Activities of Marco VALLI related to 2018/2151(INI)

Shadow reports (1)

REPORT on the Annual Report 2017 on the control of the financial activities of the EIB PDF (488 KB) DOC (68 KB)
Committee: CONT
Dossiers: 2018/2151(INI)
Documents: PDF(488 KB) DOC(68 KB)

Amendments (8)

Amendment 10 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 4
4. Encourages the EIB to shape sustainable finance or funding options and conducive investment environment mirroring the Union’s political commitments and policiesgeneral goals, with thea view to foster cohesion and innovating innovation and economic, social and territorial cohesion within the Union, as well as to reinforceing the social dimension of EIB investment by bridging the investment gap in the social sector and infrastructureswith regard to infrastructure safety; calls on the EIB to take into account, in the case of large-scale infrastructure projects, all relevant environmental impact risks and to finance only those which have demonstrated real added value for the local population and from an environmental, social and economic point of view; stresses the importance of strictly monitoring possible risks of corruption and fraud in this context and of carrying out careful ex-ante and ex-post assessments with regard to the projects to be financed;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 12 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 7
7. Reiterates its concernTakes note of the fact that half of the Member States have received 80% of the total EIB investment inside the EU whileand that the other 14 Member States onlyhave received 10% of this investment; as well and notes that three Member States individually have received 16%, 15% and 11% respectively; asks the Bank to include in its reporting breakdown information about its investment in low income and high income regions according to its own Investment Survey (EIBIS) and with regard to the potential effect for overcoming investment gaps and barriers in less favorable regions in the EU;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 15 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9
9. Takes note of the EIB Group’s financing both inside and outside the EU in 2017 in support of its public policy goals, amounted respectively to (i) EUR 13,8 billion for innovation and skills, (ii) EUR 18 billion for infrastructure, (iii) EUR 16,7 billion for environment related projects and (iv) EUR 29,6 billion for SMEs and midcaps; underlines the fact that because of their impact and importance to economies, both local and national, investment in SMEs, start-ups, research, innovation, the digital economy and energy efficiency is the most essential factor in driving economic recovery in the EU and promoting the creation of quality jobs;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 16 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11 a (new)
11a. Calls on the EIB to aim to become a climate action leader by abolishing lending for fossil fuel projects and increasing investment in the renewable energy and energy efficiency sector; calls on the EIB to consider that goal as a priority in the revision of its energy lending criteria currently under way;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 24 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 21 a (new)
21a. Welcomes the EIB's adoption of the exclusion policy approved in December 2017 and calls for that instrument to be used rigourously in order to exclude clients involved in corrupt practices or fraud from EIB funding;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 41 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 39
39. Welcomes the adoption of the Interim Approach to the EIB policy towards weakly regulated, non-transparent and uncooperative jurisdictions (NCJ), adopted by the Board of Directors in January 2017, but expects that it should lead to the revision of this policy in order to ameliorate the EIB’s tax due diligence in its external lending alongside the revised EIB group AML-CFT framework; calls on the EIB to perform adequate corporate and integrity due diligence to identifying the true beneficial owners of all of its clients and operations as well as ultimate investee companies when EIB investments into equity funds are at stake; calls on the EIB to disclose, on its own website, beneficial ownership data relating to its clients in order to increase the visibility of its operations and help prevent cases of corruption and conflict of interest;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 43 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 40
40. Calls on the EIB, in line with the Council conclusions adopted on 25 May 2018 on the EU standard provision on good governance in tax matters for agreements with third countries, to reinforce the link between EIB funding and tax good governance; believes that the EIB should further contribute to the development of best practices for fair taxation by countering tax evasion and tax avoidance; calls on the EIB to adopt responsible taxation policy ensuring that the EIB does not finance clients involved in tax avoidance and tax evasion schemes or operating via tax havens; calls for the EIB to include standard provision and clauses on good governance in its contracts with all selected financial intermediaries; reiterates the need to make the disbursement of direct and indirect loans conditional on the publication of country-by-country tax and accountancy data and on the disclosure of information on beneficial ownership relating to the beneficiaries and financial intermediaries involved in the financing operations;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 49 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 45 a (new)
(45a) Expects the EIB whistle-blower protection policy, currently being revised, to be ambitious and provide for high standards; urges the EIB to include in that revision both internal and external whistle-blowers and to establish clear and well-defined procedures, time frames and guidelines in order to provide whistle- blowers with the best guidance and protect them from any possible retaliation;
Committee: CONT