Activities of Domènec RUIZ DEVESA related to 2019/0151(COD)

Shadow opinions (1)

OPINION on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (recast)
Committee: CULT
Dossiers: 2019/0151(COD)
Documents: PDF(244 KB) DOC(150 KB)
Authors: [{'name': 'Christian EHLER', 'mepid': 28226}]

Amendments (16)

Amendment 32 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 7
(7) The EIT should give priority tofacilitate the transfer of its higher education, research and innovation activities to the business context and their commercial application, as well as tond it should supporting the creation of start- ups, spin-offs and, small and medium- sized enterprises (SMEs), public-private partnerships, cooperatives, social enterprises and other sustainable organisational forms, including in the public and third sector.
Committee: CULT
Amendment 34 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 11 a (new)
(11 a) An EIT KIC on the cultural and creative sectors (‘CCS’) should empower networking opportunities, collaboration, co-creation and know-how transfer between education, research, businesses, public institutions and cultural organisations within the cultural and creative sectors and with other sectors of the society and the economy. It should catalyse bottom-up and top-down initiatives at regional, national and Union levels. It should also develop the necessary framework conditions for the creation and scale-up of new ventures in innovative ecosystems. It should provide researchers and students in many disciplines (including arts, humanities, business, social sciences and applied hard sciences) and entrepreneurs from the CCS and other sectors (including social entrepreneurs) with the knowledge and skills necessary to deliver innovative solutions and to turn them into new economic opportunities and social and community undertakings.
Committee: CULT
Amendment 35 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 11 a (new)
(11 a) In order to contribute to addressing new and emerging global challenges, the EIT should launch new KICs in priority fields only after having assessed, among other aspects, their relevance to Horizon Europe policy priorities, their complementarity and synergy with other programmes such as the Erasmus+, InvestEU and Creative Europe programmes, and their added value to be addressed through the EIT model.
Committee: CULT
Amendment 36 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 11 b (new)
(11 b) The cultural and creative sectors (‘CCS’) are areas with a high growth potential, many grass-roots initiatives and strong citizen appeal. They are strongly embedded in their local and regional ecosystems. However, CCS are still a highly differentiated domain of activity, and more entrepreneurial and innovation skills are needed. A KIC - thanks to its approach of fostering the integration of the knowledge triangle, long-term perspective and place-based approach and with its holistic and integrated approach - may offer a real support. CCS also have the strongest complementarity with the eight existing KICs, as well as with the potential priority areas for other European Partnerships to be launched in the framework of Horizon Europe. By covering nearly all sectors of Union citizens’ lives, society and economy, such KIC will be highly relevant in terms of economic and societal impact, unlocking strategic opportunities for economic, technological and social innovation.
Committee: CULT
Amendment 37 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 11 b (new)
(11 b) The EIT should foster multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral cooperation as one of the key domains where innovation takes place. It should strive to foster cooperation between the economic, technological, societal and scientific spheres, including the arts and humanities. The EIT should contribute to the emergence of science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (STEAM) communities by strengthening the links between the KICs.
Committee: CULT
Amendment 41 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 16
(16) It is expected that industry, the finance and service sectors will contribute significantly to the budget of the KICs. The KICs should aim at maximising the share of contributions from the private sector and achieving financial sustainability . The third sector and the public sector, particularly at a local and regional level, should also be considered as contributors to the financial sustainability of the KICs. The KICs and their partner organisations should publicise the fact that their activities are undertaken in the context of the EIT and that they receive a financial contribution from the general budget of the Union.
Committee: CULT
Amendment 43 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point 1
(1) ‘innovation’ means the process, including its outcome, by which new ideas respond to societal or, economic or cultural needs and demand and generate new products, services, processes or business and organisational models that are successfully introduced into an existing market or that are able to create new markets and thator to provide value to society in non-market domains;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 46 #
(1 a) 'social innovation' is a subset of innovation activities aiming at developing new ideas, goods, services, processes and models to better address social issues, to create social relationships and to form new collaborations, that invites input from public and private actors, including civil society, to address unmet social challenges more effectively.
