35 Written questions of Alfred SANT
Follow-up to my Written Question E-000222/2019 - Enforcement of anti-money laundering rules in Denmark and Estonia
Bluefin tuna input and farming
Review on lead used in terrestrial environments, in ammunition and in fishing tackle
Supporting Tunisia’s efforts in the fight against money laundering and terrorism financing
Commission communication on the European Green Deal and the Clean Energy for EU Islands initiative
The EU disability card
The Commission’s decision to award a contract to BlackRock to oversee the development of ESG factors in the EU banking sector and corporate investment policies
Reimbursement of cancelled flight tickets
European Banking Authority's guidelines on product oversight and governance arrangements for retail banking products
European Banking Authority’s guidelines on product oversight and governance arrangements for retail banking products
Follow-up to Written Question E-000781/2020 on the Commission communication on the European Green Deal and the Clean Energy for EU Islands initiative
Freelance interpreters
The protection of retail banking services in the EU
Follow-up to written question E-002413/2020 on the reimbursement of cancelled flight tickets – national authorities
Follow-up to written question E-002413/2020 on the reimbursement of cancelled flight tickets – airlines
Transparency of contracts for COVID-19 vaccines
SME IPO fund
Pandemic insurance
Conviction of the Palestinian human rights defender Issa Amro
Company takeovers and State aid allowed under the Temporary Framework to support the economy in the context of the coronavirus outbreak
Maintaining a level playing field: the temporary framework to support the economy in the context of the coronavirus outbreak
European Union Prize for Literature
Israel’s decision to designate six Palestinian human rights NGOs as terrorist organisations
Revision of target group of social housing
Anti-competitive behaviour of European Retail Alliances (ERAs)
Licencing, protection of intellectual property rights, connected cars and a level playing field for EU companies in foreign markets
Follow-up to Written Question E-000559/2022 on licencing, protection of intellectual property rights, connected cars and a level playing field for EU companies
EEAS - Libya
Important projects of common European interest (IPCEIs) involving semiconductors
Evaluation of the Consortia Block Exemption Regulation (CBER) post COVID-19
Exclusion of book tokens from the scope of the new anti-money laundering regulation
Foreign Subsidies Regulation and the US Inflation Reduction Act
Transfer of power advancing annexation of the West Bank by Israel
Ryanair petition – protecting flights and the EU single market during air traffic control strikes
Removing the minimum liver weight requirement for foie gras production