3 Amendments of Jérémy DECERLE related to 2020/2114(INI)

Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
1. Underlines that the rules-based multilateral trading system has been a key driver of global trade liberalisation, which has poweradvanced economic growth, job creation and the promotion and advancement of sustainable economic development; stresses that multilateral engagement with global partners can advance and address universal global rules related to trade and sustainability within the global trading system; notes furthermore its role in fostering a predictable trade environment through the development of more transparent trade rules and regulations, as well as reciprocity of trade rules in a consistent, enforceable and coherent manner for all parties involved; believes, however, that there is a need to rebuild trust in multilateral institutions in the face of global challenges and shifting world power dynamics; reiterates the role the EU has within this process to advance open, rules-based and reciprocal trade relations;
Committee: INTA
Amendment 16 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
2. Regrets the growing tendencies towards protectionism and trade weaponisationusing trade as a tool of coercion by certain actors that have developed in parts of the global economy; welcomes the strengthening of the EU’s trade enforcement efforts and the development of a toolbox of autonomous trade instruments, such as the anti- coercion instrument, distortive subsidies instrument and international procurement instrument, to respond to these emerging challenges; stresses the need, however, to remain fully engaged in efforts to reinvigorateform the World Trade Organization (WTO) as the cornerstone of a liberalised global economyn open, fair and sustainable global economy based on rules, and to deal with the challenges posed by non-market economies; calls on the Commission to engage with partners in the WTO to advance multilateral negotiations; underlines role of other multilateral institutions such as the OECD, the IMF, the World Bank, and the G7 in advancing an open, rules-based trading system; stresses that for the advancement of rules-based global trade, effective engagement of the EU must be based on a forward-looking approach to trade;
Committee: INTA
Amendment 39 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
4. Stresses that accountable and transparent global governance should feature greater participation of parliamentary bodies, as directly elected parliamentarians can function as a crucial link between citizens and the multilateral system; emphasises the importance of the work of the joint European Parliament and Inter-Parliamentary Union parliamentary conference on the WTO; underlines the need to ensure that parliamentarians have better access to trade negotiations and are involved in the formulation and implementation of WTO decisions, as well as negotiations on trade related matters within other multilateral bodies and institutions.
Committee: INTA