18 Amendments of Davor Ivo STIER related to 2014/2228(INI)

Amendment 8 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph A a (new)
Aa. Suggests to the European Commission to intensify the dialogue with developing countries, acknowledging the challenges but also stressing the opportunities that could be opened with TTIP;
Committee: DEVE
Amendment 17 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph B
B. Notes that, although the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiation mandate is now public, its wording is so general that its content and possible spillover effects on developing countries are still not known; calls for a thorough analysis, when TTIP provisionsRequests the Commission to prepare a thorough analysis, once the provisions of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) are clearer, of its likely impact on low income countries and the future sustainable development goals;
Committee: DEVE
Amendment 31 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph C
C. Is of the opinionAsks the Commission to consider that the effect of the TTIP on developing countries will vary depending on their economic structure and current trade relations; sees, however, the potential serious risk of diminished market access and resulting trade diversion for some countries, and that least developed countries are expected to benefit from TTIP mostly by the increase of demand for raw materials and products from developing countries as a consequence of increased trade flows between the EU and the US;
Committee: DEVE
Amendment 35 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph C a (new)
Ca. Asks the Commission to take into consideration that TTIP is an external change for developing countries, and that the scope of opportunities seized will depend on their own will and ability to implement certain internal reforms and adaptations, and thus suggests to the European Commission to provide support for these reforms through development cooperation instruments;
Committee: DEVE
Amendment 35 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
2. Is convinced, however, that TTIP should not only cut down both tariff and non- tariff barriers but also aim at promoting European high levels of consumer protection; observes that in most sectors EU and US standards and regulatory environments ensure this high level; considers, therefore, that approximating our regulations represents a unique chance to establish high-quality standards and laws for consumers which will be the de facto international standards;
Committee: IMCO
Amendment 37 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph C b (new)
Cb. Asks the Commission to note that opening markets will trigger pressure on governments to commit to real structural reforms, in order to take advantage of the opportunities to increase trade and investment and recommends that such reforms, especially in the field of human rights protection, including labour rights, should be supported through EU's development cooperation policy;
Committee: DEVE
Amendment 38 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph C c (new)
Cc. Asks the Commission to step up efforts in communicating to the general public that elimination of both tariff and non-tariff barriers through TTIP would lead to adding up 100 billion euros to the economies of developing countries;
Committee: DEVE
Amendment 42 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph D
D. StressesAsks the Commission to take into account that the majority of developing countries benefit from some degree of tariff preferences from the EU and the USA, with margins likely to be significantly affected by the TTIP; underlines and bear in mind that adaptation to onew sets of norms and standards is not necessarily negative, but that it is essentialwill lower the cost of trade for developing countries, and recommends to the Commission to alleviate the cost of compliance (especially for SMEs) through development cooperation instruments;
Committee: DEVE
Amendment 49 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph D a (new)
Da. Suggests to the Commission to make efforts to agree with the US on mutual recognition instruments, where possible, since that would significantly lower the cost of trade for third countries allowing them access to both the US and EU market by complying with the standards and certification procedures of only one market;
Committee: DEVE
Amendment 56 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
3. Highlights that the conclusion of the TTIP creates the prospect of a broad economic space, which would include third countries with which the EU and the US have close trade and economic relations; notes that TTIP is likely to create new opportunities for developing countries resulting from the increased growth and demand for export goods in EU and US and lower trade costs resulting from the need to adapt to one set of rules and standards in order to access to both markets;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 58 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph E
E. Is worried that the TTIP and other mega trade deals are likely to reshape global trade rules and set new standards, while also being discriminatory, by excluding some 130 countries from the negotiations and risking sidelining important issues for developing countries such as food security, agricultural subsidies and climate change mitigation; urges the Commission to step up efforts to advance in multilateral fora and overcome the current Doha Round stalemateAsks the Commission to bear in mind that, while acknowledging that TTIP and other mega trade deals are a result of the failure of the Doha round negotiations, the pursuit of multilateral agreements should remain EU´s preferential option;
Committee: DEVE
Amendment 74 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph F
F. Sees, however, the potential of the TTIPRequests the Commission to promote the highest global standards of this century on human rights protection, decent work, environmental protection, and food and product safety within the negotiations.
Committee: DEVE
Amendment 97 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
1. Considers it misleading on the part of the Commission to try to appeaIs satisfied that the Commission addressed public concerns about the TTIP by stacommitting that existing standards will not be lowered, as this disregards the fact that many standards have yet to be set i, including standards on the implementation of existing (framework) legislation (e.g. REACH) or by the adoption of new laws (e.g. cloning)alth and environment, will not be lowered;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 136 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
3. Is very concerned that the objective of regulatoryCommends the Commission for addressing public convcergence, including in particular the creation of a Regulatory Cooperation Council, will lead to a lowering of future EU standards in key areas for the protection of humanns and committing that there will be no trade-off between EU economic goals and EU citizens' health, foo and safety and, the environment in light of the significant differences as compared with the USor financial stability;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 166 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
4. Agrees with Commissioner Malmström that all areas where the EU and the US have very different rules or approaches should be excluded from the negotiations, including laws on genetically modified organisms and hormones in beef, as the Commission assured12 ; __________________ 12See speech by EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström of 11 December 2014.
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 752 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1 – point d – point xiv
(xiv) to ensure that foreign investors are treated in a non-discriminatory fashion and have a fair opportunity to seek and achieve redress of grievances, which can be achieved without the inclusion of an ISDS mechanism; such a mechanism is not necessary in TTIP given the EU’s and the US’ developed legal systems; a state-to- state dispute settlement system and the use of national courts are the most appropriate tools to address investment disputes;
Committee: INTA
Amendment 775 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1 – point d – point xiv – point a (new)
(a) To ensure that an ISDS mechanism enables a level playing field for investors and legal security throughout the EU and the US.
Committee: INTA
Amendment 859 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1 – point e – point iv a (new)
(iva) to intensify the dialogue with developing countries, acknowledging the challenges but also stressing the opportunities that would be opened with TTIP;
Committee: INTA