Committee: CULT
Amendment 49 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point 3
(3) ‘partner organisation’ means any legal entity which is a member of a KIC and may include, in particular, higher education institutions, vocational education and training providers, research organisations, public or private companiinstitutions, public and private companies, social enterprises, financial institutions, regional and local authorities, foundations and non-profit organisations;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 56 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 3 – paragraph 1
The EIT’s mission is to contribute to addressing major challenges faced by society and to boost sustainable Union economic growth and competitiveness by reinforcing the scientific, economic, technological and societal innovation capacity of theall Member States and the Union in order to address major challenges faced by the society. It shall do this by promoting synergies and cooperation among partners and across sectors, and by integrating, higher education, research and innovation of the highest standards, including by fostering entrepreneurship.
Committee: CULT
Amendment 63 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 3 a (new)
Article 3 a General objectives The general objectives of the EIT shall be: (a) to strengthen sustainable challenges- based innovation ecosystems throughout the Union that help to tackle global challenges; (b) to foster the development of entrepreneurial and innovation skills in a lifelong learning perspective, including increasing capacities of Union higher education institutions across the Union, and to support their entrepreneurial transformation; and (c) to bring new solutions to global and societal challenges to the market, whilst also facilitating other forms of sustainable social uptake. The EIT shall develop synergies with other Union programmes and shall bring added value within Horizon Europe. The implementation shall take place through support to KICs and EIT-coordinated activities.
Committee: CULT
Amendment 77 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 6 – paragraph 1 – point h
(h) promote multidisciplinary approaches to innovation, including social innovation, through the integration of technological, social and non-technological solutions, organisational approaches and new business models;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 79 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 7 – paragraph 1 – point a
(a) innovation activities and investments with European added value , including thefacilitating support tofor the creation and development of innovative businessof innovative start-ups and social ventures, and the development of innovative businesses and other organisational forms, in complementarity with the EIC and the InvestEU, Erasmus+ and Creative Europe programmes, fully integrating the higher education and research dimensions to attain a critical mass and stimulating the dissemination and exploitation of results;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 83 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 7 – paragraph 1 – point d
(d) outreach activities and the dissemination of best practices in the innovation sector with a focus on the development of cooperation between higher education, research and business, including the service and financial sectors, as well as public and third-sector organisations;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 89 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 9 a (new)
Article 9 a KIC in the Cultural and Creative Sectors (CCS) 1. For the period 2021-2027, a new KIC in the field of CCS shall be launched, to harness the potential of arts and culture- based creativity, help strengthen the competitiveness and smart growth of the Union and tackle societal challenges. 2. The KIC on CCS shall: (a) reduce the fragmentation of the CCS’ innovation landscape by fostering the creation of innovation, including social innovation, ecosystems connecting all actors and networks across sectors and disciplines at local, regional, national and Union levels; (b) train the next generation of creators in the CCS sectors by equipping them with the necessary social and business entrepreneurial and technical skills needed to thrive in a fast changing environment; (c) contribute to the development of the right framework conditions to transform ideas into new technological developments and social innovation that improve the quality of life and benefit Union citizens; (d) foster the creation and development of new ventures in the CCS by mobilising investment from the public sector, including at a local and regional level, and the third sector, as well as a long- term commitment from the business sector; (e) establish synergies with the existing KICs, as well as with other European partnerships, programmes and initiatives to drive innovation beyond CCS in other sectors; (f) strengthen the position of the Union as a global actor in CCS by harnessing Europeans’ creativity and cultural diversity.
