2 Amendments of Marek JUREK related to 2015/0125(NLE)

Amendment 68 #
Proposal for a decision
Recital 17 a (new)
(17a) Relocating countries should define their own criteria for selecting people for relocation. Countries from which refugees will be resettled, should allow hosting countries practical assistance in the selection and relocation of displaced persons (complying with recital 25) and in preparing for their relocation.
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 76 #
Proposal for a decision
Recital 19
(19) The provisional measures are intended to relieve the significant asylum pressure from Italy and Greece, in particular by relocating an important number of applicants in clear need of international protection who have arrived in the territory of Italy and Greece following the date on which this Decision becomes applicable. Based on the overall number of third- country nationals who have entered irregularly Italy and Greece in 2014 and the number of those who are in clear need of international protection, a total of 420 000 applicants in clear need of international protection should be relocated from Italy and Greece. This number corresponds to approximately 40% of the total number of third country nationals in clear need of international protection who have entered irregularly in Italy and Greece in 2014. Thus, the relocation measure proposed in this Decision constitutes fair burden sharing between Italy and Greece on the one hand and the other Member States on the other hand. Based on the same overall available figures in 2014 and in the first four months of 2015 in Italy compared to Greece, 60% of these applicants should be relocated from Italy and 40% from Greece.
Committee: LIBE