the Community where that promotes the functioning of the internal market or supports the development of pan-European services without detrimental effects for existing services. The Commission may take appropriate technical implementing measures
Amendment 493 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 11 – point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 10 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 4. Member States shall support harmonisation in numbering within the Community where that promotes the functioning of the internal market or supports the development of new and existing pan-European services. The Commission may take appropriate technical implementing measures
Amendment 494 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 11 – point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 10 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 4. Member States shall
Amendment 495 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 11 – point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 10 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 4. Member States shall support harmonisation in numbering within the Community where that promotes the functioning of the internal market or supports the development of pan-European services. The Commission, together with the national regulatory authorities, may take appropriate technical implementing measures on this matter, which may include establishing tariff principles for specific numbers or number ranges.
Amendment 496 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 11 – point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 10 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 2 Amendment 497 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 11 – point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 10 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 2 The measures designed to amend non-essential Deleted elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 22(3). On imperative grounds of urgency, the Commission may use the urgency procedure referred to in Article 22(4).
Amendment 498 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 11 – point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 10 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 2 The measures designed to amend non- essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 22(3).
Amendment 499 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 12 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 11 – paragraph 1 acts on the basis of simple, transparent and publicly available procedures, applied without discrimination and without delay, and in any event makes its decision within
Amendment 500 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 12 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 11 – paragraph 1 acts on the basis of simple, transparent and publicly available procedures, applied without discrimination and without delay, and in any event makes its decision within
Amendment 501 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 12 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 11 – paragraph 1 acts on the basis of simple, transparent and publicly available procedures, applied without discrimination and without delay, and in any event makes its decision within four months of the application, while taking account of the national legislation on expropriation, and
Amendment 502 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 13 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 12 – paragraph 1 1. Where an undertaking providing electronic communications
Amendment 503 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 13 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 12 – paragraph 1 1. Where an undertaking providing electronic communications networks has the right under national legislation to install facilities on, over or under public or private property, or may take advantage of a procedure for the expropriation or use of property, national regulatory authorities shall be able to impose the sharing of such facilities or property, including entries to buildings,
Amendment 504 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 13 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 12 – paragraph 1 1. Where a
Amendment 505 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 13 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 12 – paragraph 1 1. Where a
Amendment 506 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 13 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 12 – paragraph 1 1. Where a
Amendment 507 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 13 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 12 – paragraph 1 1. Where a
Amendment 508 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 13 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 12 – paragraph 3 3. Measures taken by a national regulatory authority in accordance with paragraph 1 shall
Amendment 509 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 13 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 12 – paragraph 3 3. Measures taken by a national regulatory authority in accordance with paragraph 1 shall be objective, transparent,
Amendment 510 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 13 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 12 – paragraph 3 3. Measures taken by a national regulatory authority in accordance with paragraph 1 shall be objective, transparent,
Amendment 511 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 13 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 12 – paragraph 3 a (new) 3a. To ensure that measures taken in accordance with paragraph 1 are proportionate, national regulatory authorities shall investigate the availability of all ducts, including those of telecommunications operators, energy providers, local communities and sewage pipes, capable of carrying telecommunications lines in the area where access is requested.
Amendment 512 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 13 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 12 – paragraph 3 a (new) 3a. To ensure that measures taken in accordance with paragraph 1 are proportionate, national regulatory authorities shall investigate the availability of all ducts, including those of telecommunications operators, energy providers, local communities and sewage pipes, capable of carrying telecommunications lines in the area where access is requested.
Amendment 513 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 13 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 12 – paragraph 3 a (new) 3a. In order to guarantee the proportionality of the measures in paragraph 1, national regulatory authorities shall check the availability of all conduits suitable for laying telecommunication lines – including those of telecommunications providers, energy providers, urban providers and waste water pipes – in the areas in which access is required.
Amendment 514 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 13 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 12 – paragraph 3 a (new) 3a. To ensure that measures taken in accordance with paragraph 1 are proportionate, national regulatory authorities shall investigate the availability of all ducts, including those of telecommunications operators, energy providers, local communities and sewage pipes, capable of carrying telecommunications lines in the area where access is requested.
Amendment 515 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 13 a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 – paragraph 1 a (new) Amendment 516 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 a – paragraph 1 1. Member States shall en
Amendment 517 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 a – paragraph 2 2. Member States shall en
Amendment 518 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 a – paragraph 2 2. Member States shall ensure that undertakings providing public communications networks take
Amendment 519 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 a – paragraph 2 2. Member States shall ensure that
Amendment 520 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 a – paragraph 2 2. Member States shall ensure that undertakings providing public communications networks take all necessary steps to ensure the integrity of their networks so as to ensure the continuity of supply of services provided over those networks. The national regulatory authorities shall hold consultations with all electronic communications service providers prior to adopting specific measures for the security and integrity of electronic communications networks.
Amendment 521 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 a – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 1 3. Member States shall ensure, where appropriate, that undertakings providing public communications networks or publicly available electronic communications services notify the national regulatory authority of a
Amendment 522 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 a – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 1 3. Member States shall ensure that undertakings providing public communications networks or publicly
Amendment 523 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 a – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 2 Where appropriate, the
Amendment 524 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 a – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 2 Where appropriate, the national regulatory authority concerned shall inform the national regulatory authorities in other Member States and the Authority.
Amendment 525 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 a – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 2 Where appropriate, the national regulatory
Amendment 526 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 a – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 2 Where appropriate, the national regulatory authority concerned shall inform the national regulatory authorities in other Member States and the
Amendment 527 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 a – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 2 Where appropriate, the national regulatory authority concerned shall inform the national regulatory authorities in other Member States
Amendment 528 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 a – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 3 Amendment 529 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 a – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 3 Every
Amendment 530 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 a – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 3 Amendment 531 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 a – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 3 Every
Amendment 532 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 a – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 3 Every
Amendment 533 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 a – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 3 Every t
Amendment 534 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 a – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 3 Every three months, the Every six months, the national regulatory authority national regulatory authority shall submit a summary shall submit a summary report to the Commission on report to the Commission on the notifications received the notifications received and the action taken in and the action taken in accordance with this accordance with this paragraph. paragraph.
Amendment 535 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 a – paragraph 4 Amendment 536 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 a – paragraph 4 Amendment 537 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 a – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 4. The Commission, taking the utmost account of the opinion of the
Amendment 538 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 a – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 4. The Commission, taking the utmost account of the opinion of the Authority issued in accordance with Article 4(3)(b) of Regulation […/EC], may adopt appropriate technical implementing measures with a view to harmonising the measures referred to in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3, including measures defining the circumstances, format and procedures applicable to notification requirements. The technical implementing measures shall not prevent Member States from adopting additional requirements in order to pursue the objectives set out in paragraphs 1 and 2.
Amendment 539 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 a – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 4. The Commission
Amendment 540 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 a – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 2 These implementing measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 22(3) where industry- led self-regulatory initiatives have not achieved an adequate level of security in the internal market in one or more Member States. On imperative grounds of urgency, the Commission may use the urgency procedure referred to in Article 22(4).
Amendment 541 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 a – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 2 These implementing measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 22(3).
Amendment 542 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 b – paragraph 1 1. Member States shall ensure that national regulatory authorities have the power to issue binding instructions to undertakings providing public communications networks or publicly available electronic communications services in order to implement Article 13a. The binding instructions shall be submitted to public consultation, shall be proportionate and economically and technically feasible and shall come into force within a reasonable timeframe. National regulatory authorities shall also allow telecommunications operators to recover costs incurred in complying with the binding instructions.
Amendment 543 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 b – paragraph 1 1. Member States shall ensure that national regulatory authorities have the power to issue binding instructions to undertakings providing public communications networks or publicly available electronic communications services in order to implement Article 13a. The binding instructions shall be proportionate and economically and technically sustainable and shall be implemented within a reasonable timeframe.
Amendment 544 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 b – paragraph 2 – point a (a) provide information needed to assess the security and integrity of their services and networks, including documented security policies; and
Amendment 545 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 b – paragraph 2 – point b (b) instruct a qualified independent body in agreement with undertakings to carry out a security audit and make the results thereof available to the national regulatory authority.
Amendment 546 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 b – paragraph 2 – point b (b)
Amendment 547 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 b – paragraph 3 3. Member States shall ensure that national regulatory authorities have all the powers necessary to investigate cases of non- compliance, together with the effects on the security and integrity of the networks.
Amendment 548 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 14 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 13 b – paragraph 4 a (new) 4a. Member States shall ensure that a cost reimbursement scheme is made available to undertakings providing public communications networks or publicly available electronic communications services where the Commission adopts technical implementing measures under Article 13a(4).
Amendment 549 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 15 – point a Directive 2002/21/EC Article 14 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 2 Amendment 550 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 15 – point a Directive 2002/21/EC Article 14 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 2 Amendment 551 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 15 – point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 14 – paragraph 3 (b) Paragraph
Amendment 552 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 15 – point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 14 – paragraph 3 (b) Paragraph
Amendment 553 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 15 – point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 14 – paragraph 3 (b) Paragraph
Amendment 554 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 16 – point ba (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 15 – paragraph 2 a (new) (ba) Paragraph 2a is inserted: "At the latest by the date of entry into force of this Directive, the Commission shall publish guidelines for national regulatory authorities as regards decisions aimed at imposing, amending or withdrawing obligations on undertakings with significant market power."
Amendment 555 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 16 – point d Directive 2002/21/EC Article 15 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 4.
Amendment 556 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 16 – point d Directive 2002/21/EC Article 15 – paragraph 4 –subparagraph 1 4. The Commission may,
Amendment 557 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 16 – point d Directive 2002/21/EC Article 15 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 4. The Commission may, taking the utmost account of the opinions of the national regulatory authorities and of the Authority submitted in accordance with Article 7 of Regulation […/EC], adopt a Decision identifying transnational markets.
Amendment 558 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 16 – point d Directive 2002/21/EC Article 15 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 4.
Amendment 559 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 16 – point d Directive 2002/21/EC Article 15 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 2 This Decision, designed to amend non- essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 22(3).
Amendment 560 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 16 – point d Directive 2002/21/EC Article 15 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 2 This Decision, designed to amend non- essential elements of this Directive by
Amendment 561 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 17 – point a Directive 2002/21/EC Article 16 – paragraph 1 1. National regulatory authorities shall carry out an analysis of the relevant markets taking account of those listed in the Recommendation
Amendment 562 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 17 – point aa (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 16 – paragraph 4 (aa) Paragraph 4 is replaced by the following: ‘4. Where a national regulatory authority determines that a relevant market is not effectively competitive, except in the case of new and developing markets, it shall identify undertakings with significant market power on that market in accordance with Article 14 and shall impose on such undertakings the appropriate specific regulatory obligations referred to in paragraph 2 of this article or maintain or amend such obligations where they already exist, taking into account the scope of the relevant geographical markets and, where appropriate, eliminating transitory access obligations on the road to deregulation of these markets. In determining these obligations, the national regulatory authority shall take account of the aim of promoting effective investment in infrastructure and encouraging competition between services provided by competing platforms, while encouraging investment in new and competitive infrastructures, as a way of achieving sustainable competition in networks and services in the long term which will make it possible, when the time comes, to relax the transitory access obligations, while, at the same time, maintaining the ex ante regulatory obligations which in any case will be applicable to infrastructures installed by undertakings enjoying special or exclusive rights and which are still benefiting from those investments.’
