14 Amendments of Fabio Massimo CASTALDO related to 2015/2036(INI)

Amendment 28 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital C
C. whereas NATO has condemned the Russian Federation’s military escalation in Crimea, its illegal and illegitimate annexation of Crimea and its continued and deliberate destabilisation of eastern Ukraine in violation of international lawdestabilisation of eastern Ukraine amount to a substantive violation of international law; whereas Ukrainian troops have also been observed committing serious violations and the EU has thus far failed to take a decisive diplomatic stance on how to manage the crisis;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 31 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital D
D. whereas the military balance in the Black Sea Basin has shifted following the illegal annexation of Crimea, with Russia now unlawfully controlling hundreds of kilometres of the Crimean coastline and the adjacent waters facing NATO and EU maritime borders; whereas Russia has fuelled aggressive actions on Ukrainian territory;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 80 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1
1. Firmly supports the non-recognition of Russia’sTakes note of the European Council’s conclusions that the EU will not recognise the illegal annexation of the Crimea; reiterates its commitment to the independence and sovereignty of Ukraine and to the non-violability of borders; fully supports the European Council’s conclusions that the EU will no and Sevastopol; believes, however, that the region is unlikely to be restored to its previous state, and is of the opinion that diplomacy should take its course without precognise the illegal annexation of Crimea and Sevastopolnditions, despite the difficult nature of the situation;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 89 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2
2. Notes with concern that the annexation of Crimea has precipitated a significant change in the strategic landscape of the Black Sea Basin and the adjacent area; recalls the latent state of instability prevailing around this region to the south-west of Russia where, for decades, ethnic diversity and the wealth or trade of raw materials have given rise to influences from Russia and the West, including the EU, with potentially disastrous economic, social, civil and political consequences for its population; warns that by occupying the entire peninsula, Russia has gained a veryn important launching padstrategic position facing both west (Transnistria and the Danube Mouths), the Balkans and south (the Eastern Mediterranean), where it has established a permanent naval task force, and that the illegal annexation of Crimea offers Russia a ‘southern Kaliningrad’, another outpost directly bordering on NATO, this time at sea; observes that, thus far, the West seems to be more concerned with competing with Russia during this time of crisis, preferring to sell arms to Ukrainian troops instead of tirelessly searching for a diplomatic solution;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 108 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 4
4. Is deeply concerned aboutTakes note of the current defensive and offensive military build-up of Russia in the Black Sea, and the planned expansion and modernisation of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet, involving the addition of six new modern diesel submarines of the Rostov-on-Don type and six new frigates of the Admiral Grigorovich type; notes that the positioning of offensive air force assets, and the upgrading of Crimean military infrastructures, will enhance Russia’s offensive military posture and its ability to project power bey; believes, however, that the need to use all possible diplomatic means to defuse tensionds its territorymore pressing than ever;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 115 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5
5. Notes with concern that Russia has considerably bolstered its air and naval defences in the Black Sea Basin, deploying new naval defence (anti-ship) missiles (with a range of 600 km, able to reach the Bosphorus) and ensuring that Russian fighter planes control about three quarters of the Black Sea Basin airspace (by practically tripling the number of airports in Crimea); notes, in this regard, that Russia has bolstered its capabilities in both strategic and tactical terms: strategically, long-range bombers, capable of carrying cruise missiles, and reconnaissance aviation operating close to the western shores of the Black Sea, can penetrate deep into Central Europe; tactically, two naval infantry brigades – potentially supported by Mistral-type helicopter carriers – pose a significant potential landing threatconsiders that, in light of this situation, every diplomatic, regional and international institute in which Moscow plays a leading role must become a vitally important space for debating desirable diplomatic resolutions to the issue;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 129 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 7
7. Regards the recent close overflights by Russian fighter aircrafts of NATO warships and exploration platforms in the Black Sea as a clear indication of a more aggressive Russian posture in the Black Sea Basin and warns of a heightened risk of escalation; takes note of NATO exercises in the Black Sea and the fourfold increase in NATO flights over Baltic regions; opposes both parties’ escalating demonstrations of force which only serve to heighten tensions;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 148 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9
9. Condemns the fact that Russia is providing direct and indirect support to the separatist actions, thereby facilitatdistances itself from the West’s actions in selling arms to Ukrainian troops, as well as the actions of far-right voluntary paramilitary groups, including the Azov Battalion; believes that these factors are fostering the continuation of war; is concerned by the reports of war crimes committed in the region controlled by Russia-backed se; urges Russia and all paratists; urges Russiaes involved to use itstheir influence to halt hostilities;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 159 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11
11. Underlines that the relationship with Russia, being a major actor in the international system but one which is inching towards cooperation with the East, and particularly with Beijing (a possible linchpin in a system of alternative alliances self-sufficient from the West), should be cooperative rather than conflictual in the long run; is of the view, however, that, in the short and medium term, owing to a lack of trust following Russia’s latest actions, any resumption of cooperation should continue to rely, firstly, on the strong strategic reassurance offered by NATO to its eastern members and, secondly, on the fact that there can be no political solution based on accepting the illegal annexation of Crimeaany resumption of cooperation should continue to rely on the fact that there can be no solution to the crisis other than a political or diplomatic one;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 177 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13
13. Believes that, in the event that Russia does not honour the Minsk ceasefire agreement, and continues the destabilisation of eastern Ukraine and the illegal annexation of Crimea, the sanction regime should be continued and even strengthenedEU should propose that a round table be convened for negotiations between Russia, Ukraine and all regional actors, as well as the Union itself;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 211 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 18
18. Calls on the Ukrainian Government to use all diplomatic means at its disposal to investigate and prosecute war crimes committed on its territory;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 233 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 21
21. Stresses the critical importance of coordinating with NATO and the United States as the Black Sea Basin is a key component of Euro-Atlantic security; welcomes the commitment of NATO to support regional efforts of Black Sea littoral states aimed at ensuring security and stability; cCalls on the OSCE to enlarge the scope of its efforts related to Black Sea security;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 240 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 22
22. Welcomes the commitment by NATO member states to collective security and the Article 5 of the Washington Treaty; welcomes the NATO Wales Summit decision on strategic reassurance measures and the Readiness Action Plan, important elements for the security of the most affected NATO member states; calls on NATO to continue to develop its cyber and missile defence capabilities, including in the Black Sea region, and to develop contingency plans for deterring and countering asymmetric and hybrid warfare;deleted
Committee: AFET
Amendment 247 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 23
23. Underlines that NATO should preserve its general naval and air superiority in the Black Sea Basin and maintain its capacity to monitor the area;deleted
Committee: AFET