2 Amendments of Moritz KÖRNER related to 2024/0176(BUD)

Amendment 257 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 54 a (new)
54 a. Emphasises that EU funds must never be misused for terrorist purposes. Requests therefore that the joint text on the draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2025, approved by the Conciliation Committee under the budgetary procedure, includes the following joint statement by the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on terrorism financing: “The three institutions agree that EU funds must never be misused for terrorist purposes. Therefore, where the Commission becomes aware that an entity receiving EU funding employs an individual who has been involved in terrorist acts during the term of the current Multiannual Financial Framework, the Commission shall suspend the funding of that entity without undue delay. Entities that employ or have employed more than five individuals who have been involved in terrorist acts during the term of the current Multiannual Financial Framework shall not be eligible for EU funding. Entities that provide financial support to individuals for the reason that these individuals committed or attempted to commit a terrorist act, or are related to someone who committed or attempted to commit a terrorist act, shall not be eligible for EU funding. This restriction shall also apply to the EU funding of third parties that directly or indirectly contribute to the financing of such entities.”
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 271 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 61
61. Stresses the importance of the Southern Neighbourhood line in supporting political, economic and social reforms in the region; taking into consideration the increasing humanitarian needs in the region as well as other purposes of regional cooperation in providing assistance to refugees, in particular Syrian and Palestinian refugees, and in enabling support along the southern migration routes; proposes to increase appropriations for the line by EUR 60 million above the DB, including to reinforce funding for UNRWA based on EU regulations and values;
Committee: BUDG