2 Amendments of Romana TOMC related to 2020/0353(COD)

Amendment 129 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 26 a (new)
(26 a) Interoperability of chargers within specific categories of products could reduce unnecessary waste and costs for the benefit of consumers and other end- users. It should be possible therefore to recharge batteries for products such as electric vehicles, light means of transport, IT,telecommunications and consumer equipment, such as mobile phones and tablets, printers and laptops, as well as electric or electronic tools such as gardening tools or power drills, by making use of common chargers that allow interoperability within each category of products. A common charger specifically for small and medium sized electronic devices, like mobile phones and tablets, should be introduced at an earlier stage as per revision of the Directive 2014/53/EU on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market of radio equipment.
Committee: IMCO
Amendment 283 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 11 a (new)
Article 11 a Common chargers From 1 January 2026, rechargeable batteries designed for electric vehicles and light means of transport, as well as rechargeable batteries incorporated into specific categories of electrical and electronic equipment covered by Directive 2012/19/EU, shall be charged by making use of common chargers. The Commission is empowered to adopt, no later than by 31 December 2024, a delegated act in accordance with Article 73 determining the categories of products and equipment to which this Article shall apply. When adopting the delegated act referred to in paragraph 2, the Commission shall take into account the size of the market, the reduction of waste, and the reduction of costs for consumers and other end- users.
Committee: IMCO