Amendment 563 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 17 – point aa (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 16 – paragraph 3 (aa) Paragraph 3 is replaced by the following: "3. Where a national regulatory authority concludes that the market is not susceptible to ex-ante regulation, on the basis of the three criteria test stated in the Recommendation, or is susceptible to ex-ante regulation but is effectively competitive, it shall not impose or maintain any of the specific regulatory obligations referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article. In cases where sector specific regulatory obligations already exist, it shall withdraw such obligations placed on undertakings in that relevant market. An appropriate period of notice shall be given to parties affected by such a withdrawal of obligations."
Amendment 564 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 17 – point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 16 – paragraph 5 –subparagraph 1 5.
Amendment 565 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 17 – point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 16 – paragraph 5 – subparagraph 1 5. In the case of transnational markets identified in the Decision referred to in Article 15(4), the Commission shall request
Amendment 566 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 17 – point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 16 – paragraph 5 – subparagraph 2 Amendment 567 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 17 – point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 16 – paragraph 5 – subparagraph 2 The
Amendment 568 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 17 – point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 16 – paragraph 5 – subparagraph 2 The Commission, taking the The Commission, taking the utmost account of the utmost account of the opinion of the Authority, opinions of the national may issue a decision regulatory authorities and designating one or more of the Authority, may issue undertakings as having a decision designating one significant market power on or more undertakings as that market, and imposing having significant market one or more specific power on that market, and obligations under Articles 9 imposing one or more to 13a of specific obligations under Directive 2002/19/EC Articles 9 to 13a of (Access Directive) and Directive 2002/19/EC Article 17 of Directive (Access Directive) and 2002/22/EC (Universal Article 17 of Directive Service Directive). In so 2002/22/EC (Universal doing, the Commission shall Service Directive). In so pursue the policy objectives doing, the Commission shall set out in Article 8. pursue the policy objectives set out in Article 8.
Amendment 569 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 17 – point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 16 – paragraph 6 – point a (a) within t
Amendment 570 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 17 – point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 16 – paragraph 6 – point a (a) within t
Amendment 571 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 17 – point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 16 – paragraph 6 – point a (a) within t
Amendment 572 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 17 – point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 16 – paragraph 6 – point a (a) within two years of
Amendment 573 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 17 – point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 16 – paragraph 6 – point a (a) within two years of
Amendment 574 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 17 – point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 16 – paragraph 6 – point b (b) for markets not previously notified to the Commission, within
Amendment 575 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 17 – point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 16 – paragraph 6 – point ba (new) (ba) within six months of the adoption of a revised Recommendation on relevant markets, for any market subject to regulation and not listed in the revised Recommendation, within the first three months the NRA shall notify the result of the three criteria test defined in the Recommendation and, in the case of markets passing this test, shall, within the following three months, carry out the SMP assessment of the market in order to decide whether to maintain, modify or withdraw existing obligations; or
Amendment 576 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 17 – point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 16 – paragraph 6 – point ba (new) (ba) within six months of the adoption of a revised Recommendation on relevant markets, for any market subject to regulation and not listed in the revised Recommendation, within the first three months the NRA shall notify the result of the three criteria test defined in the Recommendation and, in the case of markets passing this test, shall, within the following three months, carry out the SMP assessment of the market in order to decide whether to maintain, modify or withdraw existing obligations; or
Amendment 577 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 17 – point b Directive 2002/21/EC Article 16 – paragraph 6 – point c (c) for Member States that have newly joined the Union, within
Amendment 578 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 17 – point c Directive 2002/21/EC Article 16 – paragraph 7 Amendment 579 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 17 – point c Directive 2002/21/EC Article 16 – paragraph 7 Amendment 580 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 17 – point c Directive 2002/21/EC Article 16 – paragraph 7 – subparagraph 2 Amendment 581 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 17 ca (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 16 – paragraph 7a (new) (ca) The following paragraph is inserted: "7a. Notwithstanding the regular review provided for in paragraph 6, national regulatory authorities may issue decisions on remedies for a period of longer than two years where this is required to provide investors in next generation access networks with the necessary long term regulatory certainty."
Amendment 582 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 17 ca (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 16 – paragraph 7a (new) (ca) The following paragraph is inserted in Article 16: ‘7a. Irrespective of the regular analyses referred to in paragraph 6, national regulatory authorities may decide on measures which are valid for longer than two years if this is necessary for long-term planning reliability, particularly in order to develop next-generation access networks.’
Amendment 583 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 18 – point aa (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 17 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 3 (aa) In paragraph 2, subparagraph 3 shall be replaced by the following: "In the absence of such standards and/or specifications, Member States shall encourage the implementation of international standards or recommendations adopted by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT), the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) or the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)."
Amendment 584 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 20 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 19 – paragraph 1 Amendment 585 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 20 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 19 – paragraph 1 1. Without prejudice to Article 9 of this Directive and to Articles 6 and 8 of Directive 2002/20/EC (Authorisation Directive), where the Commission finds that divergences in the implementation by national regulatory authorities of the regulatory tasks specified in this Directive and the Specific Directives may create a barrier to the internal market, the Commission may
Amendment 586 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 20 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 19 – paragraph 1 1. Without prejudice to Article 9 of this Directive and to Articles 6 and 8 of Directive 2002/20/EC (Authorisation Directive), where the Commission finds that divergences in the implementation by national regulatory authorities of the regulatory tasks specified in this Directive and the Specific Directives
Amendment 587 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 20 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 19 – paragraph 2 Amendment 588 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 20 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 19 – paragraph 3 Amendment 589 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 20 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 19 – paragraph 3 Amendment 590 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 20 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 19 – paragraph 3 Amendment 591 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 20 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 19 – paragraph 4 Amendment 592 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 20 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 19 – paragraph 4 Amendment 593 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 20 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 19 – paragraph 4 Amendment 594 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 20 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 19 – paragraph 4 – point a (a) Consistent implementation of regulatory approaches, including regulatory treatment of new services and new access infrastructure;
Amendment 595 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 20 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 19 – paragraph 4 – point a (a) Consistent implementation of regulatory approaches, including regulatory treatment of
Amendment 596 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 20 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 19 – paragraph 4 – point a (a) Consistent implementation of regulatory approaches, including regulatory treatment of new services, including global telecommunications services, and the definition of sub- national markets resulting from different competitive conditions;
Amendment 597 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 20 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 19 – paragraph 4 – point a (a) Consistent implementation of regulatory approaches, including regulatory treatment of pan-European services, such as global telecommunications services, and of new services;
Amendment 598 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 20 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 19 – paragraph 4 – point a (a) Consistent implementation of regulatory approaches, including regulatory treatment of pan-European services, such as global telecommunications services, and of new services;
Amendment 599 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 20 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 19 – paragraph 4 – point a (a) Consistent implementation of regulatory approaches, including regulatory treatment of pan-European services, such as global telecommunication services, and of new services;
Amendment 600 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 20 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 19 – paragraph 4 – point a (a) Consistent implementation of regulatory approaches, including
Amendment 601 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 20 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 19 – paragraph 5 Amendment 602 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 20 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 19 – paragraph 5 source: PE-407.632
228 amendments...
Amendment 603 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 22 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 21 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 1 2. Any party may refer the dispute to the national regulatory authorities concerned. The
Amendment 604 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 24 a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 25 – paragraph 1a (new) (24a) In Article 25, the following paragraph is inserted: "1a. By January 2014, the Commission shall evaluate whether there is a need to extend the duration of the provisions on sector specific ex-ante regulation of this Directive, Articles 8 to 13a of the Access Directive and Article 17 of the Universal Service Directive. This evaluation shall be undertaken in the light of competitive developments in infrastructure and services in electronic communications. If sector specific ex-ante regulation appears to be necessary, the Commission shall confine such regulation to such markets, and put an end to it in those Member States and sub-national markets where infrastructure competition is not yet feasible. The Commission shall propose amendments to the existing regulatory framework to the Council and the European Parliament with a view to the adoption of a reformed regulatory framework."
Amendment 605 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 24 a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 25 – paragraph 1a (new) (24a) In Article 25, the following paragraph 1a is inserted: "1a. The Commission shall evaluate whether, and if so to what extent, in the light of developments in the market and with regard to competition, there is a need to extend the duration of the sector- specific price and access regulation provisions of this Directive, and of Directive 2002/19/EC (Access Directive), beyond the period referred to in Articles 29a and 19a of this Directive and of Directive 2002/19/EC respectively, or to amend it. If the Commission finds that there is such a need, it shall submit a proposal to the European Parliament and the Council accordingly."
Amendment 606 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 24 a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 25 – paragraph 1a (new) Amendment 607 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 24 a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 25 (24a) Article 25 is replaced by the following: "The Commission shall [...] review the functioning of this Directive and report to the European Parliament and the Council no later than five years after the date of its entry into force. In its report, the Commission shall include its reasoning regarding the continued need for regulation or the possibility of its repeal, in the light of developments in the market and with regard to competition. For this purpose, the Commission may request information from the Member States, which shall be supplied without undue delay."
Amendment 608 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 25 a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 29a (new) (25a) The following Article 29a is inserted: "Article 29a The sector-specific regulatory measures based on this Directive shall be repealed by 31 December 2016."
Amendment 609 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 25 a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 29a (new) (25a) The following Article 29a is inserted: "Article 29a Expiry Articles 14 to 16 shall expire on 1 January 2014."
Amendment 610 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 25 a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 29a (new) (25a) The following Article is inserted: "Article 29a Articles 14 to 16 shall expire on 31 December 2014."
Amendment 611 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 26 Directive 2002/21/EC Annexes I and II (26) Annex
Amendment 612 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 26 Directive 2002/21/EC Annexes I and II (26) Annex
Amendment 613 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 26 Directive 2002/21/EC Annexes I and II (26) Annex
Amendment 614 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 1 – point 26 Directive 2002/21/EC Annexes I and II (26) Annex
Amendment 615 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 1 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 2 – point a ‘(a) “access” means the making available of facilities and/or services to another undertaking, under defined conditions, on either an exclusive or non- exclusive basis, for the purpose of providing electronic communications services, or
Amendment 616 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 1 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 2 – point a “access” means the making available of facilities and/or services to another undertaking, under defined conditions, on either an exclusive or non-exclusive basis, for the purpose of providing electronic communications services or delivering information society services or broadcast content services. It covers inter alia: access to network elements (including wavelength transfer unless optical fibre capacity can be made available) and associated facilities, which may involve the connection of equipment by fixed or non-fixed means (in particular this includes access to the local loop and to facilities and services necessary to provide services over the local loop); access to physical infrastructure including buildings, ducts and masts; access to relevant software systems including operational support systems; access to number translation or systems offering equivalent functionality; access to fixed and mobile networks, in particular for roaming; access to conditional access systems for digital television services; access to virtual network services.