Committee: CULT
Amendment 99 #
Proposal for a regulation
Annex I a (new)
ANNEX IA SYNERGIES WITH OTHER UNION PROGRAMMES Building on its broad scope of action and distinctive role, the EIT shall create synergies and provide complementarities with other Union programmes or instruments, including by reinforcing its support to KICs in their planning and implementing activities. 1. Synergies with Horizon Europe: The EIT shall create strong synergies with the entire Horizon Europe programme. In particular, synergies with the EIC will be key for the impact of the Open Innovation Pillar, as well as the support to ecosystems. In the [Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness] Pillar, through its KICs, the EIT can collaborate with European Partnerships, contribute to missions, support demand-side measures and provide exploitation services to boost technology transfer and accelerate the commercialisation of results achieved by the thematic clusters or other European partnerships. The EIT shall intensify its efforts to capitalise on synergies and complementarities between existing KICs and with different actors and initiatives at Union and global levels and extend its network of collaborating organisations at both strategic and operational levels, while avoiding duplications, through: –close cooperation with the EIC and InvestEU in streamlining the support (i.e. funding and services) offered to innovative ventures in both start-up and scale-up stages, in particular through KICs; –planning and implementation of EIT activities in order to maximise synergies and complementarities with other parts of Horizon Europe; –engaging with Member States, at both national and regional level, establishing a structured dialogue and coordinating efforts to enable synergies with national and regional initiatives, including smart specialisation strategies, also considering doing so through the implementation of the “European Innovation Ecosystems”, in order to identify, share and disseminate best practices and learnings; –sharing and disseminating innovative practices and learnings throughout the Union and beyond, so as to contribute to innovation policy in the Union in coordination with other parts of Horizon Europe; –provision of input to innovation policy discussions and contribution to the design and implementation of Union policy priorities by continuously working with all relevant European Commission services, other Union programmes and their stakeholders, and further exploring opportunities within policy implementing initiatives; –exploitation of synergies with other Union programmes, including those supporting human capital development and innovation (e.g. COST, ESF+, ERDF, Erasmus+, Creative Europe and COSME Plus/Single Market, InvestEU); –building strategic alliances with key innovation actors at Union and international level, and support to KICs to develop collaboration and links with key knowledge triangle partners from third countries, with the aim of opening new markets or opportunities for KICs’- backed solutions and attracting financing and talents from abroad. The participation of third countries shall be promoted with regard to the principles of reciprocity and mutual benefits. Moreover, the KIC on CCS shall establish strong synergies with relevant policy initiatives under Horizon Europe, and in particular under Pillar II with the cluster [Inclusive and Secure Society] and its areas of intervention on Cultural Heritage and Democracy. The KIC on CCS shall also endeavour to efficiently complement other parts of Horizon Europe and the intervention of the existing EIT Digital. 2. Synergies with Erasmus+: Erasmus+and the EIT shall establish synergies between their respective communities. Cooperation shall be targeted towards ensuring access for Erasmus+ learners participating in KIC partner education and training institutions to KICs’ summer schools or other relevant training activities (for instance, on entrepreneurship and innovation management) and establishing contacts with the KICs’ alumni network. Synergies shall be ensured, where possible, with the European Universities initiative that help mainstream EIT’s educational and training activities to reach a systemic impact. 3. Synergies with Digital Europe Programme: KICs’ co-location centres shall collaborate with the European Digital Innovation Hubs to support the digital transformation of the industry and public sector organisations. The KIC on CCS could also provide valuable horizontal inputs across various activities to be carried out in the cluster [Digital and Industry], in particular as regards the manufacturing technologies in which the need to develop new products rely heavily on CCS. 4. Synergies with Cohesion Policy Funds (in particular ERDF and ESIF+): EIT KICs, through their co-location centres, shall promote regional and cross-regional cooperation between the knowledge triangle actors (education, research, business) and managing authorities, in synergy with the work of the European Commission on interregional cooperation and investments in related smart specialisation priorities. 5. Synergies with InvestEU: EIT KICs shall seek the collaboration of the InvestEU Advisory Hub to provide technical support and assistance to KICs- backed ventures for the preparation, development, and implementation of projects. In the context of limited access to finance for the cultural and creative sectors, synergies shall be sought with the Cultural and Creative Sector Guarantee Facility, a financial mechanisms to help scale up cultural and creative projects by providing insurance to financial intermediaries. 6. Synergies with Creative Europe: The Creative Europe Programme is specifically relevant for the activities of the KIC on CCS, as its strands and special calls reflect some of the challenges facing the sector. Therefore, strong synergies and complementarities between the KIC on CCS and Creative Europe shall be developed.
Committee: CULT