2 Amendments of Predrag Fred MATIĆ related to 2017/0360R(NLE)

Amendment 51 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2 – point 1 (new)
(1) Regrets recent legal changes by the Sejm, under which medical facilities would no longer be legally obliged to indicate another facility in case of denial of abortion services due to personal beliefs; Calls on the Polish government to revert these changes and to adopt measures to compensate for deficiencies in service provision caused by doctors who decide to invoke conscientious objection to refuse healthcare services, and to include in the law a rule that in the event of refusal to perform a medical procedure, the medical facility must indicate another specialist or facility which will perform the procedure;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 53 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2 a (new)
2a. Reiterates its concerns about already ongoing, extensive, and inappropriate use of the conscience clause including the absence of reliable referral mechanism for access to abortion in practice, and lack of timely appeals processes for women who are denied abortions; Notes that under human rights law, the right of conscientious objection is subject to limitations to protect the rights of others and that concerning healthcare, conscientious objection is also constricted by articles protecting the right to life, health and privacy;
Committee: FEMM