2 Amendments of Răzvan POPA related to 2017/2279(INI)
Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 1
1. Stresses the crucial role economic, social and territorial cohesion policy has played in the achievement of economic and social convergence inacross the EU; expresses concern, however, that inequalities persist between rich and poor regions and between the salaries of the social categories of citizens; stresses that neither the objectives nor the EU funding of cohesion policy should be watered down and should continue to cover all European regions with a budget sufficient to face upcoming challenges. ;
Amendment 29 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
Paragraph 5
5. Takes the view that cohesion poleconomicy, should benefit all regions, in particular those with the greatest development delays and the Outermost Rocial and territorial cohesion policy should continue to benefit all EU regions,, and that in the most developed regions it should be directed towards the peripheral areas, which are most affected by poverty and are the least attractive in terms of development. An appropriate spotlight should also be on the Outermost Regions, especially those with the greatest development delays.