3 Amendments of Sophocles SOPHOCLEOUS related to 2012/2138(INI)

Amendment 75 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 18
18. Welcomes the positive role played by the EULEX Kosovo mission, which is operating in a difficult political environment, to help this countryin order to establish the rule of law and a judicial, police and customs apparatus free from all political interference, in line with internationally recognized, as well as European, best practices; recognizes, however, that much remains to be done if EULEX is to fully accomplish the missions assigned to it and enjoy the full confidence of the population, especially the Kosovo Serb community; calls on the mission to answer with the greatest care and rigour the questions raised by the Council of Europe report on the veracity of allegations of organ trafficking and to implement, with the States concerned, a witness protection programme so that rigorous judicial proceedings can establish the facts;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 183 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 81
81. Notes that the impasse linked to the dispute between Turkey and Cyprus has not prevented the two organizations from conducting, by appropriate channels, a political dialogue, from working together through ‘staff-to-staff’ contacts or from coordinating their activities; calls, nevertheless, for a resolution of this dispute in order to improve cooperation between the two organizations;deleted
Committee: AFET
Amendment 186 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 81 a (new)
81a. Calls for the reciprocal implementation of the concrete set of proposals presented by the VP/HR to the NATO Secretary General, aiming at the adoption of an organization to an organization relationship between the EU and NATO, adhering to the principles of decision-making autonomy, inclusiveness and reciprocity;
Committee: AFET