4 Amendments of Alexandra GEESE related to 2022/0212(BUD)

Amendment 59 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 7 d (new)
7 d. Welcomes the gender-budgeting classification undertaken by the Commission and calls on the Commission to focus on ensuring that an effective methodology for gender focuses on an accurate and comprehensive representation of the impact of programmes on gender equality and to achieve ensuring that we get the best gender equality impact from programs in the course of their implementation that are currently categorized as zero(star) and to take lessons learned for the design of programs, if possible in the context of the upcoming MFF revision; expects all gender relevant reporting to be done based on volumes and not number of actions;
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 177 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 58 – point g
(g) takes note of the Bureau decision on 2 May 2022 on short-term measures aiming at lowering Parliaments' energy consumption; calls on Parliament to take all the necessary steps to decrease medium and long-term energy consumption in order to reduce the energy bills in the upcoming revision of the current approach on energy saving activities; welcomes and encourages the investments in renewable energy and for phasing-out of fossil fuels given the energy crisis and geopolitiwelcomes a revision of the current approach on energy saving activities, emphasizes in this regard the need to immediately halt upgrading of fossil fuel heating installations and for a roadmap to phase out fossil fuels with specific milestones and replace them by heath pumps; notes with concern that the EMAS target linked to the share of on sight energy production renewable energy sources is unlikely to be attained and even decreased in the last 2 years; calls therefore to urgently upscale on sight energy production, in particular by installing of state of the art rooftop photovoltaics for the maximum potential in Brussels and Strasbourg as soon as possible, and in particular calls for a new audit for Strasbourg to be carried out; welcomes the use of building passports and calls for investment decisions to integrate, beyond the changed outlook in terms of energy prices, the need for Parliament to be a role model, in particular in the most visible buildings; welcomes the building energy management system established in EMAS and calls for the audit to be part of the draft estimates presented by the services each year; welcomes the preliminary steps taken towards formulating a carbon neutrality target, in line with commitments taken by the European Commission for example and reiterates its call contextfor the introduction of internal carbon pricing as a first step in the current EMAS period;
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 179 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 58 – point g a (new)
(g a) Welcomes the overall reduction in trucks traveling between Brussels and Strasbourg and congratulates the Parliament Services on their leading role, welcomes the commitment of the Bureau to call on Members and political Groups to contribute to the ongoing reduction of trunks` shipping between Brussels and Strasbourg at plenary sessions; asks for specific information campaigns in this regard for Members and political Groups;
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 181 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 58 – point g b (new)
(g b) Welcomes the fact that feasibility studies are under way for Parliament's buildings in Brussels on the recovery and reuse of rainwater and a more rational use of water; calls for the relevant investments to be planned in the forthcoming budgets;
Committee: BUDG