11 Amendments of Alfred SANT related to 2018/0229(COD)

Amendment 164 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 5
(5) The InvestEU Fund should contribute to improving the competitiveness and socioeconomic convergence of the Union, including in the field of innovation and digitisation, the sustainability of the Union's economic growth, the social resilience and inclusiveness and the integration of the Union capital markets, including solutions addressing their fragmentation and diversifying sources of financing for the Union enterprises. To that end, it should support projects that are technically and economically viable by providing a framework tailor-made on the basis of the different regional needs in the EU for the use of debt, risk sharing and equity instruments underpinned by a guarantee from the Union's budget and by contributions from implementing partners. It should be demand-driven while support under the InvestEU Fund should at the same time focus on contributing to meeting policy objectives of the Union.
Committee: BUDGECON
Amendment 176 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 6
(6) The InvestEU Fund should support investments in tangible and intangible assets to foster growth, investment and employment, and thereby contributing to improved well-being and fairer income distribution in the Union. Intervention through the InvestEU Fund should complement Union support delivered through grants, and thus, the same EU state-aid rules should apply..
Committee: BUDGECON
Amendment 213 #
(14) Whereas the level of overall investment in the Union is increasing, investment in higher-risk activities such as social enterprise, research and innovation is still inadequate. The resulting underinvestment in research and innovation is damaging to the industrial and economic competitiveness of the Union and the quality of life of its citizens. The InvestEU Fund should provide the appropriate and suited financial products to cover different stages in the innovation cycle and a wide range of stakeholders, in particular to allow the upscaling of and deployment of solutions at a commercial scale in the Union, in order to make such solutions competitive on world markets.
Committee: BUDGECON
Amendment 234 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 19
(19) Each policy window should be composed of two compartments, that is to say an EU compartment and a Member State compartment. The EU compartment should address Union-wide market failures or sub-optimal investment situations in a proportionate manner; supported actions should have a clear European added value. The Member State compartment should give Member States the possibility to contribute a share of their resources of Funds under shared management to the provisioning of the EU guarantee to use the EU guarantee for financing or investment operations to address specific market failures or sub-optimal investment situations in their own territory, including in vulnerable and remote areas such as the outermost regions as well as insular and peripheral regions of the Union, to deliver objectives of the Fund under shared management. Actions supported from the InvestEU Fund through either EU or Member State compartments should not duplicate or crowd out private financing or distort competition in the internal market.
Committee: BUDGECON
Amendment 257 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 24
(24) The EU guarantee underpinning the InvestEU Fund should be implemented indirectly by the Commission relying on implementing partners with outreach to final recipients. A guarantee agreement allocating guarantee capacity from the InvestEU Fund should be concluded by the Commission with each implementing partner, to support its financing and investment operations meeting the InvestEU Fund objectives and tailor made eligibility criteria. The InvestEU Fund should be provided with a specific governance structure to ensure the appropriate use of the EU guarantee.
Committee: BUDGECON
Amendment 289 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 29
(29) In selecting implementing partners for the deployment of the InvestEU Fund, the Commission should consider the counterpart's capacity to fulfil the objectives of the InvestEU Fund and contribute its own resources, in order to ensure adequate geographical coverage and diversification, to crowd-in private investors and to provide sufficient risk diversification as well as new solutions to address market failures and sub-optimal investment situations. Given its role under the Treaties, its capacity to operate in all Member States and the existing experience under the current financial instruments and the EFSI, the European Investment Bank (‘EIB’) Group should remain a privileged implementing partner under the InvestEU Fund's EU compartment. In addition to the EIB Group, national promotional banks or institutions should be able to offer a complementary financial product range given that their experience and capabilities at regional level could be beneficial for the maximisation of the impact of public funds on all the territory of the Union. Moreover, it should be possible to have other international financial institutions as implementing partners, in particular when they present a comparative advantage in terms of specific expertise and experience in certain Member States. It should also be possible for other entities fulfilling the criteria laid down in the Financial Regulation to act as implementing partners.
Committee: BUDGECON
Amendment 297 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 30
(30) In order to ensure that interventions under the EU compartment of the InvestEU Fund focus on market failures and sub- optimal investment situations at Union level, but, at the same time, satisfy the objectives of best possible geographic outreach, the EU guarantee should be allocated to implementing partners, which alone or together with other implementing partners, can cover at least threedifferent Member States. However, it is expected that around 75 % of the EU guarantee under the EU compartment would be allocated to implementing partner or partners that can offer financial products under the InvestEU Fund in all Member States.
Committee: BUDGECON
Amendment 337 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point 5
(5) 'Funds under shared management' means funds that foresee the possibility of voluntarily allocating an amount thereof to the provisioning of a budgetary guarantee under the Member State compartment of the InvestEU Fund, namely the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund+ (ESF+), the Cohesion Fund, the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) and the European Agriculture Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD);
Committee: BUDGECON
Amendment 539 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 12 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2
For the EU compartment, the eligible counterparts shall have expressed their interest and shall be able to cover financing and investment operations in at least threone Member States. The implementing partners may also cover together financing and investment operations in at least three number of Member States by forming a group.
Committee: BUDGECON
Amendment 701 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 20 – paragraph 4
4. Fees may be charged for the services referred to in paragraph 2 to cover part of the costs for providing those services. Such fees would need to be proportionate to the potential access to funding.
Committee: BUDGECON
Amendment 813 #
Proposal for a regulation
Annex III – point 2 – point 2.1 a (new)
2.1a Geographical distribution covered by projects.
Committee: BUDGECON