Subject " Telecommunication networks"

Dossiers (15)

European citizens' initiative: 'Stop (((5G))) - Stay Connected but Protected'. Commission Implementing Decision
Standards relating to eCall
Voice call termination rates in the EU (Eurorates)
Future for telecommunications, fair use and intra-EU calls
Open internet access
Deployment of the interoperable EU-wide eCall service
Type-approval requirements for the deployment of the eCall in-vehicle system based on the 112 service
Telecommunications: open network provision (ONP) to voice telephony, and universal service
Telecommunications: interconnection, universal service and interoperability of networks and services, open network provision ONP
Application of open network provision (ONP) to voice telephony
Resolution on the need for further action by the Community in the field of ONP-voice telephony
Development of ISDN as a trans-European network TEN-ISDN: multiannual Community action
Multi-annual Community action concerning the development of ISDN as a trans-European network
Open network provision (ONP), voice telephony
Processing of personnal data and protection of privacy in the telecommunications sector, ISDN