Activities of Ursula SCHLEICHER
Plenary speeches (58)
Progress towards accession by Turkey
EU policy towards South Caucusus
Bathing water
Better lawmaking
European Constitution and IGC
Statute and financing of European political parties
Exercise of Commission implementing powers
Introduction in the draft Accession Treaty of a financial framework
Regional and local authorities in European integration
Medicinal products
Recreational craft
Election of representatives of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage
Division of competences between the EU and the Member States
Results of European Council (Barcelona, 15/16 March 2002)
Urban waste-water
EU relations with South Caucasus
Relations between the EP and national parliaments
European Council/Belgian Presidency
WTO meeting in Qatar
Public health (2001 – 2006)
Future of the European Union
Pricing policies for enhancing the sustainability of water resources
Southern Caucasia
Treaty of Nice and the future of the EU
Status and financing of European political parties
Statute and financing of European political parties
Statute and financing of European political parties
Priority substances in water policy
Public health action programme (2001-2006)
Visa requirements between Russia and Georgia
Environment directives
Terrorism in Spain
Water policy
Water policy
Limit values for benzene and carbon monoxide
IGC (continuation)
EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
Question Time (Council)
Agreement on comitology
Community policy in the field of water
Question Time (Commission)
Limit values for benzene and carbon monoxide
Carbon dioxide emissions from new cars
Treaty reform/next IGC
Adoption of the Minutes of the previous sitting
State of the Louise Weiss building
Reports (1)
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