2 Amendments of Angelika MLINAR related to 2017/0003(COD)

Amendment 276 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 26 a (new)
(26 a) In order to safeguard the security and integrity of networks and services, the use of end-to-end encryption should be promoted and, where necessary, be mandatory in accordance with the principles of security and privacy by design. Member States should not impose any obligation on encryption providers, on providers of electronic communications services or on any other organisations (at any level of the supply chain) that would result in the weakening of the security of their networks and services, such as the creation or facilitation of “backdoors”.
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 674 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 11 – paragraph 1 a (new)
1 a. The Union or Member States shall not impose any obligation on undertakings that would result in the weakening of the security and encryption of their networks and services.
Committee: LIBE