Amendment 617 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 1 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 2 – point a (a) “access” means the making available of facilities and/or services to another undertaking, under defined conditions, on either an exclusive or non-exclusive basis, for the purpose of providing electronic communications services or delivering information society services or broadcast content services. It covers inter alia: access to network elements and associated facilities, which may involve the connection of equipment by fixed or non-fixed means (in particular this includes access to the local loop and to facilities and services necessary to provide services over the local loop); access to physical infrastructure including buildings, ducts and masts; access to relevant software systems including operational support systems; access to number translation or systems offering equivalent functionality; access to billing and collection services and to subscriber databases for the provision of directory services; access to fixed and mobile networks, in particular for roaming; access to conditional access systems for digital television services; access to virtual network services.
Amendment 618 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 1 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 2 – point a (a) “access” means the making available of facilities and/or services to another undertaking, under defined conditions, on either an exclusive or non-exclusive basis, for the purpose of providing electronic communications services or delivering information society services or broadcast content services. It covers inter alia: access to network elements and associated facilities, which may involve the connection of equipment by fixed or non-fixed means (in particular this includes access to the local loop and to facilities and services necessary to provide services over the local loop); access to physical infrastructure including buildings, ducts and masts; access to relevant software systems including operational support systems; access to number translation or systems offering equivalent functionality; access to billing and collection services and to subscriber databases for the provision of directory services; access to fixed and mobile networks, in particular for roaming; access to conditional access systems for digital television services; access to virtual
Amendment 619 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 1 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 2 – point a (a) “access” means the making available of facilities and/or services to another undertaking, under defined conditions, on either an exclusive or non-exclusive basis, for the purpose of providing electronic communications services or delivering information society services or broadcast content services. It covers inter alia: access to network elements and associated facilities, which may involve the connection of equipment by fixed or non-fixed means (in particular this includes access to the local loop and to facilities and services necessary to provide services over the local loop); access to physical infrastructure including buildings, ducts and masts; access to relevant software systems including operational support systems; access to number translation or
Amendment 620 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 1 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 2 – point a (a) “access” means the making available of facilities and/or services to another undertaking, under defined conditions, on either an exclusive or non-exclusive basis, for the purpose of providing electronic communications services or delivering information society services or broadcast content services. It covers inter alia: access to network elements and associated facilities, which may involve the connection of equipment by fixed or non-fixed means (in particular this includes access to the local loop and to facilities and services necessary to provide services over
Amendment 621 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 1a (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 2 – point e (1a) In Article 2, point (e) is replaced by the following: "(e) "local loop" means the physical circuit connecting the network termination point [...] to a distribution frame or equivalent facility in the fixed public electronic communications network, where the connection can technically be accessed."
Amendment 622 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 1 a (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 2 – point e (1a) In Article 2, point (e) is replaced by the following: "(e) "local loop" means the physical circuit connecting the network termination point [...] to a distribution frame or equivalent facility in the fixed public electronic communications network, where the connection can technically be accessed."
Amendment 623 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 1 a (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 2 – point e (1a) In Article 2, point (e) is replaced by the following: "(e) 'local loop' means the physical circuit connecting the network termination point [...] to a distribution frame or equivalent facility in the fixed public electronic communications network, where the connection can technically be accessed."
Amendment 624 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 1 a (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 2 – point e (1a) In Article 2, point (e) is replaced by the following: "(e) "local loop" means the physical circuit connecting the network termination point [...] to a distribution frame or equivalent facility in the fixed public electronic communications network, where the connection can technically be accessed."
Amendment 625 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 1 a (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 2 – point e (1a) In Article 2, point (e) is replaced by the following: "(e) "local loop" means the physical circuit connecting the network termination point [...] to a distribution frame or equivalent facility in the fixed public electronic communications network, where the connection can technically be accessed."
Amendment 626 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 2 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 4 – paragraph 1 ‘1. Operators of public communications networks shall have a right and, when requested by other undertakings so authorised in accordance with Article 4 of Directive 2002/20/EC (Authorisation Directive), an obligation to negotiate interconnection with each other for the purpose of providing publicly available electronic communications services or delivering broadcast content or information society services, in order to ensure provision and interoperability of services throughout the Community. Operators shall offer access and interconnection to other undertakings on terms and conditions consistent with obligations imposed by the national regulatory authority pursuant to Articles 5, 6, 7 and 8.’
Amendment 627 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 2 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 4 – paragraph 1 1. Operators of public communications networks shall have a right and, when requested by other undertakings so authorised in accordance with Article 4 of Directive 2002/20/EC (Authorisation Directive), an obligation to negotiate interconnection with each other for the purpose of providing publicly available electronic communications services, in order to ensure provision and interoperability of services throughout the Community. Operators shall offer access and interconnection to other undertakings on terms and conditions consistent with obligations imposed by the national regulatory authority pursuant to Articles 5, 6, 7 and 8. However, the terms and conditions for interconnection shall not introduce unjustified barriers to interoperability.
Amendment 628 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 3 – point -a Directive 2002/19/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 Amendment 629 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 3 – point -a (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 – point a (-a) Point a of paragraph 1 is replaced by the following: ‘(a) to the extent that is necessary to ensure end-to-end connectivity, obligations on undertakings that control access to end-users, including in justified cases the obligation to interconnect their networks or make their services interoperable where this is not already the case;’
Amendment 630 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 3 – point -a (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 – point a (-a) Point (a) of the second subparagraph of paragraph 1 is replaced by the following: "(a) to the extent that is necessary to ensure end-to-end connectivity and access to services, obligations on undertakings that control access to end-users, including in justified cases the obligation to interconnect their networks on fair and reasonable terms where this is not already the case;"
Amendment 631 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 3 – point -a (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 – point a (-a) Point (a) of the second subparagraph of paragraph 1 is replaced by the following: "(a) to the extent that is necessary to ensure end-to-end connectivity and access to services, obligations on undertakings that control access to end-users, including in justified cases the obligation to interconnect their networks on fair and reasonable terms where this is not already the case;"
Amendment 632 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 3 – point -a (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 – point a (-a) Point (a) of the second subparagraph of paragraph 1 is replaced by the following: "(a) to the extent that is necessary to ensure end-to-end connectivity or fair and reasonable access to services, obligations on undertakings that control access to end-users, including in justified cases the obligation to interconnect their networks or to do so on objective, transparent, cost-oriented and non- discriminatory terms, where this is not already the case;"
Amendment 633 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 3 – point -a (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 – point a (-a) Point (a) of the second subparagraph of paragraph 1 is replaced by the following: "(a) to the extent that is necessary to ensure end-to-end connectivity or fair and reasonable access to services, obligations on undertakings that control access to end-users, including in justified cases the obligation to interconnect their networks or to do so on objective, transparent, cost-oriented and non- discriminatory terms, where this is not already the case;"
Amendment 634 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 3 – point -a (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 – point a (-a) Point (a) of the second subparagraph of paragraph 1 is replaced by the following: "(a) to the extent that is necessary to ensure end-to-end connectivity or fair and reasonable access to services, obligations on undertakings that control access to end-users, including in justified cases the obligation to interconnect their networks or to do so on objective, transparent, cost-orientated and non- discriminatory terms, where this is not already the case;"
Amendment 635 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 3 - point -a (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 – point a (-a) Point (a) of the second subparagraph of paragraph 1 is replaced by the following: "(a) to the extent that is necessary to ensure end-to-end connectivity or fair and reasonable access to third-party services, obligations on undertakings that control access to end-users, including in justified cases the obligation to interconnect their networks or to do so in a non-discriminatory way, where this is not already the case;"
Amendment 636 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 3 – point -a a (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 – point ba (new) (-aa) In the second subparagraph of paragraph 1, the following point is added: "(ba) ensure the efficient use of spectrum."
Amendment 637 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 3 – point a Directive 2002/19/EC Article 5 – paragraph 2 ‘2. Obligations and conditions imposed in accordance with paragraph 1 shall be objective, transparent, proportionate and non-discriminatory, and shall be implemented in accordance with the procedures referred to in Articles 6 and 7 of Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive).
Amendment 638 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 3 – point a Directive 2002/19/EC Article 5 – paragraph 2 2. Obligations and conditions imposed in accordance with paragraph 1 shall be objective, transparent, proportionate and non-discriminatory, and shall be implemented in accordance with the procedures referred to in Articles 6 and 7 of Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive). When assessing the proportionality of the obligations and conditions to be imposed, national regulatory authorities shall take into account the different competitive conditions existing in the different areas within their Member States.
Amendment 639 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 3 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 5 – paragraph 2 2. Obligations and conditions imposed in accordance with paragraph 1 shall be objective, transparent, proportionate and non-discriminatory, shall furthermore take account of the differences in the development of competition in the individual geographic regions of Member States and shall be implemented in accordance with the procedures referred to in Articles 6 and 7 of Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive).
Amendment 640 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 3 – point a a (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 5 – paragraph 2a (new) (aa) The following paragraph is added: "2a. Where assessing measures to be imposed in light of developing infrastructure competition, national regulatory authorities shall take into account the different competitive conditions existing in the different geographic areas within their Member States. National regulatory authorities shall remove unnecessary obligations in order to ensure that the transition from sector specific ex-ante regulation to competition law is not being impeded or delayed where infrastructure competition in a geographic area is competitive or almost competitive."
Amendment 641 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 3 – point a a (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 5 – paragraph 2a (new) (aa) The following paragraph is added: "2a. Where assessing the proportionality of the measures to be imposed, national regulatory authorities shall take into account the different competitive conditions existing in the different areas within their Member States. When a geographic area is competitive, national regulatory authorities shall remove unnecessary obligations in order to ensure that deregulation is adapted to market needs. In that respect, national regulatory authorities shall take into account the need to safeguard infrastructure competition."
Amendment 642 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 3 – point b Directive 2002/19/EC Article 5 – paragraphs 3 and 4 Amendment 643 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 6 – point b – point ii Directive 2002/19/EC Article 8 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 2 Amendment 644 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 6 a (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 9 – paragraph 1 (6a) In Article 9, paragraph 1 is replaced by the following: "1. National regulatory authorities may, in accordance with the provisions of Article 8, impose obligations for transparency in relation to interconnection and/or access, requiring operators to make public specified information, such as accounting information, technical specifications, network characteristics, restrictions on access to services and applications, traffic management policies, terms and conditions for supply and use, and prices."
Amendment 645 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 6 b (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 (6b) In Article 9, paragraph 4 is replaced by the following: "4. Notwithstanding paragraph 3, where an operator has been found to have SMP in a relevant market under Article [15 of the Framework Directive] relating to local access at a fixed location, national regulatory authorities shall ensure the publication of a reference offer containing at least the elements set out in Annex II."
Amendment 646 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 6 b (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 (6b) In Article 9, paragraph 4 is replaced by the following: "4. Notwithstanding paragraph 3, where an operator has been found to have SMP in a relevant market under Article [15 of the Framework Directive] relating to local access at a fixed location, national regulatory authorities shall ensure the publication of a reference offer containing at least the elements set out in Annex II."
Amendment 647 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 6 b (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 9 – paragraph 4 (6b) In Article 9, paragraph 4 is replaced by the following: "4. Notwithstanding paragraph 3, where an operator has been found to have SMP in a relevant market under Article [15 of the Framework Directive] relating to local access at a fixed location, national regulatory authorities shall ensure the publication of a reference offer containing at least the elements set out in Annex II."
