3 Amendments of Emmanouil KEFALOGIANNIS related to 2015/2010(INL)

Amendment 153 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital U – point iii
(iii) whereas the overall principle of corporate taxation in the Union should be that taxes are paid in the countries where a company's actual economic activity and value creation takes place; whereas criteria should be developed to ensure that this occurs; whereas any use of 'patent box' or other preferential tax regimes must also ensure that taxes are paid in the place where value is generated; whereas, any policy, strategy and measures decided on a legal and economic level should be in line with the Union principles taking also into consideration that the corporate sector is inherent with the free services and competition as main pillars of the free market;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 174 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital V – introductory part
V. whereas improved coordination alone will not solve fundamental problems arising from the fact that different rules regarding corporate taxation exist in different Member States; whereas part of the overall response to aggressive tax planning must involve the convergence of a limited number of national tax practices; whereas this can be achieved while still preserving the sovereignty of Member States in relation to other elements of their corporate tax systems; whereas, we should take into consideration the sovereign rights of Member States and the diversities on economic, commercial and corporate sectors in terms of affecting the growth, development and national income on which they depend on as well as the social cohesion within the Member State and the Union as such;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 326 #
Motion for a resolution
Annex – title 2 – subtitle 1 – paragraph 1
As a first step, by June 2016, a mandatory Common Corporate Tax Base (CCTB) in the Union, with an exemption for small- and medium-sized enterprises and companies with no cross-border activity, in order to have only one set of rules for companies operating in several Member States to calculate their taxable profits, with respect to the acquis communautaire, the sovereign rights of Member States and their economic and social cohesion and stability ;an exception should also be implemented regarding the economies of Member States depending on corporate and service providing sectors will also contribute to the growth and development of the Union economy.
Committee: ECON