2 Amendments of Eleonora FORENZA related to 2016/0208(COD)

Amendment 11 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 10 a (new)
(10a) Taken into consideration the risks connected with further deregulation of the financial services that may restrict the ability of governments to change the regulatory structure in ways which support financial stability and the fight against illicit and tax evasion activities, liberalisation of financial services should be subject to a better scrutiny, and to ex- ante analysis by the competent authorities. With regard to the exponential financial innovation, inclusion of financial services in Union trade agreements and partnerships should be carefully considered and based on positive lists.
Committee: INTA
Amendment 16 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 37 a (new)
(37a) Key transparency standards should be binding and guide the negotiation and renegotiation of Union trade agreements and partnerships. Trade partners should lose the benefits granted by trade agreements with the Union where they fail to respect relevant international standards, such as the Common Reporting Standard of the OECD, the Action Plan on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting of the OECD, the central register of beneficial ownership and FATF recommendations. In the framework of the implementation of the OECD BEPS, it is essential to fully apply the country by country reporting system for multinational enterprises.
Committee: INTA