15 Written declarations of Mireille D'ORNANO

Written declaration on Drosophila suzukii

Written declaration on support for the European cereals sector

Written declaration on Cydalima perspectalis

Written declaration on the protected status of Canis lupus

Written declaration on food additives E249 and E250

Written declaration on the importance of specialised technical training for young people who want to work in the primary sector

Written declaration on combating counterfeiting in the wine and spirits industry

Written declaration on the non-material cultural heritage of wine-making know-how

Written declaration on child victims of violence, abuse and maltreatment

Written declaration on recognition by Turkey of the Armenian, Chaldeo-Assyrian-Syrian and Pontic Greek genocides of 1915

Written declaration on the need to keep Russia as a strategic partner of the EU

Written declaration on ecomuseums to protect natural areas in Europe that are particularly rich in history and culture

Written declaration on European cultural routes

Written declaration on measures in support of family caregivers

Written declaration on recognition of the genocide perpetrated against Christians around the world and the establishment of a European Day against the persecution of and discrimination against Christians around the world