3 Amendments of Maria GRAPINI related to 2021/2251(INI)

Amendment 57 #
10. Regrets the fact that there are major differences in the level and breadth of the available information made public on the dedicated NRRP websites; asks the Commission to include recommendations in its implementation report with a particular focus on the harmonisation of the information available to citizens order to fosand measures to promoter transparency in order to foster public scrutiny and accountability;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 61 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 11
11. Calls on the Commission to report on its assessment of the capacity of national audit systems to prevent, detect and remedyobviate corruption, fraud and conflicts of interest, and to ensure compliance with national and Union rules; stresses that, in the event of inadequacies in the national audit systems, the milestones or targets suggested by the Commission to address these inadequacies must be appropriately explained in the annual report on the implementation of the Facility;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 69 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 14
14. cCalls on it to make approval of NRRPs conditional on observance of the rule of law and the prevention and detection of and fight against, fraud, conflicts of interest and corruption without affecting the final beneficiaries; stresses that all the measures set out in the NRRPs must comply with the Union EU's values enshrined in Article 2 of the Treaty on European Union;
Committee: CONT