Amendment 648 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 7 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 9 – paragraph 5 ‘5. The Commission may adopt the necessary amendments to Annex II in order to adapt it to technological and market developments. The measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 14(3).
Amendment 649 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 8 – point -a (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 12 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 (-a) Subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 is replaced by the following: "1. A national regulatory authority may, in accordance with the provisions of Article 8, impose obligations on operators to meet reasonable requests for access to, and use of, specific network elements and associated facilities, inter alia in situations where the national regulatory authority considers that denial of access or unreasonable terms and conditions having a similar effect would hinder the emergence of a sustainable competitive market at the retail level, or would not be in the end-user's interest. In the particular context of next-generation access networks, access obligations must comprise a single access obligation at the lowest value-added level of the legacy bottleneck, ducts and masts, so as to ensure maximised infrastructure competition. National regulatory authorities must refrain from imposing or regulating access if voluntary commercial agreements have been concluded between the parties. In the absence of such voluntary commercial agreements, operators may be required inter alia:"
Amendment 650 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 8 – point -a (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 12 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 - introductory wording (-a) The introductory wording of subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 shall be replaced by the following: "National regulatory authorities shall not impose access obligations if appropriate commercial voluntary agreements are in place between undertakings. When commercial voluntary negotiation fails, operators may be required inter alia:"
Amendment 651 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 8 – point a Directive 2002/19/EC Article 12 – paragraph 1 – point f Amendment 652 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 8 – point a Directive 2002/19/EC Article 12 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 – point f Amendment 653 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 8 – point a Directive 2002/19/EC Article 12 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 – point f (f) to provide co-location or other forms of facility sharing, including the sharing of ducts, buildings or entry to buildings,
Amendment 654 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 8 – point a a (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 12 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 – point fa (new) (aa) In the second subparagraph of paragraph 1, the following point is inserted: "(fa) to provide third parties with a reference offer for the granting of access to ducts;"
Amendment 655 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 8 – point b Directive 2002/19/EC Article 12 – paragraph 1 – point j Amendment 656 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 8 – point b Directive 2002/19/EC Article 12 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 – point j Amendment 657 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 8 – point b a (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 12 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 – point ja (new) (ba) In the second subparagraph of paragraph 1, the following point is added: "(ja) to provide third-party billing services and access to subscriber databases to providers of directory enquiry services."
Amendment 658 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 8 – point b a (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 12 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 – point ja (new) (ba) In the second subparagraph of paragraph 1, the following point is added: "(ja) to provide third-party billing services and access to subscriber databases to providers of directory enquiry services."
Amendment 659 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 8 – point b a (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 12 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 – point ja (new) (ba) In the second subparagraph of paragraph 1, the following point is added: "(ja) to provide third-party billing services and access to subscriber databases to providers of directory enquiry services."
Amendment 660 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 8 – point b b (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 12 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 – point jb (new) (bb) In the second subparagraph of paragraph 1, the following point is added: "(jb) network operators shall propose and offer cross-border interconnection to requesting operators under reasonable and non-discriminatory conditions to allow for the further decrease of international calls."
Amendment 661 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 8 – point b c (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 12 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 – point jc (new) (bc) In the second subparagraph of paragraph 1, the following point is added: "(jc) network operators shall propose and offer roaming to requesting operators under reasonable and non-discriminatory conditions."
Amendment 662 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 8 – point b a (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 12 – paragraph 2 – point -a (new) (ba) In paragraph 2, the following point -a is inserted: "(-a) provided that wholesale access at a low value-added level is sufficient to ensure competition on the end client market, no access obligation must be imposed at a higher value-added level."
Amendment 663 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 8 – point b e (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 12 – paragraph 2 – point a (be) In paragraph 2, point (a) is replaced by the following: "(a) the technical and economic viability of using or installing competing facilities, in the light of the rate of market development, taking into account the nature and type of interconnection and access involved; and, in particular, where other upstream access products, such as ducts, are available, no further access obligation must be imposed for a wholesale product downstream from any such access product."
Amendment 664 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 8 – point b e (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 12 – paragraph 2 – point a (be) In paragraph 2, point (a) is replaced by the following: "(a) the technical and economic viability of using or installing competing facilities, in the light of the rate of market development, taking into account the nature and type of interconnection and access involved and in particular the availability of other wholesale access products, such as ducts;"
Amendment 665 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 8 – point b f (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 12 – paragraph 2 – point c (bf) In paragraph 2, point (c) is replaced by the following: "(c) the initial investment by the facility owner, bearing in mind the risks involved in making the investment, including appropriate risk-sharing among those undertakings which enjoy access to the new facilities;"
Amendment 666 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 8 – point b f (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 12 – paragraph 2 – point c (bf) In paragraph 2, point (c) is replaced by the following: "(c) the initial investment by the facility owner, bearing in mind the risks involved in making the investment, including appropriate risk-sharing among those undertakings which enjoy access to the new facilities;"
Amendment 667 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 8 – point b g (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 12 – paragraph 2 – point d (bg) In paragraph 2, point (d) is replaced by the following: "(d) the need to safeguard competition in the long term, in particular infrastructure competition;"
Amendment 668 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 8 – point b g (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 12 – paragraph 2 – point d (bg) In paragraph 2, point (d) is replaced by the following: "(d) the need to safeguard competition in the long term, in particular infrastructure-based competition;"
Amendment 669 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 8 – point c Directive 2002/19/EC Article 12 – paragraph 3 ‘3. When imposing obligations on an operator to provide access in accordance with the provisions of this Article, national regulatory authorities may lay down technical or operational conditions to be met by the provider and/or beneficiaries of such access where necessary to ensure normal operation of the network. Obligations to follow specific technical standards or specifications shall be in compliance with the standards and specifications laid down in accordance with Article 17
Amendment 670 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 8 a (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 12a (new) (8a) The following Article 12a is inserted: "Article 12a 1. A national regulatory authority shall, in accordance with the provisions of Article 8, impose obligations on operators designated as having significant market power on the market for access to the public telephone network at fixed locations to offer all interconnected providers of publicly available telephone services access to services via which calls made by end users (a) on a call-by-call basis by dialling a carrier selection code, or (b) by means of carrier preselection can be routed to the interconnected provider. With carrier preselection, there shall be a facility to override any preselected choice by dialling a carrier selection. National regulatory authorities shall ensure that pricing for access and interconnection related to the provision of the facilities in this paragraph is cost- oriented and that direct charges to subscribers, if any, do not act as a disincentive for the use of the facilities."
Amendment 671 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 8 b (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13 – paragraph 1 (8b) In Article 13, paragraph 1 is replaced by the following: "1. A national regulatory authority may, in accordance with the provisions of Article 8, impose obligations relating to cost recovery and price controls, including obligations for cost orientation of prices and obligations concerning cost accounting systems, for the provision of specific types of interconnection and/or access, in situations where a market analysis indicates that a lack of effective competition means that the operator concerned might sustain prices at an excessively high level, or apply a price squeeze, to the detriment of end-users. National regulatory authorities shall take into account the investment made by the operator and allow him a reasonable rate of return on adequate capital employed, taking into account the risks involved and the necessity that the risk of investment be equally shared between market players."
Amendment 672 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 8 b (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13 – paragraph 1 (8b) In Article 13, paragraph 1 is replaced by the following: "1. A national regulatory authority may, in accordance with the provisions of Article 8, impose obligations relating to cost recovery and price controls, including obligations for cost orientation of prices and obligations concerning cost accounting systems, for the provision of specific types of interconnection and/or access, in situations where a market analysis indicates that a lack of effective competition means that the operator concerned might sustain prices at an excessively high level, or apply a price squeeze, to the detriment of end-users. National regulatory authorities shall take into account the investment made by the operator and allow him a reasonable rate of return on adequate capital employed, taking into account the risks involved and the need for the investment risk to be equally shared between market players."
Amendment 673 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 8 c (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13 – paragraph 1a (new) (8c) In Article 13, the following paragraph is inserted: "1a. Where no voluntary commercial agreement can be concluded, and where, on economic grounds, infrastructure competition is not possible, a national regulatory authority may regulate access to new-generation access networks, provided that it is ensured that access seekers bear a reasonable share of the risk incurred by the investor. Risk sharing contracts may either include an upfront payment covering the risk premium for a particular volume of accesses in particular regions, or take the form of long-term access contracts with minimum quantities for given time periods. Short- term contracts without minimum quantities shall include a price premium which covers the investment risk of the investor on the assumption that the full investment risk is borne by him or her. Price control in respect of such long-term and short-term access contracts shall be carried out in accordance with Article 13(6) of this Directive. Long-term access contracts shall reflect the time period necessary to allow amortisation of investment costs in new markets."
Amendment 674 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 8 c (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13 – paragraph 1a (new) (8c) In Article 13, the following paragraph is inserted: "1a. Where no voluntary commercial agreement can be concluded, a national regulatory authority may regulate access to new generation access networks whilst ensuring that access seekers bear a reasonable share of the risk incurred by the investing operator. Risk sharing contracts may either include an upfront payment covering the risk premium for a certain amount of accesses in particular regions, or take the form of long-term access contracts with minimum quantities for given time periods. Short-term contracts without minimum quantities shall include a price premium which covers the investment risk of the investor under the assumption that the full investment risk is born by him or her. Long-term access contracts shall reflect the time period necessary to allow amortisation of investment costs in new markets."
Amendment 675 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 8 c (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13 – paragraph 1a (new) (8c) In Article 13, the following paragraph is inserted: "1a. In order to promote incentives for investments in new high-speed networks, when access fees are stipulated, the undertaking providing access shall be left with a yield which at least corresponds to the capital costs related to the investment and the risk specific to it."
Amendment 676 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 8 c (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13 – paragraph 1a (new) (8c) In Article 13, the following paragraph is inserted: "1a. In order to promote incentives for investments in new high-speed networks, when access fees are stipulated, the undertaking providing access shall be left with a yield which at least corresponds to the capital costs related to the investment and the risk specific to it."
Amendment 677 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 8 c (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13 – paragraph 1a (new) (8c) In Article 13, the following paragraph is inserted: "1a. In regulating access to new generation access networks, national regulatory authorities shall ensure that access seekers bear a reasonable share of the risk incurred by the investing operator. Risk sharing contracts may either include an upfront payment covering the risk premium for a certain amount of accesses in particular regions, or take the form of long-term access contracts with minimum quantities for given time periods. Short-term contracts without minimum quantities shall include a price premium which covers the investment risk of the investor under the assumption that the full investment risk is born by him or her. Access prices for such long-term and short-term access contracts may be regulated in accordance with paragraph 4a. Long-term access contracts shall reflect the time period necessary to allow amortisation of investment costs in new markets."
Amendment 678 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 8 d (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13 – paragraph 1b (new) (8d) In Article 13, the following paragraph is inserted: "1b. Where a national regulatory authority regulates access to new generation access networks, it may oblige access seekers to bear a reasonable share of the risk incurred by the investing operator. Risk sharing contracts may include an upfront payment covering the risk premium for a certain amount of accesses in particular regions, or take the form of long-term access contracts with minimum quantities for given time periods."
