9 Amendments of Irena JOVEVA related to 2019/2212(INI)

Amendment 6 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
1. Calls for a genuine revision of the EU’s and the Member States’ education, training and skills policies to deliver education and lifelong learning that is accessible to all, addressing, in particular, the digital skills gap and the need for adaptation to the realities of the digitalised economy, and of preparing for the future impact of artificial intelligence on the labour market; stresses that these policies should promote personal and societal development as well as new future job opportunities, while respecting the goals of the energy transition towards the low- carbon economy; quality education, access for all and inclusiveness; calls on the MSs to accelerate the implementation of Country Specific Recommendations.
Committee: CULT
Amendment 11 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
2. Points out that socio-economic disadvantage is frequently a predictor of poor educational outcomes and vice versa; insists that a properly funded, quality education and lifelong learning system can help break this vicious circle and promote social inclusion and equal opportunities, particularity gender equality; supports the plans to make the European Education Area a reality in the foreseeable future with the aim of allowing everyone access to a quality education, including disadvantaged groups, people with a migrant background and people with disabilities; calls on the Commission to assist the Member States in reforming and modernising their education systems, including digital learning; , and to foster the exchange of best practices within the Erasmus+ programme;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 20 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
3. Asserts that quality early childhood education and care (ECEC) has a positive impact on all children, boys and girls, especially children with disabilities and even more so on children belonging to less privileged socio-economic backgrounds, thereby contributing to reducing social inequalities; stresses that ECEC has an impact on children’s development, learning and well-being in the short-term, and creates the building blocks for improving later long-term life outcomes;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 25 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
4. Believes that investing in human capital, with a particular focus on young people and people with fewer opportunities, including people with a migrant background, is key to boosting knowledge-intensive, sustainable and inclusive growth, in a context of increasing skills shortages and mismatches in a rapidly changing world of work, particularly in the era of digitalisation; underlines the importance of entrepreneurship education from an early age on, in order to motivate young people to opt to set up in business and of promoting environmental, digital and financial literacy among young generations;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 31 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
5. Is of the opinion that the European Structural and Investment Funds can provide options for better access to information and the active inclusion of young people, especially those living in rural and remote areas and people with a migrant background;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 36 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 7
7. Urges the Member States to foster cooperation between education and businesses with a view to addressing skills mismatches, including by fostering technical, entrepreneurial and digital skills, as well as vocational training and dual studies, and to put in place effective and comprehensive methodologies for the mutual recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learningskills, diplomas and qualifications as well as non-formal and informal learning in order to facilitate mobility; stresses the need to effectively implement the European universities initiative with a view to ensuring that European universities become a pole of excellence and innovation;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 43 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 8
8. Calls for an increase in the quality and efficiency of education and training systems, the strengthening of comprehensive lifelong learning and the upgrading of skills, notably of disadvantaged groups, including people, especially young adults, with a migrant background; stresses the need for educational systems to promote healthy habits, particularly sport practice which significantly contributes to social inclusion and integration and reiterates its support to citizenship education in schools as a key pillar of developing European democracy;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 46 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 8 a (new)
8a. Emphasises the importance of the learning of foreign languages to enhance student’s and workers’ mobility and in order to achieve the Barcelona European Council’s objective of “mother tongue +two”;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 52 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 10
10. Considers that effective governance and adequate funding for all educational settings, modern quality educational resources and teaching, motivated and competent teachers and lifelong learning are crucial for achieving equity, diversity and excellence in education; stresses, in this context, the need to attract greater numbers of motivated candidates with sound academic or professional backgrounds and pedagogical skills into the teaching profession.; calls for the need to ensure continuous quality training for teachers and trainers;
Committee: CULT