5 Reports of Ben FAYOT

Report on amendment of Annex V to Parliament's Rules of Procedure - Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Verification of Credentials and Immunities PDF (42 KB)
Dossiers: 1999/2031(REG)
Documents: PDF(42 KB)
Report on the communication from the Commission on Financial Services : Building a Framework for Action - Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy PDF (65 KB)
Dossiers: 1998/2208(COS)
Documents: PDF(65 KB)
Report on the insertion in Parliament's Rules of Procedure of a new Rule 168 on annexes - Commitee on the Rules of Procedure, the Verification of Credentials and Immunities PDF (12 KB)
Documents: PDF(12 KB)
Report on insertion of a new Rule 79a on the procedure for delivering opinions pursuant ot Article 109j of the EC Treaty in Parliament's Rules of Procedure - Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Verification of Credentials and Immunities PDF (21 KB)
Dossiers: 1997/2256(REG)
Documents: PDF(21 KB)
Report on the request for waiver of the parliamentary immunity of Mr António Carlos Ribeiro Campos (procedure 6119/94.TD.LSB) - Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Verification of Credentials and Immunities PDF (23 KB)
Dossiers: 1997/2135(IMM)
Documents: PDF(23 KB)