Amendment 679 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 8 e (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13 – paragraph 4a (new) (8e) In Article 13, the following paragraph is inserted: "4a. National regulatory authorities shall ensure that regulation of access prices for long-term risk-sharing contracts are in line with the long-term incremental cost of an efficient operator, taking into account the operator’s calculated rate of penetration of new markets and that access prices for short-term contracts include a risk premium. Such risk premium shall phase out with ongoing market penetration of new access. Margin squeeze tests shall not be applied to short- term contracts when a risk premium is charged."
Amendment 680 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 8 e (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13 – paragraph 4a (new) (8e) In Article 13, the following paragraph is added: "4a. Where there is access price regulation, national regulatory authorities shall enable mandated operators to take account, in their pricing, also of costs over and above an efficient operator's long-term incremental costs, provided that those costs are laid down by law or sufficiently substantiated. Such costs shall include costs which are necessary to operate a legacy network in tandem with a next-generation access network if this fosters sustainable competition or increases consumer benefit."
Amendment 681 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 8 f (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13 – paragraph 4b (new) (8f) In Article 13, the following paragraph is added: "4b. National regulatory authorities shall ensure that regulation of access prices for long-term risk-sharing contracts is in line with the long-term incremental cost of an efficient operator, taking into account the operator’s calculated rate of penetration of new markets, and that access prices for short-term contracts include a risk premium. Such risk premiums shall be phased out with increasing new-market penetration, e.g. increasing penetration with next-generation connections. For this period, wholesale prices may be set on the basis of end customer rates."
Amendment 682 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 9 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13a Amendment 683 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 9 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13a Amendment 684 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 9 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13a Amendment 685 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 9 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13a Amendment 686 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 9 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13a Amendment 687 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 9 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 1. A national regulatory authority may, in accordance with the provisions of Article 8, and in particular the second subparagraph of Article 8(3), impose an obligation on vertically integrated undertakings to place activities related to the wholesale provision of access products in an independently operating business unit
Amendment 688 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 9 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 1. A national regulatory authority may, in accordance with the provisions of Article 8, and in particular the second subparagraph of Article 8(3), impose an obligation on vertically integrated undertakings to place activities related to the wholesale provision of access products in an independently operating business unit. This provision shall apply only where there are persisting competition problems on the market.
Amendment 689 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 9 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 1. A national regulatory authority may, in accordance with the provisions of Article 8, and in particular the second subparagraph of Article 8(3), impose as an exceptional remedy an obligation on vertically integrated undertakings to place activities related to the wholesale provision of access products in an independently operating business unit.
Amendment 690 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 9 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 1. A national regulatory authority may, in accordance with the provisions of Article 8, and in particular the second subparagraph of Article 8(3), impose, as an exceptional measure, an obligation on vertically integrated undertakings to place activities related to the wholesale provision of access products in an independently operating business unit.
Amendment 691 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 9 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 Amendment 692 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 9 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 That business unit shall supply access products and services to all undertakings, including other business units within the parent company, on the same timescales, terms and conditions, including with regard to price and service levels, and by means of the same systems and processes. The national regulatory authorities may impose an obligation regarding the separation of functions in markets where there is competition over access infrastructures for the end-consumers and where the degree of penetration of fixed telephony services is very low, but only in circumstances where all other measures to encourage competition have failed.
Amendment 693 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 9 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13a – paragraph 2 – point a (a) evidence that the imposition of appropriate obligations amongst those identified in Articles 9-13 to achieve effective competition following a co-
Amendment 694 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 9 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13a – paragraph 2 – point aa (new) (aa) the national regulatory authority has taken all steps necessary to enforce the appropriate obligations from those set out in Articles 9 to 13, taking into account best practices of the European national regulatory authorities, and sufficient time has elapsed for those steps to take full effect;
Amendment 695 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 9 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13a – paragraph 2 – point ab (new) (ab) there is little or no prospect of infrastructure competition within a reasonable timeframe;
Amendment 696 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 9 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13a – paragraph 2 – point ac (new) (ac) the regulatory authority can demonstrate that the costs resulting from the obligation to be imposed on the undertaking, including the expected impact on the regulatory authority, on the incentives of the undertaking to invest in its network, on other stakeholders and in particular on infrastructure competition, and the potential consequent effects on consumers, are significantly lower than the resulting benefits;
Amendment 697 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 9 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13a – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 1a (new) A national regulatory authority shall not impose functional separation as a regulatory remedy in markets where infrastructure-based retail competition exists or/and penetration of fixed telecommunications services is very low.
Amendment 698 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 9 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13a – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 1 – introductory wording 2.
Amendment 699 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 9 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13a – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 1 – introductory wording 2. When a national regulatory authority intends to impose an obligation for functional separation, it shall submit a
Amendment 700 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 9 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13a – paragraph 2 – point a (a) evidence that the
Amendment 701 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 9 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13a – paragraph 2 – point a (a) evidence that the
Amendment 702 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 9 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13a – paragraph 2 – point a (a) evidence that the imposition of appropriate obligations amongst those identified in Articles 9-13 to achieve effective competition following a co-ordinated analysis of the relevant markets
Amendment 703 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 9 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13a – paragraph 2 – point a (a) evidence that the imposition of appropriate obligations amongst those
Amendment 704 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 9 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13a – paragraph 2 – point b Amendment 705 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 9 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13a – paragraph 2 – point b (b) an analysis of the costs and benefits of the measure, including its expected impact on the regulatory authority, on the undertaking, and on i
Amendment 706 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 9 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13a – paragraph 2 – point b (b) an analysis of the costs and benefits of the measure, including its expected impact on the regulatory authority, on the undertaking, and on i
Amendment 707 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 9 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13a – paragraph 2 – point b Amendment 708 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 9 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13a – paragraph 2 – point c Amendment 709 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 9 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13b Amendment 710 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 10 a (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 19a (new) (10a) The following Article 19a is inserted: "Article 19a Expiry Articles 8 to 13 shall expire on 1 January 2014."
Amendment 711 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 10 b (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Annex II – introductory section – point a (10b) In the introductory section of Annex II, point (a) is replaced by the following: "(a) "local sub-loop" means a partial local loop connecting the network termination point [...] to a concentration point or a specified intermediate access point in the fixed public electronic communications network, where the connection can be technically accessed;"
Amendment 712 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 10 c (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Annex II – introductory section – point c (10c) In the introductory section of Annex II, point (c) is replaced by the following: "(c) "full unbundled access to the local loop" means the provision to a beneficiary of access to the local loop or local sub-loop of the notified operator authorising the use of the full capacity of the network infrastructure;"
Amendment 713 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 10 d (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Annex II – introductory section – point d (10d) In the introductory section of Annex II, point (d) is replaced by the following: "(d) "shared access to the local loop" means the provision to a beneficiary of access to the local loop or local sub-loop of the notified operator, authorising the use of a specified part of the capacities of the network infrastructure, such as part of the frequencies or wavelengths available, for example the non-voice band frequency spectrum of the twisted metallic pair; [...]"
Amendment 714 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 10 e (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Annex II – introductory section – point da (new) (10e) In the introductory section of Annex II, following point is added: "(da) “wholesale broadband access” means non-physical or virtual network access to the local loop or local sub- loop, providing two-way data transmission across the local loop or sub-loop to specified access points in the fixed public electronic communications network."
Amendment 715 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 10 f (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Annex II – part A (10f) In Annex II, part A is replaced by the following: "A. Conditions for unbundled access [...] 1. Network elements to which access is offered covering in particular the following elements, together with appropriate associated facilities: (a) unbundled access to local loops and local subloops; (b) duct access enabling installation of access and backhaul networks; (c) wholesale broadband access at appropriate points in the network to ensure effective national competition and which shall allow equivalent functionality to unbundled access in circumstances where such access is not technically or economically feasible; 2. Information concerning the locations of physical access sites including street cabinets and distribution frames, availability of local loops and subloops, ducts and backhaul facilities in specific parts of the access network; 3. Technical conditions related to access and use of local loops, sub-loops and ducts, including the technical characteristics of the twisted [...] pair and/or optical fibre, cable distributors, ducts and associated facilities; 4. Ordering and provisioning procedures, usage restrictions."
Amendment 716 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 2 – point 10 g (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Annex II – part B – point 1 (10g) In part B of Annex II, point 1 is replaced by the following: "1. Information on the notified operator's relevant sites or equipment locations."
Amendment 717 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 2 a (new) Directive 2002/20/EC Article 3 – paragraph 2a (new) § (2a) In Article 3, the following paragraph is added: "2a. Global telecommunications services shall be subject to no more than a simplified notification process with specified registration of electronic communications service activity as "global telecommunications services". Global telecommunications services are managed business data and voice services provided to multinational undertakings located in different countries and often different continents. They are inherently cross-border and, within Europe, pan- European services."
Amendment 718 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 2 a (new) Directive 2002/20/EC Article 3 – paragraph 2 a (new) (2a) In Article 3 the following paragraph is added: "2a. Global telecommunications services shall be subject to no more than a simplified process with specified registration of electronic communications service activity as "global telecommunications services." Global telecommunications services are managed business data and voice services provided to multinational undertakings located in different countries or continents. They are inherently cross-border and, within, Europe, pan-European services."
Amendment 719 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 2 a (new) Directive 2002/20/EC Article 3 – paragraph 2 a (new) (2a) In Article 3 the following paragraph is added: "2a. Global telecommunications services shall be subject to a more simplified notification process with specified registration of electronic communications service activity as “global telecommunications services.” Global telecommunications services are managed business data and voice services provided to multinational undertakings located in different countries and often different continents. They are inherently cross- border and, within Europe, pan-European services."
Amendment 720 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 2 a (new) Directive 2002/20/EC Article 3 – paragraph 2 a (new) In Article 3 the following paragraph is added: "2a. Global telecommunications services shall be subject to no more than a simplified notification process with specified registration of electronic communications service activity as “global telecommunications services.” Global telecommunications services are managed business data and voice services provided to multinational undertakings located in different countries and often different continents. They are inherently cross-border and, within Europe, pan- European services."
Amendment 721 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 2 a (new) Directive 2002/20/EC Article 3 – paragraph 2 a (new) (2a)In Article 3 the following paragraph is added: "2a. Service providers providing services to multi-national undertakings across more than one Member State shall be subject to no more than a simplified notification process with specified registration of electronic communications service activity as “global telecommunications services.”"
Amendment 722 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 – introductory wording 1. Member States shall
Amendment 723 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 – introductory wording 1. Member States shall
Amendment 724 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 – introductory wording 1. Member States shall
Amendment 725 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 – introductory wording 1. Member States shall
Amendment 726 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 – introductory wording 1. Member States shall
Amendment 727 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point a Amendment 728 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point a Amendment 729 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point a (a) avoid
Amendment 730 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point a a) avoid
Amendment 731 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point a (a) avoid
Amendment 732 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point a (a) avoid a serious risk of harmful interference, taking the utmost account of the assessment by the relevant technical and standardization organizations; or
Amendment 733 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point aa (new) (aa) ensure quality of service;
Amendment 734 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point aa (new) (aa) ensure the technical quality of service;
Amendment 735 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point ab (new) (ab) safeguard effective spectrum use;
Amendment 736 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point b Amendment 737 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point b Amendment 738 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point b (b)
Amendment 739 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point b (b) fulfil other objectives of general interest in compliance with Community law as defined by each Member State.
