2 Amendments of Michał BONI related to 2015/2063(INI)

Amendment 224 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8
8. Recalls that the internet plays a significant role in fuelling the radicalisation of European citizens, as it facilitates the rapid, large-scale distribution of hate messages and praise for terrorism; expresses concern at the impact that such messages praising terrorism have on young people, who are particularly vulnerable; underlines the role of education and public awareness campaign to prevent radicalization online; calls for a dialogue to be launched at European level with the internet giants with a view to preventing the online distribution of hate messages and to eradicating them swiftly;
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 328 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14
14. Believes that online radicalisation cannot be stamped out without reinforcing the tools available to the EU to combat cybercrime; recommends that the European Union strengthen the mandate and resources of the European Cybercrime Centre so that it can play an effective role in better protecting European citizens against online threats and detecting the digital processes used by terrorist organisations;
Committee: LIBE