3 Amendments of Ulrike MÜLLER related to 2015/2353(INI)

Amendment 76 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 11
11. Stresses that price volatility is increasing and that it is therefore erroneous to believe that farm subsidies are no longer needed; strongly disagrees, in this context, with the notion that a rise in food prices and sales of produce in recent years havedue to currently unstable agricultural markets and high price volatility it is essential to maintain farm subsidies in order to provided farmers with a stable income allowing business planning orand security;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 119 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 17
17. Strongly opposes any renationalisation of agricultural policies; stressnotes that the common nature of the EU’s agricultural policy avoids distortion of competition within the internal market and generates savings for European taxpayersunequal implementation of the CAP along Member States leads to distortion of competition within the internal market; calls on the Commission and Member States to ensure equal implementation throughout the Union in order to realise the objectives of the common agricultural policy; affirms that a well-functioning and well-financed second pillar is essential for the success of the CAP and for the economic well-being of the Union’s rural areas;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 126 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 18
18. Points out that the ever-increasing challenges faced by the CAP call for increasedadequate financial resources; calls, therefore, for an increase in thappropriate funding under Heading 2 in order to meet these challenges should they arisand in particular for funds to ensure an adequate implementation of the Natura 2000 directive by providing financial compensation to landowners for the restrictions they face; calls also for adequate compensation measures to deal with unforeseen events and market failures resulting from political decisions;
Committee: AGRI