2 Amendments of Olivier CHASTEL related to 2024/0185(BUD)

Amendment 12 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 4
4. UStrongly urges the Council to adopt swiftly the Commission proposals on own resources in order to increase the own resources available to the Union budget; highlights that the Union budget has been considerably stretched to respond to various crises these past few years; recalls its long-standing position that fines and fees should be used as supplementary revenue for the Union budget;
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 16 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5
5. Notes the series of adjustments to the budgets of decentralised agencies, primarily in accordance with tasks assigned to them under recently adopted legislation; underlinesrecalls its long-standing position that agencies should have the necessary staff and budget to be able to properly fulfil their mandates; deplores, however, that, in several cases, additional resources for a decentralised agency entail a corresponding reduction in the programme envelope;
Committee: BUDG