Activities of Afzal KHAN related to 2015/2229(INI)

Plenary speeches (1)

Annual report on human rights and democracy in the world 2014 and the EU policy on the matter (debate)
Dossiers: 2015/2229(INI)

Amendments (1)

Amendment 265 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 53 m (new)
53m. Reiterates its call from February 2014 to oppose the practice of extrajudicial targeted killings outside the framework of international law and to promote greater transparency and accountability in the use of armed drones with regard to the legal basis for their use; expresses in this regard its grave concern over the recently carried out British drone attack killing two British and one Belgian citizens extra judicially outside of the UK in Syria, where the UK is not at war, and even more so, over the UK Prime Minister's announced readiness to continue such operations without disclosing the legal framework, process for authorisation, factors considered or remit of the UK's new policy for use of armed drones and targeted killings; calls for the development of a policy response at both European and global level which upholds human rights and international humanitarian law and articulates the legal framework and application of the principles of proportionality, accountability, transparency, and the protection of civilians;
Committee: AFET