2 Amendments of Stephen HUGHES related to 2012/2151(INI)

Amendment 790 #
Motion for a resolution
Annex – part 2 – point 2.5 c (new)
Recommendation 2.5c on a golden rule for public finance The European Parliament considers that the legislative act to be adopted should aim to regulate as follows: Fiscal rules for member states whose currency is the euro should be made anti- cyclical by introducing a distinction between operational government spending and public investments linked to the achievement of the Union's growth strategy; the latter should not be accounted for in the computation of deficits for the purpose of the correction and prevention of excessive deficits.
Committee: ECON
Amendment 814 #
Motion for a resolution
Annex – part 3 – point 3.2 a (new)
Recommendation 3.2a on a Social Pact for Europe The European Parliament considers that the legislative act to be adopted should aim to regulate as follows: According to the Treaties the promotion of high employment and the guarantee of adequate social protection has to be taken into account in defining and implementing the policies and activities of the Union; The specific rules for a binding supervision of the budgetary discipline in the euro area can and should complement fiscal and macroeconomic benchmarks with employment and social benchmarks to ensure the appropriate implementation of the abovementioned provision through adequate Union financial provisions; A social pact for Europe should be set up to promote: - the introduction a European youth guarantee; - a euro area-specific unemployment insurance fund endowed with its own, dedicated fiscal resources; - 25 % of cohesion funding for ESF; - high quality and appropriate financing of public services; - decent living wages; - access to affordable and social housing; - a social protection floor to guarantee universal access to essential health services regardless of income; - support and subsistence security; - the implementation of a social protocol to protect fundamental social and labour rights; - a European framework to manage restructuring in a social and responsible way; - a new health and safety strategy including stress-related diseases; - equal pay and equal rights for work of equal value for all;
Committee: ECON