2 Amendments of Sander LOONES related to 2016/2032(INI)

Amendment 161 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19
19. Calls on the Member States to foster a risk-taking and capital market culture; reiterates that financial education for SMEs is not only key to increasing bank lending but also to expanding the use and acceptance of capital market solutions, allowing for a better assessment of costs, benefits and the associated risks; calls on the Member States to enhance the financial literacy of SMEs; however, points out that SMEs themselves also bear a responsibility in this regard;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 201 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 23
23. Underlines the potential of new innovative financial technology (FinTec) for the better matching of SMEs with potential investors; calls on the Commission to explore potential risks and the need for an appropriate harmonised EU regulatory frameworkways to encourage the development of FinTec initiatives in Europe;
Committee: ECON