Activities of Hugues BAYET related to 2016/2047(BUD)

Plenary speeches (2)

2017 budgetary procedure: joint text (A8-0353/2016 - Jens Geier, Indrek Tarand) FR
Dossiers: 2016/2047(BUD)
General budget of the European Union for 2017 - all sections (A8-0287/2016 - Jens Geier, Indrek Tarand) FR
Dossiers: 2016/2047(BUD)

Amendments (6)

Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion
Recital B
B. whereas the main objective of the 2017 draft budget will be to ensure that the Union budget is provided with the means it requires to fully deliver its reinforced contribution to jobs, growth, investment and solidarity, and to respond to new developments, and their impact on immigration, humanitarian aid and security; whereas there needs to be a fundamental rethink of taxation at EU level and whereas one or more new own resources in the true sense should be established in order to finance Union priorities (investment projects, Horizon 2020, etc.);
Committee: CONT
Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
1. Calls for the 2017 draft budget to reflect and support the priorities outlined in the European Semester, specirelaunching of investment and to pursue an economic growth programme whose ficnally relaunching investment, pursuing structural reforms to modernise European economies, conducting responsible fiscal policie objective is to create employment and improve the well-being of all citizens;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 13 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 a (new)
1a. Takes the view that it is essential to boost public investment in order to preserve and enhance the quality of health and education systems and the quality of services provided for the public, as well as to create favourable conditions for economic development;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 16 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 b (new)
1b. Calls for neutralisation in the calculation of debt and deficit in public investment carried out by Member States’ public operators, particularly with regard to the impact of the new ESA 2010 system of accounts, which prevents Member States from paying their co-financing share to the Structural Funds (in particular the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Youth Employment Initiative) and thus using these funds to escape from the economic crisis and re- launch growth and employment;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 30 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2 a (new)
2a. Calls for continued investment in Structural Funds across all regions including transition areas in order not to interrupt the effects of measures and efforts already implemented;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 57 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6 a (new)
6a. Calls for a fundamental rethink of taxation at EU level and for the introduction of one or more new own resources to finance the Union's priority projects (investment projects, Horizon 2020, etc.).
Committee: ECON