6 Plenary speeches of Martin SCHULZ related to 2013/0253(COD)

Resolution of credit institutions and certain investment firms in the framework of a Single Resolution Mechanism and a Single Bank Resolution Fund (A7-0478/2013 - Elisa Ferreira) (vote)
Dossiers: 2013/0253(COD)
Uniform rules and procedure for the resolution of credit institutions and certain investment firms in the framework of a Single Resolution Mechanism and a Single Bank Resolution Fund: outcome of the negotiations (debate)
Dossiers: 2013/0253(COD)
Uniform rules and procedure for the resolution of credit institutions and certain investment firms in the framework of a Single Resolution Mechanism and a Single Bank Resolution Fund: outcome of the negotiations (debate)
Dossiers: 2013/0253(COD)
Uniform rules and procedure for the resolution of credit institutions and certain investment firms in the framework of a Single Resolution Mechanism and a Single Bank Resolution Fund: outcome of the negotiations (debate)
Dossiers: 2013/0253(COD)
Uniform rules and procedure for the resolution of credit institutions and certain investment firms in the framework of a Single Resolution Mechanism and a Single Bank Resolution Fund: outcome of the negotiations (debate)
Dossiers: 2013/0253(COD)
Uniform rules and procedure for the resolution of credit institutions and certain investment firms in the framework of a Single Resolution Mechanism and a Single Bank Resolution Fund: outcome of the negotiations (debate)
Dossiers: 2013/0253(COD)