3 Amendments of Arndt KOHN related to 2017/2188(DEC)

Amendment 20 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 294
294. Criticises the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) for refusing the access of the Court of Auditors to all the documents relevant in a case, only allowing the auditors to consult publicly available documents; reminds the CJEU that Court of Auditors Members as well as its auditors are bound by confidentiality and professional secrecy in the performance of duties15 ; regrets that référendaires could not be interviewed despite their crucial role in the CJEU’s work; _________________ 15Please see the Code of Conduct for Members of the European Court of Auditors in article 6 and the Ethical guidelines for the European Court of Auditors applying to the staff in paragraph 4 concerning professional secrecy.Notes that the Court of Auditors did not have access to certain documents; underlines that some documents should remain restricted to the Judges, Advocates-General and selected CJEU staff due to the Treaty obligation to maintain the secrecy of the deliberative process1a; calls on the CJEU to provide the Court of Auditors with access to all documents necessary for its audits, to the extent this doesn't infringe the obligation to maintain secrecy of the deliberative process; _________________ 1aArticle 35 of Protocol (No 3) on the Statute of the Court
Committee: CONT
Amendment 21 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 295
295. Notes with regret that the General Court from 2012 onwards has repeatedly exceeded the reasonable periodWelcomes the overall decrease of the duration of proceedings in 2016 noted by the Court of Auditors in its special report on case management at the Court by an average of 0,9 months at the Court of Justimce within which a litigant is entitled to expect judgement to be delivered; invites the General Court to report to Parliament’s Committeand 1,9 months at the General Court compared to 2015; welcomes the organisational and procedural actions taken by the Court to enhance its efficiency and encourages the Court to pursue its effort to ensure the con Budgetary Control to clarify the situationtinuation of a downward trend that all cases are concluded within a reasonable period of time;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 22 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 297
297. RegretNotes that the Court of Auditors excluded from the sampling the cases which took longer than twice the average duration; is of the opinion that not only the typical cases are relevant to assessing performancrules of conduct of référendaires was adopted by the Court in 2009 and have been provided to the Committee of Budgetary Control in the Court’s reply to the questionnaire concerning the 2016 discharge;
Committee: CONT