Amendment 740 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point ba (new) (ba) ensure the technical quality of services.
Amendment 741 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point ba (new) (ba) safeguard the efficient use of spectrum.
Amendment 742 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point bb (new) (bb) fulfil other objectives of general interest.
Amendment 743 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 a (new) (1a) Member States shall harmonise frequency bands on the basis of common general principles. They shall apply harmonised licensing rules in respect of those frequency bands. National regulatory authorities shall be responsible for that licensing and the specification thereof.
Amendment 744 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 a (new) (1a) Member States shall harmonise frequency bands on the basis of common general principles. They shall apply harmonised licensing rules in respect of those frequency bands. National regulatory authorities shall be responsible for that licensing and the specification thereof.
Amendment 745 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 1 2.
Amendment 746 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 1 2.
Amendment 747 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 2 Without prejudice to specific criteria
Amendment 748 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 2 Without prejudice to specific criteria defined in advance by Member States to grant rights of use of radio frequencies to providers of radio or television broadcast content services with a view to pursuing general interest objectives in conformity with Community law, such rights of use shall be granted through objective, transparent, non-discriminatory and proportionate procedures, and, in the case of radio frequencies, in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive). The procedures shall also be open
Amendment 749 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 2 Without prejudice to specific criteria defined in advance by Member States to grant rights of use of radio frequencies to providers of radio or television broadcast
Amendment 750 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 2 Without prejudice to specific criteria defined in advance by Member States to
Amendment 751 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 2 Without prejudice to specific criteria
Amendment 752 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 3 When granting rights of use, Member States shall specify whether those rights can be transferred by the holder of the rights, and under which conditions. In the case of radio frequencies, such provisions shall be in accordance with Article 9
Amendment 753 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 4 Where Member States grant rights of use for a limited period of time, the duration shall be appropriate for the service concerned in view of the objective pursued
Amendment 754 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 5 Amendment 755 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 5 Amendment 756 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 5 Any individual right to use radio frequencies that is granted for ten years or more and that may not be transferred or leased between undertakings
Amendment 757 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 5 Any individual right to use radio frequencies that is granted for ten years or more and that may not be transferred or leased between undertakings as a allowed by Article 9b of the Framework Directive shall
Amendment 758 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 5 Any individual right to use radio frequencies that is granted for ten years or more and that may not be transferred or leased between undertakings as
Amendment 759 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 5 a (new) In taking a decision regarding rights of use, due account shall be taken of the need to allow for an appropriate period for amortisation of investment.
Amendment 760 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 3 3. Decisions on rights of use shall be taken, communicated and made public as soon as possible after receipt of the complete application by the national regulatory authority, within three weeks in the case of numbers that have been allocated for specific purposes within the national numbering plan and within six weeks in the case of radio frequencies that have been allocated for
Amendment 761 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1 4. Where it has been decided, after consultation with interested parties in accordance with Article 6 of Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive), that rights for use of numbers of exceptional economic value are to be granted through competitive or comparative selection procedures, Member States may extend the maximum period of three weeks by up to a further three weeks.
Amendment 762 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 5 5. Member States shall not limit the number of rights of use to be granted except where this is necessary to ensure the efficient use of radio frequencies in accordance with Article 7. Member States shall take into account legacy investments and the level of competition.
Amendment 763 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 6 6. National regulatory authorities shall ensure that
Amendment 764 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 6 6. National regulatory authorities shall ensure that radio frequencies are efficiently and effectively used in accordance with Article 9(2) of Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive). They shall also ensure that competition is not distorted as a result of any transfer or accumulation of radio frequencies usage rights.
Amendment 765 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 6 6.
Amendment 766 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 6 6.
Amendment 767 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 6 6.
Amendment 768 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 6 6.
Amendment 769 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 3 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 5 – paragraph 6 6. National
Amendment 770 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 4 – point a Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6 – paragraph 1 1.
Amendment 771 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 – introductory wording 1.
Amendment 772 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 – introductory wording 1. In order to achieve the objectives set out in Article 1, and without prejudice to Decision No 676/2002/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 March 2002 on a regulatory framework for radio spectrum policy in the European Community (Radio Spectrum Decision)1 and to Article 5(2) of this Directive, the Commission may adopt implementing measures: ___________ 1 OJ L 108, 24.4.2002, p. 1.
Amendment 773 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 – introductory wording 1. In order to achieve the objectives set out in Article 1, and without prejudice to Article 5(2) of this Directive and to Decision No 676/2002/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 March 2002 on a regulatory framework for radio spectrum policy in the European Community (Radio Spectrum Decision)1 , the Commission may adopt implementing measures: ___________ 1 OJ L 108, 24.4.2002, p. 1.
Amendment 774 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 – introductory wording 1. In order to achieve the objectives set out in Article 1, and without prejudice to Article 5(2) of this Directive or to the decision on the radio spectrum (Decision 676/2002/EC), the Commission may adopt implementing measures:
Amendment 775 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 – point -a -a) pan-European services;
Amendment 776 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 – point a (a) to identify radio frequency bands the use of which is to be made subject to general authorisations
Amendment 777 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 – point a a) to identify radio frequency bands the use of which is to be made subject to
Amendment 778 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 – point a (a) to identify radio frequency bands providing pan-European networks or electronic communications services, the use of which is to be made subject to general authorisations or individual rights of use for radio frequencies;
Amendment 779 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 – point a (a) to identify radio frequency bands the use of which
Amendment 780 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 – point c Amendment 781 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 – point c Amendment 782 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 – point c Amendment 783 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 – point c (c) to harmonise procedures for the granting of general authorisations or individual rights of use for radio frequencies providing pan-European networks or electronic communications services or for numbers;
Amendment 784 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 – point d Amendment 785 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 – point d Amendment 786 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 – point d Amendment 787 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 – point d (d) to harmonise the conditions specified in Annex II relating to general authorisations or individual rights of use for radio frequencies providing pan-European networks or electronic communications services or for numbers;
Amendment 788 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 – point da (new) (da) to harmonise the conditions specified in Annex I relating to general authorisations;
Amendment 789 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 – point da (new) (da) to harmonise the conditions specified in Annex I relating to general authorisations;
Amendment 790 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 – point e Amendment 791 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 – point e Amendment 792 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 – point e Amendment 793 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 – point f Amendment 794 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 – point f Amendment 795 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 – point f Amendment 796 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 – point f (f) to lay down procedures for the selection of undertakings providing pan-European networks or electronic communications services to which individual rights of use for radio frequencies or numbers
Amendment 797 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 The measures listed in points (a) to (d) and (f), designed to amend non essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 14a(3). On imperative grounds of urgency, the Commission may
Amendment 798 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 The measures listed in points (a)
Amendment 799 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 The measures listed in
Amendment 800 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 The measures listed in
Amendment 801 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 2 Amendment 802 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 3 Amendment 803 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 3 3. In implementing the provisions of this Article, the Commission
Amendment 804 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6a – paragraph 3 3. In implementing the provisions of this Article, the Commission may be assisted by the
Amendment 805 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6b Amendment 806 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6b – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 1. The technical implementing measure referred to in paragraph 6a(1)(f) may provide for the Authority to make proposals for the selection of the undertaking
Amendment 807 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 5 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6b – paragraph 2 2. Taking the utmost account of the opinion of the Authority, the Commission shall adopt a measure selecting the undertaking
Amendment 808 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 8 – point a Directive 2002/20/EC Article 10 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 2 In this regard, Member States shall empower the relevant authorities to impose: (a) dissuasive financial penalties where appropriate
Amendment 809 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 8 – point a Directive 2002/20/EC Article 10 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 2 In this regard, Member States shall empower the relevant authorities to impose: (a) dissuasive financial penalties where appropriate
Amendment 810 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 8 – point c Directive 2002/20/EC Article 10 – paragraph 5 In cases of serious
Amendment 811 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 8 – point d Directive 2002/20/EC Article 10 – paragraph 6 6. Irrespective of the provisions of paragraphs 2, 3 and 5, where the relevant authority has evidence of a breach of the conditions of the general authorisation rights of use or specific obligations referred to in Article 6(2) that represents an immediate and serious threat to public safety, public security or public health or will create serious economic or operational problems for other providers or users of electronic communications networks or services, it may take urgent interim measures to remedy the situation in advance of reaching a final decision. The undertaking concerned shall thereafter be given a reasonable opportunity to state its views and propose any remedies. Where appropriate, the relevant authority may confirm the interim measures, which shall be valid for a maximum of 3 months, with the possibility of extension for another 3 months should the implementation procedure not have been completed.
Amendment 812 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 9a (new) Directive 2002/20/EC Article 11 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 – point fa (new) (9a) In Article 11, paragraph 1, subparagraph 1, the following point is added: "(fa) encouraging the efficient use and ensuring the effective management of radio frequencies."
Amendment 813 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 13 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 17 – paragraph 1 1. Without prejudice to Article 9a of Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive), Member States shall bring authorisations already in existence on 31 December 2009 into conformity with Articles 5, 6, 7, and Annex I of this Directive by
Amendment 814 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 13 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 17 – paragraph 1 1. Without prejudice to Article 9a of Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive), Member States shall bring general authorisations and rights of use already in existence on
Amendment 815 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 13 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 17 – paragraph 2 2. Where application of paragraph 1 results in a reduction of the rights or an extension of the obligations under authorisations already in existence, Member States may extend the validity of those rights and obligations
Amendment 816 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Article 3 – point 13 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 17 – paragraph 2 2. Where application of paragraph 1 results in a reduction of the rights or an extension of the obligations under general authorisations or rights of use already in existence, Member States may extend the validity of those rights and obligations till [
Amendment 817 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Annex I – point 3 – point a Directive 2002/20/EC Annex I – part A – point 4 4. Accessibility of numbers from the national numbering plan to end-users
Amendment 818 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Annex I – point 3 – point a Directive 2002/20/EC Annex I – part A – point 4 4. Accessibility of numbers from the national numbering plans of Member States to end
Amendment 819 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Annex I – point 3 – point a Directive 2002/20/EC Annex I – part A – point 4 4. Accessibility of numbers from the national numbering plans of Member States to end-users, numbers from ETNS and UIFN, and conditions in conformity with Directive 2002/22/EC (Universal Service Directive).
Amendment 820 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Annex I – point 3 – point g Directive 2002/20/EC Annex I – part A – point 19 Amendment 821 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Annex I – point 3 – point ga (new) Directive 2002/20/EC Annex I – part A – point 19a (new) (ga) The following point is added: "19a. Transparency obligations on public communications network providers to ensure end-to-end connectivity, including unrestricted access to content, services and applications, in conformity with the objectives and principles set out in Article 8 of Directive 2002/21/EC, disclosure regarding restrictions on access to services and applications and regarding traffic management policies and, where necessary and proportionate, access by national regulatory authorities to such information needed to verify the accuracy of such disclosure."
