10 Amendments of Eleonora EVI related to 2018/2764(RSP)

Amendment 12 #

Recital D
D. whereas green infrastructure, provides ecosystem services that are crucial to our wellbeing, maintaining a healthy environment, production of urbansustainable food, water circulation and retention, the regulation of temperature, the prevention of extreme weather phenomena, the support of biodiversity, including pollinators, improving nutrient cycles and aesthetic, exercise and wellbeing benefits for its inhabitants;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 26 #

Recital F
F. whereas, in the context of climate change, green infrastructure can be usedis vital to prevent or mitigate the negative impacts of increasing extremadverse weather phenomena that are becoming increasingly extreme, such as heat waves, extreme rainfalls and droughts, thus improving the quality of life for Europeans living in urban areas; whereas vegetation and landscaping can be used to control strong winds, flash flooding, and even out extreme temperatures;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 34 #

Recital H
H. whereas well designed, green infrastructure can act as one of the biggest chances to increase the quantity and quality of ecological corridors, and in this way protect the biodiversity and ecosystem services;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 51 #

Recital O
O. whereas greening the cities can facilitate small-scale food productioncities, also facilitated by policies and measures to encourage social interaction, recreation, inclusion and the active employment of vulnerable population groups such as the elderly, people with disabilities and the unemployed - by means of initiatives to increase the use of urban allotments, for instance - can facilitate small-scale food production, fostering the development of solidarity-based purchasing groups, which would enable new micro-enterprises to emerge and encourage residents to become active and, to understand the food chain better; and to influence the transformation of the main production and consumption processes in the circular economy;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 54 #

Recital P
P. whereas citizens need to be engaged and empoweredplay an active role in urban planning and whenin the design, maintenance and care of green infrastructure is designed, taking into account the local environmental, social, economic and technological features;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 60 #

Recital Q a (new)
Qa. whereas land take is a worrying phenomenon that should be contained on the basis of strategic urban development planning and a vision of the long-term future of cities;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 62 #

Paragraph 1
1. AcknowledgTakes the impactview that greener cities can havplay a vital role in achieving the goals that were set out in the Paris aAgreement and the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity; underlines the environmental importance greener cities can have in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly with regard to better use of water resources, the restoration and sustainable use of the terrestrial ecosystem, as well as the potential for improving biodiversity in the urban environment;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 90 #

Paragraph 6 a (new)
6a. Takes the view that the development, maintenance and care of green infrastructure are essential in order to increase the resilience of our cities at a time of extraordinary weather events which are being intensified by climate change;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 92 #

Paragraph 6 b (new)
6b. Considers the greening of cities to be an essential aspect of policies which, at all levels, seek to counter hydro- geological instability, to contain land take and, more generally, to strike a balance between urban development and environmental protection;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 93 #

Paragraph 6 c (new)
6c. Regards greener cities as the ideal setting for triggering and fostering sustainable economic development processes based on innovation, respect for natural resources and the promotion of the historical, artistic and cultural heritage in Europe;
Committee: ENVI