67 Written questions of Joëlle MÉLIN
Consequences of Huawei's possible exclusion from the EU's 5G market
The situation of rare-earth metals in Europe
Respect for multilingualism in the European institutions
Dangers of fructose
Health risks posed by SDH inhibitors
The effects of the CAP on farming communities in southern countries
Europe’s bed bug problem
Bark beetle infestation in Europe
Consequences of the US imposing taxes on EU products
Microplastics in rivers
Development of the NOVA classification in Europe
Consequences of land take during climatic events
Tackling flooding in Europe
The impact of light pollution on biodiversity
Car manufacturers face measures aimed at controlling CO2 emissions
Growing organic produce in greenhouses
Traceability of meat in Europe still far from clear.
The increase in the sale of organic products in supermarkets is behind an increase in imports from third countries
‘Low-risk’ alternatives to pesticides in the EU
Developments in the ban on neonicotinoids
Difficulty of generational replacement in farming
Use of nuclear waste for the production of batteries
Lack of scientific data concerning the impact of 5G on health
Research on ‘solid’ water
The Commission’s competence in regard to the ban on lead in ammunition for hunting and shooting sports
Shortages of medicines
Assessment of the dangers of pesticides
Research on ‘solid’ water
Consequences of the Covid-19 health crisis for the agricultural and agri-food sectors
The rise in market gardening and short food supply chains in Europe
Exclusion of nuclear power from the green taxonomy
The dangers posed by resorcinol to human health
Impact of pollution on the lethality of COVID-19
Timetable for lowering carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles
Exclusion of gas from the green taxonomy
Controls on medical products at the EU borders
The Commission’s definition of ‘undertaking in difficulty’
Political influence on government members of the NADEG technical group regarding the proposed lead shot ban over wetlands under REACH.
Further enlarging the Schengen Area
Issuing of virginity certificates, a practice still authorised in the European Union
Creation of a pan-European facial recognition database
Publicity targeting children for potentially unhealthy foods
Use of sodium nitrate in food
Misleading labels on food products
Establishment of ‘nutrient profiles’
Indicating the origin of food products
Harmonising methods for determining food expiry dates
Tackling food waste linked to expiry dates
GMO labelling in Europe
Legislation on seeds in the European Union
Inadequacy of the regulation on medicinal products for paediatric use
Procurement contracts concluded between the Commission and Gilead for doses of remdesivir
Huge influx of Tunisian migrants arriving on the Italian coast
The future EU animal welfare label must cover farming, transport and slaughter
Unaccompanied minors entering the European Union
Grants awarded to advocacy groups
Misapplication of the Plant Protection Product Regulation and conflicts of interest
Safeguarding the EU timber industry
Shortage of raw materials and manufactured goods
Nutri-Score, traditional products and European consumers’ health
Breeding endangered endemic species and reintroducing them into their natural environment
European economic intelligence service
GAIA-X: contradictions in the Treaties challenge the EU’s independence
Risk of animal diseases spreading in Europe
High environmental standards and support for the EU mining sector
The dogma of ‘free and undistorted competition’
UK provider British Telecom awarded contract for the management of highly sensitive European communications (TESTA) network