4 Amendments of Valérie HAYER related to 2018/0135(CNS)

Amendment 79 #
Proposal for a decision
Recital 9 a (new)
(9a) Rebates and other correction mechanisms should be abolished.
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 109 #
Proposal for a decision
Article 2 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 – point d
(d) the application of a uniform call rate to the amount representing the revenue generated by the allowances to be auctioned referred to in Article 10(2)(a) of Directive 2003/87/EC and the market value of transitional free allowances for the modernisation of the energy sector as determined in Article 10c(3) of that Directive; the actual call rate shall not exceed 30 %. 50 %; the incremental revenue generated by any future enlargement of the scope of the Emissions Trading System after 01 January 2021 to additional sectors and regions; the actual call rate shall not exceed 100%; Or. en (NOTE: the text comes from COM(2018)0325)
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 113 #
(e) the application of a uniform call rate to the weight of plastic packaging waste that is not recycled; the actual call rate shall not exceed EUR 12,00 per kilogram; Or. en (NOTE: the text comes from COM(2018)0325)
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 132 #
Proposal for a decision
Article 2 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 4
Austria shall benefit from a gross reduction in its annual Gross National Income-based contribution of EUR 110 million in 2021, EUR 88 million in 2022, EUR 66 million in 2023, EUR 44 million in 2024, and EUR 22 million in 2025. Denmark shall benefit from a gross reduction in its annual Gross National Income-based contribution of EUR 118 million in 2021, EUR 94 million in 2022, EUR 71 million in 2023, EUR 47 million in 2024, and EUR 24 million in 2025. Germany shall benefit from a gross reduction in its annual Gross National Income-based contribution of EUR 2 799 million in 2021, EUR 2 239 million in 2022, EUR 1 679 million in 2023, EUR 1 119 million in 2024, and EUR 560 million in 2025. The Netherlands shall benefit from a gross reduction in its annual Gross National Income-based contribution of EUR 1 259 million in 2021, EUR 1 007 million in 2022, EUR 755 million in 2023, EUR 503 million in 2024, and EUR 252 million in 2025. Sweden shall benefit from a gross reduction in its annual Gross National Income-based contribution of EUR 578 million in 2021, EUR 462 million in 2022, EUR 347 million in 2023, EUR 231 million in 2024, and EUR 116 million in 2025. Those amounts shall be measured in 2018 prices and adjusted to current prices by applying the most recent Gross Domestic Product deflator for the Union expressed in euros, as provided by the Commission, which is available when the draft budget is drawn up. Those gross reductions shall be financed by all Member States. No Member State should benefit from any correction. Or. en (NOTE: the text comes from COM(2018)0325)
Committee: BUDG