Amendment 822 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Annex I – point 4 – point a Directive 2002/20/EC Annex I – part B – point 1 1. Obligation to provide a service or to use a type of technology for which the rights of use for the frequency has been granted, including, where appropriate, exclusive use of a frequency for broadcasting specific audiovisual content or services and coverage requirements.
Amendment 823 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Annex I – point 4 – point a Directive 2002/20/EC Annex I – part B – point 1 1. Obligation to provide a service or to use a type of technology for which the rights of use for the frequency has been granted, including, where appropriate, coverage and quality requirements.
Amendment 824 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Annex I – point 4 – point c Directive 2002/20/EC Annex I – part B – point 4 Amendment 825 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Annex I – point 4 – point d Directive 2002/20/EC Annex I – part B – point 7 7. Voluntary commitments which the undertaking obtaining the usage right has made in the course of a competitive or comparative selection procedure. If such a commitment corresponds de facto to one or more of the obligations listed in Articles 9 to 13a of Directive 2002/19/EC, that commitment shall be considered as having expired by 1 January 2010 at the latest.
Amendment 826 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Annex I – point 4a (new) Directive 2002/20/EC Annex I – part C – point 1 (4a) In Part C, point 1 is replaced by the following: "1. Designations of service for which the number shall be used, including any requirements linked to the provision of that service and, for the avoidance of doubt, tariff principles and maximum prices that can apply to specific number ranges for the purposes of ensuring consumer protection in accordance with Article 8(4)(b) of Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive)."
Amendment 827 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Annex II Directive 2002/20/EC Annex II Amendment 828 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Annex II Directive 2002/20/EC Annex II Amendment 829 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Annex II Directive 2002/20/EC Annex II – point 1 – point d (d) the method of determining usage fees for the right of use of the radio frequencies, without prejudice to systems defined by Member States where the obligation to pay usage fees is replaced by an obligation to fulfil specific general interest objectives;
Amendment 830 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act Annex II Directive 2002/20/EC Annex II – point 1 – point d (d) (d) the method of determining usage fees for the right of use of the radio frequencies, without prejudice to the mechanisms provided for by the Member States with a view to replacing the user rights obligation by an obligation to meet specific general interest objectives;
source: PE-407.731
57 amendments...
Amendment 111 #
Recital 5 (5) When conducting market analyses, NRAs should seek to ensure that regulation facilitates the widespread deployment of infrastructure as far as is economically viable and enables consumers in all geographic areas to benefit from effective competition. In order to ensure a proportional and adapted approach to varying competitive conditions national regulatory authorities may define markets on a subnational basis and
Amendment 112 #
Recital 5 (5) When conducting market analyses, NRAs should seek to ensure that regulation facilitates the widespread deployment of infrastructure as far as is economically viable and enables consumers in all geographic areas to benefit from effective competition. In order to ensure a proportional and adapted approach to varying competitive conditions national regulatory authorities may define markets on a subnational basis and
Amendment 113 #
Recital 5 (5) When conducting market analyses, NRAs should seek to ensure that regulation facilitates the widespread deployment of infrastructure as far as is economically viable and enables consumers in all geographic areas to benefit from effective competition. In order to ensure a proportional and adapted approach to varying competitive conditions national regulatory authorities may define markets on a subnational basis and
Amendment 114 #
Recital 14 a (new) (14a)Investments in new and enhanced access infrastructures are often characterised by substantial capital requirements, demand uncertainty and a long economic lifecycle, leading to higher investment risks. Directives 2002/21/EC and 2002/19/EC should support a regulatory approach which stimulates investments in such infrastructures, by allowing national regulatory authorities to set the terms and conditions for access to the newly built infrastructure over successive review periods for as long as significant market power is present in the market in order to provide planning certainty for all operators, by allowing fair risk sharing arrangements between the investor and access seekers to provide a level playing field for the initial investor and operators benefiting from access to the new infrastructure, and by supporting market-oriented pricing mechanisms, providing a sufficient degree of flexibility to set different prices for different products and product qualities, reflecting the value of the product and/or service for the consumer.
Amendment 115 #
Recital 14b (new) (14b) When imposing obligations for access to new and enhanced infrastructures, national regulatory authorities should ensure that access conditions reflect the circumstances underlying the investment decision, taking into account inter alia the roll-out costs, the expected rate of take up of the new products and services and the expected retail price levels. Moreover, national regulatory authorities should be able to set, if applicable, terms and conditions for access over a sufficient period of time to provide planning certainty to investors. These terms and conditions may include pricing arrangements which depend on volumes or length of contract provided that such arrangements are in accordance with Community law. However, pricing arrangements should not be permitted where they would have the effect of discriminating in favour of the operator with significant market power, for example through margin squeeze, raising barriers to entry or otherwise impeding the development of effective competition in services to consumers and businesses. In view of the size of investments needed for new and enhanced infrastructure, co- operation agreements between market players may accelerate and strengthen the roll-out of next generation networks to the benefit of consumers, provided that competition is safeguarded, including through the imposition of access obligations as necessary.
Amendment 116 #
Recital 14 b (new) (14b) When imposing obligations for access to new and enhanced infrastructures national regulatory authorities should ensure that access conditions reflect the circumstances underlying the investment decision, taking into account inter alia the roll-out costs, the expected rate of take up of the new products and services and the expected retail price levels. Moreover, national regulatory authorities should be able to set, if applicable, terms and conditions for access over a sufficient period to provide planning certainty to investors, whilst enabling periodic review of the accuracy of assumptions made.
Amendment 117 #
Recital 14 b (new) (14b) When imposing obligations for access to new and enhanced infrastructures national regulatory authorities should ensure that access conditions reflect the circumstances underlying the investment decision, taking into account inter alia the roll-out costs, the expected rate of take up of the new products and services and the expected retail price levels. Moreover, national regulatory authorities should be able to set, if applicable, terms and conditions for access over a sufficient period of time to provide planning certainty to investors. These terms and conditions may include pricing arrangements which depend on volumes or length of contract, provided that such arrangements are in accordance with Community law. However, pricing arrangements should not be permitted where they would have the effect of discriminating in favour of the operator with significant market power, including through margin squeeze, raising barriers to entry or otherwise impeding the development of effective competition in services to consumers and businesses. In view of the size of investments needed for new and enhanced infrastructure, co- operation agreements between market players may accelerate and strengthen the roll-out of next generation networks to the benefit of consumers, provided that competition is safeguarded, including through the imposition of access obligations as necessary.
Amendment 118 #
Recital 14 b (new) (14b) When imposing obligations for access to new and enhanced infrastructures national regulatory authorities should ensure that access conditions reflect the circumstances underlying the investment decision, taking into account inter alia the roll-out costs, the expected rate of take up of the new products and services and the expected retail price levels. Moreover, national regulatory authorities should be able to set, if applicable, terms and conditions for access over a sufficient period of time to provide planning certainty to investors. These terms and conditions may include pricing arrangements which depend on volumes or length of contract, provided that such arrangements are in accordance with Community law. However, pricing arrangements should not be permitted where they would have the effect of discriminating in favour of the operator with significant market power, including through margin squeeze, raising barriers to entry or otherwise impeding the development of effective competition in services to consumers and businesses. In view of the size of investments needed for new and enhanced infrastructure, co- operation agreements between market players may accelerate and strengthen the roll-out of next generation networks to the benefit of consumers, provided that competition is safeguarded, including through the imposition of access obligations as necessary.
Amendment 119 #
Recital 14 b (new) Amendment 120 #
Recital 14 c (new) (14c) When imposing remedies to control prices, national regulatory authorities should seek to allow a fair return for the investor, which may, where relevant, be adjusted so as to reflect risks specific to a particular investment project. Terms and conditions may include pricing arrangements which depend on volumes or length of contract, provided that such arrangements are in accordance with Community law. However, pricing arrangements should not be permitted where they would have the effect of discriminating in favour of the operator with significant market power, including through margin squeeze, raising barriers to entry or otherwise impeding the development of effective competition in services to consumers and businesses.
Amendment 121 #
Recital 14 d (new) (14d) In view of the size of investments needed for new and enhanced infrastructures, cooperation agreements between market players could, where compatible with Community law, accelerate and strengthen the roll-out of next generation networks to the benefit of consumers, provided that competition is safeguarded, including by access obligations as required in accordance with the market analysis procedure.
Amendment 122 #
Recital 14 e (new) (14e) When establishing access rules on SMP operators, national regulatory authorities should incentivise investment in architectures which are future-proof and readily enable access and innovation by third parties. Construction of architectures by operators designated as having significant market power which do not readily permit access should not be rewarded through the regulatory regime, for example by applying less stringent obligations than those that would otherwise have been applied or by apportioning to third parties costs for subsequent network adjustments to allow access.
Amendment 123 #
Recital 19 b (new) (19b) In order to contribute to the fulfilment of the objectives laid down in Article 8a of Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive), a spectrum summit should be convened in 2010, driven by Member States and including the European Parliament, the Commission and all stakeholders. The summit should in particular contribute to ensuring greater consistency in EU spectrum policies.
Amendment 124 #
Recital 22 (22)
Amendment 125 #
Recital 22 (22)
Amendment 126 #
Recital 22 (22)
Amendment 127 #
Recital 26 (26) Flexibility in spectrum management and access to spectrum should be increased through technology- and service-neutral authorisations to
Amendment 128 #
Recital 28 (28) Spectrum users should also be able to freely choose the services they wish to offer over the spectrum subject to transitional measures to cope with previously acquired rights.
Amendment 129 #
Recital 28 (28) Spectrum users should also be able to freely choose the services they wish to offer over the spectrum subject to transitional measures to cope with previously acquired rights.
Amendment 130 #
Recital 60 (60) In particular, the Commission should be empowered to adopt Recommendations and/or implementing measures in relation to
Amendment 131 #
Recital 60 (60) In particular, the Commission should be empowered to adopt Recommendations and/or implementing measures in relation to
Amendment 132 #
Article 1 – point 8– point b a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 2 – point b (ba) in paragraph 2, point (b) shall be replaced by the following: "(b) ensuring that there is no distortion or restriction of competition in the electronic communications and information society services, in particular for the delivery of and access to content and electronic communications and information society services across all networks."
