2 Reports of Jan-Kees WIEBENGA related to 1997/0081(CNS)

Report I. On the amended proposal for a Joint Action concernin temporary protection of displaces persons (COM(98)0372 - C4-0505/98 - 97/0081(CNS)) - (second consultation); II. On the proposal for a Joint Action concerning solidarity in the admission and residence of beneficiaries of the temporary protection of displaced persons (COM(98)0372 - C4-0506/98) - 98/0222(CNS)) - Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs PDF (78 KB)
Dossiers: 1998/0222(CNS)1997/0081(CNS)
Documents: PDF(78 KB)
Report on the proposal to the Council for a Joint Action based on Article K.3(2)(b) of the Treaty on European Union concerning temporary protection of displaces persons - Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs PDF (49 KB)
Dossiers: 1997/0081(CNS)
Documents: PDF(49 KB)