2 Amendments of Amjad BASHIR related to 2014/2228(INI)

Amendment 698 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1 – point d – point viii
(viii) to ensure that the right of either partner to governregulate the exploration and, exploitation and supply of energy sources remains untouched by any agreement, but thatshould not be affected by TTIP and that a principle of non-discrimination isbe applied once exploitation is decided upon; access to raw materials as well as tond energy should also be granted on a non- discriminatory basis for companies from either the EU or the US and quality standards for energy products must beboth EU and US companies, and that each party's energy product quality standards must be respected with regards to imports respectedively;
Committee: INTA
Amendment 724 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1 – point d – point xi
(xi) to ensure that TTIP includes a specific chapter on SME’s and aims at creating new opportunities in the US for European SMEs, for instance by eliminating double certification requirements, by establishing a web-based information system about the different regulations, by introducing ‘fast- track’ procedures at the border or by eliminating specific tariff peaks that continue to exist; it should establish mechanisms for both sides to work together to facilitate SMEs’ participation in transatlantic trade and investment, for instance through a common SME ’one-stop shop’ that would improve the flow of information to SMEs thus delivering, inter alia, enhanced market predictability;
Committee: INTA