Amendment 133 #
Article 1 – point 8 – point b a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 2 – point b Amendment 134 #
Article 1 – point 8 – point f a (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 4 – point fa (new) (fa) in paragraph 4, point (fa) shall be inserted: “(fa) applying the principle that end-users should be able to access and distribute any content and use any applications and/or services of their choice;”
Amendment 135 #
Article 1 – point 8 – point f b (new) Directive 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 4 – point f b (new) Amendment 136 #
Article 1 – point 8 – point g Directive 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 5 – point a (a) promoting regulatory predictability by ensuring that regulatory conditions are applied over a sufficient period;
Amendment 137 #
Article 1 – point 8 – point g Directive 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 5 – point a (a) promoting regulatory predictability through the continuity of remedies over successive review periods as appropriate;
Amendment 138 #
Article 1 – point 8 – point g Directive 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 5 – point a a) promoting regulatory predictability through the continuity of remedies over several market reviews as appropriate;
Amendment 139 #
Article 1 – point 8 – point g Directive 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 5 – point d (d) promoting efficient investment and innovation in new and enhanced infrastructures including by
Amendment 140 #
Article 1 – point 8 – point g Directive 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 5 – point d Amendment 141 #
Article 1 – point 8 – point g Directive 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 5 – point d (d) promoting efficient investment and innovation in new and enhanced infrastructures, including by
Amendment 142 #
Article 1 – point 8 – point g Directive 2002/21/EC Article 8 – paragraph 5 – point d (d) promoting efficient investment and innovation in new and enhanced infrastructures, including by
Amendment 143 #
Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 8a Strategic planning and coordination of radio spectrum policy
Amendment 144 #
Article 1 – point 9 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 8a Strategic planning and coordination of radio spectrum policy
Amendment 145 #
Article 1 – point 11 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9b – paragraph 2 a (new) 2a. The Commission may adopt appropriate implementing measures to identify the bands for which usage rights may be transferred or leased between undertakings. These measures shall not cover frequencies which are used for broadcasting. These technical implementing measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it , shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 22 (3).
Amendment 146 #
Article 1 – point 11 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 9b – paragraph 2 a (new) 2a. The Commission may adopt appropriate implementing measures to identify the bands for which usage rights may be transferred or leased between undertakings. These measures shall not cover frequencies which are used for broadcasting. These technical implementing measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it , shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 22 (3).
Amendment 147 #
Article 1 – point 16 Directive 2002/21/EC Article 14 – paragraph 3 3. Where an undertaking has significant market power on a specific market (the first market), it may also be deemed to have significant market power on a closely related market (the second market), where the links between the two markets are such as to allow the market power held in
Amendment 148 #
Article 2 – point 3 – point a a (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point a (aa) in paragraph 1, point (a) shall be replaced by: “(a) to the extent that is necessary to ensure end-to-end connectivity or fair and reasonable access to third-party services and applications, obligations on undertakings that control access to end- users, including in justified cases the obligation to interconnect their networks and to provide access where this is not already the case or to make their services interoperable on fair, transparent and reasonable terms;”
Amendment 149 #
Article 2 – point 3 – point aa (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point a (aa) in paragraph 1, point (a) shall be replaced by: "(a) to the extent that is necessary to ensure end-to-end connectivity or fair and reasonable access to third-party services and applications, obligations on undertakings that control access to end- users, including in justified cases the obligation to interconnect their networks and to provide access where this is not already the case or to make their services interoperable on fair, transparent and reasonable terms."
Amendment 150 #
Article 2 – point 7 – point a Directive 2002/19/EC Article 9 – paragraph 1 1. National regulatory authorities may, in accordance with the provisions of Article 8, impose obligations for transparency in relation to interconnection and/or access, requiring operators to make public specified information, such as accounting information, technical specifications, network characteristics, terms and conditions for supply and use, including the purpose and effect of traffic management policies, and prices.
Amendment 151 #
Article 2 – point 7 – point a Directive 2002/19/EC Article 9 – paragraph 1 1. National regulatory authorities may, in accordance with the provisions of Article 8, impose obligations for transparency in relation to interconnection and/or access, requiring operators to make public specified information, such as accounting information, technical specifications, network characteristics, terms and conditions for supply and use, including the purpose and effect of traffic management policies, and prices.
Amendment 152 #
Article 2 – point 9 – point a Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13 – paragraph 1 Amendment 153 #
Article 2 – point 9 – point a Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13 – paragraph 1 1. A national regulatory authority may, in accordance with the provisions of Article 8, impose obligations relating to cost recovery and price controls, including obligations for cost orientation of prices and obligations concerning cost accounting systems, for the provision of specific types of interconnection and/or access, in situations where a market analysis indicates that a lack of effective competition means that the operator concerned might sustain prices at an excessively high level, or apply a price squeeze, to the detriment of end-users. To encourage investments by the operator including in next generation networks,
Amendment 154 #
Article 2 – point 9 – point a Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13 – paragraph 1 1. A national regulatory authority may, in accordance with the provisions of Article 8, impose obligations relating to cost recovery and price controls, including obligations for cost orientation of prices and obligations concerning cost accounting systems, for the provision of specific types of interconnection and/or access, in situations where a market analysis indicates that a lack of effective competition means that the operator concerned might sustain prices at an excessively high level, or apply a price squeeze, to the detriment of end-users. To encourage investments by the operator including in next generation networks, national regulatory authorities shall take into account the investment made by the operator, and allow him a reasonable rate of return on adequate capital employed
Amendment 155 #
Article 2 – point 9 – point a Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13 – paragraph 1 1. A national regulatory authority may, in accordance with the provisions of Article 8, impose obligations relating to cost recovery and price controls, including obligations for cost orientation of prices and obligations concerning cost accounting systems, for the provision of specific types of interconnection and/or access, in situations where a market analysis indicates that a lack of effective competition means that the operator concerned might sustain prices at an excessively high level, or apply a price squeeze, to the detriment of end-users. To encourage investments by the operator including in next generation networks, national regulatory authorities shall take into account the investment made by the operator, and allow him a reasonable rate of return on adequate capital employed
Amendment 156 #
Article 2 – point 9 – point a Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13 – paragraph 1 1. A national regulatory authority may, in accordance with the provisions of Article 8, impose obligations relating to cost recovery and price controls, including obligations for cost orientation of prices and obligations concerning cost accounting systems, for the provision of specific types of interconnection and/or access, in situations where a market analysis indicates that a lack of effective competition means that the operator concerned might sustain prices at an excessively high level, or apply a price squeeze, to the detriment of end-users. To encourage investments by the operator including in next generation networks, national regulatory authorities shall take into account the investment made by the operator, and allow him a reasonable rate of return on adequate capital employed
Amendment 157 #
Article 2 – point a a (new) Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13 – paragraph 4 a (new) (aa) paragraph 4a shall be inserted: "The application of margin squeeze tests shall not hamper the development of new markets and infrastructures. To this end NRAs shall take into account the conditions of the infrastructure investment and take conditions for long term risk sharing contracts as the reference when applying the test."
Amendment 158 #
Article 2 – point 10 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13 a – paragraph 1 1. Where the national regulatory authority concludes that the appropriate obligations imposed under Articles 9 to 13 have failed to achieve effective competition and that there are important and persisting
Amendment 159 #
Article 2 – point 10 Directive 2002/19/EC Article 13 a – paragraph 1 1. Where the national regulatory authority concludes that the appropriate obligations imposed under Articles 9 to 13 have failed to achieve effective competition and that there are important and persisting competition problems/market failures identified in relation to
Amendment 160 #
Article 2 – point 12 – point e Directive 2002/19/EC Annex II – part A – point 1 – point c (new) (c) in circumstances where unbundled access is not technically or economically feasible, appropriate obligations offering equivalent functionality.
Amendment 161 #
Article 2 – point 12 – point e Directive 2002/19/EC Annex II – part A – point 1 – point c (new) (c) in circumstances where unbundled access is not technically or economically feasible, appropriate obligations offering equivalent functionality.
Amendment 162 #
Article 3 – point 1 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 3 – paragraph 2 2. The following definitions shall also apply: "general authorisation" means a legal framework established by the Member State ensuring rights for the provision of electronic communications networks or services and laying down sector specific obligations that may apply to all or to specific types of electronic communications networks and services, in accordance with this Directive; "pan-European wireless electronic communications network or service" means a wireless electronic communications network or service available in a majority of Member States.
Amendment 163 #
Article 3 – point 1 Directive 2002/20/EC Article 3 – paragraph 2 2. The following definitions shall also apply: "general authorisation" means a legal framework established by the Member State ensuring rights for the provision of electronic communications networks or services and laying down sector specific obligations that may apply to all or to specific types of electronic communications networks and services, in accordance with this Directive; "pan-European wireless electronic communications network or service" means a wireless electronic communications network or service available in a majority of Member States.
Amendment 164 #
Article 3 – point 3 a (new) Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6 a (new) (3a) Article 6a shall be inserted: “Article 6a Harmonisation measures 1. Without prejudice to Article 5(1) and(2) of this Directive and Article 9 of Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive), the Commission may adopt implementing measures: (a) to identify radio frequency bands, the use of which is to be made subject to general authorisation; (b) to harmonise procedures for the granting of general authorisations for numbers to undertakings providing pan- European electronic communications networks or services; (c) to harmonise the conditions specified in Annex II relating to the granting to undertakings providing pan- European electronic communications networks or services of general authorisations. These measures, designed to amend nonessential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 22 (3) of Directive 2002/21/EC Framework Directive). 2. The measures referred to in paragraph1 may, where appropriate, provide for the possibility for the Member States to make a reasoned request for a partial exemption and/or a temporary derogation from those measures. The Commission shall assess the justification for the request, taking into account the specific situation in the Member State, and may grant a partial exemption or temporary derogation or both provided this does not unduly defer the implementation of the implementing measures referred to in paragraph 1 or create undue differences in the competitive or regulatory situations between Member States.”
Amendment 165 #
Article 3 – point 3 a (new) Directive 2002/20/EC Article 6 a (new) (4a) Article 6a shall be inserted: “Article 6a Harmonisation measures 1. Without prejudice to Article 5(1) and(2) of this Directive and Article 9 of Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive), the Commission may adopt implementing measures: (a) to identify radio frequency bands, the use of which is to be made subject to general authorisation; (b) to harmonise procedures for the granting of general authorisations for numbers to undertakings providing pan- European electronic communications networks or services; (c) to harmonise the conditions specified in Annex II relating to the granting to undertakings providing pan- European electronic communications networks or services of general authorisations These measures, designed to amend nonessential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 22 (3) of Directive 2002/21/EC Framework Directive). 2. The measures referred to in paragraph1 may, where appropriate, provide for the possibility for the Member States to make a reasoned request for a partial exemption and/or a temporary derogation from those measures. The Commission shall assess the justification for the request, taking into account the specific situation in the Member State, and may grant a partial exemption or temporary derogation or both provided this does not unduly defer the implementation of the implementing measures referred to in paragraph 1 or create undue differences in the competitive or regulatory situations between Member States.”
Amendment 166 #
Annex – point 2 – point h Directive 2002/21/EC Annex – part A – point 19 19. Transparency obligations on undertakings providing electronic communications services available to the public to ensure end-to-end connectivity, including unrestricted access to and distribution of content, services and applications, in conformity with the objectives and principles set out in Article 8 of Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive), disclosure regarding traffic management policies and, where necessary and proportionate, access by national regulatory authorities to such information needed to verify the accuracy of such disclosure.
Amendment 167 #
Annex – point 2 – point h Directive 2002/21/EC Annex – part A – point 19 19. Transparency obligations on undertakings providing electronic communications services available to the public to ensure end-to-end connectivity, including unrestricted access to and distribution of content, services and applications, in conformity with the objectives and principles set out in Article 8 of Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive), disclosure regarding traffic management policies and, where necessary and
source: PE-421.390
(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)
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ZLOTEA MarianNew
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ZLOTEA MarianNew
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ZLOTEA MarianNew
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ZLOTEA MarianNew
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EUR-Lex |
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Old |
activities |
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