2 Amendments of Raymond FINCH related to 2015/2062(INI)

Amendment 143 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 4
4. Considers that increasing prisons’ capacity is not the solcertainly one solution to overcrowding, as the prison population tends to rise at the same rate as prison capacity; c; considers, furthermore, that the deportation of foreign criminalls nonetheless on Member States to allocate appropriate resources to refurbishment and modernisation of prisons in order to protect the rightswould also reduce overcrowding in prisons; notes with concern that sentencing ofr prisoners; recalls that the Commission recently mentioned the possibility of drawing on the Structural Funds of the European Unionarole hearings may be influenced by a lack of prison space;
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 231 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11
11. Calls ononsiders that Member States must do more to combat the growing phenomenon of radicalisation in prison; notes that the United Kingdom is currently establishing three segregation units to keep the most dangerous Islamic extremists away from mainstream prison populations;
Committee: LIBE